The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 90 The Duke has a Bullish Temperament

Chapter 90 The Duke's Bullish Temperament
"After thinking about it, I felt that I should have given less dowry, and I was angry with your daughter, so I brought ten carts of gold and silver treasures to make up for it. Yao Lao, if you say this, will she feel better? ?”

Yao Wenwen was so blocked that he was speechless, he was holding his breath and he didn't dare to pant.

Qin Yan is here to vent his anger on Yao Yao?Yao Wenwen couldn't understand it. Is it necessary to do this?

Yao Wenwen was silent for a long while before he could squeeze out a few words, "The day before yesterday she had some trouble with the second young lady of the He family, which killed the second child of the He family. There were constant rumors outside, and I was afraid that she would affect Yilan's reputation. So I went over and told her A few words... I didn't know that she would react so strongly, but..."

Qin Yan snorted angrily, "For whom? The He family? What kind of thing is the He family? The life of the second son of the He family is not worth letting my daughter-in-law take care of her? Do you think she is worthy?"


"Also, since she married into our Qin family, she has a bad reputation, so she will naturally belong to our Qin family. She has done something wrong, and my son will scold her. It's not that my son was not there that day. The matter is over, my son Did you say that she was half wrong?"

"Uh this..."

"What's more, the He family buried their daughter without an autopsy. There are rumors about the cause of death. Why don't you think about the cause and effect and just blame your own daughter for her misconduct? People slander and slander her, her grievances , did you see half of it? You just don’t see her being wronged, but she still came here to scold her. Hmph!"

"Ahem——" Yao Wenwen blushed, and couldn't help coughing while covering his fists.

Qin Yan rolled his eyes at him, "Teacher, please take care of yourself. I didn't say anything to you, but you just coughed like this. It's just right, you turn around and think about your daughter, she was also coughed by anger, and she coughed directly. Bleeding. Do you understand the pain she endured at that time, how many times more than you?"

"I just think she has dragged your Qin family down..."

"Drag? Shouldn't girls be protected by us men when they marry each other? Shouldn't we tolerate everything about her?"

"Ah this-"

"That's all, I don't understand how your Yao family treats your wives and concubines, but don't teach my son your way. My son didn't ask you to be his teacher. He can't learn your way. There is no need to say what is good for my son, the Qin family is not rare!"

Yao Wenwen couldn't hold back any longer, stood up and said politely, "Your Excellency, don't get angry, it's the lower official who said something wrong, I'll talk to her later, it will make her feel at ease."

Qin Yan finally nodded in satisfaction, "It's not too bad!"

After finishing speaking, he got up and shook his sleeves, "No need to give it away."

"Your Excellency, you should take this gift back. I can't afford it!"

"There is no reason to take back the gift that I Qin sent out. What's more, it is for my daughter-in-law to add value. It should be given! If you don't give it to others, you will not know how much our Qin family values ​​this daughter-in-law! No matter who it is in the future, When you come to our Qin family, you have to be polite to her, after all, her worth is already there, right? Tai Tuo!"

Yao Wenwen blushed in embarrassment, nodded in agreement, "Yes..."

After saying this, Qin Yan walked away without shaking his head.

Yao Wenwen looked at his leaving back, feeling really mixed in his heart.

He never thought that Yao Yao would have such a high status in the Qin family.

In order to vent her anger, His Excellency the Duke really didn't show him any face. No one could bear the aggressive posture between the lines.

It seems that he really went too far this time, let's talk to that girl tomorrow.

After Ling Yu returned to the mansion, he recounted the conversation between Qin Yan and Yao Wenwen, word by word.

As soon as Yao Yao woke up, she heard his vivid speech, and she was very surprised on the spot.

Her father-in-law is so strong?To go directly to her father's place and give him a meal?
Compared with her father's sneering scolding, her father-in-law's style really warms her heart.

That cold and thorough little heart suddenly became hot.Eye sockets are moist.

She really never expected that after Lord Nuanxin Hou guarded her every time, there would be such a good father-in-law to support her.

Yao Yao held the medicine bowl, drinking it felt that the medicine was so sweet that she didn't even need candied fruit.

Ling Yu was still boasting about the Duke's every move outside the house, but he fascinated the maids in the mansion, and felt that the old man also had a unique masculine charm.

Manager Ling hurried over to announce, "Ma'am, Master Yao is here."

The corners of her smiling mouth slowly condensed, Yao Yao frowned, hesitated for a long time, then put the medicine bowl into Mengtao's hand, "I'm going to change clothes."

"Yes. The little one goes to say hello first."

After a while, Yao Yao walked to the front hall, saw her father, and called softly, "Father."

Yao Wenwen got up, glanced up and down at her, "I heard that you were seriously ill yesterday, but today you look good, are you feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you father for your concern."

Yao Wenwen sighed and said, "Yesterday I was a bit harsher, who knew you would say it so casually. This time I come to have a good chat with you, girl, you have to understand that being so strict as a father is also for your own good."

Yao Yao interrupted him, "Father, don't worry, I, Yao Yao, will take care of myself. If one day I am really abandoned, I will definitely not go back to my mother's house to embarrass you, Dad. After all, I am not in good health. Lifespan is limited, early death and late death are the same.”

Yao Wenwen was taken aback for a moment, coughing in embarrassment.

She still remembers it!Did you mean to forget what he said?

Yao Wenwen changed his mouth and said, "Girl, I didn't mean that, I just reminded you to respect discipline and manners..."

"Daddy's reprimand yesterday, Yao'er will keep it in mind, and daddy doesn't need to repeat it again. If daddy really thinks I'm ashamed, then daddy should stop visiting the Hou's mansion in the future. I'm not in good health, so I can't entertain you. Say how much My heart is gasping for words, please forgive me, Dad."

What does this mean?
Does it mean refusing to see visitors?

Wait, why do these words sound so familiar?I seem to have heard it somewhere.

——"Husband, I'm not feeling well. I'm afraid I won't be able to serve my husband wholeheartedly. Husband should go to my sister's place."

It seems that since Yao Yao's mother gave birth, her body has never been better.

This expression of politely refusing his approach is exactly the same as Yao Yao's expression of estrangement.

Yao Wenwen suddenly felt a bulge in his heart.

Looking back now, he always felt that she was pretending to be sick.

Where did he treat her wrong?

"Mengtao, take daddy home."

As soon as Yao Wenwen came back to his senses, he saw Yao Yao's back turning around and leaving first, and he didn't even have time to call out.

As soon as he left, Yao Wenwen really felt that something was wrong, and he would never see each other again the next day. Yao Yao said that he fell ill and couldn't get up, and he was never allowed to enter the gate of the Hou's mansion.

The soft nails were forced into his feet, and the pain made him uncomfortable.

The matter of Yao Yao still reminded him of the past years, when he went to find Yao Yao's mother, he was also sent away for several days.I didn't take it seriously before, thinking that she would get better in a few days.Who knows, this wait is indefinitely far away.

Thinking back to this point, Yao Wenwen felt as if his heart was being pricked by a needle, throbbing with throbbing pain, but he couldn't find a place to heal his wound, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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