The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 66 The Night of Life and Death

Chapter 66 The Night of Life and Death
Yuwen Tongyue paced impatiently, humming with a stern face, "Where's the imperial doctor? Why don't you let me wait by your side?"

"The imperial doctor is at a loss. The prescription has been prescribed. I have sent someone to grab the medicine. The imperial doctor said that whether she can survive tonight depends entirely on Yao'er's own fortune."

Yuwen Tongyue exhaled, "Okay! With my Imperial Fortune Bodyguard, I guarantee that she will survive tonight."

Qin Yilan hurriedly knelt down and cupped his hands, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En."

After Yuwen Dongyue finished speaking, he turned and left the palace, saw Yu Wenhong still standing outside the palace, and said with a straight face, "I need to know if Yao Yao can survive tonight."

Yu Wenhong was slightly taken aback, and suddenly understood what his father meant, "My son stays here, and I will inform my father as soon as I hear the wind."


After Yuwen Dongyue dropped a word, she turned and left.

Yu Wenhong could only hold his breath and stand obediently here.

I was also very scared in my heart, because I was afraid that the short-lived ghost would really die.If he can make it through, he might be able to turn the big thing into a minor one, but if he can't make it through, it will probably take a long time to come, and he will be disgusted by his father.

In the room, Qin Yilan sat back on the bed again, helped Yao Yao up, and murmured in a low voice, "Madam is wronged, hurry up and take medicine."

A white pill was brought to her mouth.

Yao Yao swallowed it aggrievedly, raised her eyes silently and asked, "Is this the antidote?"

"Uh... it's not a complete solution, but a relief. My medicine is so strong that it can't be completely relieved."

Yao Yao breathed out and asked, "Why did Lord Hou feed me such a strong medicine?"

"The strong medicine takes effect quickly, and the effect is violent, and the symptoms are severe, so those quack doctors can't tell the pulse. You can't hide the truth from those imperial doctors by pretending to be sick, so I can only use this trick to help you lie."

Yao Yao muttered speechlessly, "Master Hou really bothered you. Hmph—"

Does he think her acting skills are poor?Did you actually add such a strong firewood to her, trying to piss her off?

Thinking of before, Hong Luo secretly drugged Qin Yilan, and Qin Yilan poured it into her mouth. Compared with this time, the drug was really nothing compared to the big witch, and it couldn't be compared.

Thinking of this, Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and asked, "Master Hou, why do you carry such vulgar medicine with you?"

Qin Yilan was instantly dumbfounded.

He never thought that she would ask this question.



Qin Yilan blinked in embarrassment, and couldn't think of a good excuse for a while, "I...uh..."

"Master Hou, you are a gentleman! How can you hide this kind of medicine on your body?" Yao Yao put on an expression that I want to re-examine you.

Qin Yilan panicked, "Actually, this is for myself."

"Huh?" Yao Yao's head was full of question marks.

"Sometimes, I also need to pretend to be sick. This medicine will not hurt the body, and it can also make the doctor make a wrong diagnosis. It is the best necessity for pretending to be sick."

"..." Yao Yao's eyeballs rolled up crazily.

Convincing power is not very high!

But there was no way to refute him.

Facing the disgusted daughter-in-law, Qin Yilan sighed helplessly.

I always feel that my great image is gone today.

How to do?
knock --

A knock on the door suddenly broke the awkward atmosphere.

Qin Yilan happily responded, "Who?"

Zimo's voice came from outside the door, "Master Hou? Is the prince still standing outside? What should I say?"

Qin Yilan hurriedly lowered her head and asked, "Yao'er, when do you plan to recover?"

Yao Yao snorted, "At least three days."

She also knew that the prince was punished by the emperor to stand outside the house. She was not well, so he might not be able to leave.So I want to delay him for three days.

Qin Yilan hurriedly said, "You are not well. The imperial physician will definitely come to check your pulse from time to time. Although my medicine has no other side effects, it will not be good if you take too much. Maybe you accidentally got into the root."

Yao Yao's face turned green slightly, "Still eating?"

"Sure, the imperial physician asked for pulse. If you don't take medicine, how can you fool their eyes?"

"..." Yao Yao murmured in panic, "What will happen if the medicine gets into the root?"

Qin Yilan covered her mouth and snickered, "The silver medicine is in the marrow, every time you see me in the future, your body will go limp, and you will throw yourself into my arms and beg for my favor."


Yao Yao held her breath for a long time and then gasped, "Just one night! I'll just pretend to be sick for one night! The imperial doctor will come to ask for pulse tomorrow, and I will be cured."

There's no point putting yourself in it just to punish the prince.

"Okay." Qin Yilan rubbed her palms and said softly, "Although you don't have a fever, it is certain that you have a cold. I need to remove the cold for you."

"I've already drank ginger soup, and just after taking that medicine, my whole body is extremely hot, how can I still be cold?"

"The cold air enters the lungs! You don't understand medical principles, so you haven't paid attention to taking care of your body." Qin Yilan said in a deep voice, "It's better to obey my orders and obediently expel the cold."

"All right, all right, I'll drive it away." Yao Yao tilted her head and asked, "How?"

"Get a few golden needles. Take off your clothes." Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "Don't mind, ma'am, because I'm blind, and I don't know the acupuncture points unless I feel it, so...if I'm not careful...uh... Anyway, we are too Husband and wife, right?"

Yao Yao was so frightened that she immediately covered her clothes, "No, no, no more injections. I can still bear the coldness."

Qin Yilan pulled his face on the spot, "Ma'am!! You can't make fun of your body! You must get rid of the cold."

"If you want to get rid of the cold, go home and get rid of it. I don't care about it for a long time. It's really bad to go out without clothes, and it's a breach of etiquette."

"This is my palace."

"Anyway, this is my rule. Hmph!" Yao Yao turned her head, wrapped in the quilt and exhaled, pretending to be asleep.

Qin Yilan sighed and shook his head.

He felt that he was not good enough, and he always felt that he was lacking in the majesty of the head of the family.In front of her, he always seemed to be unable to be majestic, and when his temper was about to harden, he hit the soft cotton with a fist, completely useless, and sometimes rebounded and injured himself.

This woman can't be tough, she has soft ears, so she can only be soft.But coaxing her also has to pay attention to the doorway, if you can't figure out the doorway, it's useless to coax her.

Qin Yilan pulled some quilts, slowly squeezed behind her, and fell asleep with her arms around her.

When Yao Yao turned to face him, she suddenly saw him frowning, and then remembered his injury, and hurriedly shouted, "Where is the wound, Lord Hou? I want to see it!"

Qin Yilan snorted and said with a smile, "It's fine if you want to see it, but let me drive away the cold first."

"Master Hou! What the hell are you talking about with me? I'm concerned about your injury."

"I'm also concerned about your body!"

After being deflated for a long time, Yao Yao snorted again, turned her head and turned her back, "Forget it. I see you are alive and well, so I guess it will be fine even if you get injured. I don't need to worry about it at all."

"..." Qin Yilan muttered aggrievedly, "He has no heart..."

Facing him with his back, sleeping very restlessly, always feeling stuffy in his chest, turning over again, staring at him, "Master Hou, do you still have that white pill? Feed me another." Is it good?"

Qin Yilan asked with a suppressed smile, "What? The medicine hasn't passed yet? Can't bear it?"

Yao Yao's face turned red, "Master Hou, can you stop molesting me? If you want to blame it, blame your medicine for being too nasty! You gave me medicine indiscriminately, can't you be responsible?"

After hearing this, Qin Yilan stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, provoking a wild kiss, and whispered after the kiss, "I will take responsibility, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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