Chapter 312

Yu Wenhong looked back at Yao Yao, and asked softly, "You told me the secret?"

Yao Yao nodded, "Yes."

"When?" Yu Wenhong shook his fingers and grabbed her wrist, "When did you remember it again?"

"I didn't think about it. I didn't think about anything." Yao Yao responded softly, her face calm and unwavering.

Yu Wenhong asked speechlessly, "Didn't you remember anything? Then why did you call him over?"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you know Fanwen?"

"What, what?"

"Can you read the script?"


"Then you go to the closet and take a look. Open the door and there is a diary I have carved inside. It seems that this is not the first time I have lost my memory. When I lost my memory before, I kept a diary for myself every day."

Yu Wenhong hurriedly ran to the closet, opened the closet, and couldn't see any writing, but he could feel the lines with his hands.

"What's written?" He didn't know how to touch the inscriptions, and he wasn't proficient in Fanwen, so he didn't know what was written on it.

Yao Yao stroked the rabbit's head and said while feeding it, "Today is the first day I woke up from amnesia. Someone claimed to be my husband. I doubt it. Today is the second day I am amnesiad. Everything is normal, An Ran. On the third day, Enron, on the fourth day... No.30 One day, I found a lark, which contained a letter I wrote to myself, and an antidote, which said it could cure my amnesia The antidote, but I can't take it because... I'm pregnant."

Yu Wenhong's body froze instantly, he turned his head to look at Yao Yao, and looked at her in shock, "You...are you pregnant?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Yes. On the 30th of No. [-], the lark I let fly came back, and someone wrote back to me, saying that he is my husband, but you are not! Who should I trust?"

Yu Wenhong pinched the wardrobe handle, furious.

"On the 40th of No.[-], my husband caught a rabbit and came back. I named it Dundun."

what!I see!It turned out that she didn't remember the past, nor was it a coincidence that she named the rabbit Dun Dun twice.But because of these diaries! !
this woman!Where did so many minds come from?

Yao Yao said softly, "The following is my monologue. I told myself, don't trust you easily, and don't trust strangers from far away. I suspect that my amnesia is caused by you, but there is no evidence. If someday , If I lose my memory again, then I can be sure that this is not what I want. I told myself, I want to trust strangers far away, and I can't pin my hopes on you who are full of lies."

Yao Yao raised her eyes and murmured, "This bet, am I right?"

"..." Yu Wenhong leaned against the wardrobe and smiled wryly.

Yao Yao hugged the little rabbit and asked softly, "Can I ask, why did I lose my memory again?"


"I'm guessing, is it related to the exposed body in the woods?"


"Because you used it to test me just now? What did you test me for? Did you test me for something? Then? You still want to make me lose my memory?"

Yu Wenhong turned around slowly, looked at Yao Yao's profile, and grinned, "Okay! I'm convinced! I'm completely convinced!"

Yao Yao let go of the little white rabbit in her hand, turned to look at him, and said softly, "Before I remember what happened before, tell the truth and persuade me to let you go, okay?"

Yu Wenhong suddenly laughed out loud, "'s impossible."

"Impossible what? Impossible to tell me the truth?"

"I can't let you go." Yu Wenhong interrupted her doubts, "Yaoer. Since you don't want to spend your life with me, then go to hell with me!"

Yao Yao lowered her head and touched her stomach, then shook her head regretfully, "I refuse."

Yu Wenhong stretched out his hand and was about to grab Yao Yao's throat when a sharp sword broke through the door and pierced his arm.


The man fell to the ground with a muffled grunt and drew out his sword. Before he could get up, countless guards flew down from the roof and surrounded them.

At the same time, the man who flew into the room at the door floated behind Yao Yao, stretched out his hand, and lightly stopped her by the shoulder and carried it into his arms.

The scent of herbs that was familiar to her hit her nostrils.

Yao Yao looked back slowly, raised her head, and stared at the man beside her.

His face was full of stubble, and his face was a little pale, but his eyes were frighteningly hot.

Is this man the stranger from afar who communicated with her using Braun?

this look...

Although she was very aggressive, it made her feel safe, as if she could be domineering as long as she nestled beside him.

The big palms on her shoulders transmitted countless heat to her, Yao Yao asked softly, "Who are you?"

"Your lover." Qin Yilan said three words, short and powerful.

Yao Yao blushed slightly, "Is there... any evidence?"

Qin Yilan took out the hairpin and shattered it in front of her to show her. A strand of hair fell into his palm, and he handed it to her, "Your hair."

"Ah... what?" Yao Yao stared at the thing in confusion.

Qin Yilan touched her belly with one hand, "And our child."

Yao Yao pushed away his unruly hands, "No random touching."


Yao Yao looked up in horror, "Twin... twins?"


"No wonder I move so hard every time." Yao Yao looked down at her belly, "How many months?"

"More than five months."


Qin Yilan pressed his ear next to her and whispered a few words.

Yao Yao stared and gasped, "You...what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Didn't you want me to prove my identity? I still have a lot of evidence, which I can describe to you in detail."

"No! No need! Shut up!"

Yao Yao pushed the man away, but she couldn't move him no matter what, the man stuck to her back like a mountain.

Looking back, Yao Yao looked at Yu Wenhong who was kneeling on the ground.

Yu Wenhong's neck was covered with sword blades, blocking all the space he could move.

He raised his desperate eyes, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked softly, "How have I treated you these days? Why do you have to run away from me?"

Yao Yao whispered softly, "Be nice to me? Controlling my body is what you call being nice to me? Apart from satisfying my material needs and what I desire in my heart, you won't satisfy me, will you? Tell me , why do you trap me again and again? What heinous crime did I commit? Is it making you unhappy? "

"Hahaha...haha..." The man laughed madly, "What is your crime! I am the heinous villain, am I not? You just guessed right, the corpse in the forest is the one I used Come to test your tools, because I killed the corpse! Not only did I kill her, but I also tied her up and flogged her corpse! Dig out her meat piece by piece and feed it to the dogs!"

Yao Yao frowned, her heart became more and more congested, as if she vaguely remembered something.

"Ah! I... I seem to have remembered something! That maid, I remembered, she must be that lowly maid who was pregnant with my child, she thought she would be able to rise to the top by being pregnant, huh, who am I? I But when I am the crown prince, is such a lowly woman supposed to give me a child? Let her child be the grandson of the emperor? Wouldn’t it make people laugh at me to death? Heh... so I took her to the hospital , poured countless bowls of abortion pills into her, and watched her miscarry! Watched her body break down, and finally I was tossed so hard that I couldn’t be a mother again for the rest of my life!”

With Yao Yao's body on her back, she slowly turned her head, her eyes widening.

Memories of the past flooded into her mind one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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