Chapter 278

It's understandable for a man to drug a woman, it's just a beast, what the hell is going on in their minds when this woman drug a man!

Yao Yao rubbed her belly and said comfortingly, "Baby is doing well this time."

There was no movement.

The last time she moved her fetus, she had only had it for a few days. If something happened to the baby, she would definitely die of grief.

It seems that the herbs that Uncle Qiaofu gave her are much better than the herbs that Zimo gave her!
Qin Yilan hadn't fully dressed yet, and wrapped her hands tightly around her body, anxiously said, "I almost thought I wouldn't even be able to see the last time."

Yao Yao apologized, "I didn't expect that His Highness would use this mark to lure us into the bait. I was negligent."

"I don't blame you. You are worried about your mother's comfort, just impatient."

"Did Hou Ye have any other injuries besides love poison? Did they torture you?"

"Flesh wounds from a few whips are not worth mentioning. Let's go, let's go back..."

"Return to what?" Yao Yao refused, "I can't hold back my breath! Master Hou, just give me the Ninth District!"


Yao Yao turned to look at him, "Do you still have strength?"

"Uh... yes, yes."

"Then let's kill the carbine. They should know that you have escaped at this time and sent troops to find us, right?"

Qin Yilan nodded, "Yes."

"The Ninth District is short of troops, so let's release all the key criminals detained in the Ninth District." Yao Yao smiled softly, "The enemy of His Highness, in a sense, is our comrade in arms, isn't it?"

Qin Yilan snorted and said, "Madam really likes to make trouble. All right, I will risk my life to accompany Madam. Go back to the carbine!"

"Hmm. Remember who whipped you? I want it!"

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "Okay! Leave it to Madam to play with!"

In the Ninth District military camp, Li Chengyun pointed at He Xiaolian and yelled, "How dare you let Qin Hou go? Are you tired of working?"

He Xiaolian cursed back loudly, "I didn't! It wasn't me! It was Mrs. Hou! It was Mrs. Hou who released Qin Hou! Why don't you believe me?"

"That sickly beauty has the ability to break into the barracks? Are you lying to a ghost? Just cut her off!"

"No! I am a member of His Royal Highness, you cannot touch me—"

"Bah--His Royal Highness can even reward me with a side concubine. It's just a piece of rubbish. I don't need to reply to His Royal Highness if I take your dog's life!"

When the voice fell, Li Chengyun had already pulled out his saber, just at the moment it fell.


The knife was hit by stones.

"Who? Who!"

A group of guards rushed over, searching for traces of suspicious persons.

"It's General Song—"

Someone recognized the person at a glance.

"Song Ci??"

He Xiaolian almost died under the knife. When she heard the word Song Ci, her eyes immediately burst into starlight, her heart trembled slightly, and that sense of security filled her whole body.

It turns out that there is still a man in this world who is willing to protect her!

Song Ci walked over with a saber in hand, and a small hand in the other hand.

When he appeared in front of everyone, He Xiaolian looked at the two men holding hands in surprise.

wrong!The short soldier behind Song Ci was not a man, He Xiaolian recognized it immediately.

She is a woman!Women disguised as men and pretended to be soldiers!
A great sourness rushed straight to her forehead.

what is this?Are you jealous?
Why did she have such strong jealousy towards Song Ci?It feels as if something that belongs to me has been snatched away in an instant.

wrong!The person she likes is Qin Hou, not him Song Ci. It is impossible for her to feel jealous of this man.

Li Chengyun narrowed his eyes and snorted, "Why did you even escape? Who let you go?"

In the dungeon, there was a continuous stream of fierce generals fighting one after another.

Li Chengyun blushed with anger and his neck was thick.

"Who the hell stole my key! Which bastard stand up for me!"

Mu Yuanqing, who was hiding in the distance, was really speechless to the extreme.

He thought that his wife hid after taking Lord Hou away, but who knew that these two people hid in the woods and then came back to kill their carbine after they had cured their love poison.He also rescued all the key criminals in the dungeon.

Uh huh!

Now His Majesty is really going to be hurt internally!

"Kill me—" Song Ci led a large group of soldiers and raised their knives to fight.

The Ninth District instantly fell into hell.

In the end, Li Chengyun was no match for the awakened beast, and was hacked to death by Song Ci's sword.

Song Ci turned his head to look at He Xiaolian, who was lying on the ground trembling, stepped forward, put him behind his shoulder, pulled Zhao Wan's little hand and shouted, "It's time to retreat."


The fugitives retreated one after another, scattered in all directions, and confused their footsteps, making it difficult for the pursuers to track them down.

Song Ci took Zhao Wan and He Xiaolian and fled all the way to the foot of a certain mountain.

He put He Xiaolian next to the big rock, and gave her a cold look, "Let's leave Beijing and go back to your father's side."

Seeing Song Ci holding Zhao Wan's hand and preparing to leave, He Xiaolian rushed over, grabbed his trouser leg, and whispered softly, "Song Ci, let's make up!"

Song Ci's expression remained unchanged, but he just looked at her sideways, "Don't get me wrong. I saved you not because of friendship, but because I can't ignore it, and I can't ignore it. The battlefield is a place for men, and you shouldn't be there. .You go..."

He Xiaolian hurriedly got up and shouted, "The battlefield is a place for men, what about her? Why do you bring this wild girl with you when you come in and out? She can follow you to the battlefield, why can't I?"

Song Ci looked back at Zhao Wan, and a trace of tenderness suddenly appeared in his eyes, "She said she would live and die with me."

Just one sentence made He Xiaolian's heart numb. She shook her head speechlessly, her eyes were red with tears, "My man, why do you want to live and die with other women? I..."

Zhao Wan looked back and hummed, "He's mine! Not yours!"

He Xiaolian went completely crazy, she pointed at Zhao Wan angrily and loudly reprimanded, "Shameless bastard, dare to rob my man!"

"Shut up!" Song Ci scolded, "Miss He, please keep your mouth clean. Also, you and I are strangers, don't lick your skin and talk to me anymore! I'm not your man! Neither!"

After finishing speaking, Song Ci took Zhao Wan's hand and said softly, "It's been hard these few days, let's go, let's go home and freshen up."


The two joined hands and prepared to leave. He Xiaolian took out a dagger, pressed it against his throat and shouted, "Come back! Song Ci! If you drive me away, I will die for you!"

Why care about Song Ci?Didn't she want him?Why do you have to force them to die?

It felt as if she had nothing left.If Song Ci could abandon her, how sad would her life be?
The younger sister is gone, and the father looks down on her. The child was killed by himself, and Master Hou couldn't grab it, and he couldn't kill Mrs. Hou even if he wanted to.

Yes, Song Ci is the only one left for her!Didn't he show up to save her?He must still have her in his heart!

Take a gamble, bet that he will soften his heart and turn around.

She was his first love, wasn't she?He's always liked her, hasn't he?
Hearing He Xiaolian's hiss, Song Ci did look back, but his eyes were cold.

After taking a look, he still took Zhao Wan's hand and left.

He Xiao pitifully closed his eyes, and cut off his own neck in despair.

There was the sound of blood spraying in my ears.

She was still struggling, looking at the man who had gone away, thinking in her heart, he would definitely look back, as long as he looked back and saw his injured self, he would definitely come back to hug her and cry, right?
Unfortunately, she was wrong.

The man who left had no intention of turning back even if he smelled blood.Holding her immature little hand, she slowly disappeared into the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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