Chapter 321

Qin Yilan happened to bring a bunch of tools into the room, and asked in a panic, "Young master! Are you able to do it? How sure are you? Are your medical skills better than my master?"

Ming Jing couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it too late for you to ask now?"

"She can't do anything! Absolutely nothing can happen! It's not full term yet, why is she showing signs of giving birth?"

"What are you afraid of? For a nine-month-old baby, it's okay to be born prematurely. You can go out!"

"I...I want to stay!"

"You'd better go out! It's probably useless to stay here." Ming Jing got up to push people away, and directly pushed Qin Yilan out of the house.

Qin Yilan stared at the closed door, lingering non-stop, impatient to death.

Turning his head, he saw his parents standing dumbfounded outside the window. He stepped forward and asked, "Father? Mother? What's wrong with you?"

The two people in the petrification were stunned and didn't react.

"Could it be that they were tapped?" Qin Yilan stretched out his hands to relieve the acupuncture points for the two of them, but they still didn't respond after tapping for a long time.

The first one to come back was Yuwen Liuli. She grabbed her son's arm and asked, "Who is that transgressive person in the room?"

Qin Yilan stared blankly, "Yao Yao's half master, he taught her some gadgets, like blowing a whistle to walk a bird, and he also taught her the unique skills of picking locks."

"No, let me ask you, besides teaching Yao'er these skills, what else does he have?"

"It should be my master's fellow apprentice, and the empress dowager also studied with master outside the mountain before. They all came from the same sect."

"Except for these?" Yuwen Liuli began to stomp his feet, "He and your master are brothers in the same school, so why is his hair black? Why is there no wrinkle in the corner of his eyes? Look at your mother and kiss me again? Did you see that? Crow's feet are what an aging woman should have!"

"Ah..." Qin Yilan twitched in embarrassment, "It's normal for a person who studies medicine to have a good face, so mother, can you stop making such a fuss?"

"Is this fucking normal? Is this fucking abnormal? Who the hell is he? Didn't Yaoer tell you anything?"

"Huh?" Qin Yilan's mind was about to explode, "She didn't tell me anything."

"How could this be! Why didn't she tell you anything? She should tell you such an exaggerated matter!"

Qin Yan also regained his composure. The first thing he did after returning to his soul was to knock Yuwen Liuli unconscious with an elbow.

Qin Yilan took three steps back in fright, "Father? You! Are you crazy??"

Qin Yan quickly took out his hand, "Quick, give me a medicine that can make her lose memory."


"Don't lose too much memory, just today, just lose the memory of today. Come! Give me the medicine!"

Qin Yilan glared at him with a dark face, "Do you think I'm a god? How many days can the amnesia be accurate?"

"You can't let her forget me too, can you? You are young, and amnesia is called amnesia, and we are old, and amnesia is called senile dementia! Hurry up and get me medicine, as long as she can forget what happened today."

"My daughter-in-law is still giving birth! I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

At this time, the first cry came from the house.


Loud cries shook the entire Regent's Palace.

Qin Yilan was overjoyed, and quickly opened the door and entered.

I saw Mrs. Wen busy cleaning the baby, wrapping him in a cloth bag, "Congratulations to the Regent, you are a little Earl."

Qin Yilan turned to look at the bed, Ming Jing took out another baby girl.

"Wow—" The weak cry seemed to be crying, and my brother had swallowed all my nutrition.

Qin Yilan hurried forward, looked at the baby, and then turned to look at the woman on the bed.

The dissected stomach hadn't been stitched up yet, he stared blankly in fright, and fell straight down.

Ming Jing was about to hand his daughter into his hands, how could he know that he passed out when he entered the room?

No wonder I can't be the main knife, so he is such a waste!
"It's really in the way!"

Ding Spiegel hated it very much.

Carrying Yuwen Liuli on his shoulders, Qin Yan resisted his son again when he entered the room, "Oh, my old bone!"

Ming Jing smiled and went to work on the aftermath, suturing the wound, applying medicine, and bandaging.

The comatose woman slept comfortably without any pain.After she wakes up from the anesthesia, she will probably be in pain for several days.

All three mothers and sons are safe and sound.

Everyone in the room fainted. When Ming Jing left, only Qin Yan saw him off.

Qin Yan stared at the mirror in embarrassment, up and down, up and down, and scanned it over and over again. Before leaving, he still couldn't help asking, "Young master, what did you and my daughter-in-law say in the room yesterday? Is it real or fake?"

"Fake." Ming Jing laughed, "There is no such thing as soul replacement in this world! Right?"

"Hahaha——" Qin Yan laughed with relief, "I'll just say, how could such an outrageous thing happen? You must be joking with my daughter-in-law, right?"

"Well, I was afraid that she would be too scared to have a caesarean section, so I told such an interesting story to amuse her and distract her mind."

"Hahaha——What a misunderstanding! Young Master please, I won't give it away."

"Well, Duke, please stay." Ming Jing took a horse, turned around leisurely, waved his sleeves and left. "Celadon glass, Bai Cuiyan. Eagle wings carved alone, imperial waves."

Bell, bell, bell—a bell and a sign are tied around the horse's neck.

"Fuck!" Qin Yan stared and yelled, "This is not true! This is not true! How did he know the content of the imperial edict issued by the former emperor?"

Qin Yan named Qin Yilan, which was a character extracted from this poem.The first emperor said that he was an eagle on the sea, worthy of his daughter Yuwen Liuli.

The imperial decree was sealed and delivered to him, and even the eunuchs hadn't read it out. Only the emperor should know the content of the imperial edict.

Is it...

Is this weird story really true?
After breaking a threshold, he turned into a full head of white hair.

The pressure was so great that it almost crushed him.

what to do?When Liuli wakes up later, will she be half crazy like him?

Unexpectedly, he was overwhelmed with sorrow. After Yuwen Liuli woke up, he completely forgot what happened yesterday and couldn't remember anything.

This is really accurate and only lost one day of memory!

I don't know if her son did something to her, but seeing his son still unconscious on the bed, it is impossible for him to do it.

It is estimated that Liuli was so stimulated that she forgot!Or is it older?Really dementia?
In the end, he was the only one with terrible memories.Let this secret be kept silent forever.If she doesn't talk about Yao'er, he can't talk nonsense either.

Not long after Yuwen Liuli woke up, Yao Yao also woke up, groggy, her eyes opened and closed, looking at the baby that the two nannies brought over, she smiled happily.I just looked around and couldn't see Qin Yilan, feeling a little lonely in my heart, "Where is Mr. Hou?"

The nurses smiled, "Master Hou is in a coma! He never woke up!"

"..." Yao Yao was silent for a few seconds, then chuckled, "He even fell into a coma sometimes? It's really rare."

The next morning, Yao Yao woke up from the pain, and wanted to reach out to touch the wound, but a big palm stopped her from touching it.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to look, her pupils were shining brightly, "Master Hou? Did you see the child?"

(End of this chapter)

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