Chapter 311

what happened?

Why did her husband kill this little nun?
"Let's go—Miss—" Hong Luo dragged Yao Yao to escape, and shot her thigh with another sharp sword. "what--"

Hong Luo fell to the ground, she struggled to get up, pulled out her sharp sword and cried, "Miss, run quickly——"

Yao Yao froze in place, clutching her heavy belly, she shook her head, "I... can't run away."

Hong Luo looked at her helplessly.


Another sharp sword shot at her shoulder.

Yao Yao quickly went around in front of her, spread her hands to block the surroundings, "Don't kill her! Let her go! Don't kill her!"

The man hiding in the dark didn't show up, nor did he give her the slightest response.

Yao Yao thought he agreed, so she helped Hong Luo up and whispered, "You go!"

Hong Luo held back her breath, "Miss, wait for me to come back! I will come to save you!"

After speaking, she turned her head and prepared to leave.

But after a few steps, another sharp arrow came out.

With a thud, it shot directly into her heart.

The moment Hong Luo fell to the ground, Yao Yao's head seemed to be hit hard by something, and memories flooded back.

Yao Yao rushed over, lifted the fallen woman up, and shouted to the sky, "Damn it! Damn Yu Wenhong! Come out for me—"

Yu Wenhong was startled, she actually?Called his name?

Has her memory come back?

Yu Wenhong slowly appeared from behind the tree and walked towards them step by step.

Yao Yao sat on the ground, hugging the dying Hong Luo, tears streaming down her face.

She raised her hateful eyes and stared at Yu Wenhong, "Why don't you have any compassion? Why do you have to kill her?"

Yu Wenhong said in a deep voice, "Who told her to come here? Let her go, can I still get along with you like this?"

"Big deal, can't you hide me in another place?"

Yao Yao lowered her eyes, wiped away the blood stains from the corners of Hongluo's mouth, her heart was extremely sad, "She has suffered once at your hands. Do you still remember her?"

Yu Wenhong looked coldly at her several times and shook his head, "I don't remember. Who is she?"

Yao Yao smiled wryly and lowered her head, "Hong Luo, did you hear that?"

Hong Luo opened her confused eyes, and nodded weakly, "Listen, I heard."

"He has done so many cruel things to you. In the end, he doesn't even remember you. After knowing it, should he be more accurate in judging men?"


"Your mother married a scumbag and suffered all kinds of difficulties. You shouldn't be like your mother, commit yourself to such a man, and be humiliated and tortured by him."

"Hmm...Miss...that's right...Back then I was blamed...for profit...with blind eyes."

Yao Yao cried softly, "In the next life, keep your eyes open for me."

"Hmm. want to help me... help me get revenge..."

Yao Yao hugged her tightly and said in a deep voice, "Okay!"

Yu Wenhong walked towards her step by step, squatted down, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, lifted her tear-stained little head fiercely, and said word by word, "Let's...start from the beginning!"

Yao Yao was indifferent to him, without saying a word.Because she knew what he was going to do.

Yu Wenhong took the pill and handed it to her mouth, "It's okay. I am more patient! I will wait for you to forget everything, and then start over with me."

The pill slammed into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it.

Before she fell into a coma, Yao Yao grabbed Yu Wenhong's collar and said with difficulty, "Bury her well for me! At least in this way... I will leave you a whole body in the future!"

With a puff, the woman fell into the man's arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Yu Wenhong hugged her, his heart hurt and sore, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more bitter.

"It's okay, let's start from scratch. I'm really patient!"

The man seemed to be used to muttering to himself like this, as if he was hypnotizing himself.

Waking up the next day.

Yu Wenhong looked at the woman with blurred eyes on the bed, with a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth, "Ma'am, are you awake?"

"You are……"

Yao Yao tilted her neck and stared at him blankly.

Qin Yilan stood in the garden, watching the birds flying around in the sky, but none of them was what he was waiting for.He was so anxious that he began to climb trees, climb roofs, climb up and down, climb high and look far away, looking forward to the stars and the moon, but he didn't look forward to any of them.

After another half month, he finally got the lark.

Flying beautiful wings, it flew to his palm.

He stuffed it with the food he had prepared a long time ago, and excitedly tore off the bamboo tube from its feet.

"She asked me to trust you. Strangers far away, please don't disappoint my trust. I'm...waiting for you."

Qin Yilan pinched the letter paper hard, a long-lost smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his scarlet eyes slowly lifted up, "I'm coming! Ma'am...wait for me!"

Yu Wenhong brought the fragrant soup to the table, "Madam, come and eat soon."

"Well, come on!"

Yao Yao put down the carving knife in her hand and sat down at the dining table, "My husband's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Yu Wenhong smiled, "I got it through practice. I also admire myself very much. I didn't expect that I could have such a good cooking skill."

A little rabbit hopped into the house.

Yao Yao saw it and hurriedly picked it up, "Is Dun Dun hungry too? What kind of vegetables do you want to eat?"

Yu Wenhong smiled dotingly, and when he was about to get the vegetable leaves, his hands suddenly froze. He looked back at Yao Yao and asked, "When did Madam name the rabbit?"

"Eh? Just two days ago! What's the matter?"

"Why the name?"

Yao Yao muttered, "This name is so cute, it's so chubby, it's fun to call it dun dun!"

"What a coincidence."

Half a month ago, she also named the rabbit Dun Dun. After taking the medicine, her memory was cleared again. Why did she name the rabbit Dun Dun?

Is it really a coincidence?Or did she not forget what happened before?
Yu Wenhong's hand holding Cai Yezi trembled slightly. He tentatively asked, "Ma'am, I went hunting in the mountains yesterday and saw a corpse rotting at the foot of a tree."

As he spoke, he carefully observed the changes in her expression.

Yao Yao raised her eyes in surprise and asked, "Who is it?"

Yu Wenhong's heart dropped.

There was no sadness or anger, and this blank expression didn't look like a fake.

"I don't know who that corpse is. It was devoured by wild dogs and boars and it's beyond recognition. The ghost knows who she is!"

Yao Yao frowned.

Yu Wenhong choked, and asked softly, "What's the matter, madam?"

Yao Yao sighed, "Since my husband has seen the corpse, no matter who she is, you should bury her properly. If the corpse is exposed outside, it will cause plague."

"Ah? I'm just worried about the plague!" Yu Wenhong breathed a sigh of relief, "It's true that I didn't think carefully for my husband, and I will go and bury that woman tomorrow for my husband."

Yao Yao asked strangely, "The bones have been gnawed and the mask is completely disfigured, why does the husband know that she is a woman?"

Yu Wenhong was stunned for a moment, and said with a guilty conscience, "Ah... the hairstyle of her hair looks like a woman's hairstyle."

"A woman's hairstyle? This little brother is not afraid of biting his tongue when he lies? That skeleton is a nun! No hair!" This was said by a man outside the house.

Who's out there?

The voice of the man outside the house made Yu Wenhong so shocked that the bowls and chopsticks fell to the ground. He looked sideways in horror and looked at the dark night sky outside the house. The roots of his ears moved. Only then did he realize that the whole room was surrounded by groups.

(End of this chapter)

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