Chapter 320

Qin Yilan seemed to know where the cow was going!

The bull Ahuang they brought out from Misty Valley was raised in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and later they brought that Ahuang to the Hou Mansion to be raised.

The one who sat down with Mr. Ming Jing was also called Ah Huang, and the two scalpers finally met each other.



Ming Jing looked at the two scalpers in surprise, "Ah!!"

Qin Yilan looked at him in embarrassment, and muttered, "Young Master Ming Jing, the scalper in our family is also raised by you, right?"

Ming Jing blinked and nodded awkwardly, "It seems so! I haven't even taken off the sign."

Both scalpers are encircled with the name plate of Der Spiegel.

"Why is it here with you? It's so strange!"

Qin Yilan sighed, "This cow only eats herbs and does not eat other things. It is really difficult to feed. How about Mr. Ming Jing take your pet away?"

"No, no, no! I just threw it away because I couldn't afford it! Who knows that after raising a second one, it only eats herbs, so I can't afford it! I want to throw it away too." Ming Jing laughed suddenly, "Ah, I will pay you for saving your wife, right?"

"What?" Qin Yilan's scalp went numb.

Ming Jing patted him on the shoulder, "This male, this female, they both match well. I'll give you both! Haha——"

Qin Yilan took a deep breath, "Can I not?"

"No!" Ming Jing narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Take good care of them, they probably have a long lifespan."

Qin Yilan frowned instantly, "What do you mean by a long lifespan?"

"It means that the life expectancy is quite long! There should be enough life in five or sixty years."


"At least once a year, maybe three to 40 years? Oh, my cows are very spiritual, they can't be served on the dining table, they can't be slaughtered, they can only be raised."


Ming Jing laughed heartily, "Well, thank you for your hard work! In order to express my gratitude, I will protect your wife and children, mother and child are safe."


What a price!

It's not right, the lifespan of this cow is usually only 30 to 60 years, and the Ah Huang he brought back from the Misty Valley must be at least [-] years old, right?It is almost at the end of its life, so why do you still say that it has five or sixty years to live?
This is not logical!
Qin Yilan sent Ming Jing to Yao Yao's house, and Yuwen Liuli and Qin Yan walked out the door together, "This is your master?"

"Why is it a woman?"

The two asked with their necks tilted.

Qin Yilan coughed in embarrassment, "He's a son. Yao'er is half a master, and taught her a lot of little things..."

The two glanced up and down at the woman's attire, looked at each other and smiled awkwardly, "Ah... um, there is no express rule that men cannot wear women's clothing."

"Young master looks handsome, and is quite suitable for women's clothing."

Blow a rainbow fart so it doesn't look awkward.

"Yi Lan, where's your master? Didn't he come?"

"Master passed away."

"Huh? What about Yao'er?"

Ming Jing said, "I can."


The old couple stared at him dumbfounded, "Can your skills be comparable to that of the genius doctor, the old prince?"

"It should be okay! I don't necessarily want me to brag about myself, saying that I am better than Yu Wenzheng?"

Qin Yan blinked in embarrassment, and whispered secretly, "How dare this person call the old prince by his name? No big or small?"

Yuwen Liuli gave him a bump, "Don't talk nonsense, my daughter-in-law is still counting on him! You have to scold him after he leaves."

"Ahem——" Qin Yilan hastily coughed to cover up his parents' whispering.

Ming Jing pretended not to hear, and asked with a smile, "Where's the girl? I'm going to meet her."

"Oh, just fell asleep in the house!"

"I'll take a pulse first."

"it is good."

"Everyone is waiting outside the house, and prepare some items for me by the way."

Qin Yilan said in a low voice, "I know what to prepare, I will go to Zhang Luo. Young Master wait."


Ding Jing felt more relieved, and entered the house with his legs crossed.

Outside the house, Qin Yan and Yuwen Liuli were still thinking about the woman's back, "Husband, do you think he is a man or a woman?"

"I always thought she was a girl."

"I think so too, but my son says he's a man!"

Ming Jing's voice came from the room, "Oh! Are you awake?"

The couple quickly posted to the window to eavesdrop.

Yao Yao opened her eyes, and when she saw Ming Jing, she gasped in fright, "Ah...Master...Master Ming Jing. I..."

"Don't get up, just lie down."

Sitting beside the bed, Ming Jing stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, "Hey, where are the twins? Congratulations."

Yao Yao smiled awkwardly, "My lord, I have been wanting to ask you many questions, but I have never had a chance to meet you. Today is a rare meeting, so I wonder if you can clear up my doubts, my lord?"

"what do you wish to ask?"

Yao Yao rubbed her stomach and asked, "I have a baby in my womb, what should I call you?"

Ming Jing clutched his chin, and began to ponder, "Uh—this question is indeed quite profound."

profound? ?
Outside the window, the two old eyes stared swollen.

What is the relationship between the fetus in the womb and this transsexual who is neither male nor female?

Qin Yan forcefully explained, "He is half of Yao'er's master, so he should be called Master."

Yuwen Liuli nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Unexpectedly, the man in the room tilted his neck and said after thinking hard for a long time, "It would be more appropriate to call me great-grandmother."



Yao Yao covered her belly and stared, "Why, why? Isn't the young master a man? Logically speaking, they should call you grandpa!"

"Huang, Huang, Huang, Huang, what the hell?" Yuwen Liuli took a deep breath, as if swallowing a goose egg with his mouth.

Qin Yan also froze in place, he didn't react in a daze.

Their grandson is called Grandfather Mingjing?Isn't he the mirror? ?Yuwen Liuli's own father?
"Hahaha...haha..." Ming Jing looked up to the sky and laughed three times, "My story is quite long, and I really can't explain it in a few words. I just ask you, girl, do you believe in soul replacement and rebirth?"

Yao Yao stabilized her mind and nodded in response, "When I saw you, you looked like this. After several years, your appearance still hasn't changed. If you were in love with Master Hou's master, it stands to reason that your age is not the same as his. It's about the same age, and it should be full of white hair. But your face has not changed so far. So I will probably believe what you say."

"Then guess, am I a man or a woman?"

Yao Yao was stunned by the question, "Soul replacement? Is it possible? Are you a man's body and a woman's soul?"


"Then...then you just said to let my children call your great-grandmother, are you? The first empress?"

Outside the house, a man and a woman are completely petrified.There was no expression on their faces at all.

Ming Jing nodded, and sighed, "Yu Wenli is very kind to me. In order not to let me die, he even gave me his body."

Yao Yao supported her stomach and forced herself up, "Who is that man who likes the concubine?"

"Who said that liking Li Chenyue must be a man's?"


"My love for Shen Yue has long surpassed the boundaries between men and women. But I know that she can't tolerate me at all, because the man she likes only likes me."


Yao Yao gritted her teeth, sweating all over her head, "My stomach hurts."

Ming Jing smiled lightly, "Are you stimulated? Lay down, and today I will have a cesarean section for you. Let me give Yuansun a hug too."

"Yeah." Yao Yao raised her eyes and asked, "Does the concubine know it's you?"

"Who knows? Anyway, in the end, she chose to die in my arms instead of Yu Wenli's. I'm already content."

"Ah—it hurts—isn't it?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid. I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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