Chapter 284

Mu Li shouted angrily, "I'm really going to inform you! Don't think I'm joking!"

Yao Yao was cold and tired of her, "Tell me. After the whistleblowing, I'm [-]% sure that she will escape unscathed. But once you whistleblowing, it means that the little relationship between us is completely broken. At that time, you I will never intervene in the life and death of His Highness the Second Highness. As for your brother, I will use all means to force him to break with you! Let you have no one to rely on!"


"I don't believe it, you will do such a stupid act that is not worth the loss?" Yao Yao asked with squinted eyes, "Tell me, which idiot is it that gave you this stupid suggestion? How dare you come and threaten me?"

Mu Li was so angry that her scalp was trembling. When Yao Yao questioned her, she suddenly laughed, "Ha, you guessed it? It's true that I didn't find an artist to draw on this paper, but your third sister gave it to me. Yes. She asked me to threaten you!"

Hearing this, Yao Yao suddenly grabbed the edge of the table, covered her stomach with one hand, and felt severe pain.

Do not be angry!

Don't be angry!

Never get angry for that kind of person!
Slow down now!
Mu Li was still proud of her masterpiece, and was very satisfied to see Yao Yao's body broken by Yao Yu's anger, but when she saw Yao Yao's movement of clutching her stomach, she suddenly asked softly, "Yao Yao, don't you?"


Yao Yao would not answer her question, but only asked, "Help me call Lord Hou back."

She was a little cold, and according to Mu Liji's character of hating her, she would definitely not help her at this time.Yao Yao was ready to signal for help by herself.

But she didn't expect that Mu Li responded directly, "Wait a minute, I'll call Lord Hou to come back. Hold on!"

Yao Yao looked at Mu Li who was going away in surprise, she couldn't figure out that this woman hates her so much, she is willing to save her child at a critical moment?Why is that?
Qin Yilan, who received the signal, rushed back to the house and saw Yao Yao clutching her stomach in unbearable pain, and was very anxious, "Yaoer, listen to me, okay? We don't want this child anymore. We can—"

"Protect! You must protect me! Did you hear that?"

Yao Yao grabbed Qin Yilan's shoulder and ordered word by word, "Don't make me hate you, Lord Hou!"

Qin Yilan frowned, looking at the little woman in front of her in pain, "You were born to torture me!"

He took out a pill from his pocket and handed it to her mouth, "What do you think I should do with you? I can have the child again when I'm gone, but how can I persevere if you're gone? I can't be like my father, because Child, waiting alone for many years, such days will make my life worse than death."

Yao Yao looked at him in surprise, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Forget it... forget it... eat. It's important to protect the baby first."

After Yao Yao swallowed the pill, the pain eased a lot.

Seeing that she was calm, Qin Yilan turned her head and cursed at Mu Li, "I told you not to provoke her, why do you insist on doing such things that annoy me?"

"I—" Mu Li was instantly speechless after being scolded.

She doesn't care if anyone in this world says that she scolds her, she can go back. Only this man in front of her, she can't hear a single bad word.

Just now she was forced to watch the two of them show affection and talk lingering words, which was enough to make her heartbroken, but now she is still scolding her indiscriminately!
She obviously did a good deed, saved Yao Yao and the child in her womb, and she didn't have a single word of reward, so why would she say such things that made her feel so cold?
Mu Li staggered a step, clutching his belly, feeling a faint sense of fetal gas.

Sure enough, a pregnant woman should not be angry, as once angry, it will affect the fetus.

Seeing her appearance, Qin Yilan was even more disgusted, "Don't put on an air in front of me, you're not Yao Yao, don't imitate her tricks to block my eyes, it will only make people think you are more annoying."

Yao Yao looked at Qin Yilan in surprise.

It turned out that Master Hou also had the scumbag's blood in his body.

Seeing Mu Li's painful brows knotted, Yao Yao hurriedly got up and shouted, "Master Hou, the anti-fetal medicine."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yilan asked anxiously, "What's wrong? Does your stomach still hurt?"

"give me!"

Qin Yilan hurriedly handed over the pills.

Yao Yao took the hand and handed it to Mu Li, "Second Imperial Concubine, eat one."

Mu Li stared at the things she handed over, and felt the embarrassment of giving alms. She waved her hand and knocked her pills away, and shouted, "My child is not as delicate as you! There is no need to take your birth control pills!"

After speaking, she shook her head and ran out of the house.

Seeing Mu Li coming out of Yao Yao's room, Yu Wenqin cried into a tearful beauty, he hurried up to coax her, "Ah Li, stop crying! Tell me what wronged you, and I'll help you vent your anger, okay? "

Mu Li glared at him viciously, "Okay! You go into the house and help me kill that bitch!"

Yu Wenqin was taken aback, "But she is my younger brother and sister, the daughter-in-law of my third brother, how can she kill me randomly?"

"You are worthless! You are worthless! When can you learn from your elder brother and be more decisive? I really don't understand why I have no choice but to be with you in my life!"

Yu Wenqin bowed her head silently, sighing decadently.

He and his eldest brother are similar in knowledge and intelligence, and he is slightly better than his elder brother in body, but so what?He is a concubine, and the eldest brother is the eldest son, and the concubine's grandmother is eccentric, and only loves the eldest brother.

Now that he is king and loser, what can he say?
The elder brother still has some brotherly affection for him, otherwise, after killing his mother and concubine, he would not have escaped death.But he survived in the end, didn't he?
Yu Wenqin looked at her empty hand, holding on to the title of Second Highness, what could she do?
Although the Mu family is a good backer, whether they can control their Mu family or not depends on their ability!

He was very discouraged, he knew that he was really incapable of leading the Mu family army.

So it was normal for him to be looked down upon by Mu Li.

Regardless of his background, he really likes Mu Li.Even if he knew that the child in Mu Li's womb was not his, he was still willing to accept her.

Mu Li ran into the small forest and lost her temper non-stop, Yu Wenqin coaxed her around but couldn't calm her down.

This scene fully fell into Yao Yu's eyes, her eyes turned red little by little, and her fists were clenched tightly.

After Yao Yu gritted her teeth secretly, she turned her head and left alone.

After a night's rest, Yao Yao got up refreshed, Zimo came back, and said that the place to settle in had been arranged.

Yao Yao knocked on the door and called out to Third Aunt, "Auntie, Yu'er, come out, I'll let Zimo take you to your new home to settle down."

Zhao Xiang went out, stammering in a panic, "Yu'er is tired and still sleeping, can you not wake her up?"

Yao Yao felt something was wrong when she saw her expression, her face slowly sank, "Call her up."

"Uh...she's not feeling well, she's sleeping deeply..."

Yao Yao looked back at Zimo, Zimo gasped, hurriedly pushed Zhao Xiang away, and went into the house to look for someone.

I searched around and went out, yelling, "Master, your third sister is gone."

Yao Yao yelled angrily, "It's really stubborn! Go call the Second Highness, let's evacuate quickly! Take away the farmer and his wife here, and don't hurt innocent people."

Zimo nodded quickly, "Yes!"

In a panic, they began to rectify. Before the salute had time to load the car, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

"It's over! Mistress, I can't ask for a salute, let's go—"

Yao Yao hurriedly sat in the carriage, the curtain was lowered, and the sound of swords and swords slashing came from outside the carriage.

There are quite a few teams coming, and I don't know if Lord Hou and the others can handle it.

Wei Wei lifted the curtain of the car and saw that Mu Li had also joined the battle. That heroic demeanor was indeed the daughter of the general.

It was just that after a few efforts, Mu Li suddenly froze and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

She held back the blood dripping from her mouth in surprise, and was terrified when she saw the black blood on her palm.

she?poisoned?When did this happen?
(End of this chapter)

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