Chapter 277

In the dungeon of District Nine, Wei Yuanqing dismissed the patrolling soldiers, sneaked Yao Yao down the dungeon, and whispered on the way, "Here are the felons of His Majesty, I don't have the key, so I can only bring you to see him." His Highness does not trust me. The keys are all in the hands of General Li. That General Li, hmph, a beast with a human face and heart. In order to win him over, His Highness gave her his side concubine to play with."

Upon hearing this, Yao Yao paused, "The side concubine? Could it be?"

Wei Yuanqing murmured, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Wei Yuanqing didn't know that His Highness' side concubine was Yao Yao's second sister.

After Yao Yao heard what happened to Yao Ying, she suddenly remembered the one-eyed tyrant king. Why did Yu Wenhong behave exactly like the tyrant?
Is this man learning the methods of a tyrant?Using women to win over courtiers?
If she told Wei Yuanqing that His Royal Highness and His Highness the Second Highness were also the products of the king rewarding his courtiers for playing around, I don't know what he would think.

A man's roar came from Launer, "Get lost—"

Upon hearing the voice, Yao Yao's body tensed instantly, "It's Hou, um—"

"Keep down, there seems to be someone inside!"

Could it be?Is Lord Hou being tortured?

Yao Yao hid behind Wei Yuanqing, anxiously looking for someone.

In a cell in the deepest part of the dungeon, I saw a man with chains on his hands and feet, struggling on the ground in pain.

There was a figure of a woman in the prison, and Yao Yao recognized her at a glance when she saw her back.

It was He Xiaolian.

He Xiaolian knelt down slowly, and laughed at himself, "Master Hou really refused to give me a chance? It's been two days! How long can you last? The prince said, you can't cure this medicine."

Yao Yao gasped slightly.

Is it?
Love potions?

Master Hou was given the love potion and lasted for two days?


Just as Yao Yao took small steps, she was stopped by Wei Yuanqing covering her mouth. "I can't reveal my identity! If you show up, what should I do?"

Yao Yao was very anxious, seeing her man was about to be touched by that man surnamed He, how could she bear it?
He Xiaolian covered her tender body limply, and coaxed, "Master Hou, don't be brave, I am the only woman here. No one can give you the antidote except me. Just stop struggling, okay? Afterwards, if you can't get angry, you can kill me to vent your anger. But I really want you."

"Get out! Go—"

The chain rattled.

He Xiaolian didn't dare to approach indiscriminately, because he fell to the ground with his palm before, and the pain was so painful that his bones seemed to be shattered.

The four chains still can't lock this man, she is really mad at her!

Qin Yilan was lying on the ground in a daze, the medicine in his body was tormenting him non-stop, he knew that he was about to reach his limit.Why did he have hallucinations, as if Yao Yao had come over?Her scent is in the air!
The love poison became more violent.Qin Yilan's body kept trembling.

wrong!It must be an illusion!He couldn't compromise - not even once!

He gritted his teeth hard.

A mouthful of poisonous blood spurted out of the corner of his mouth instantly.

He Xiaolian stared back, screaming and cursing, "Master Hou, why would you rather take poison than take me! You! You hurt my heart too much, do you know that!"

Take poison?

Not to mention Yao Yao, Wei Yuanqing was also taken aback and let go of Yao Yao without noticing it.

The woman ran to the gate of the dungeon, and thanks to He Xiaolian, she wanted to do something bad, so she sent all the idlers away, and wanted to have a one-night stand with Master Hou in the prison.

The moment the door opened, He Xiaolian turned his head to look, "Yao Yao? Why are you here..."

Yao Yao pushed her away, picked up the man on the ground, touched the man with black blood at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were scarlet, "Master Hou, why are you taking poison? Do you have the antidote? Is there any?"

The man was half-conscious and didn't respond.

Seeing this, He Xiaolian suddenly burst out laughing wildly, "Hahaha—hahaha—not bad! The man I can't get, you don't even want to get it! Yao Yao, do you know what the price is for throwing yourself into the trap? Daddy Your Highness wants to arrest you, as long as you and Master Hou fall into His Highness's hands, even if you two die, you won't be able to be buried together! He wants you to be unable to embrace each other forever! Hahaha—"

While Yao Yao was flustered, she suddenly thought of something.

She looked down at the mermaid tears on her neck, hurriedly tore them off, and forced them into the man's mouth.

Qin Yilan opened his mouth to swallow, with a happy smile slightly raised at the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that she really came, not his illusion!He could smell her fragrance.

He Xiaolian suddenly froze in laughter, and muttered to himself, "No! I can't hand you over to the prince. After handing it over to him, he will confess you as a treasure. Oh, I don't want to see you in the palace Rina's arrogant attitude!"

As he spoke, He Xiaolian drew out his dagger, and walked behind Yao Yao step by step.

The dangling white knife reveals the essence of devouring blood.

Qin Yilan suddenly opened his eyes, turned around and protected the woman.

Just hear a puff.

It was He Xiaolian who fell to the ground in response.

The man standing behind He Xiaolian showed his face, "Marquis Qin, my servant Wei Yuanqing. What's the matter? Is this loyalty enough to express your opinion?"

Qin Yilan looked back at him deeply, "General Wei is worthy of being the son of a famous general, the emperor must be very pleased."

Wei Yuanqing said softly, "Your wife misses you and wants to come over to see you, but all I can do is let her see you. The keys to these chains are in General"

Bang bang bang bang.

The chains on Qin Yilan's limbs were untied one by one by Yao Yao, who held a wire-shaped hairpin in her hand.

"This... that's the solution? This is a black iron chain. The lock cylinder is made by a master lockmaker. It is just to control the top-quality chains prepared by masters like Lord Hou. Why did you open it so easily?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "I don't have anything to do at home, so I just learned some small skills randomly!"

Wei Yuanqing stammered speechlessly, "This—this—" Is this also called a small craft?
Qin Yilan clutched his hot chest, his eyes became cloudy again, "There is still a poison of love that cannot be cured."

Yao Yao asked anxiously, "No, no antidote?"

"It can be relieved, but it's not complete. I've... lasted... for two days."

Wei Yuanqing raised his eyebrows and said, "It just so happens that the guards have been dismissed, why not? Let's settle it on the spot?"

Yao Yao blinked in a daze, and hadn't reacted yet, but when she met Qin Yilan's eager gaze, she immediately covered her mouth in fright, "No, no, no—absolutely not—"

Wei Yuanqing rolled his eyes, "Madam, if you don't detoxify Lord Hou, do you want me to come?"


Yao Yao said awkwardly, "I want to take him out of here, and I can't let Master Hou stay in this dangerous place."

Wei Yuanqing thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, you take him away, I'll just say that she let Master Hou go away! That's a good excuse!"

Anyway, He Xiaolian didn't see Wei Yuanqing's face, so he didn't know his existence.Things go wrong and he won't think of it on his head.

Yao Yao hurriedly supported Qin Yilan and sneaked out of the barracks.

After Qin Yilan ran for several miles with the woman in his arms, he finally fell under a certain big tree, and the poison in his body ran wild again.

"Come on—quick—tie me up—"

Seeing his painful appearance, Yao Yao panicked, "Here! What am I going to tie up!"

"Find—find the cane—"

"oh oh."

Yao Yao struggled to pull two vines over, and imprisoned the man on the big tree, her eyes were red and moist, "Master Hou, it's not a good idea to tie him up like this. I... I will use... my hands to help you, okay?" ?”

Qin Yilan's neck became extremely red, "Maybe... no!"

"Is that necessary?"

"Hmm!" Qin Yilan gasped, "I'm afraid of hurting the child, so ma'am, please do it yourself, tie me up tightly, and don't let me struggle! I'm still sane, and I haven't lost control yet. Hurry up, ma'am."

Yao Yao sighed helplessly, "Good!"

do my best!

(End of this chapter)

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