Chapter 61 Forced Abortion

Hong Luo flustered slightly, "Why did the prince bring me to the clinic? Could it be that the prince suspects that I am not pregnant?"

Yu Wenhong snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter to me whether you are pregnant or not."

"What, what? What do you mean, Prince?"

"It means that a maid who is pregnant is not clean, how can she rely on the crown prince? Anyway, I am too lazy to investigate the truth, I just need to make sure of one thing."

"...No...No..." Hong Luo staggered a big step, only to realize that there were guards standing behind her when she stepped back.

Yu Wenhong was indifferent to her, and snorted, "I don't know what my identity is? Still wanting to use my child to become a dragon and a phoenix? Are you worthy?"

"His Royal Highness! How can you say such a thing? This is your child!"

"If I don't agree, he can't come to the world. Come and bring him in."

"No—I don't want—the prince spares my life—I, I, I, I don't want a concubine, I just want to give birth to this child! It doesn't matter if the prince recognizes it or not, please spare his life, okay?"

Yu Wenhong stopped answering and just waved his hand.

The guards dragged him directly into the hospital.

A woman's miserable scream came from the hospital, "Ah—it hurts—don't take my child—please—don't—"

After a while, the guard came out, "Your Highness, it's done."

"Make sure the baby is dropped?"

"Yes, the medicine was taken in a full dose, and there was a lot of bleeding. I almost lost my life. The doctor said, I'm afraid this girl will not be able to conceive again in the future."

Yu Wenhong nodded in satisfaction, "It's not too bad. Since she is a housemaid, she should have such a body. To her, a child is just a burden. When you miss her in the future, you can come and play with her. There is no need to worry about anything anymore! Heh..."

The guards all bowed their heads and kept silent, a trace of pity and helplessness flashed in their eyes.

The convoy left the hospital and walked away.

Hong Luo was lying in the hospital with her face ashen ashes, her body was covered in blood, and her tears were silently dripping down.

Hou House.

After Yao Yao sent Hong Luo away, she took out two wedding dresses from the treasure chest.

They are all red wedding dresses.

Seeing this, Meng Tao murmured, "What does Missy do with her wedding dress? You're already married!"

Yao Yao smiled knowingly, "This is the wedding dress I prepared for you two."

you two?Meng Tao understood that one of them belonged to Hong Luo.

Yao Yao took out one of them, walked to the brazier outside the house, and threw it in, "Ai——it's a pity. She doesn't want a red wedding dress, she prefers a pink wedding dress."

Meng Tao pouted, "She doesn't care about it herself. Don't be angry, miss."

Yao Yao turned her head and said, "Mengtao, I want to marry you."

Meng Tao immediately said shyly, "Who are you referring to?"

"Who else? You have chosen your husband and son-in-law yourself, and you ask me who to marry?" Yao Yao laughed, "Call Ling Yu over, I will directly marry you two, and I will start arranging for you tomorrow For the wedding of the two of you, the dowry will be quite a lot, and it will all be prepared for you."

Meng Taohong yelled, "Missy is so kind to me, what should I do if I don't want Missy?"

"Who said that if you get married, you will leave me? I still need you."

Meng Tao muttered dumbly, "Oh, that's right."

Yao Yao turned around and put the other wedding dress into her arms, and said, "Mengtao, cherish it. Officials and officials can't be monogamous, they all like three wives and four concubines, but you should be able to. Ling Yu This man is sincere and honest, and he should be devoted to his wife. Take good care of this good man, and you will be very happy for the rest of your life. "

Meng Tao blushed and nodded vigorously, "Yeah. I think so too. Brother Ling Yu is really nice to me. I just want to be a couple with him for the rest of my life. Besides, with the support of the eldest lady, he won't If you dare to change your mind, you will never betray me."

Yao Yao smiled gratifiedly, and touched Meng Tao's head.

The next day, Yao Yao arranged Mengtao's wedding in a big way, and all the auspicious days were selected properly, just waiting for the wedding date to come.

It's just that the day before the wedding, Manager Ling suddenly came over to report, "Ma'am, there is a beggar at the door looking for you."

"Female beggar? Who is it?"

"It looks familiar, it looks a bit like Miss Hongluo, I'm not sure."

Yao Yao hurriedly got up and went to the door to check.

Outside the door, a distraught and embarrassed woman looked up at her surroundings with blurred eyes. When she turned her head and saw Yao Yao, her tears instantly burst into tears. "Miss—"

Hong Luo rushed to Yao Yao's side, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and when she wanted to stretch out her trousers, Chen Qi hurriedly stopped her, "Don't touch my wife with your dirty hands."

Hong Luo burst into tears, "Miss, it's me! I'm Hong Luo."

Yao Yao was so surprised, she looked at Hong Luo back and forth several times, and frowned and asked, "Didn't you enter the palace?"

Holding back her great resentment, Hong Luo gasped, "The crown prince didn't let me have his child. On the way into the palace, he dragged me to the clinic and gave me three bowls of abortion pills. The child couldn't be saved. I almost lost my life too. Woooooo..."

Yao Yao said speechlessly, " so unfeeling? Cough——"

Chenchen Qi hurriedly coaxed, "Ma'am, don't get angry."

Yao Yao snorted, "I knew that man was unreliable. Fortunately, Yu'er was not with him."

Just after saying this, her eyes bulged, and her eyelids jumped up.Think about it, the second prince is not very reliable!

Hong Luo cried, "Miss, I didn't know until this moment how wrong I was! Why didn't I listen to what Miss said! I'm sorry Miss, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please Take me in again! Okay? This servant will definitely be loyal to you from now on!"

Yao Yao turned around and ordered, "Clean the Xipianyuan."

Chen Chenqi nodded, "Yes."

Hong Luo was extremely surprised, she thought she would need to spend a lot of talking to enter the mansion, but she didn't expect to get in so easily.

The down-and-out woman followed the manager timidly, and stepped into Xipianyuan.

Many maidservants came in with grooming utensils and changed clothes, and a doctor was also arranged.

Hong Luo's eyes turned red in an instant, and she grabbed a maidservant and said, "The eldest lady treats me the best, what about her? I'll go over after I change and wash my clothes..."

But the maid said, "Miss Hongluo, madam wants us to bring you a message."

"Huh? What?"

"This garden, if you want to live, you can stay here. You won't be short of food and drink, but she hopes that you can keep yourself safe in the future and don't step out of this garden. Of course, if you forcefully want to leave, she won't stay." , outside the mansion, she will also arrange a garden for you. But after you go out, you have to rely on yourself."

Hong Luo asked in surprise, "Miss, what does this mean? Am I still her maid when I come back?"

"It's not anymore."

"What?" Hong Luo staggered, "Then what does she mean by taking me in?"

The servant girl smiled contemptuously, "It's just that our wife has a big stomach. If it were me, heck——I care about your life?"

Hong Luo looked embarrassed.

The maid threw the clothes on the table and said, "Eat well, sleep well, it's not bad to live here. But don't mess with those silly things. I won't serve hypocritical people. Let's go."

With a call, the maidservants lined up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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