Chapter 102
Lu Yun didn't give Wu Hao any face.

When these words came out, the hearts of everyone present trembled, and Wu Hao's complexion also changed a few times.

In terms of aptitude and cultivation, Wu Hao did not lose to Lu Yun at all, but the Heavenly Knife Sect behind him would also tremble if he moved out the powerful Zhao family elder.

"Lu Yun, no matter how powerful the Zhao family is, you can't be unreasonable, right? The Yan family is also a family of cultivators. If you are so aggressive, aren't you afraid of discrediting the Zhao family?"

Wu Hao said dryly.

This remark sounded like a negotiation, but it was obviously a bit subdued.

The Yan family sisters sank to the bottom of the glacier valley with one heart.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yun is so powerful that even Wu Hao has scruples about him.


Lu Yun smiled disdainfully when he heard it.

"That's right, it's my fault that Lu didn't make it clear that the one who wants to accompany the sisters of the Yan family today is not my brother, but Brother Zhou. Compared with the Zhou family, what is the Yan family?"

"The Zhou family?"

"Which Zhou family?"

Wu Hao looked at the tall and thin man and had a bad feeling.

"Could it be the Zhou family of Yunhan country?"

The sisters of the Yan family also seemed to have guessed something, and their expressions changed slightly.

If this person really came from that family, even the Zhao family would have to give way, not to mention their little Tiandaomen and the Yan family?

"Hehe, Youdao is a fair lady, and a gentleman is very good. Zhou has admired the two fairies for a long time, and now he came to Yinyue Kingdom, but he wants to express his heartfelt love to the two fairies, and invite the two fairies to show their respect. "The tall and thin man didn't even look at Wu Hao, but stared at the sisters of the Yan family.

The sisters of the Yan family were shocked.

Wu Hao's face changed drastically.

He could calmly deal with Lu Yun, but the Zhou family in Yunhan Country was enough to overwhelm him.

In terms of background and strength, perhaps this Zhou family is almost the same as the other major families in Yinyue Kingdom, but the Sky Star Sect standing behind it is a real behemoth.

"You two fairies, from the next point of view, you should apologize to Mr. Lu and Daoyou Zhou. Thinking about being Mr. Zhou, I won't embarrass you." Wu Hao forced a stiff smile.

The sisters of the Yan family opened their mouths in disbelief.

"Sister, this..."

Yan Wushuang pulled Yan Yuyan, feeling terrified.

Seeing this, Wu Hao could only smile wryly.

Yan Yuyan was in despair.

The Yan family and Tiandaomen have always had a good relationship, and it is also because of the high prestige of Tiandaomen in Liangzhou City that her sister and her sister dared to sneak out of the family to attend the underground meeting, but they encountered such troubles.

Originally thought that if Wu Hao was invited here, Lu Yun would be able to retreat in the face of difficulties, but he never thought that the other party would actually have a child from the Zhou family of Yunhan Kingdom.

Wu Hao was too scared to make a sound when the other party said a word.

Looking around the field feebly, Yan Yuyan couldn't think of anyone else who could stand up for them.

She inadvertently looked at the round-faced young man next to Ye Chunyang. When he was in the teahouse before, this guy easily beat a few masters of eight or nine levels of Qi refining to pieces. Could he be a hidden master?
But after thinking about it, Yan Yuyan shook her head mockingly again.

This indifferent young man named "Xiaobao" might really have some strength, but Lu Yun and the tall and thin man are tenth-level masters of Qi refining, and they are not comparable to men with scars. Even if he is stronger, can he beat the two of them working together?

What's more, these two people have strong backgrounds, and Ye Chunyang and this round-faced young man are just casual cultivators, how dare they offend two families at the same time?
"Now that things are going on, I have no choice but to pretend to cater to them, and wait for the other party to relax their vigilance before waiting for an opportunity to notify the masters of the clan to come to the rescue."

Yan Yuyan's heart was cold.

After thinking for a while, she looked at Lu Yun and the two, and said, "Okay, we two sisters can go with you, but fellow Daoist Ye and fellow Daoist Xiaobao have nothing to do with this matter, please let them go."

The tall and thin man was overjoyed when he heard this.

Wu Hao felt ashamed.

I thought I could establish a stalwart image in front of the two beauties, but I didn't expect to be slapped in the face as soon as I entered the door.

Ye Chunyang looked at Yan Yuyan with interest.

This woman can't protect herself, but she can still think about him, she has a good heart.

"What does the fairy mean by this? When did you say you won't let people go?"

Lu Yun frowned and said seriously.

Yan Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Before she was completely relieved, Lu Yun's next words made her feel suspended.

"As long as they obediently kowtow to apologize, and then offer Snow Soul Pill, Lu will naturally not embarrass them."

Lu Yun looked at Ye Chunyang and Xiaobao playfully.

Yan Yuyan frowned slightly, and wanted to say something more, but in the end she could only sigh softly.

In the current situation, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and I have tried my best.

But Wu Hao didn't even look at Ye Chunyang. He came here only for the Yan family sisters, and he didn't care about the lives of these two strange monks.

"Boy, I'll give you three breaths of time to think about it. It's up to you to decide whether it's life or death." Lu Yun smiled tentatively.

Back then, Ye Chunyang could have been killed directly, but Xiang Weiqing, who was at the Dao Foundation level, fell short of his success. Lu Yun has always been brooding about this matter, and he never expected that the other party would come to his door today.

Just as he was proud, Ye Chunyang asked faintly: "I heard that your uncle is Zhao Wangui?"

"Bold! How dare you bluntly say my uncle's name?" Lu Yun's eyes flashed with coldness.

"It seems that Zhao Wangui didn't tell you what kind of existence I am. For the sake of you being a junior, as long as you kneel in front of me, I can consider to spare your life." Ye Chunyang shook his head.

"What did you say?"

Lu Yun was stunned.

The tall and thin man and the sisters of the Yan family were also dumbfounded.

"Hehe, what a big tone, what kind of Zhao family exists, how dare you look down on it like this?" Wu Hao sneered, looking at Ye Chunyang with contempt.

This kid seems to be only between the third and fourth layers of Qi refining, and his cultivation base is not high, but he is very arrogant.

"Boy, it seems that you are really tired of life?" Lu Yun's face darkened on the spot.

"I only count to three."

Ye Chunyang said to himself.

"court death!"

Lu Yun became angry, and waved at the scarred man and the others: "Destroy them for me!"

The man with the scar looked at Xiaobao behind Ye Chunyang, feeling a little apprehensive.

The scene of being slapped by the opponent just now is still deeply imprinted in my mind, if I make another move at this moment, I am afraid the ending will still be the same.


Ye Chunyang has already started counting.

The Yan family sisters looked at him puzzled.

Does he really not know the terror of the Zhao family?What good would provoking Lu Yun do him?


Ye Chunyang counted again.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Wu Hao teased.

The tall and thin man sat there indifferently, completely ignoring Ye Chunyang and the two of them.

The scarred man and the others looked hesitant and stood there refusing to move.


Ye Chunyang finally uttered a word.

"A bunch of trash! What are you still doing? Kill them!" Lu Yun said angrily.

Several people looked at each other, they were really not sure about fighting that round-faced young man, but seeing Lu Yun's face was full of anger, they had to grit their teeth and rush forward with a roar.

"I originally wanted to resolve this matter peacefully, but I didn't expect to rely on fists to speak in the end." Ye Chunyang sat down, picked up a cup of tea, and was a little bit disappointed.

At this time, Xiao Bao had already shot into the scarred man and the others like an arrow.

A low-pitched crash resounded non-stop, Ye Chunyang's teacup hadn't been put down, several figures flew out like sandbags, or hung on the eaves, or fell to the ground and twitched, and the three died before they could breathe.

"It seems that I really met a master!"

Lu Yun's eyelids twitched.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a shadow suddenly enveloped him. Lu Yun raised his head and saw Xiaobao appearing in front of him.

Lu Yun's face changed, why is the opponent's speed so fast?

"Good come!"

Lu Yun is also very human, and after a grin, he is about to urge him to make a move.

But what happened next exceeded his expectations.

A forceful spiritual pressure emanated from Xiaobao's body, and Lu Yun's method was immediately retracted into his body.

Lu Yun was shocked.

At this moment, a flower bloomed in front of my eyes.

Xiaobao's hand locked his throat like lightning, and he lifted it up in the air.


Xiao Bao slapped back and forth with his big hand, Lu Yun felt stars popping out of his eyes, and his front teeth were blown out.

The Yan family sisters were dumbfounded.

Wu Hao's body trembled.

The teacup in the tall and thin man's hand also slammed down, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Didn't Lu Yun reach the tenth level of Qi refining like him?How could he be slapped by this round-faced young man?Not even the slightest chance to fight back?

If it was said that the man with the scar and others were cleaned up before, they could still ignore it, but now seeing Lu Yun being beaten all over the floor after seeing each other, it is unbelievable.

"Who are you? If you dare to treat me like this, my uncle will definitely not let you go!"

Lu Yun was stunned by the beating, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and he yelled at Xiao Bao with a face full of humiliation.

"A mere Zhao Wangui exists like an ant. Even if he is here, if I ask him to kneel, he won't dare to stand." Ye Chunyang took a sip of tea with a look of disdain.

Everyone gasped.


At the same time, a group of people walked slowly in the street outside the inn.

This group of people dressed in the same way as ordinary people, but they walked with aura and coercion, which made the surrounding pedestrians avoid in fear.

"Go and see, what's going on in front?"

Just walking near an inn, a middle-aged man with a handsome face frowned and said to a junior in the Qi refining period beside him.

At this time, there was a lot of noise from the inn, and many people were watching from outside, blocking them in the middle of the road.

The junior in the Qi refining period heard this, and immediately bowed in response, and rushed towards the inn.

After a while, the junior returned to the middle-aged man again, but his complexion was not very good-looking.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man saw that something was wrong, pulled the horse under him, and asked.

"This... this junior dare not say." The junior in the Qi refining period looked hesitant.

"If there's anything you can't say, tell me!" The middle-aged man's face was sullen.

During the Qi refining period, the junior hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and said: "The junior didn't see clearly what happened, but when the junior approached the inn, it seemed that he heard Mr. Lu Yun and others happening inside. There is a conflict, and...the other party said that you are an ant, the elder, and he told you to kneel down, and you would never dare to stand."


The middle-aged man was taken aback.

Then, as if he heard a big joke, he grinned lowly.

(End of this chapter)

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