The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 65 Pretend to be sick and teach you for your husband

Chapter 65 Pretend to be sick and teach you for your husband
The eunuch felt aggrieved and ran to whisper to Yuwen Dongyue.

Yuwen Dongyue was so angry that he slapped the incense burner on the ground, "Immediately carry the stretcher over and carry him to the palace."

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

The eunuch hastily called three imperial physicians to accompany him, and carried them on a stretcher.

The eunuch said with a sad face, "This is an order from the emperor himself, please enter the side hall. Madam can't walk, you can lie on a stretcher, and we will carry you."

"The emperor's life is in trouble!" Yao Yao stretched out her hand and said with a coquettish smile, "Mengtao helped me up."


Meng Tao quickly reached out to pick her up.

Yao Yao staggered to the stretcher, lay down on it, covered her with the quilt properly, "cough cough cough..."

The eunuch shouted, "Hold up a little more, don't damage Mrs. Hou."


When passing by the prince's palace, Yu Wenhong heard the news and hurried to the outside of the palace, just in time to see Yao Yao being carried passing by.

He hurriedly called them to stop, "Uh-huh—"

The eunuch hurriedly stopped.

The eunuch hurriedly walked up to the prince and winked, "Go back to the prince, madam has been kneeling for a long time, her legs are weak and she can't walk, the emperor sent a small stretcher to carry it."

Yu Wenhong pulled his face and shouted secretly, "Why did you run to find Father?"

The eunuch also bit his ear and replied, "I can't do without looking for the emperor. Madam didn't even want to get up, and she coughed up blood just now. It's such a mess, I really can't do anything about it. Prince forgive me!"

Yu Wenhong's face was full of displeasure, which showed that Yao Yao's pale appearance was really helpless.

Yao Yao raised her head weakly, "His Royal Highness, my wife seems to have a cold and fever. My legs are weak, so my wife can't get up and salute."

Yu Wenhong hummed sullenly, and said awkwardly, "Madam is really weak, did you get chills and fever after a little bit of wind outside?"

"It's true that my wife's body doesn't live up to expectations. Cough cough cough...Please forgive me, the prince, I just want to see Lord Hou one last time cough cough cough..."

"……"is it so serious?
Is it so serious?
Said the last side? ? ?

When the three of them saw such a weak woman at the door, they really didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

Seeing Yao Yao like this, Mu Li was actually very happy from the bottom of his heart.She is now eagerly waiting for this woman to go to see Yan Luo soon.

As long as she dies, she will have a chance to get close to Qin Yilan.

Yu Wenqin and Yu Wenhong were still a little scared, Yao Yao was their teacher's daughter after all, even if the emperor didn't show up, they would not be able to explain something happened to Yao Yao just for the sake of the grand tutor.

Yu Wenhong shook his hands helplessly, "Go, send it to the third child."


When Yao Yao was sent to the gate of Qin Yilan's palace, Zimo was taken aback, "Stop me. What's wrong with Madam?"

Meng Tao cried, "Our young lady is going to enter the palace, but the crown prince and the others blocked the way to let us in. The young lady knelt outside the palace for an hour before being allowed in!"

Upon hearing this, the sound of teacups breaking came from inside the room.

"Yao'er." Qin Yilan pushed open the door, he wished he could jump over and arrest her immediately.

Yao Yao lifted the quilt, walked slowly to Qin Yilan's side, and nestled into his arms, "I'm sorry, Lord Hou, cough cough cough..."

Qin Yilan sighed, "Why do you have to enter the palace?"

"You are hurt, I want to take care of you."

"Impressive seven-foot man, why do you need to take care of me? You can make me feel at ease by taking care of yourself!" Qin Yilan reached out and touched her forehead, "So hot?"

"Ah?" Yao Yao pushed him away and touched her forehead, "Is it really typhoid? Why didn't I notice it? It doesn't seem to be hot..."

"Stupid woman! Come into the house with me!" Qin Yilan dragged Yao Yao into the room, put her down on the bed, covered her with the quilt, "Bring the heater over here. Why are you still standing there, go make some ginger soup."

Yao Yao stretched out her hand, grabbed the back of Qin Yilan's busy hand, and asked, "Where is Lord Hou? How is your injury? Can you let me see first?"

"What's so interesting? Let's talk about your own illness first."

"Master Hou, I'm here to take care of you, not to trouble you."

Qin Yilan snorted with a straight face, "Shut up."


Ginger soup was brought over, and Qin Yilan brought ginger soup to feed her.

Yao Yao muttered and asked, "I think I'm fine! It's true that I knelt for a while just now, but I can't be so coquettish. Lord Hou, I'm just pretending!"

At this moment, the voice of the imperial physician came from outside the house.

"Master Hou, we are here to ask for pulse at the emperor's order."

"Master Hou, the crown prince has also told the minister to ask for his pulse."

"Master Hou, Princess Hele is also very concerned about Madam's condition, and specially ordered this humble official to come and ask for her pulse."

Qin Yilan took out a bright red elixir from his sleeve, threw it into the ginger soup, stirred it a few times, then turned around and said, "Madam, drink the ginger soup first."

Seeing this scene, Yao Yao was very surprised.

What did he lose in the ginger soup?

Although he hesitated, he still drank it obediently.At this juncture, it seems that there is no room for her to question.

After gurgling, it didn't take long for her to feel hot and uncomfortable.

"Lord Hou? I..."

"Shh - you are weak, lie down quietly, may I ask the imperial doctor to come over and take your pulse?"

"No, it's not—I——"

He poured medicine into her bowl just now. He didn't know what it was, but the medicine was inexplicably familiar, as if she had taken it before.

It's the kind that makes her go all over the place after eating it.

Yao Yao hid under the blanket, frowning in pain.

The three imperial physicians entered the room one after another and sat down one by one to check the pulse.

After this pulse detection, everyone gasped, "It's incredible!"

"It's incredible!"

"It's really bad! The heart is beating so hard."

"It's so hot."

"Look at Madam's painful expression. I'm afraid Madam won't survive tonight!"

"Madam is so weak, how can she suffer from this cold?"

After discussing for a long time, the three of them prescribed a prescription and left one after another.

One returned to the prince and replied, "His Royal Highness, Mrs. Hou is seriously ill, and I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight."

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenhong almost fainted.

Is that woman made of paper?Is it really that fragile?He shouldn't have let Mu Li mess around like that just now!

It's over, the basket is getting bigger.

On the other side, Princess Hele heard the eunuch say that Yao Yao's life is not long and she might not survive tonight.

Upon hearing this, she laughed out loud, "Hahaha, good! Give me a reward! A big reward!"

As for the emperor, hearing the news that Yao Yao was critically ill, he rushed to Qin Yilan's palace in a hurry.

When passing through the prince's palace on the way, he dug out the prince by the way.

He didn't say a word on the way, but the prince had clearly felt the majestic pressure from the emperor.

Right at the entrance of Qin Yilan's bedroom, Yuwen Tongyue stared and said, "Wait here."

"It's the royal father."

Yuwen Dongyue entered the room wheezing, "Yi Lan."

Qin Yilan heard the emperor's call, and hurried out to greet him, "Your majesty."

"How is Yao Yao?"

Qin Yilan shook her head, "Ma'am, it's too hard. I don't know where she is hurting, and I really can't find a way to relieve her. Your Majesty, please listen to your voice."

"Hou...Hou Ye...I'm so sad...Hou Ye..."

The voice is very weak, but it can still be heard that Yao Yao is in great pain.

(End of this chapter)

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