Chapter 60
Hou Fu.West Side Court.

All the food brought over was thrown on the ground, and Hong Luo yelled frantically from the room, "I'm pregnant! Hahaha... I'm finally pregnant! The garbage that was fed to the pigs was taken away, I want to eat delicacies from mountains and seas! I want you all to come and serve me! Do you hear me?"

The maidservants serving Hong Luo were so frightened that they quickly backed away.

Seeing those maids trying to escape, Hong Luo hurriedly chased them out and shouted, "Go and call Meng Tao over! My mother wants her to feed me with her own hands! Hahaha..."

The maids immediately ran to report.

After hearing this, Meng Tao's eyes were red with anxiety, and she ran to Yao Yao's side and cried, "Miss, I don't want to serve Hong Luo, and you don't want me to serve that bad woman."

Yao Yao's embroidered hands paused for a moment, then she raised her head and asked, "Who told you to serve her?"

"Hongluo is pregnant with the prince's child, and she has reached the sky in one step. She asked me to serve her by name, and I would rather die!"

Yao Yao didn't take it seriously, she snorted and said, "If you don't go, you won't go, no one is forcing you. Let her yell, she can't come out, so ignore her."

"But she said, if I don't go to serve, she will go on a hunger strike! What should I do? Miss, I can't bear the crime of murdering the emperor's heir!"

Yao Yao's embroidering hands slowly dropped, and she sighed, "Forget it, I'll go there myself."

Meng Tao hurriedly said, "Miss, be careful too, don't be angry. You won't be able to bear it."

"Don't worry, Qi has been full before. I won't be influenced by her again."

Yao Yao got up and straightened her clothes, took a group of maidservants, and a big bowl of delicious food and wine, and followed her to Xipianyuan.

As soon as he entered the entrance of Yuanzi, he heard Hong Luo's beating and scolding voice, "Where are you? Why hasn't Mengtao come yet? You girls are clumsy and broke the emperor's heir in my stomach. I want your dog's life!"

"Cough cough cough..."

As usual, Yao Yao coughed a few times.

Hong Luo immediately hoarse when she heard the cough.

This disappointing performance made her very aggrieved.

She was about to turn over, why was she still so afraid of her?

Thinking of this, Hong Luo raised her head, and raised her arrogant face again, "Miss, you are here!"

Yao Yao walked slowly to the door and entered the room without saying a word. The maids brought the food to the table one by one, and quietly retreated outside the room to wait.

Yao Yao called Hong Luo, "Since you're pregnant, then eat something good, and don't treat the emperor in your belly badly."

The corners of Hongluo's mouth raised wildly, "I don't want to eat! If I want to eat, I will let Mengtao come over and feed me with my own hands!"

Whatever she said, she wanted to avenge the slap of that day, and she must make Mengtao look good.

Yao Yao knocked on the table and said, "Be obedient and eat more when you can. If you have morning sickness in the future, it will be difficult to eat."

Hong Luo yelled, "Miss, don't you understand me? I want Meng Tao to come and feed me!"

"If she doesn't come? You won't eat?"

"Yes! If she doesn't feed me, I won't eat! If the emperor's heir makes any mistake, it will be her fault! The crown prince will definitely condemn her! Hmph—" Hong Luo showed a satisfied smile.

Yao Yao said indifferently, "Okay, since you want to play this game, then I will accompany you. From now on, don't move your chopsticks, and I won't move your chopsticks either. If you are hungry, I will accompany you when you are hungry. Let's see if I will starve you to death first, or you will boil me to death first. Kekeke..."

Hong Luo stared speechlessly, "You... Miss, what are you doing?"

"Mengtao is my maidservant, the person I, Yaoyao, want to protect. No one can expect to catch the devil behind my back. You want to bully her? First consider whether you can pass my test! Come on, sit down , let's take it easy. I promise, I will die before the child in your womb. Heh..."

"This... this—" Hong Luo looked at her helplessly, anxious and angry, "Miss, why do you insist on getting along with me? You can't let me vent my anger? Just let Mengtao feed me It’s not about killing her. I didn’t say I was going to beat her. Why do you threaten me with your own life?”

Yao Yao said indifferently, "Don't understand?"

"Yes! I don't understand!"

"You really don't understand, because I used to be so protective of you. I have always told myself that no matter what, no matter how many threats there are in front of me, as long as you stand behind me, I will protect you. But in the end, No matter how big my wings are, you don't mind. You just want to fly alone, don't you?"


"Hongluo, Mengtao is the only one behind me now. I will double the protection that I originally gave you. No one can order my maid in front of me, let alone you, not even the emperor. .”


Originally, she also had this honor.

"Miss... I..." A trace of annoyance flashed through Hong Luo's eyes.

"As for you..." Yao Yao clapped her hands.

The moment the palms were clapped, a group of servants ran in from outside the house, holding trays in their hands, and on the trays, there were many gold and silver treasures.

"I don't have anything else besides giving you money right now. These are your dowry." Yao Yao looked at the table, "Finally, I will give you some advice, eat well, wash well, and raise your baby well. In a few days, after I notify the prince, he will come to pick you up. Do you understand?"

Hong Luo stood there dumbly, unable to make a sound for a long time.

Yao Yao didn't wait for her to respond, and left with her men and horses. There was only a table of food and a pile of gold and silver jewelry left in the room.

Hong Luo sat alone at the dining table, looking at the table full of food and those gold and silver jewelry, her heart felt sore and astringent.

Why did she become like this?She is actually very clear in her heart!
It's jealousy!
She is jealous of Miss Yao Yao's status as a daughter, of her wealth and wealth, and of her talent and beauty.This jealousy blinded her eyes, and she dismissed this young lady who loved her in every possible way.

Now that she is on the verge of breaking out, she has no choice but to go. Now that she has come to this day, it is impossible for her to look back!
This is the farewell to the friendship between master and servant.I hope to meet again in the future, even if it is not a confrontation between enemies, but we can still have a peaceful chat.

Let's wait until the prince comes to pick her up and return to the palace.

After several days of longing, the prince finally came.

Hong Luo stood at the door, looking at the prince's guard of honor, she was so happy from ear to ear, she immediately followed the prince to the door with her jewelry and dowry in her arms.

The cars waiting at the door, one after another, really didn't treat her poorly.

Hong Luo looked back, and saw that only Hou Ye Qin Yilan was at the door, and neither the eldest lady nor Meng Tao showed up.

Hong Luo nuzui muttered, "Miss won't come out?"

Qin Yilan said softly, "She is not in good health. It is not suitable for blowing."

Turning around, Qin Yilan said to Yu Wenhong, "Your Majesty, please take good care of her."

Yu Wenhong sneered, "Well, let's go—"

In a few words, Yu Wenhong dragged Hong Luo into the carriage.

Before the carriage set off, she lifted the curtain from time to time and looked behind, hoping that the eldest lady would come out to see her off for the last time.Unfortunately, she was disappointed.

But the feeling of loss didn't last long, the more the carriage drove towards the palace, the more excited she became.

Her life is finally over!
In the future, after her mother is expensive with her son, she will go back to the Hou Mansion to meet the eldest lady...

The carriage stopped suddenly.

Hong Luo asked strangely, "What's the matter? Have you arrived at the palace?"

Yu Wenhong dismounted first, opened the curtain and said to her, "Come on, come down."

Hong Luo dawdled out of the carriage and looked around, "I haven't arrived at the palace, Prince, where is this?"

"Medical hall."

(End of this chapter)

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