After the ascent failed

Chapter 120 Get out of the way!let me!

Chapter 120 Get out of the way!let me!

"It turns out that he's just a kid on the seventh floor of the Qi refining period. He's impatient to live with such nonsense?"

Nie Ying swept his eyes and found that Bai Feng was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining, and his complexion turned cold.

"The person who talked to the old man like this last time has reported to Lord Yan. Do you want to go with him too?" The old god Baifeng was there, and he was not afraid at all.

This time, not only Nie Ying, but Nie Xin and Chen Xue were also surprised.

Two of them are at the ninth level of Qi refining, and one is at the tenth level of Qi refining. This kid is alone, and he is still at the seventh level of Qi refining.

On the contrary, the little boy with the big sword on his back looked at him curiously as if he had discovered a new world.

"What an arrogant brat, for your young age, I'll let you go, get out of here, or don't blame me for being merciless!" Nie Ying laughed angrily.

"Meet someone crazier than this old man."

Bai Feng pouted and muttered.

He didn't even look at Nie Ying, and walked forward, waving the white paper fan of "Xian Feng Dao Bone", and said, "I'm giving you a chance to escape now, don't force me to do it, old man!" Go crazy, even I am afraid of myself!"

The four of them froze for a while.

Nie Xin frowned, secretly looking at this seemingly arrogant young man.

If a person's cultivation base is low-level, but dare to speak wild words, he is either a fool, or he has enough confidence and confidence.

The young man looked calm, and she was more inclined to the latter.

Nie Ying and Chen Xue also saw something was wrong, and fell silent in unison.

"Hmph! How dare you speak so loudly, I want to see, what are your abilities?"

Nie Ying stared at Bai Feng with half-closed eyes for a long while, making sure that the other party really only had the seventh level of Qi Refining, and had no ability to fly with treasures, a smirk appeared on her face.

With a sharp shout, a black light flickered behind Nie Ying, and a giant sword flew out of the sky.

He squeezed the formula with two fingers, and moved a little faster, the sword light rose suddenly, and fell to the top of Baifeng's head with a bang, exuding a cold breath.

Bai Feng opened his mouth wide and stood there motionless.

"Boy, it's still too late for you to beg for mercy." Seeing that Bai Feng seemed to be frightened by her own sword power, Nie Ying was full of complacency, looked down at Bai Feng from a high position, and shouted.

But before he could finish speaking, Nie Ying's face froze suddenly.

The boy in white put the white paper fan on his back lightly, then raised his hand.


The big canopy emitted a yellow light, including Nie Xin and Chen Xue, all looked dumbfounded.

I saw countless talismans flying out, each of which was dazzling. Under the urging of the white-clothed boy's spell, there was a sudden roar. Wrapped in light, it fell apart in an instant.


Nie Ying's shock was no small matter.

Before he could recover, he saw a sneer flashing in Baifeng's eyes, and he uttered the word "forbidden".

"Puff puff!"

Several talisman lights poured down, and Nie Ying only felt as if he was being crushed by Mount Tai, unable to exert any spiritual power in his body, but Bai Feng waved his hand lightly, and his body soared into the air uncontrollably.

The next moment, several talismans were pasted on his body, and they suddenly floated in front of Bai Feng.

The young man was unambiguous in his attack, and slapped Nie Ying's face with a "crackling" slap.


Nie Ying opened her eyes wide, revealing deep disbelief.

"The old man just told you that the person who dared to talk to me like this last time has been sent to see Lord Hades. Why are you still so stubborn? Do you want to end up like him?"

Bai Feng looked disdainful.

Nie Xin and Chen Xue, who were about to make a move, immediately stayed where they were when they saw this scene.

Just now they could see clearly that although the boy's cultivation was not strong, all the talismans he sacrificed were high-level, and the number was astonishingly large!

You know, any high-level talisman is hard to find in the market, and this person threw so many without blinking, just to compete with them for this hundred-year-old spirit grass?
Could it be that he is a disciple of some kind of expert?

The two women looked at each other, hesitated for a while.

"Don't, don't kill me..." Fear welled up on Nie Ying's face.

He has vowed to cultivate immortality for twenty years, and he has never been so humiliated like today. This young man looks weak, but his skills are so terrifying.

If he had expected that the opponent would fight him in such a shocking way, Nie Ying would have seized the opportunity immediately and killed him.

But now it fell into the opponent's hands, and the kung fu was banned by him with a talisman, and he was defeated in one move.

"Boring, really boring!"

"Looking at your useless appearance, the old man didn't do anything, you are afraid, it's very boring!"

Bai Feng looked at Nie Ying with contempt, and began to chant a spell.

Nie Ying's face was ashen.

With the power of these high-level talismans, he is determined to be unable to resist. If the other party wants to kill him, does it mean that they have to wait for death?

Just when Nie Ying was full of fear, Bai Feng stopped the spell.

"Forget it, murdering is worse than killing one's heart. Let me save your life for the time being. Seeing that you are scared to death today, you will probably be a waste in the future. I will let you live in humiliation. When you see me, you will detour for thirty miles!"

Bai Feng said playfully.

After saying that, he took out another talisman and stuck it on Nie Ying's forehead with a "snap". The talisman was shining brightly, and Nie Ying suddenly flew into the sky. From a distance, only a scream could be heard, but the figure turned into a small Dark spots are completely gone.

"Brother Nie Ying!"

Nie Xinyu's face turned cold, and a brilliance was thrown out of her hand, and she was about to make a move.

"Huh? Little fairy, don't be impulsive, this old man never hits a woman!" Bai Feng looked at Nie Xin firmly and shook her head repeatedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter how many talismans you have in your hand, the two of us will kill you if we work together!"

Nie Xin was furious.

The opponent was able to restrain Nie Ying with one move because of the high-level talisman, as long as he could take him down before the talisman that urged the curse, he was nothing to be afraid of.

Chen Xue also had a cold expression on her face, and rays of light flashed from her fingertips.

"Don't force me, if you push this old man into a hurry, this old man will make an exception!" Bai Feng snorted.

If you angered him, why would you care if you hit a woman?Let's go out first.

Nie Xin didn't intend to stop, she still sacrificed her magic weapon and attacked fiercely.

Bai Feng got angry, touched in the sleeve, and grabbed a large number of talismans and appeared in his hand.

His talismans seemed to flow continuously.

"See, these are all high-level talismans, and these are the things that this old man needs most."

Bai Feng raised her head and said domineeringly.

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a high-level talisman with a bright yellow light rose into the air.

"嗖嗖" several screams resounded, the surrounding air seemed to be imprisoned, and then the yellow light scattered, and the sky filled with brilliant light turned into a bright rope and galloped down.

Nie Xin's complexion changed slightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, several fluorescent lights shot out, hitting the rope made of talismans head-on.

These streaks of fluorescent light are thin and long nails the size of thumbs, which look like a complete set of magic tools, flashing to both ends of the rope in an instant, trying to trap them back and forth.

After three years of cultivation in the Cangyuan Sect, Nie Xin is now much stronger than when she was in Lindu City. Although the talismans of this white-clothed boy are amazing, she strikes fiercely and seizes opportunities everywhere.

And this set of magic tools is a set of high-level magic tools, and its power is not inferior to the opponent's high-level talismans.

"Little fairy is smarter than that idiot just now." Bai Feng couldn't help being slightly surprised when he saw Nie Xin's gesture of attack.

But soon disdain flashed in his eyes, and he uttered an obscure incantation.

Nie Xin was startled, the rope in mid-air suddenly split in two, half broke free from the magic weapon, and arrived in front of him as quickly as lightning.

"Xin'er be careful!"

Chen Xue exited to remind.

But it was too late, Nie Xin was caught off guard and was directly tied in place by the rope.

"Hey, the old man said that you are only a little smarter than that idiot just now."

Bai Feng raised his head, not paying attention to the two women at all.

"To be honest, you two look pretty good. I can't bear to kill you. At most, I will arrest you and dedicate you to my unreliable master. It would be a pity if you seek death yourself!"

Chen Xue's face was pale, but when she saw Nie Xin fall into the other party's hands, she was cautious and did not dare to act rashly.

"Is it really going to fall into the hands of this person today?"

Chen Xue gritted her teeth, secretly thinking about a rescue plan.

If Nie Xin can be rescued and combined with the strength of the two of them, there may still be a chance to deal with this person.

"Get out of the way! Let me come!"

At this moment, a voice came from beside him.

Chen Xue was slightly taken aback, and saw the little boy with a big sword stepping forward.

"Little brother, don't try to be brave. Although this person's cultivation level is lower than mine and Xin'er's, his methods are unpredictable. If he gets entangled by his talisman, we will be helpless." Chen Xue hurriedly stopped him.

"Hmph, what this little girl said is right, you little brat, don't provoke this old man, or even the gods of Da Luo will not be able to save you." Bai Feng curled her lips and said sarcastically.

The little boy didn't speak, but raised his left hand, hummed, and stomped lightly.

Chen Xue was surprised when suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise under his feet, a large cloud of dust flew up, and the surrounding rocks and ground collapsed one after another, but the little boy disappeared strangely.


Bai Feng subconsciously took out the talisman, but saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and a petite figure appeared in front of him.


Bai Feng was surprised.

The next moment, he felt a pain in his jaw.

The little boy raised his hand like lightning, and punched upward with a left hook.


Bai Feng suddenly flew upside down, lying on his stomach far away with his legs spread apart, with a big ball of yellow mud stuffed into his mouth.

He rubbed his sore chin, spat out the dirt in his mouth, and sat up with a look of astonishment.

Unexpectedly, the little boy was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to sacrifice the talisman.

And this blow is so familiar, it is exactly the same as when Ye Chunyang slapped him flying in the ancient tomb of Lindu City three years ago, with his mighty and domineering white phoenix, when did he experience such a blow?

Chen Xue and Nie Xin opened their mouths wide, looking at the little boy with shock.

Is this the little junior they know who only has the fifth level of Qi Refining?

(End of this chapter)

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