Chapter 89
"What's the use of apologizing now? Old man He broke up with me. He didn't see eye to eye. Why go up to please me? You, you have to use your brain. I don't need to think about the conflict between Miss He and you. I can guess that you stopped Miss He Er from entering the Hou's mansion, and that's why you had such a fierce fight with her. Outsiders say you are a jealous woman. Fortunately, Master Hou has a big belly and didn't say anything about you, otherwise it would be your crime , it would not be an exaggeration to send you home directly."

"..." Yao Yao bowed her head silently, no longer speaking.

"Look at that eldest daughter of the He family, who was abandoned by General Song in the street. If you are treated like this, I will tell you directly that you don't have to go back to your mother's house. I will not accept such a shameful daughter."

Yao Yao felt that her hands and feet were getting colder and colder, and her whole body couldn't help shaking from the cold.

She knew that her father was a strict man, but she never thought that he would say such a thing.

Yao Wenwen said to himself, "If you want to correct your bad reputation, the only way is to take a concubine for Lord Hou. That girl Zhao Wan is pretty good. Since you have already taken her in, why don't you give her a title?" ?”

Yao Yao suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in her heart, and she could hardly breathe.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." The cough that hadn't appeared for a long time suddenly reappeared.

I was used to pretending to be sick before, coughing a few times like a joke, I forgot for a while, it turned out that the cough attack was so painful.

It was only then that Yao Wenwen realized that Yao Yao's expression was not right, and hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

Yao Yao covered her mouth and shook her head, "Father, my daughter is not feeling well, please go home. Cough cough cough...Mengtao...Mengtao...send daddy home."

Meng Tao ran in from outside the house, and when she saw the battle, she was startled, "What's wrong, Miss?"

Yao Wenwen got up awkwardly, "Just said a few words to her, and that's it? Your body is really unbelievable, exactly like your mother."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yao Yao's face became paler and paler, and Meng Tao got angry, and shouted at Yao Wenwen, "Master, let's go, this servant will see you off."

Meng Tao had just sent Yao Wenwen out, and when she came back, she saw bloodstains on Yao Yao's handkerchief covering her mouth. She was so frightened that her whole face turned green, and she went out of the room and shouted, "Call the doctor quickly! Where is he?"

Zhao Wan and Ling Yu ran over one after another, "What's wrong?"

"Miss coughed up blood, who will go to the palace to invite Lord Hou back?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads, "How can we do this! We can't even enter the gate of the palace."

Zhao Wan thought for a moment, then hurriedly said, "I'll go see if General Song is at home."

"Come on then."

As soon as Song Ci came back from the palace, he bumped into Zhao Wan wandering in front of his house, "Miss Zhao Wan."

Zhao Wan looked back, rushed towards him with red eyes, knelt down in front of him and kowtowed, "Can the general help? My wife is coughing up blood, the general will help me go to the palace and invite Lord Hou back, okay?"

Song Ci frowned, "Unfortunately, Lord Hou and the emperor went into the mountain and couldn't come back for two days."

Zhao Wan's face changed drastically, "Why is this happening? What are they doing in the mountains?"

"I don't know about this. They only brought the Imperial Forest Army into the mountain this time."

"Master Hou is not here, what should we do?" Zhao Wan cried anxiously.

"I'll go to the palace to find the Duke and ask him to bring the imperial doctor back. It should be fine."

Zhao Wan hurriedly kowtowed to express her gratitude, "Thank you, General."

Song Ci got on the horse and groaned, "Now I know how to thank me. I didn't see your flattering expression when I gave you the medicine before."

Zhao Wan raised her eyes in surprise.

After Song Ci gave her a graceful smile, he turned and rode away.

Around night, Qin Yan hurried back to the mansion with an old imperial doctor in the palace.

The old imperial doctor entered the room to check the pulse. Qin Yan stood outside the door with a straight face and asked, "What happened? Why is he coughing up blood?"

Meng Tao snorted, "I don't know about it, I just know that Master Yao came to talk to Miss for a while, and it's over before the two of you finish chatting."

Qin Yan stroked his beard with a solemn face.

The old imperial doctor stepped out of the room with the medicine box on his back, "Go back to Your Excellency the Duke."

"Well, how's the situation?"

"Before the old man came, Madam's condition had stabilized. The doctors in the mansion are not low-level, so don't worry."

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The old imperial doctor said again, "It's just Madam's illness, I don't think it's easy."

Qin Yan frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Madam's illness is not tuberculosis, but poisoning."

Meng Tao's eyes widened and she yelled, "What? Poisoned?"

In the room, the semi-conscious woman slightly opened her dazed eyes and listened in.



Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you sure it's poisoning? Isn't it tuberculosis?"

"Yes, based on my many years of experience as a doctor, her illness is very similar to tuberculosis, but there are still subtleties, and I can't say more about it. She has been poisoned for many years, and the poison penetrated into the heart and lungs before she became coughing. But the poison It's still very slight, and it doesn't look like a serious problem on the surface, but the residual poison is deposited in the body and cannot be discharged at one time. This time, it must have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and he coughed up blood due to shortness of breath."

"Irritated?" Qin Yan became more and more unhappy, "It seems that Yao Lao said a lot this time."

Meng Tao stomped her feet and said, "For sure! My lady has never been so angry! Your Excellency, you must give my lady a break!"

Qin Yan waved his hand and said with a sigh, "Go to my treasury, pick up ten carts of gold and silver treasures, and follow me to Yao Mansion."

"Huh?" Meng Tao's eyes widened.


What is this operation?
Meng Tao didn't know what Qin Yan was going to do, she had to serve Yao Yao, so she couldn't follow her, she could only ask Ling Yu to follow her to see the situation.

Qin Yan swaggered and went to Yao's mansion with a gift.

As soon as Qin Yan got off the carriage, Yao Wenwen received the wind and came out to greet him.

When Yao Wenwen saw the gold and silver treasures in these ten carriages, he was immediately shocked and dumbfounded. There were countless people around, showing extremely envious expressions.

It's just very strange that Old Duke Qin's expression is not very happy.

Yao Wenwen said awkwardly, "What are you doing, Lord Duke?"

Qin Yan waved his hand, puffed out his chest and hummed, "Teacher Yao dislikes the lack of betrothal gifts from our Qin family, so this time he specially added some more."

Yao Wenwen blushed instantly, "What do you think the Duke said?"

Qin Yan snorted, "Are you sure you want me to stand at the door and talk to you in detail?"

Upon hearing this, Yao Wenwen hastily gave way, "My lord, please come in and chat in detail."

Qin Yan flicked his sleeves and entered the room angrily.

Stepping into the living room, sitting on the high platform, still pulling a face.

Yao Wenwen's beard couldn't stop twitching, and he asked in a low voice, "I don't know where I offended the Duke?"

Qin Yan cast him a glance, and reprimanded lightly, "Master Taifu, you should know that your wife saved my Liuli's life back then. Our Qin family will absolutely repay Mrs. Yao's kindness."

"Uh, the Duke doesn't have to worry about it so much. It's her duty for Madam to sacrifice for the Princess."

"Yes, it is her duty to save my family's Liuli. It is our love for us to repay the favor. It is a pity that my wife fell off the cliff and died. If the kindness is not enough, I can only find her daughter. That girl Yao Yao chose herself at the beginning. Husband, I reminded my family Yilan that if she doesn’t choose you, she will have to take her back to the mansion. The daughter-in-law who is finally looking forward to, I will treat her as my own daughter-in-law when she gets married, and she won’t even speak. Dare to yell loudly, for fear of alarming her fragile figure. Heh... Today is a good day. I heard from the old imperial doctor that she fainted due to panic attack. Tai Tuo, I don't understand, who made her angry?"

Yao Wenwen was so surprised that he didn't know how to close his mouth, "This—"

(End of this chapter)

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