Chapter 276

Zhao Sihuai looked up at the sky, "It's getting late, I won't join you anymore. I won't ask you for things my father gave me, and I won't save your daughter. My Yao'er has grown up. Although the burden is heavy, I believe she can take on the heavy responsibility. All matters are handled by her. I am going to find my husband and have a good time."

"elder sister--"

Zhao Sihuai looked back in a cold voice, "Don't call me sister anymore, I don't have the guts to accept you as a sister. If you call again, I will turn around and let my husband make your mouth dumb!"

"..." Zhao Xiang's throat was tightly choked, and he didn't dare to shout out easily.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, her sister's grudge against her has never faded away.

Zhao Sihuai didn't go back with Zhao Xiang, she went to wait near the small forest outside the farmer's garden, and intercepted the man carrying a basket of medicinal herbs.

Qiao Fu asked in surprise, "Why did Madam come out?"

Zhao Sihuai smiled slightly, "Seeing that you haven't come back after going out for so long, I'm very anxious to wait."

Qiao Fu was secretly delighted, "It turns out that Madam will wait for me one day. I have tasted the helplessness I feel every time I wait for your return."

Zhao Sihuai bowed his head, blushing shyly, "There is a little pharmacist in the room, and the herbs are left outside the door, let's go."

Geoff blinked and asked, "Don't you need to wait for a few more days?"

"No. She doesn't need me."

Qiao Fu smiled happily, "Okay, Madam, let's go find a place to stay. When you settle down, if you want to see her, we will go out to look for her."


The two went out of the garden hand in hand, put the herbs on the ground, held hands, and slowly disappeared into the forest.

In the garden, Zhao Xiang saw the backs of the two when they left, and the happy smile on the side made her eyes instantly turn bloodshot.

For just a moment, she seemed to finally understand something.

What she pursued in this life was not the love of her life, but from envy and jealousy.She thinks that what the eldest sister has, she should also have.

But it was only now that she realized that she could not catch up with that woman after all.To this day, the scrambling is all the garbage that the eldest sister doesn't care about.

Zhao Xiang turned to look at Yao Wenwen, seeing that he was exhausted, and he didn't like to look at her. It was ridiculous to think about expecting the eyes of that one-eyed man from him.

Looking at the empty hands, Zhao Xiang was even more sure that she must save her daughter.Only her is her last all.

Yao Wenwen entered the room with a medicine bowl, went back and forth, gently closed the door, saw Zhao Xiang, walked over and asked, "Princess is gone?"



What does this long sigh mean?Some can't understand.

Yao Wenwen raised his eyes and said in a serious voice, "What Yao'er asked you for, you promised me to give it to her. Now that you have seen it, give it to her quickly. Don't occupy her mother's belongings, do you hear me? "

With a sullen face, Zhao Xiang snorted, "Let's exchange terms."


"I want Yu'er to come back to me. As long as she can come back alive, I will return the things to her. If I can't see my daughter, she won't be able to get the things in her life."

Yao Wenwen was a little annoyed, "Why are you so unreasonable?"

Zhao Xiang gritted her teeth and snorted, "I'm trying to find a way out for our mother and daughter! I don't want to see my daughter suffer Yao Ying's tragedy. Husband, the three of them are your daughters, you can't favor any one! "

Think about it too, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat.Yao Wenwen's heart also softened, and he said softly, "Wait until tomorrow, let her cultivate well, I'll ask her to try."


Before nightfall, Zimo also chased him back, and when he saw the couple in the room, he almost spit out old blood.

He went out to find a lonely place, and after a long time, the couple had arrived.

The little thin brother told him a lot of things in the past, Zimo was so frightened that he went to the house to check Yao Yao's injuries, and seeing bruises on her neck, her face was livid with fright.

How do you explain this to the master!It's terrible!So many things happened in less than half a day after he left, really!
After taking care of her for three days, Yao Yao's spirit recovered as before, and her legs also gained strength, but her heart was suspended in mid-air and could not relax.

The three-day appointment was supposed to be when Lord Hou replied to the message, but the message didn't come.

The mark of the two-tailed fox, she thought it was left by her mother, but now it is confirmed that it is not the mark left by her mother, so she feels that this mark should be...


After waiting for another two days, she couldn't wait any longer, "Zimo, let's enter the palace!"

Zimo didn't refuse, and nodded directly, "Okay. It's just that my wife has to listen to me, and don't mess around."


She should respond, but how will she choose in the end, who can stop her?

As soon as she arrived at the city gate, Yao Yao saw Wei Jiajun patrolling outside the city gate.

Yao Yao wore a hood and was a little worried. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to take a risk.

A jade pendant was quietly handed over to Wei Jiajun.

That night, Wei Yuanqing went out of the city to meet the appointment, and came alone without any guards.

Yao Yao emerged from the forest and called out, "General Wei."

Wei Yuanqing stepped forward, put his hands together and saluted, "Mrs. Hou."

"Where is Lord Hou?"

"Trapped in the military barracks in District Nine."

When Yao Yao heard this, her eyes turned red instantly, "How is Lord Hou?"

"With my protection, there is no problem for the time being, but his hands and feet are injured and his movement is inconvenient. There are other soldiers guarding over there, so it is inconvenient for me to take him out."

"I want to see him."

"Well, I'll take you there."

Zimo grabbed Yao Yao's wrist, "Master, don't make trouble. What if it's a trap? His Majesty's purpose of arresting Lord Hou is to lure you over. If you are caught..."

"I must go!"

"General Wei cannot be trusted."

After a moment of silence, Yao Yao snorted and said, "It doesn't matter. I just need to go to Lord Hou's side."

Zimo said anxiously, "I'll go too!"

"You can not."

"No! I—"


A slap was thrown directly.

Zimo stared at her speechlessly, "Master, this..."

Yao Yao's pupils tightened, "Zimo, Lord Hou can die, I can die, but you can't. Go back to the Valley of Godly Doctors. If Master Hou and I sacrifice to heaven, the rest will be left to you."

Zimo clenched his fists tightly, feeling helpless, how could his thin shoulders bear the burden of being forced down?

Yao Yao walked towards Wei Yuanqing, was carried on his shoulder by him, jumped out lightly, flew over the eaves and walls, and hurried to the barracks.

Along the way, Yao Yao whispered softly, "General Wei, can you promise me one thing."

"Please speak, ma'am."

"If you can't get through this hurdle, at the very least, please guard my body and bury it with Lord Hou, okay?"

Wei Yuanqing suddenly laughed, "Madam doesn't believe me?"

"Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. The road ahead, even if you take me to the mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will go. I won't hold any grudges against your betrayal. Everyone just serve their masters."

Wei Yuanqing's ears moved suddenly, "Master Hou is lucky to marry a daughter-in-law like you. I am a little envious of Lord Hou. Madam Hou, although I went to the palace and met His Royal Highness, I can assure you , my heart is still with the emperor. As long as the emperor shows up and raises troops, I will immediately follow him. But right now, I cannot quarrel with His Highness. My sister is still in his hands, and His Highness won’t let anyone go, so I... ..."

Yao Yao asked softly, "Can I really trust you?"

"Yes. Ma'am, you are at the end of the road right now. I don't need to deceive you. If I want to betray you, I can just arrest you and send you to His Highness to claim credit. And you should be able to make a decision about my current decision, right? I am sincerely negotiating with Lord Hou!"

Yao Yao's heart warmed up when she heard this, "Thank you, General Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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