Chapter 275

I found two hills and entered a cemetery.

The tombstones are several feet apart, and they are arranged very proudly.It seems that there is a grave-sweeping farmer nearby.There are some small copper coins piled up in the grave money, which are rewards for the grave-sweeping farmer.

Zhao Sihuai walked to his grave and saw the name written on it, his eyes drooped slightly.

Zhao Xiang's sobbing voice came from behind, "Sister, I know it's you, right? You can hide it from your husband, but you can't hide it from me! I can tell it's you just by looking at your eyes!"

Zhao Sihuai didn't say anything, just touched the tombstone with one hand, closed his eyes, and his face was full of pain.

Zhao Xiang refused to let her go and said, "I never thought about it before, Qingying's body was not found, why she didn't go back to Yao's house. Now I understand that the woman in the tombstone is Qingying. Right, sister, You let Qingying be your substitute."

Zhao Sihuai slowly opened his eyes, touching the tombstone carefully with his small hands.

"Sister, why do you deny it? Why don't you admit me? Why..."

"Interesting?" Zhao Sihuai interrupted her.

Zhao Xiang was taken aback for a moment, staring at the woman's back with wide round eyes.

Zhao Sihuai laughed and said, "Why do you have to expose me? Is this interesting?"

Zhao Xiang hurriedly opened his voice and shouted, "I just don't understand, my sister is obviously not dead, why doesn't she want to come back? Why doesn't she want to recognize my husband and me?"

"If you don't want to come back, you don't want to come back. If you don't want to recognize you, you just don't want to. You don't need me to recognize you, do you?"

"What is this? Sister, am I not as good as a maid in your heart? You would rather recognize a dead body than me? I am your own sister!"

"Three generations of relatives, the blood relationship is not so strong. From now on, don't shout like that."

Zhao Xiang hissed, "Sister, how can you be so cold-blooded? Anyway, I have had a relationship with you for many years. Even if we can't be sisters, is the relationship between master and servant for so many years fake?"

"Love between master and servant?" Zhao Sihuai finally looked back at her, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "You and Qingying are both my servants, but one climbed onto my husband's bed, and the other died for me. You In front of Qingying's grave, let me say it again, how deep is your relationship with my master and servant?"

"..." Zhao Xiang lost her voice for a moment, looked at the tombstone in embarrassment, and choked. She was so embarrassed that she forced a wry smile, "Should I die like her? I shouldn't own myself I want to pursue my own life, is that wrong? Sister, are you being too selfish? Don’t you think I’m any nicer? "

Zhao Sihuai said quietly, "Didn't I give you what you wanted? After I found out about the matter between you and Master Yao, I directly raised your concubine position, didn't I?"

"But since that incident, my sister doesn't want to see me anymore. After all, you just can't accept the fact that I will serve you as a husband."

Zhao Sihuai smiled slightly, "Don't be too greedy, Zhao Xiang, if you want your husband and title, don't expect to take away any affection from me."

"Heh..." Zhao Xiang sneered, "My sister is kind, she never fights with me."

"Because it's unnecessary. Things that can be taken away are not worth cherishing by me. And things that belong to me alone, you can't take them away even if you put a lot of effort into them. You may never understand this truth. Because you and Yao There is no love between adults at all. Poor as you, you never know what true love looks like."

Zhao Xiang was startled, and his mind twitched violently, sour and astringent, "Could it be that sister..."

"I have a husband who is unparalleled in the world. He treats me like a treasure. It is up to me. Apart from me, he refuses to look at other women. Such a man is the lover I am looking for. Unfortunately, life At the wrong time, the first half of life between me and him was too bumpy. I don’t know whether he was too persistent or I was too stubborn. It was not until Zhao Sihuai’s death that I dared to let go of my stubbornness and obsession. I got along with him calmly together."

Zhao Sihuai turned around and touched the tombstone again, "This is the most precious gift Qingying gave me. I really cherish it. Today I come to pay homage to her, and I just want to say to her, in this life, I am the master and you are the servant." , in the next life, you will be the master and I will be the servant, and I would like to dedicate once for you, so that you can get a return of true love."

The more Zhao Xiang listened, the more his body trembled, the extreme sourness hidden in his heart could no longer be relieved, and rushed to his heart frantically.

She knew something was wrong with her, but what could she do?This ugly heart, is she, a mortal, able to control it?

"What will happen if I let my husband know that my sister is not dead?" The corner of Zhao Xiang's mouth curled slightly, not knowing whether it was ridicule or mockery.

Zhao Sihuai said quietly, "You saw it too, didn't you?"

"See what?"

"Li Shi's fate."

Zhao Xiang took a sharp breath, "This..."

"As I said, my husband was originally a murderer. For me, he always hid the knife behind his back. I pretended not to see it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The knife he hid for me alone is hidden by others. In front of you, it's all bloody. Do you want to have a taste?"

Zhao Xiang staggered a big step, "This..."

Zhao Sihuai laughed out loud, "The third lady is a life-saving person, so she won't do stupid things, right?"

Zhao Xiang finally lowered her head, she gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, took a few deep breaths and said, "Forget it, since my sister is willing to be a wanted criminal, and she is not willing to go back to Yao's mansion to be your beautiful lady, I persuade you again." What are you doing?"


An understated answer made Zhao Xiang extremely uncomfortable.Why didn't she argue with her a few more words?

Zhao Sihuai said in a low voice, "Qingying, I have to go and come to see you again when I have a chance."

She took out a piece of silver and put it on the tombstone, and the grave-sweeping farmer would accept it, and then take care of her grave carefully so that no weeds would grow out of it.

Seeing that Zhao Sihuai was about to leave, Zhao Xiang hurriedly called out, "Sister——"

"If you don't want to call me princess, you can call me Taya. This is my sister's name. Somentaya."

Zhao Xiang said eagerly, "Sister, don't fight with me about this, I'm very anxious, my daughter Yu'er is still in the palace and hasn't escaped yet."

"Well, then what?"

"I beg my sister to save her, okay? You don't think about sisterly love, master-servant love, you just think about it for so many years, I take care of Yao'er like my own daughter, okay? I beg I beg you!"

Zhao Sihuai was silent for a moment, then looked back at her, "I heard that my father gave me something, and you put it under custody, right?"

Zhao Xiang's face changed, "Did Yaoer tell you?"

"Well." Zhao Sihuai asked softly, "When are you going to return the things to me?"

Zhao Xiang choked up and said, "Whenever I see my daughter, I will give you something."

After hearing this, Zhao Sihuai couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?"

Zhao Sihuai shook his head and sighed, "I was just laughing at how stupid I was before, and I never noticed your thick skin. I didn't even expect that you would learn to threaten others. It's pretty good. You let me down time and time again. If you don't let me down, I will Instead, you won’t get used to it.”

(End of this chapter)

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