Chapter 92
Qin Yilan touched the embroidery carefully and asked, "Even if I have a keen sense of touch, I can't go anywhere. What is Madam embroidery? Can you tell me?"

I hope she doesn't say it, because if he doesn't say it, he will have an excuse to stick to her and pester her, and he will not be tossed into bed by him?
Who knew that Yao Yao replied directly, "It's a unicorn claw. It's used to make belt fabric."

Qin Yilan replied regretfully, "Ah..." What a boring woman, she didn't understand his thoughts at all.

Before Yao Yao finished speaking, she said again, "Originally this is for you."

"Huh? Then, what then?"

"Now I have decided to give these things to Father."

"..." Qin Yilan's mouth twitched, "These?"

"Well, yes. Hair crown, clothes, belt, shoes, a whole set."

What the hell?What she was supposed to give him, how could she just give it to someone else?Is it plausible?
"What about mine?" Qin Yilan asked hastily.

Yao Yao turned her head and snorted, "Master Hou is not in a hurry, I will do it later."

This is not the right order, isn't he ranked first?

This is a big problem!
"Madam is angry with me? Didn't your husband just tease you..." It's not necessary, right?
"No, Lord Hou. I was sick the day before yesterday, and you were not here, Lord Hou. It was my father who called the imperial doctor to check my pulse. I almost died at that time. If my father was not by my side, I might not have survived." Master Hou came back to visit me."


Will the doctor in his family be unable to handle her illness?Need his father to ask for an imperial doctor?

Yao Yao said to herself, "Father is so kind to me, and I have to repay him well. So I changed the size of these clothes, belts and shoes, and the embroidery was also slightly changed. It is almost finished. Send it to my father in a few days."

Good.It wasn't because he offended her that he came to the conclusion, but because he had decided long ago.

Dudu wronged him, spoiled her for so long, and still can't get half of her fart.

Does she know how much she owes him?Why was she pushed behind?
Now it was Qin Yilan's turn to feel uncomfortable, with a long face and a strong jealousy all over her body.

Go to court the next day.

Qin Yan was surrounded by a large number of courtiers, laughing constantly.

Yao Wenwen passed by there, cast a glance at Qin Yan, and was about to leave sideways, when he suddenly heard Qin Yan call out, "My father-in-law—come here!"

Yao Wenwen was stunned.

what's the situation?
Didn't you roll your eyes when you saw him before, and you didn't want to see him very much, why are you so enthusiastic today?

Yao Wenwen stepped forward in embarrassment and said, "Your Excellency."

Qin Yan spread his hands directly at him, and asked braggingly, "My father-in-law, look at me today, how is it different from the past?"

Yao Wenwen scanned it up and down twice, "Ah, the duke's attire is so beautiful, so beautiful!"

Qin Yan immediately started talking, chattering non-stop, "Look at this hair crown of mine, it is exquisite, the craftsmanship is extraordinary, the carving is exquisite, and the shape is extremely unique."

The people around couldn't help exaggerating with their thumbs up, "It's true!"

"Especially on the Duke's head, it's flawless. The temperament is extraordinary!"

Qin Yan shook his sleeves again, "And here, look at the gold border, look at the embroidery, look at the unicorn claws. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Yao Wenwen was speechless, he didn't understand Qin Yan's intention of showing off.

"Come, come, look at my belt and these shoes, hahaha, it's the first time I, Mr. Qin, have been dressed up like this in all my years of life. I feel like I'm dozens of years younger all of a sudden."

"That's right, that's right, Lord Duke is full of vitality in an instant!"

"I don't know who made the duke's outfit?"


That's right!
Qin Yan applauded to show that the officials of the court were admiring him, and asked what he always wanted them to ask quickly.

Qin Yan raised his head proudly, "My filial daughter-in-law tailor-made this for me!"

Yao Wenwen immediately lowered his face and understood Qin Yan's intentions.

He came here to show off his son-daughter relationship.

He said, why did the Duke suddenly become kind to him?It took a long time to come to deflate him.

Qin Yan continued to praise, "My son really has a virtuous and capable woman, thanks to the good teaching of my in-laws!"

"Uh...hehe..." Yao Wenwen smiled awkwardly.

Qin Yan continued to ask, "By the way, my father-in-law. When your daughter was in her boudoir, did she do this to you? Huh?"

Yao Wenwen was embarrassed again and remained silent for a while before responding, "Yes, but our family has always practiced the virtue of frugality, and the clothes she made for me were never embroidered with gold lace."

"Hey, Taifu, what you said is wrong. The daughter of a rich family needs to be rich! What is the virtue of frugality? We have the strength to let her squander, so we should let her enjoy the glory and wealth. This is the mission of our men to support the family. ! Taifu, you are really too harsh on your daughter, this bad habit is not good, you have to change it."

"Uh, yes." Yao Wenwen was getting more and more frustrated.

I have been shut down by my daughter for the past few days, and today is even better, just ask the Duke to give him such a place, is it possible to make him sour?

In previous years, when the three daughters were at home, his eldest daughter was also the most caring and understanding, always thinking of him.But he never expected that the girl who seems to have a good stomach has the smallest mind and can't stand half a word.

Now there is a rift between the father and daughter, and he wants to please her, but she refuses.What a terrible headache.

Qin Yilan suddenly broke into the crowd and shouted, "Father, the emperor invites you to the imperial study."

Qin Yan responded with a smile, "Oh, I see."

When Qin Yan turned his head to leave, he caught a glimpse of his son's gloomy face and smiled inwardly.Accidentally made another sour one.

When he arrived at the Imperial Study Room, Qin Yan waited for a long time but did not hear the summons.

Eunuch Hong ran over and faltered, "The emperor is not in the imperial study, the emperor has gone to the imperial concubine's place, and the Duke has not been summoned."

Qin Yan pulled his face, "Tsk, that brat!" He dared to pass on a decree?Does he have two heads?

Is it worth risking your life to be jealous?Dare to tease his father?

Forget it, for the sake of this exquisite outfit, forgive that brat.

He wants to wear this outfit every day these days!Sour them to death!hey-hey.

Yao Wenwen hurried to Qin Yilan's side while the crowd dispersed, and called out in a low voice, "Is my son-in-law free? Take a step to talk?"

Qin Yilan paused, "Your father-in-law can follow me to the palace."


Yao Wenwen followed Qin Yilan to the palace, drinking and chatting.

Yao Wenwen cut to the chase, "You were not at home a few days ago. After you came back, you should know that there was some awkwardness between Yao Yao and me."

Qin Yilan replied softly, "Small? Isn't it small? Father, under your consciousness, it was just a small quarrel, but Yao'er vomited a lot of blood. If she didn't slow down, I wouldn't even She won't see her for the last time."

Yao Wenwen was taken aback.

This Qin Yilan has the same temper as his father.

Originally, he wanted to turn on the conflict between him and his daughter from Qin Yilan's side, but it didn't feel easy.

(End of this chapter)

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