Chapter 279

He Xiaolian was crying and laughing, with blood gushing from his mouth from time to time.

bell bell -

A bell rang in my ear.

bell bell -

A cow appeared before her, and she saw a veiled woman kneeling beside her.

The woman sighed and said, "Why are you so persistent? Silly woman!"

When I heard the voice, it was very strange. The woman's voice was very neutral. I don't know if it was because of the injury of the vocal cords or some other reason.

"Do you want me to save you? I can save you!"

He Xiaolian shook his head slowly, with a self-deprecating sneer from the corner of his mouth.

The masked woman smiled and sighed, her eyes seemed to be smiling too, but the smile couldn't reach her eyes.

"Since you want to die, even if I have prosperous medical skills, I can't save you. Let me help you save some sins and give you a good pregnancy in the next life. I hope you can get the man you want to love in your next life." , cherish him, cherish him, how about working hand in hand with him for a lifetime?"

"Woo--" He Xiaolian heard this, with blood spraying from his mouth, crying heartbreakingly.

Who is this woman!Before dying, do you want to sprinkle salt on her wound?Do you think her ending is not miserable enough?
"I don't know how to recite scriptures. I don't know how to save you. How about I tell you a story, anyway, you won't survive. When you go to hell with my story, so that Lord Yama can sympathize with me .”

"Ahem——" She never knew that cutting her throat would be so difficult, why is she still alive?
It's okay, her consciousness is getting blurred a little bit, is she dying?

The woman's voice became more and more hazy, and before she died, she heard a sentence in her ear for the last time.

"My name is Ming Jing, and I am..."

The masked woman was sitting next to He Xiaolian's corpse. After talking a lot, Barabara took up the cow with a smile, reported He Xiaolian's corpse to the cow, and kicked it twice, "Let's go! Good things will be done to the end. Let's bury her. Huh? Why don't you leave? Are you hungry again? Didn't you just feed you a herbal medicine? Are you hungry? Hey... I can't afford you! I lost a male before, I'm as greedy as you. Hey..."

Yao Yao messed up the ninth district, rescued people, but still refused to go home, turned around and went outside the palace to plot to save people.

She wanted to bring Mu Li, His Highness Second Highness, and Yao Yu out together.

There was a little eunuch in the palace who disguised herself as a man. After quietly handing over to her, three unconscious people were packed in a dung bucket and pretended to be out of the palace that night. They were transported out of the city overnight without any delay. Outside, to find her father to meet.

Mu Yuanqing looked at her sister who was covered in feces, and couldn't hide her disgust.

I don't know if my sister will lose her temper when she wakes up and finds a pile of feces on her body!
As expected, Mu Li woke up from the coma, and the first thing he said when he woke up was, "Yao Yao! I'm going to kill you—how dare you treat me like this!"

Yao Yao refused to talk to her, and took Qin Yilan's arm and went for a walk in the forest.

She is weak and can't smell the slightest foul smell.If you can't smoke her to death, what if you smoke the fetus in her womb?
Yao Yu successfully escaped from the palace and embraced with his mother. The mother and daughter hugged each other and wept, speaking heartfelt words.

After chatting for a while, Yao Yu asked, "Where's my sister?"

"I don't know. She went out for a walk with Master Hou!"

Yao Yu pondered for a moment and asked, "Mother, now that the Second Highness has been rescued, can we let the eldest sister raise troops in the name of the Second Highness? Only in this way can we have a bright future."

Zhao Xiang pondered for a moment, as if hesitating for something.

"Mom! I know, you have something your sister wants, can't we exchange this with her?"

Zhao Xiang said with a choked voice, "But mother has already made a condition with her. Mother promised her that as long as you can leave the palace and return to my side, mother will give her the things."

"No! It shouldn't be like this! Ma'am, your request is too low. I want to regain the position of Second Imperial Concubine. As long as my sister makes meritorious service for His Highness, His Highness will definitely look at me with admiration. At that time, we will take it back to the middle palace. The Second Highness kicked off the first prince and successfully ascended the throne, and I am the unique queen! So mother, you can't easily hand things over to her. Do you understand?"

The more Zhao Xiang listened, the more her heart moved. After thinking for a while, she nodded, "You are right! The future of our mother and daughter must be firmly in our own hands!"

After the mother and daughter discussed it, Zhao Xiang mustered up the courage to find Yao Yao.

If you can't find anyone, go to the forest to find someone.

Seeing two young lovers kissing behind a big tree, their embarrassed eyes didn't know where to go.


Zhao Xiang made a sound at the right time to show his existence.

Yao Yao immediately pushed the man away, covered her face shyly, and stared angrily at the man in front of her.

Hou Ye's ears are so sensitive, he must know that someone is approaching, why is he still clinging to her and chewing non-stop?He just wanted to shame her to death, didn't he?

After Yao Yao adjusted her clothes, she emerged from behind the big tree, "What is Third Aunt looking for me for?"

Zhao Xiang stepped forward and said sternly, "The Second Highness has also been rescued, Lord Hou can take this opportunity to raise troops in the name of the Second Highness. Take back the middle palace!"

Yao Yao looked at her in shock, "Why does Third Aunt have such thoughts?"


"It's up to the men to worry about whether to fight or not in this country. What is San Yiniang up to?"

Zhao Xiang twisted her fingers, bowed her head in silence, her lips trembled slightly, but Yao Yao could feel that Zhao Xiang had made up her mind.

Qin Yilan stood with his hands behind his back and turned his back, not wanting to talk to that woman.

Yao Yao smiled slightly, and asked in a cold voice, "Could it be that the third sister is still dreaming of her dream? Is it possible to become a queen?"

Zhao Xiang choked for breath, and hurriedly said, "Yao'er, you have the strength to help your sister, why don't you help?"

Yao Yao turned her head, her eyes were extremely cold, "I don't know why. I used to be kind to you in every possible way, but I don't know why I have such trouble with you! Third aunt is talking about why our relationship is like this What about alienation?"

"This... uh..."

"Don't talk about this, Third Aunt, I would like to persuade you, we women should not interfere in men's affairs, especially coup d'etat. Don't come to join us!"

Zhao Xiang immediately retorted and shouted, "I don't want it! I want my daughter to be the queen! I want His Highness the Second to be on the throne! Yaoer, you must help me persuade Lord Hou to raise troops."

"Must? Where does it come from?"

"I still have what you want, don't I?"

Yao Yao's face became more and more cold, "Third Aunt, you have threatened me no less than four times! Taking possession of my grandfather's things and threatening me again and again? Is it fun?"

"Yao'er!" Zhao Xiang begged with tears, "Just help third aunt, okay? You just think of it for the sake of third aunt who took care of you in the past!"

"Grace is not something you use to consume. I will measure how to repay the grace of taking care of you. But your request is too much, so don't blame me for turning against you. Get out—"

Zhao Xiang stared, "You don't want the stuff, do you?"

Yao Yao was tired of her coldly, "Even if you hold my mother's life in your hands, I will not let the Second Highness take the throne, let alone raise troops in the name of the Second Highness!"


"Because he doesn't deserve it!"


(End of this chapter)

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