Chapter 52

A servant's call came from outside the house, "Ma'am, the third aunt of the Yao Mansion is asking to see you."

"Third Aunt?" Yao Yao was a little surprised, the imperial concubine's birthday banquet was over, why would she come?
Yao Yao said to Meng Tao, "I'm going to see my aunt, you don't have to follow me, the injury is not healed, please lie down and rest in the room."

"Miss Xie." Meng Tao ran out cheerfully, she didn't look like she was going back to the house to rest, she looked like she was going to meet her lover.

Yao Yao went to the living room and saw Zhao Xiang sitting on the side drinking tea with a strange maid behind her.

"Third aunt."

Zhao Xiang hurriedly got up and said, "Yao'er."


"Third Aunt misses you, and specially made some yam soup for you to taste, without adding sugar."

"Auntie Xie." Yao Yao took the vegetable basket and put it aside, sat down and asked, "Auntie is here this time, besides bringing me porridge, is there anything else?"

Third Aunt almost never went out, even her own small courtyard was seldom stepped out.After thinking about it, it became clear that she must have something important to do when she traveled far away to find her.

Zhao Xiang pushed the maidservant behind him and said, "Come on, Zhao Wan, call me sister."

"Sister—" the servant girl shouted timidly.

Yao Yao frowned and asked, "She is?"

"She is the daughter of my not-so-good-for-nothing brother. Don't mind her father being a dude. You can see how juicy his daughter is. The neighbors say that my niece looks like me."

Yao Yao's heart sank slightly, "And then?"

Zhao Xiang smiled shyly, "Your father must have mentioned it to you, sooner or later you will be a concubine for Lord Hou, so your father wants to give Wan'er to you. It is best if your sisters take care of you, right? "

"Take care? Take a concubine?"

Zhao Xiang asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Your father didn't mention this to you?"

Yao Yao's expression gradually turned cold, "Never."

Zhao Xiang was extremely embarrassed, and said in a panic, "I'm sorry, I was the one who was abrupt and rash, and I should have let the master come over and tell you. I... I was too impatient, I'm sorry, Yao'er, don't blame Auntie."

Yao Yao picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea silently. She also understood that the corner of her mouth should no longer be able to evoke that kind smile.

She naturally took her father's advice to heart, but she absolutely could not accept her father's arrangement.

This is her home, if she wants to take a concubine for her husband, what does it matter to others?

Father's hand stretched too far!

If the delay was only on her father's mind, she could still swallow her breath and bear it.

But if someone blows the pillow wind...

Yao Yao's cold gaze swept over Zhao Xiang's face, but she saw that her expression was erratic and her eyes were flickering, and she didn't dare to look at her.


Sure enough, it's pillow wind.

Zhao Xiang felt that the atmosphere was extremely awkward, and hurriedly asked, "Yao'er, where are your two big girls? Why don't you see them serving you personally?"

"Mengtao caught a cold the day before yesterday, so I let her rest. As for Hongluo..."

Yao Yao intentionally paused for a second before saying, "She did some wrong things, so I locked her up."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiang instantly remembered the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

Hong Luo stole this medicine for her!
The matter must not be hidden, after all, when Yao Yu presented the gift, Yao Yao was absolutely present.

But she heard that the matter had been resolved perfectly, why did she punish her maidservant?

Punishing her maidservant means that she still has lumps in her heart, right?
Zhao Xiang hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Yao'er, this matter is the third aunt's fault, if you are angry, you can blame me! Anyway, this matter is over, let it pass. OK!"

Yao Yao turned her head away and said nothing.

The more silent she was, the more uncertain Zhao Xiang felt, and he was restless, really at a loss.

She knew that if she didn't ask for it, it would eventually cause a gap between her and Yao Yao. She seemed to have overestimated Yao Yao's belly.

Before the matter of the medicinal materials was resolved, she brought Zhao Wan over to beg for a concubine, and it seemed that this time the game really collapsed.

In the early morning, Qi hurriedly ran into the living room and yelled, "Ma'am! Something happened at Xipianyuan! Go and have a look."

West Side Court?
Isn't that where she imprisoned Hong Luo?

Gently put the teacup down, Yao Yao followed Chen Chenqi to Pianyuan.

Zhao Xiang was curious for a moment, and hurriedly followed with his niece.

Just at the entrance of Xipianyuan, Yao Yao heard shouting and cursing.

It belonged to Hongluo and Mengtao.

The two were arguing at the top of their voices.

Yao Yao entered the garden with a straight face, "cough cough cough..."

The two of them seemed to be used to it, they didn't need her to shout, and they stopped arguing automatically when they heard her coughing.

Mengtao turned her head and saw Yao Yao, so she ran over to complain with tears in her eyes, "Miss, you have to decide for me!"

Hong Luo turned her head angrily and snorted, "Hey——"

Yao Yao asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

Meng Tao said, "I was passing by here, and I happened to see Hongluo jumping over the wall and escaping. I told her to go back, but she didn't listen, and even pushed me."

Hong Luo stared and said, "Are you a tofu? Push it and it will fall? Are you embarrassed to sue?"

Meng Tao stomped her feet and said, "She pushed me second. When Brother Ling Yu came to protect me, she even insulted Brother Ling Yu, saying that he is a cripple and a useless dog! Miss, I really can't bear it anymore." , I just want to slap them both."

Hong Luo snorted and laughed loudly, "I said Meng Tao! Why haven't you learned about fun yet? Have you forgotten what I told you last time?"


"I said... someday when I become a phoenix, I will beg you with the eldest lady, and then let you become my dog ​​slave, who will serve me tea, water, wash my feet and wipe the floor for the rest of my life! You still can't see Clear the situation? Dare to be arrogant in front of me? Cut—hahaha—”

Yao Yao asked coldly with a straight face, "Have you finished laughing?"

Hong Luo laughed awkwardly, "I..."

No matter how rampant Hong Luo is, she just doesn't understand why she can never become tough in front of Yao Yao.

Yao Yao said softly, "After laughing, it's my turn."

"What, what?" Hong Luo asked nervously, stammering.

Yao Yao took the juanpa, and looked at it over and over in boredom, "I have lost my friendship with your master and servant, and I promise to find a chance to send you to the prince's side. My kindness with you and your mother is enough. Stay It is the utmost kindness to have a clean place in Xiahou's mansion for you to eat and drink, but if you cross this wall, you will be disrespectful to Lord Hou."


"But don't worry, I, Yao Yao, was born with a big belly, and I don't care about you. This time, I will turn a blind eye and pretend I didn't see it. If you go back obediently, everything will be fine and the world will be peaceful. "

When Hong Luo heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly, "Understood, I'll just go back and be obedient."

Hong Luo drooped her shoulders and was about to enter the side garden. Suddenly, Yao Yao behind her said, "But!"

And but?

Hong Luo looked back nervously, only to see Yao Yao's serious expression, "But Hong Luo, you owe Meng Tao, pay me well. Not only the verbal insults today, but also the day you pushed her into the water and almost killed her." She, I have to settle all the accounts before I go back. Do you understand?"

Hong Luo staggered, and hurriedly said, "Miss, what do you want to do?"

Yao Yao waved her hand.

Chen Chenqi knew what she wanted at a glance, and hurriedly yelled, "Come on, push this bitch over to me."

Several strong men grabbed Hongluo's shoulders and dragged her to kneel in front of Mengtao.

(End of this chapter)

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