The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 93 He loves to eavesdrop

Chapter 93 He loves to eavesdrop
"Ahem." Yao Wenwen said awkwardly, "Your father came to me that day and said a lot. I also understand what the Duke means. Indeed, the married daughter, the water that was poured out, the Qin family's family affairs, I shouldn't interfere too much. Normally, I am very strict in discipline, but I spoke a little more heavily that day, and I really didn't expect such a big trouble."

Qin Yilan swallowed sullenly, and took a sip of tea before responding, "Father-in-law is looking for me today, what do you want? Father-in-law, tell me directly."

"That girl got into trouble with me and refused to see me anymore..."

Qin Yilan interrupted him directly, "It's not that Yao Yao doesn't want to see you, it's because she can't get out of bed and see guests."

He is also a guest?

These words are too far-fetched.

A bone was choked in Yao Wenwen's throat, and he couldn't spit it out or swallow it.

Yao Wenwen shouted anxiously, "She can still embroider and give gifts while lying down. She really works hard."

Everyone is a sensible person, and one sentence clearly shows that the girl is pretending to be sick.

Qin Yilan said slowly, "Father-in-law, don't worry. There is no overnight feud between father and daughter. Yao Yao has always been sensible and obedient. After a few days, I will take her out to relax."

When Yao Wenwen heard this, Qin Yilan was willing to be the peacemaker.He smiled, "It's still a caring son-in-law, Yao'er is really lucky to marry you."

"Yeah." It was only when she mentioned the achievement of her marrying him that he smiled.

As soon as Qin Yilan came home, her leg ran straight to her daughter-in-law's garden.

According to the usual practice, he had to eavesdrop on what she was doing in the house first, and everyone in the mansion probably knew this habit.

He stopped at the door, and everyone passing by outside the house covered their mouths and snickered.

What happened to eavesdropping?Who stipulates that a husband cannot eavesdrop on his wife's chat?

"Miss, you made so many belts, are they all for Lord Hou? Why didn't you give away any of them?"

When Qin Yilan heard this, a ray of sunshine finally opened up on Qin Yilan's originally gloomy face.

Yao Yao sighed, "I want to give him the best. But I always feel that it's not good enough! Meng Tao, what do you think of this belt?"

"It's super pretty, how about this one?"

Yao Yao pondered over it carefully, then shook her head, "No, I don't think it's good enough. Bring the box and put it away. I'll think about other suits."

Qin Yilan stared blankly, anxious and helpless.

Meng Tao was even more speechless, she came over with a wooden box and stuffed things into the box, "Miss, don't blame this servant for not being able to speak, this servant thinks, Master Hou can't see anyway, no matter how good your embroidery is, it's useless, As long as it is Miss's wish, Lord Hou will receive it when you send it out, why do you bother with the suit?"

Yao Yao lowered her head and exhaled, "It's because he couldn't see it, so he didn't dare to give it. What if he doesn't like it?"

These gifts are things outside the body, no matter how good the embroidery is, if people don't like it, no matter how good it is, they will not cherish it.

She really doesn't need to worry about whether her embroidery is good or bad, what she actually cares about is Master Hou's heart.

A man's heart is the most fickle, maybe it looks good now, she is loved by him, maybe someday he will have a new love?Just like her father, no matter how good his mother was to him, in the end, he still had three wives and four concubines?

That day he promised himself that he would not take a concubine in her lifetime, but whether he could keep it was still a question!

Thinking of this, Yao Yao's heart moved again, recalling the scene of Song Ci's divorce from his wife that day, and recalling what her father said.

If she is divorced, her father will never allow her to return to her natal home.

If that day comes, where should she go?Is she going to end up in the tragic end of her own end?
Although she has long since disregarded life and death, it does not mean that she does not cherish her own life.

Yao Yao went to the dressing table, looked at the jewelry in the jewelry box, her mind sank, she turned her head and said, "Mengtao."

"Huh? Miss?"

"Go to another city and set up a shop for me. Hire some guys."

Meng Tao asked in surprise, "Miss, what are you going to do with this matter? Do you want to go into business?"

"Hush—keep your voice down." Yao Yao said angrily, "Do you want to yell so loudly that the whole Hou Mansion can hear you?"

Outside, Qin Yilan pulled down again.

He heard it, and listened very carefully.

Yao Yao exhorted, "I gave Sanmei some silver taels last time, and I don't have much left in the box, so I don't necessarily want me to go to my mother's house to get the money, right?"

Meng Tao said speechlessly, "Master Hou will give it to you."

"He gave it. He gave it to me. I feel uncomfortable when I use it. I have to keep accounts when I spend money. If I spend too much, I still have to look at his face."

"..." Can you describe how he feels at this moment?I really can't express it in words, it hurts so much.

"If I go into business, I will embarrass Lord Hou, so this matter must be kept secret. You must remember that no one in the house can tell it! Especially Lord Hou."

Meng Tao covered her heart and said, "I-Is this for sneaking?"

"There is no other way. Master Hou will definitely not allow me to go into business. Neither will my father, nor will my father-in-law. So you must remember that you have to keep a low profile, do you understand?"

"What about Ling Yu? Do you have to keep it a secret?" Meng Tao panicked.

Yao Yao suddenly covered her mouth and burst out laughing, "I am kind to Ling Yu, and if I ask, he will definitely answer. I am quite relieved about him. To put it bluntly, I think he is more reliable than you. No With a big mouth like yours, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide it."

Meng Tao was very angry, "Miss, you underestimate me, hum!"

Qin Yilan leaned against the door frame helplessly.

This girl is actually trying to find a way out for herself. Is the sense of security he gave her really so low?She really doesn't have any confidence in him?How much did she listen to the promises and vows repeated over and over again?How much do you believe?
"Ahem——" Seeing that the timing was about right, Qin Yilan coughed lightly to signal her presence.

The woman in the room hurried out to greet her, "Why did Lord Hou come back so early today?"

Qin Yilan entered the room and hugged her, "The palace came back first if there was nothing to do. What are you busy with?"

"Be a female celebrity. What can we women do at home?"

Qin Yilan was silent for a moment, couldn't hold back, and asked, "Is there any gift for me?"

He has already shamelessly asked her for it directly. I wonder if she will give it?

Yao Yao blinked in panic, "Not ready yet."


The wooden box is still on the table and you are not going to take it out for him?Really think he is blind!

I was afraid that she would save it, and the gift that was originally meant to be given to him was given to someone else instead.

Qin Yilan pinched her small face to express her dissatisfaction, "I've been busy these days, and I don't have time to go shopping in other cities. Are you free to go shopping with me tomorrow?"

Yao Yao blinked and asked, "What does Lord Hou need to buy?"

"Just go shopping."

"It seems that Lord Hou is not very happy, is there something wrong in the palace? Or did the emperor make things difficult for you?"

Qin Yilan pinched her little face again, "If I am bullied, will you help me avenge it?"

"That depends on who bullies you. If it's the emperor, I'm the same."

"What if it's not the emperor?"

"If it's Father, I won't help you either."

Qin Yilan anxiously grabbed her small waist, "I was bullied by you, tell me, what are you going to do?"

"When did I bully you?" Yao Yao had a wronged expression on her face.

Qin Yilan snorted, "Since you married me, I haven't seen you acting like a baby to me. Don't you know that acting like a baby is a must for a wife?"

"Huh?" She panicked.

It doesn't feel good.Is this man's brain circuit going to bend again?

(End of this chapter)

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