Chapter 103

in the inn.

Everyone was stunned.

The Yan family sisters couldn't believe what they saw.

Wu Hao and the tall and thin man also looked at Ye Chunyang in disbelief.

That round-faced young man made a strong move, which really shocked them, but everyone in Liangzhou City knows that most of the Zhao family is supported by Zhao Wangui, and Ye Chunyang is just an unknown casual cultivator, how dare he make such a wild statement?

And from the beginning to the end, it was the round-faced young man who shot. This kid doesn't seem to have a high level of cultivation, but his tone is outrageous.

"You dare to despise my uncle. If this word reaches his old man's ears, even the Daluo Jinxian will not be able to save you!"

Lu Yun said grimly.


Ye Chunyang snorted coldly.

Without saying a word, Xiao Bao immediately slapped Lu Yun back and forth with his palms.

The crisp sound of "Pa Pa Pa Pa" echoed in the inn, and every sound made everyone's hearts tremble.

It was as if Xiaobao's slap slapped Lu Yun's face, making them more painful.

Both the tall and thin man and Wu Hao's hands were shaking.

This unremarkable round-faced young man is too powerful.

Lu Yun is also a master of the tenth level of Qi refining, and he can't even get out of a round in the opponent's hands. If it were them, they would end up in the same way.

However, they faintly discovered a problem. This young man with a round face who doesn't talk too much seems to be under the orders of Ye Chunyang. The latter never made a move, and he swept the audience by himself.

"Who said that if you ask me to kneel, I won't dare to stand?"

At this moment, a sneer came from outside, and the crowd of onlookers seemed to recognize something, and their expressions changed drastically, and they parted to the left and right.

The Yan family sisters and others looked over suspiciously, only to see a majestic middle-aged man striding forward with his hands behind his back.

The incoming person's spiritual pressure was extremely strong, stepping into the arena with one step, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, making it impossible for all the qi refining monks to breathe.


Lu Yun, who was beaten with stares in his eyes, took a quick look, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, his face was ecstatic.


"Could it be Zhao Wangui, the elder of the Zhao family?"

The tall and thin man, Wu Hao and the others all trembled and stood up hastily.

But suddenly they realized something was wrong.

The middle-aged man who walked in was still dignified just now, but now he stared at the person in front of him, his eyes were as big as a cow, and the words in his mouth stopped abruptly.


Zhao Wangui's knees gave way, and he knelt down abruptly, his head buried deeply on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to say a word.

There was a dead silence in the arena.

Whether it was the crowd watching outside, or the sisters of the Yan family, the tall and thin man, Wu Hao and others in the inn, they were all dumbfounded, and their eyeballs seemed to fall out.

Looking in the direction where Zhao Wangui was kneeling, Ye Chunyang was sitting there drinking tea calmly.

"Uncle, this kid is talking rudely to you, what are you doing?" Lu Yun's eyes were about to burst.

Zhao Wangui was sweating profusely and didn't dare to move. He treated Lu Yun like a stranger and ignored him at all.

Lu Yun felt bad.

The Yan family sisters were both shocked and puzzled.

Isn't Lu Yun Zhao Wangui's junior? Why does it suddenly seem like he doesn't know him?
Who on earth is this loose cultivator surnamed Ye, who would kneel down in fright when he met a strong man in the Spirit Transformation Realm?

"Elder Zhao is so majestic, now I ask you to kneel down, do you dare to stand up?"

Ye Chunyang, who had been sitting quietly, spoke lightly until the crowd was almost out of breath.

"Don't dare!"

Zhao Wangui trembled, not daring to face Ye Chunyang squarely.

Seeing this scene, Wu Hao and the tall and thin man immediately turned pale.

Who is Zhao Wangui?

The majestic masters who have achieved a small achievement in the spirit realm, actually respect a casual cultivator who seems to have only the third level of refining qi, which subverts their cognition.

What shocked them even more was yet to come.

"This junior doesn't know that Senior Ye is here, and I just said something offensive, please forgive me." Zhao Wangui was trembling physically and mentally at this moment, and his legs were numb.

"Senior Ye?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Who can make a cultivator in the spiritual realm called a "senior"?
Golden core monk?
"In Yinyue Kingdom, the only one who has reached the Golden Core Realm is the Supreme Elder of the Cangyuan Sect, Master Aoki. This person's surname is Ye, Master Ye?"

I don't know who murmured to himself, the voice was not loud, but it was very clear in this quiet scene.

The words "Master Ye" came to my ears, and the faces of the Yan family sisters, Wu Hao and others changed drastically.

Yan Wushuang opened her beautiful eyes wide, looking at Ye Chunyang in disbelief.

"Is this person your junior?" Ye Chunyang pointed to Lu Yun and asked.

"Uncle save me!"

Lu Yun looked at Zhao Wangui with eyes asking for help.

He never imagined that this weak-looking casual cultivator turned out to be the well-known Master Ye.

Zhao Wangui shook his body and looked at Lu Yun coldly.

This time it was really killed by him!
He bit the bullet and nodded: "This person is a distant cousin. I have already heard what happened today. This guy offends Grandmaster beyond his control. How to deal with this person is up to Grandmaster."

"How could he be Master Ye, it's impossible..."

Lu Yun murmured absently.

The tall and thin man was also pale.

Just now they were talking about Master Ye's reputation, but now they turned around and offended him. Now, no one can save them.

"Since you also said to let me deal with it, then let me deal with it lightly." Ye Chunyang said lightly.

Hearing this, Lu Yun felt as if he had received an amnesty.

Since the other party said so, his life was saved.

But before he could show his joy, his face froze suddenly.

"Originally, I planned to crush your bones and ashes, and make you lose all your spirit, but for the sake of Zhao Wangui, let me leave you with a whole body!"

Ye Chunyang had no expression on his face.

After the words fell, Xiaobao squeezed lightly with one hand.

The ear-piercing sound of bone shattering came out, and everyone's hearts seemed to be broken. Looking at Lu Yun again, his head was already tilted to one side, and he went to the underworld to report.

The tall and thin man sitting on the side only felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and knelt down towards Ye Chunyang with a "slap", without daring to lift his head: "Master Ye, spare me!"

Ye Chunyang didn't bother to pay attention to an ant in the Qi refining period, and let Xiaobao slap him out.

Wu Hao and the Yan family sisters had cold hands and feet for a while.

Now they finally understood that this frighteningly strong young man with a round face was indeed following Ye Chunyang's orders.

A guard is so powerful, so how strong is Master Ye himself?

Following Lu Yun's group of dead and wounded people, no one dared to make a sound in the arena.

This legendary Master Ye who is awe-inspiring from all sides actually appeared here, who would dare to make a mistake in front of him?

Zhao Wangui looked at Lu Yun's body, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Go away too."

Ye Chunyang waved impatiently.

This trip was intended to be low-key, but unexpectedly, the identity was exposed.

"Yes, the junior will leave."

Zhao Wangui wiped the cold sweat off his face, and after ordering someone to take away Lu Yun's body, he didn't dare to wait for a moment, and ran out in a hurry.

Only Wu Hao and the Yan family sisters were left in the inn.

Yan Wushuang's heart was turned upside down.

Just now she looked down on Ye Chunyang's status as a loose cultivator. Who knew that the other party was actually Master Ye who was powerful in the Immortal Cultivation World of Yinyue Country, and she didn't know whether the other party would remember her sarcastic remarks.

Yan Yuyan was also a little at a loss. Master Ye's identity was a great shock to her. In front of such big men, they were just ants, and they could decide their life and death with the flip of their hands.

At this time, Wu Hao was too frightened to speak.

At this moment, he just wanted to escape, but he didn't even have the courage to escape.

"Are you so afraid of me?" Ye Chunyang looked at the three of them amusedly.

"This this……"

The three faltered and were speechless for a while.

"Yan Yuyan has eyes that don't know Mount Tai. She doesn't know that you are Master Ye. My sister and I have offended you a lot earlier. I hope Master will forgive you." Yan Yuyan felt that Ye Chunyang didn't seem to be hostile, and after a moment of hesitation, she gave a soft bow .

Ye Chunyang smiled lightly, didn't say anything, and went upstairs with his hands behind his back.

Clone Little Treasure followed closely behind.

Yan Yuyan was startled.

But seeing his figure disappear, all three breathed a sigh of relief.

"You two fairies, I didn't expect you to befriend someone like Master Ye. Wu is really blind."

Wu Hao smiled wryly.

When he saw two strange men appearing beside the sisters of the Yan family earlier, he was very vigilant, but he didn't expect that he would lose before he rose to challenge him.

Master Ye, a figure standing on the top of the clouds, can only look up to him with all his strength.

"Brother Wu was joking. My sister and I met Master Ye just by chance. With such a lofty status, how dare we climb up?" Yan Yuyan smiled awkwardly.

Yan Wushuang didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, there will be twists and turns today, and they thought it was impossible to escape the clutches of Lu Yun and the two, but finally the real dragon Ye Chunyang appeared, resolving their crisis.

Wu Hao looked at the two sisters.

Originally, he had the intention of inviting the two girls to live in Tiandaomen, but after what happened just now, he was ashamed to speak, and finally had to leave silently.

"Sister, will we still attend tomorrow's underground meeting?"

After a long time, Yan Wushuang asked softly.

"Of course we have to participate. We are here to find suitable treasures for us. Now that Lu Yun is not bothering us, we can act with peace of mind." Yan Yuyan replied without thinking.

Yan Wushuang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he nodded vigorously.

"Then shall I invite Master Ye together tomorrow?" She looked at Ye Chunyang's room, bit her teeth, and asked again.

Yan Yuyan's eyes flickered, she shook her head and said, "What kind of status is Master Ye, how could he be interested in such a low-level transaction like ours? Tomorrow we will go by ourselves."

Yan Wushuang pursed her lips, feeling complicated in her heart.

Today's incident had a great impact on her, and it is still difficult to calm down.

"It's as strong as Zhao Wangui also knelt and trembled in front of him. We really can't look up to such a status..."

Yan Wushuang smiled wryly.

In her cognition, Zhao Wangui was already a person who looked down on one side, but he knelt down in front of this Master Ye and dared not move. Such a person, I am afraid that they would not be able to chase after him in their entire lives.

(End of this chapter)

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