Chapter 285

Looking at Mu Li's crumbling body, the men around her had no time to take care of her. She was struggling alone, and she didn't know how long she could last.

"Sister!" Mu Yuanqing was impatient. He was too far away from her and couldn't get away. Seeing the moment when Mu Li was overwhelmed by the crowd, Yu Wenqin blocked her, but he had been drinking heavily recently and his body was weak. Fatigue, two or three hits and no strength.

Qin Yilan flew over, took the bodies of the two, and hid them behind him, resisting the swords.

There were more and more people, and almost a whole group of troops surrounded them.Going on like this is not an option.

Mu Li fell to the ground, coughing up black blood.

Yao Yao looked at her helpless hand, wondering if the uncle and mother had gone far, so she tried to call them again.Maybe they will come back to save them when they see the distress signal.


A flock of flying birds hovered in the sky, chirping non-stop.

About three minutes later, a bell rang in the distance.

bell bell -

bell bell -

Yao Yao blinked in surprise.

Isn't this the bell of her family Ah Huang?
Why did Ah Huang appear here?

Before she could react, a white figure flew from the sky.

The whole body is snow-white, white clothes, white hair, white mask.


The man stepped on the roof of the carriage.

"Stop it all—"

When he stopped, everyone froze their offensive. They looked up at the white-haired old man, thinking about the identity of this man.

Faintly, they began to whisper and learned the identity of this man.

He is the man the empress dowager is looking for madly.

"I am the only younger brother of the late emperor Yu Wenli, Yu Wenzheng. This jade pendant is a gift from the late emperor. Seeing the jade pendant is like seeing the late emperor. Kneel down! Anyone who does not respect the late emperor will be punished as a military judge."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers quickly retreated three steps, formed a circle, and their generals led them to worship together.

"The humble minister Li Qifeng kowtowed to the old prince, and the prince is a thousand years old."

"The ministers will kowtow to the old prince, and the prince will be a thousand years old."

Yu Wenzheng stood with his hands behind his back, and shouted in a cold voice, "Li Chenyue is getting more and more outrageous, is this how your Li family will serve the future little emperor?"

Li Qifeng held his breath and turned his head in silence.

That is to say, only the old prince is qualified to call the concubine's name.

Yu Wenzheng jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the woman lying on the ground spitting black blood, holding his pulse and holding his breath.

Yao Yao also got out of the carriage, found Qin Yilan's side, touched his body carefully, and she was relieved to see that he was safe and sound.

She didn't expect that the call for help didn't call Uncle Qiao Fu, but Master Hou's master.

Once this identity is revealed, it is more useful than anything else.

Yu Wenqin and Mu Yuanqing surrounded the white-haired old man, anxiously waiting for the result.

Until the old man let go, he lowered his head and let out a long sigh, "After all, I will return her poison."

Upon hearing this, Mu Yuanqing's heart turned cold, "My lord! What's going on? Can this poison be cured?"

"It's poisonous to the bone marrow. But it couldn't kill her originally."

"What do you mean? The subordinates don't understand."

"Originally, if she had been in the palace and taken poison every day, it would have killed her. Once she leaves the palace and stops taking the medicine, there is no hope."

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Mu Yuanqing turned around angrily, picked up Yu Wenqin's collar and scolded, "My wife has been poisoned, and you don't even know it?"

"I, I really don't know! If I knew that she would be poisoned to death if she left the palace, I would rather stay in the palace with her."

Mu Yuanqing frantically threw away the man in his hand, his eyes were scarlet, "My lord! I want to kill that old woman! My lord, please help me! I beg you, my lord!"

Mu Yuanqing knelt down on his knees.

Yu Wenzheng helped him up, "I'm sorry. I can't do anything. I can't kill her... can't..."

"Why not? My lord, tell me, why not? That woman is as poisonous as a snake and a scorpion! She killed so many people, and even instigated her grandson to keep committing crimes outside. The oppressed people are living in dire straits. Why can't you stand up and uphold justice? ?”

"Because she is his lover. The love of my life, how can I do anything to her?"

Everyone lowered their eyes.

It is obvious to all that the first emperor loved Li Chenyue. For her, that man gave up three thousand beauties in the palace, and only had one son and two daughters in his life.

The old prince respected the late emperor, so it was reasonable for him not to kill the concubine.

Yu Wenzheng patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Say goodbye to your sister!"

Yu Wenzheng turned to leave, but Mu Li suddenly grabbed him, "My lord... I... I don't care... I can die... But the child in my belly, can you help me save him?"

Yu Wenzheng looked at her lower body, the red blood stains on the trouser legs were also covered with a layer of dark brown, obviously the child had gone before her.

Mu Li blinked tears of despair and cried, "I knew I shouldn't be so willful. I should have taken that birth control pill. It was my waywardness that killed him. I'm sorry for my child."

Yu Wenzheng sighed, and said in a low voice, "Don't blame yourself, even if you take the anti-fetal medicine, you can't keep this child. The child is less than five months old and has no shape, even a caesarean section can't save your child. He just Can be buried with you. So don't blame yourself."

Mu Li burst into tears instantly, "Ah—"

That heart-piercing cry aroused many people's pity, and Yu Wenqin cried so much that she couldn't bear to live.

Mu Li was held in Yu Wenqin's arms, but her eyes were still fixed on Qin Yilan, she stretched out her trembling hands, and asked eagerly, "Master Hou—I—want to talk to you, can I?"

Qin Yilan glanced sideways at Yao Yao, saw her nodding, then walked towards Mu Li, squatted down, looked at the hand she extended, hesitated for a moment, but still squeezed it, "Tell me, I listen."

Mu Li smiled slightly, "In this life, Master Hou failed my infatuation for you. In the next life, Master Hou promised me to stay with me, okay?"

Qin Yilan didn't think much, and directly refused, "No. Regardless of this life or the next life, it is impossible for me to fall in love with you. I don't deserve you to waste so much affection."

"Oh, Lord Hou, you are so cruel. It's a pity, a pity, you still had a relationship with me after all. You can't let go of that one-night stand. Hahaha..."

Mu Li raised a smug smile.

Qin Yilan frowned and said, "That night——" It wasn't me!

Before he finished speaking, Yao Yao grabbed his shoulder.

Qin Yilan choked and stared, and finally choked back those three words.

Mu Li rubbed his belly and smiled, "This child is yours! Unfortunately, I didn't keep him, will Lord Hou blame me?"

Qin Yilan closed her eyes and sighed, "I have no right to blame you."

"Master Hou didn't know my good intentions. I worked hard to become a queen, and I just hoped that your heirs and your blood would inherit the world. So I made a compromise and married the Second Highness. Who knows that he has been unable to support her?" The mud of the wall."

(End of this chapter)

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