Chapter 51

Meng Tao was not around, Hong Luo was imprisoned again, she felt lonely all by herself, and the servants in the Hou's mansion were inconsiderate, she didn't even have anyone to talk about.

Yao Yao was so bored that she went to the doctor in the mansion, got her pulse, and asked, "Doctor, am I pregnant?"

The doctor shook his head, "No."

Yao Yao asked anxiously, "I have sex with Lord Hou every day, and my third sister is pregnant, why am I not? Is it because I am too weak?"

The doctor asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty must have taken some measures. Madam is in poor health, and it is indeed not suitable for pregnancy."

Yao Yao thought for a while, then asked politely, "What kind of method can make a woman unable to conceive?"

The doctor blinked and said awkwardly, "Madam, why don't you ask Master Hou directly about this question."

If she had the cheek to ask Lord Hou, she wouldn't come here and ask him secretly!

Yao Yao was discouraged, "Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

It felt like the doctor couldn't get any inside story out of here, so he obediently waited for Qin Yilan to return home.

While serving Qin Yilan to take a bath and change clothes, Yao Yao murmured, "Master Hou, I went to He Mansion to buy Housekeeper Ling back, and I promoted him to be the manager. Do you have any objection?"

"Well, no. As long as you like it."

Yao Yao smiled knowingly, "Thank you, Lord Marquis, for your understanding. There is one more thing. When I went to the He family today, I bumped into the second lady of the He family. She dragged me to ask you, did you do something bad to her? Punish her?"

"Heh..." Qin Yilan sneered and snorted.

Hearing this laughter, he admitted that the disease of Miss He's Second Miss was caused by Master Hou.

"Master Hou, the second lady has already admitted my mistake, why not? Your lord has forgiven her a lot too? After all, she has also learned her lesson!"

Qin Yilan said indifferently, "Can she learn a lesson? To be honest, if I detoxify her, look, there will be more than a dozen dead men in He Fu. It is impossible for her to let go of those servants who had an affair with her .”

Yao Yao's eyes lit up, "It's also possible."

Miss He Er's vicious temperament may indeed do this.

Thinking of this, Yao Yao suggested, "Then I'll negotiate, and I'll bring all those men back, so that the second lady can't reach them, isn't that all right?"

Qin Yilan listened, nodded and smiled, "That's good! I'll give you the antidote, and you can go and exchange their deeds of prostitution. The Hou's mansion is not short of those few mouthfuls of food."

Bringing those men back to the Hou's Mansion is not about adding a few strong men, the key is that these men are all He Lanyu's handle.

Holding the handle in the palm of my hand, are you still afraid that that bitch will turn the world upside down?

When Yao Yao negotiated with the antidote, she was rejected.

How could He Lanyu give Yao Yao those men who had slept with her?It's the same as giving her the underpants you used.At that time, Yao Yao was in a bad mood, so she hung her underpants and bellyband on the city wall to show the public, how could she save her face?
Yao Yao also refused to compromise, because she wanted to guarantee the lives of those strong men, otherwise, what if she killed those servants in private after she easily gave He Lanyu the antidote?
If the two can't hold on, the matter cannot be settled.


Yao Yao tossed and turned and couldn't sleep again.

Qin Yilan was annoyed when she opened her eyes, "You haven't taken any medicine?"

"Drink and drink."

"Why can't I fall asleep after drinking it? Is my tranquilizer ineffective?"

"Maybe." Yao Yao muttered, "My medicine jar is very resistant to medicine, so after so many years, my cough has never recovered."

He actually forgot about this. She has been raised by the medicine jar for so long, and her physique has really changed a lot.It looks like the prescription will be changed for her tomorrow.

Yao Yao was upset and irritable, "Master Hou, it's been a few days, how is Mengtao's injury? When will she come back?"

Qin Yilan suddenly laughed out loud, turned over and pressed on her, and said in a low voice, "Mengtao has recovered and can come back at any time."

Yao Yao was overjoyed, "Really?"

"Yeah. But... the medicine fee, shouldn't it be paid?"

Yao Yao looked at him nervously, "What does Lord Hou want? I spent a lot of money to buy Director Ling a while ago, I'm afraid..."

Qin Yilan lowered his head and exhaled, "I said before, the owner of the valley is not short of money, what he wants is favors. I will give his favors, and you have to pay mine!"

"My whole body is yours, how can I pay for it?"

Qin Yilan groped under her pillow with a big hand and took out a small box, "Or? Just tonight? You can't sleep anyway!"

Yao Yao said in a flustered manner, "Master Hou...I...uh..."

"Don't cough!" Qin Yilan sternly reprimanded, "Don't use your poor health to prevaricate me. I can handle your physical condition."

"But I..."

"You have to think clearly, is Mengtao still in the hands of the owner of the valley? If I don't let her come back, then she can only stay in the valley of divine medicine and be the owner's drug tester. Every day, she is given a bunch of messy drugs, If the properties of the medicine are not well controlled, many people who test the medicine will die."

Yao Yao was so frightened that her eyeballs almost popped out, "No! You can't let her test the medicine indiscriminately, she is mine!"

"So, if you don't return this favor, Meng Tao won't be able to come back."

"I'll pay it back, I'll pay it back! I'll pay it off!"

Isn't it just rubbing ointment, rubbing the whole body, just rub it.

However, it turns out that she is still too simple.

After a whole night of tossing around, she also has a half-knowledge. It turns out that skin-to-skin dating is really not easy.

After that night, Meng Tao finally came back, and Ling Yu came back with her.

Leaning on two crutches, Mengtao helped her into the Hou's mansion. The two were talking and laughing, as if they were in love with each other.

It was obvious from this look that they seemed to be on good terms.

Yao Yao smiled reassuringly, it would be nice if they could be happy with each other and get married.Looking at the young couple, they look quite right.

Meng Tao rushed into the room and rushed to Yao Yao's side and said, "Miss, I miss you so much!"

"Me too."

"Miss, what about that bad woman Hongluo? Do you know how bad that woman is? She pushed me into the water and didn't save me."

"Hey..." Yao Yao lowered her head and regretted, "I put her under house arrest, don't mention her in front of me again, I have severed the master-servant relationship with her."

"If you break it off well, you should end it with her early. You know how to do tricks behind the master's back all day long."

Yao Yao asked, "Is Gu Guzhu, the genius doctor, treating you well?"

"Master Gu?"

"Didn't you see someone else? He saved you!"

"Oh, I didn't see it. I was in a daze and didn't know anything. When I woke up, Brother Ling Yu was taking care of me by my bedside, and Brother Zimo often came to see me."

Yao Yao smiled knowingly, "Master Gu likes to be mysterious, so we don't ask. As long as you come back safely." Otherwise, she would have to worry about being treated as a drug tester.

Meng Tao took out boxes one by one from her pocket and put them on the table, "Zimo gave this to me, saying that Master Gu entrusted me to send it to you! There is also one for slaves, and the rest belong to young ladies. More than ten box, so much ointment, how can I use it up?"

Yao Yao blushed when she saw the ointment, "This-this-so much?"

"That's right! You haven't used up the box Master Hou gave Miss last time, have you?"


Meng Tao happened to see the empty jar on the dressing table and opened it, "Eh? Used up? Used up so quickly? Didn't Miss say she was reluctant to use it?"

Yao Yao had a bitter face, "Mengtao."


"You throw away the box. Throw away these too, I don't want it!"

Meng Tao was shocked and said, "Why! Brother Zimo said, these things are super expensive! The gift from the owner of the valley is unique! Don't throw it away. I will hide it for you."


 Thank you for your recommendation and support, and I will present the second update today.


(End of this chapter)

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