The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 50 Miss He Er's Disease

Chapter 50 Miss He's Disease

Qin Yilan ignored Zhang Huiyi and called Yao Yao to pick him up, "Yaoer."

Yao Yao got up to welcome him to the table, and said, "Today is the day to send Manager Zhang and the others away from the mansion, but Miss Huiyi said that I am in love with you, and begged me to take her as my concubine."

Qin Yilan laughed abruptly, "You still can't make up your mind about this?"

"No, it's just that I promised Miss Huiyi to take a gamble with her. Master Hou sits down and doesn't need to intervene. I will handle it."

"Hmm." Qin Yilan sat at the coffee table in a chic posture, waiting for the servants to bring tea and water to watch the show.

Yao Yao walked up to Zhang Huiyi and said, "Miss Huiyi, Lord Hou has returned, so let's start playing the game. The game is very simple..."

Zhang Huiyi raised her ears and listened quietly.

what game?
"As for me, I'll call a few strong men over later to molest you."

"What?" Zhang Huiyi stared at her in horror.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Yao Yao's mouth, "If Master Hou really connects with you, he will definitely not be willing to see you being bullied. You just have to bet, and Master Hou said to stop, then I will let you in. How about it? "

Qin Yilan paused while drinking tea.

It's a bit harsh.

Is his wife not only testing Zhang Huiyi, but also testing him?

Yao Yao laughed at Zhang Huiyi, "Do you understand the rules of the game? Wait a minute, as long as Lord Hou calls stop first, you can enter the gate of Hou's house. If you call stop first, you will admit defeat."

"No—I don't want—what kind of game are you playing! You clearly don't treat me like a human being!"

Yao Yao turned her head indifferently, "Why should I treat you as a human being?"


"I've never seen you respect me. You know that this man is mine, but you still lick your skin and come to fight with me? Behind my back, doing a bunch of things that people don't do, then don't Expect me to treat you as a human being! Come—"

Several strong men rushed into the courtyard one after another, their shirts all stripped off.

Zhang Huiyi nearly peed on her pants with such a fright, "Don't—Master Hou—Master Hou save me—"

Qin Yilan held the tea and drank it slowly.

That day when she was drugged and poured, she had begged hard once, so Qin Yilan's heart softened more than half a time?
not at all!
She's already chilling, isn't she?Talk about being in love with each other, talk about how confident I am in Qin Yilan's heart!This is all self-deception.She can deceive everyone with her words, but she cannot deceive herself alone!That man doesn't care about her at all!

He doesn't care about her at all!

"Do it." Yao Yao ordered.

As soon as the strong men grabbed Zhang Huiyi's arms, she yelled and begged for mercy, "I don't want—stop! Don't touch me! I admit defeat—"

Yao Yao chuckled lightly, "Can I go back to my hometown quietly now?"

Zhang Huiyi covered her face and cried bitterly, "Why don't you give me a chance! Lord Hou, this servant must take care of you more carefully than my wife! Lord Hou, can you say something! Huiyi really treats you very well." I don't regret it!"

Qin Yilan put down the teacup, and said quietly, "If you know my heart, you should like the person I like. If you hate the person I like, then your feelings for me are not infatuation, but greed. Your own selfishness is so great. No one will care about you."

Zhang Huiyi looked at the man in front of her dumbly, and lowered her head shyly.

In the end, she was just a selfish woman, just to get him, for her own glory and wealth.What do you mean infatuated?It's all fake.

That night, without stopping for a moment, Zhang's father and daughter were sent out of the city with generous pension gifts.

Once Manager Zhang left, the position of Manager was temporarily vacant. Yao Yao didn't know who to pick for the position. The housekeepers showed their abilities in front of her, but they were not considerate after all.

She needs someone she can fully trust to take office to be satisfied.

After much deliberation, Yao Yao thought of a person.

Ling Yu's father, Chen Qi.

He is a housekeeper of the He family, and it was he who secretly contacted her before letting her know of Miss He's secret conspiracy.

Yao Yao took a lot of money and went to the He family to ask for someone.

There are boxes of silver taels, but they are all her dowry money, real gold and silver.

If she wanted to let her own people take over, she naturally couldn't spend Lord Hou's money, otherwise the people in the Hou's mansion would definitely make irresponsible remarks again.

Chen Qi is also looking forward to following Yao Yao to the Hou Mansion, this job-hopping can be regarded as a big promotion.How can he not be excited that he can still be the chief manager when he arrives at the Hou Mansion?

When Yao Yao was about to leave with Chen Chenqi, He Lanyu, the second lady of the He family, hurried over to call for someone, "Madam, please stay."

Yao Yao turned her head to look at her, seeing her haggard and sad.

"What's the matter? Second Miss?"

He Lanyu said with a straight face, "Madam, can you take a step to speak?"

Yao Yao didn't seem very willing, "I'm very busy."

Seeing that she was about to leave, He Lanyu rushed over and begged on her knees, "Madam, please, can I take a step to speak?"

Yao Yao sighed, "Okay, I'll just give you time for a cup of tea."

Yao Yao followed He Lanyu to the corner for a secret talk.

He Lanyu said with a sad face, "Ma'am, I know it was me last time, but you can't take revenge on me like this!"

Yao Yao asked strangely, "What did I do to you? Didn't I do anything?"

"You still say you didn't do anything? It's my wife who cursed me, making me sleepless every night!"

"Curse? Curse?" Yao Yao smiled wryly without words, "I can't afford to wear this hat. I have never done anything bad to you, and the world can prove it."

He Lanyu hurriedly said, "Who is that? Who put a curse on me? Make like that every day and every night?"

"What disease is it? Let's hear it, my Lord Hou knows some medical skills, he may..."

"Could it be Master Hou? Is Master Hou taking revenge on me?" He Lanyu said heartbroken, "Impossible, right? Master Hou wouldn't be so cruel to me, right?"

"What the hell did he do to you?"

"I—" He Lanyu wanted to say, but it was obvious that Yao Yao looked ignorant, and it was really hard for her to speak.

She wiped her tears aggrieved and said, "Ma'am, please help me to ask Lord Hou. If it was really him who did it, I implore him to show his respect and forgive me. I really can't stand it anymore."

Yao Yao was silent for a moment and then said, "Okay, I'll go home and ask Lord Hou."

"Madam must help me. I will thank Madam afterwards."

Yao Yao didn't entangle her too much, and left the mansion directly, and got into the carriage.

Manager Ling was sitting at the front of the frame, and Yao Yao opened the curtain and asked softly, "What's wrong with your second lady recently? Her eyes are so dark? She said she seemed to be cursed? What happened to her?"

In the early morning, Qi hurriedly turned sideways and said in a low voice, "This is a big secret of the He family, madam, let me tell you, don't spread it out."

"Well, you said."

"The second young lady beat and killed my son on the day they got married, and she fell ill that night, and she missed a man."


"And a man can't feed her enough, and he has to call two or three every night."

"???" Yao Yao's head was full of question marks.

"Let's not say that Miss Er's body has been ruined, even the strong men in the He Mansion can't stand her. It's as if their spirits have been sucked out of them, and their bodies have been sucked dry." Chen Qi patted his chest, "Fortunately, my son escaped. I'm caught by her devil, or my son will be sucked dry by her crotch."

Yao Yao's eyeballs were rolled up, she was a little confused, and she didn't understand what she heard.

This man and woman love each other, besides taking off their clothes and making skin-to-skin contact, what else can they do?If it's just kissing and cuddling, it won't be so hard that even two or three men can't bear it, right?
Having said that, why did Second Miss He contract this strange disease? Could it be that Master Hou really did it?
Go back and look for opportunities to ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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