Chapter 310

Yu Wenhong took a deep breath, "Madam, do you like me?"

Yao Yao looked at him in confusion, "I don't remember you. I don't know if I liked you or not."

"I'll just ask you now, after all these days with me, do you like me? Just a little bit!"

Yao Yao bowed her head silently.

Yu Wenhong raised his head and looked at her with a serious face, "Answer me! It's okay even... to lie to me."

Yao Yao looked back to meet his burning gaze, and after a moment of meditation, she shook her head, "It seems not."

After Yu Wenhong was stunned for a while, he asked anxiously, "Why? Is there anything I can't do well enough? You tell me, and I will change it right away!"

Yao Yao saw that he had become demented, and she was a little scared, "Husband, don't be like this, maybe it's because I haven't remembered the past. It's just that my feelings for you are a little weak. Maybe you give me some more time..."

When Yu Wenhong heard it, he smiled and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Madam is right. It must be due to lack of time! In a few days, you will definitely like me, right?"


Yao Yao's heart sank heavily.She felt as if she couldn't like him, what should she do?
The security in the city was getting tighter and tighter, and there were constant inspections in and out. Yu Wenhong was blocked outside the city gate several times and couldn't get in, and he was very anxious.

Qin Yilan searched outside the city for a month, but couldn't find any clues.

The Hou Mansion was ransacked by Yu Wenhong before, and all the furniture and gardens were smashed, but Yao Yao's garden was left untouched.

Qin Yilan lives in her small garden, with disheveled clothes and dark circles under her eyes. She looks like a walking ghost.

The only thing that still supports him now is that sentence, the body has not been found, and she is still alive.

Every time he went out to look for someone aggressively holding a sword, every time he was carried back to the Hou Mansion half-conscious and half-awake.

No matter how strong a man is, there will be a day when he can't hold on, and finally his legs are so weak that he can't even walk steadily, so he is willing to lock himself in the Hou's mansion and not go anywhere.

Qin Yilan sat at the door of the room, looking at the sky, his eyes were blurred, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Suddenly, a lark flew from the sky and landed on the gazebo.

Qin Yilan's eyes lit up, and he flew over to catch Bai Ling.

Braun was so frightened that he kept flapping his wings.

"Don't be afraid—I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid—"

Qin Yilan coaxed the bird, touched the bamboo tube on the bird's feet, quickly tore off the bamboo tube, and poured out the letter paper inside.

is her!

It's her handwriting!
It was her message!
What is written?
"Who can tell me who I am?"

In just one sentence, Qin Yilan knew what happened to her!

Damn Yu Wenhong, he actually imitated that tyrant father again, erased her memory, and banned her!
Qin Yilan hurriedly wrote a reply letter, and when the lark was released, he also went to track the lark.

But Lark is not a carrier pigeon. He is timid and will fly around when he is frightened. He refused to run to the destination for a long time. He didn't dare to chase it too close, but when it flew into the woods, it was easy to lose it. In the end, he returned to the Hou Mansion with nothing.

I don't know if that little guy will come back!Could he just passively wait for news like this?
Yao Yao received a reply letter from Bailing.

The man's handwriting on it is vigorous and powerful.

"Yao'er, my wife, where are you? Tell me the address! I'm coming to pick you up!"

After seeing this passage, Yao Yao's heart trembled violently.

Why does she believe in this letter more than this man who keeps saying he is her husband?

Do you want to write back and tell him where?

What if the other party is a bad guy?What if her husband didn't lie to her, he was indeed her husband, and the other party was a villain who wanted to murder her and her husband?
She can't be too reckless, and can't trust others easily.

Yao Yao wrote another letter to check the tone of the man opposite.

Qin Yilan waited for six days, the lark finally flew back, he quickly took out a bunch of delicious food to offer it, rewarded it, carefully removed the bamboo tube under its feet, unfolded the letter paper, eagerly looked at the writing on it.

"You are my husband? What token do you have?"

Qin Yilan hurriedly wrote back to her, "I have a hairpin, which was made by you yourself, and there is something hidden in the hairpin! Please recall carefully, what is hidden inside?"

Yao Yao suddenly tilted her neck.


Something hidden inside?

She made it herself?

After thinking about it for a long time, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't recall any clues.

Yao Yao didn't reply to Qin Yilan's letter, just took a piece of wood and began to cut the stick.

Yu Wenhong went into the house to drink water, saw the wooden stick in her hand take shape, and asked with a smile, "Hairpin? Is it for me?"

Yao Yao blinked in embarrassment, "Ah... I just sculpted for fun..."

"Hmph! Ma'am, you are hypocritical. This hairpin must be for me, right?"

"..." I was speechless.

Yu Wenhong remembered the hairpin Qin Yilan was wearing on his head, and said with red eyes, "I don't want such an ordinary hairpin!"

"Huh? Why?"

"I want you to order a special hairpin for me."

"What kind of special law?"

"Think for yourself! Put something in the hairpin!"

"Stuff what?" Yao Yao looked at him strangely.

Yu Wenhong was furious, "Stuff your hair! Stuff your hair! In this way, I wear hair pins, as if we are married with you! Right?"


The wooden hairpin fell to the ground.She blinks.

Yu Wenhong was startled suddenly, feeling something was wrong, he quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I don't want hairpins anymore! I don't want them anymore!"

He picked up the wooden hairpin on the ground and ran out of the house, still muttering to himself, "I don't want the hairpin anymore. I don't want it anymore!"

After Yao Yao was stunned for a long time, she picked up a pen and paper and wrote a paragraph.

"Hiding your hair in the hairpin, are you married with that hair?"

After Qin Yilan received the letter, she almost cried out.

Did she remember?

wrong!Come to think of it, why didn't you tell him the address?
She probably hasn't remembered yet, she is still guarding against him.

Qin Yilan shook her hands, pinched the pen, and tremblingly wrote a line, "Madam, tell me the address quickly! If you don't come back, your husband will go crazy."

Yao Yao looked at the lark hovering in the sky, and was about to untie the bamboo tube from the lark's feet, when she suddenly heard someone calling her from outside the house, which scared the lark to fly out.

Yao Yao looked sideways to the outside of the fence and saw a nun.

She went into the house, took a spoonful of rice, and walked to the gate of the fence.

"Are you begging for alms, little master? Are these enough?"

The nun's eyes widened suddenly, she rushed into the fence gate, grabbed Yao Yao's wrist and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yao Yao blinked at her, "Who are you?"

"I'm Hong Luo! Miss, I'm your maid Hong Luo! Why don't you know me?"

Yao Yao shook her head in a panic, "I don't know you! You... have you identified the wrong person?"

Hong Luo grabbed her wrist and dragged her away, "Come back to the palace with me, and I'll take you back to Lord Marquis."

Yao Yao waved her hand away, "I won't leave."

"Why, why?"

"My husband is a wanted criminal, you want to catch him and kill him, right?"

"Yes! He deserves it! He is a wanted criminal! He should go to jail! He... um..." Hong Luo was stunned suddenly, her eyes were so wide that the whites of her eyes protruded, and slowly, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth .

Yao Yao covered her mouth in fright and backed away, "Little master!"

Hong Luo stabilized her staggering body, quickly grabbed her hand, and ran into the woods.

Only then did Yao Yao see that a flying arrow had been shot behind Hong Luo.

This flying arrow, she recognized, was used by her husband to shoot and kill wild animals.

(End of this chapter)

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