After the ascent failed

Chapter 121 Primordial God breaks the ban

Chapter 121 Primordial God breaks the ban
Chen Xue covered her mouth, the surprise in her heart was almost earth-shattering.

Although this white-clothed boy's cultivation is only at the seventh level of Qi refining, she and Nie Xin's realm can completely subdue each other, but this white-clothed boy has too many talismans!
Even ignoring his realm and cultivation, he couldn't resist his continuous sacrifice of high-level talismans!
But what was even more unexpected was that this little junior brother who had been neglected by them was so quick to attack, completely refusing to give the other party any chance to sacrifice the talisman.

And it was such a strong left hook!

The white-clothed boy was at the seventh level of qi refining, and the little boy was only at the fifth level, and being able to knock the opponent into the air with one punch shows how powerful he is?

Nie Xin was also deeply surprised.

Facing this young man in white clothes, they were helpless. Who would have thought that the boy whom they only regarded as relying on the relationship of the Supreme Elder along the way to experience was so unexpected?
"What a brat, he can actually hurt this old man."

Bai Feng finally came back to his senses, patted the dust off his body, and stared at the little boy in shock and anger.

"Hmph, you keep claiming that you are an old man, not to mention that you are not much older than me, even if you are really an old monster and dare to bully my two senior sisters, I will beat you into a pig's head!"

The little boy waved his fist and protested.

"Little brat is young, but his tone is not small. Do you know who this old man is, dare to talk to me like that?" Bai Feng rolled his eyes.

"I don't care who you are, I'm going crazy, and I'm scared myself!"

The little boy learned the words of the other party, and said in an old-fashioned way.

"You little brat really thinks that if you have a slight advantage over the old man, you can really defeat the old man. With your cultivation of the fifth level of Qi refining, the old man can wipe you out with a slap." Bai Feng looked at it a little funny. The little boy hummed.

"is it?"

The little boy grinned, showing a row of white teeth, and said indifferently: "Although your talisman is powerful, I can guarantee that you will be beaten all over the ground before you use the talisman. If you don't believe me, you can try it." ?”

When these words came out, Chen Xue and Nie Xin were shocked again.

That punch just now was indeed amazing, but this young man in white clothes is also a master of the seventh level of Qi refining, how can the little boy be confident?

The two women couldn't believe it, but Bai Feng on the opposite side saw the little boy's gesture of raising his hand, but his face changed a few times.

Just now he could feel the amazing power of the little boy's punches. If he didn't have special body protection treasures, he might really be unable to bear it.

However, Bai Feng was not afraid of his left uppercut, but the opponent's speed was too fast, so he didn't even have time to activate the talisman spell.

"Hmph! Brat, you have some skills, but this old man will deal with you sooner or later!"

Bai Feng's eyes flickered a few times, and then under the surprised gazes of the three, he sacrificed a talisman, which turned into a ray of yellow light and fled away.

"Even if you run fast, or else you will have to punch out all your teeth!"

The little boy gritted his teeth and bared his claws.

Chen Xue froze, and it took a long while before she returned to normal, and said: "Little Junior Brother, thank you for taking action this time, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid Xin'er and I would have escaped from that person's clutches."

"Sister Chen Xue doesn't have to worry about small things." The little boy raised his chin and said proudly, "It's Senior Sister Nie Xin who just fell under that man's spell. Is there any serious problem?"

"It's okay, just a little injury, you can recover after a short breath adjustment."

Following Bai Feng's escape, the talisman restriction on Nie Xin was automatically lifted.

She walked over, and also looked at the little boy with disbelief.

It's just that her breath is a little weak now, and after saying a word softly, she meditates to heal her injuries.

Chen Xue didn't bother, and just stood aside to protect the law.

"Senior Sister Nie Xin, I have some elixir here, you can try it, it should help you recover your vitality."

The little boy touched his bosom, took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Nie Xin.

"Huiqi Dan? They are all top-grade!"

Nie Xin poured out a elixir, felt the pure medicinal power and the three spirit patterns in it, and was slightly startled: "Little brother, how did you get such a high-level elixir?"

"Oh, my father often concocts alchemy when he has nothing to do. I just picked up a few bottles, and I don't know if it will be useful." The little boy tilted his head and thought for a while, then said.

"The Supreme Elder is also an alchemist?"

Both Nie Xin and Chen Xue were a little surprised.

"Alchemist? I don't know about this either. Anyway, my father always practiced in closed doors, so I don't know much about it."

The little boy giggled.

Nie Xin held the Huiqi Pill, his eyes flickered, and finally stopped talking, thanked him, and took the pill.

Chen Xue looked around and picked off the hundred-year-old spirit grass.

After pondering for a while, she handed it to the little boy and said, "Junior Brother, you saved the two of us this time, and this spiritual herb should belong to you."

But the little boy shook his head: "My father has plenty of spiritual grass in his cave, and I use it to make tea every day, and Senior Sister accepts this plant of spiritual grass herself."

Chen Xue's face was dull, and she was speechless for a while.

What does it mean to make tea with spirit grass every day?

But thinking of the other party's identity, Chen Xue was relieved again. Thinking about it, only his identity can be so extravagant in this world, right?
Chen Xue was full of envy.

But since the little boy didn't want the spirit grass, she didn't force it, and took it by herself, leaving it to share equally with Nie Xin.

"Speaking of which, junior brother, what kind of body technique did you use just now, so fast?" Chen Xue remembered something again and asked.

"This technique is called Wuyingdun, and it was taught to me by my father." The little boy waved his hand casually.

When Chen Xue heard the words, she expected it to be reasonable.

At this time, Nie Xin woke up from the meditation. After the assistance of the elixir and some exercises, she had recovered her vitality.

"Xin'er, Brother Nie Ying was injured by that person earlier, but we don't know the current situation, should we go and find out his whereabouts?" Chen Xue asked.

Nie Xin pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Alright, Nie Ying is my father's adopted son after all, and I don't want anything to happen to him."

Nie Xin took the magic weapon and flew into the air first.

It's just that when Nie Ying was mentioned, her expression faded a little.

Chen Xue looked at the little boy, didn't say much, and led him along to follow.


The inner layer of Immortal Alchemy Valley.

After flying away for more than ten days, Ye Chunyang's surroundings gradually became dense and foggy, no matter day or night, it was hard to see ten feet away with the naked eye.

At this time, he was standing under a curtain of white light, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was uncertain.

This light curtain is about ten feet wide, covering a space, and within the light curtain, golden rays of light are as thin as gossamer, faintly intertwined and hovering.

Looking forward, there are several bones lying in the light curtain.

Although they were bones, the clothes on their bodies were intact, without any sign of decay. It was obvious that they had just died not long ago. What was strange was that the flesh and blood of these dead bodies had disappeared.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the Cangyuan Sect."

"It seems that the restriction here has the effect of melting human flesh and blood. They broke in without knowing it, and naturally died."

From the clothes left by these bones, Ye Chunyang could see some familiarity.

His eyes passed over the corpses of these Cangyuan Sect disciples indifferently, and then observed the golden gossamer running through the light curtain.

These gold threads seem ordinary, but with his extraordinary perception, Ye Chunyang can find that there is a strong corrosive force in them, and any tangible objects that are hit by them will be melted immediately.

"The restrictions left by these ancient monks do have some ways."

Ye Chunyang showed a thoughtful face.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to truly reach the depths of the valley without crossing from here, but these golden threads are a bit tricky to deal with.

With the melting power of this thing, if you attack it forcefully, maybe even the magic weapon will be corroded.

After thinking about it, Ye Chunyang pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

There was a pleasant clear sound, and bursts of fairy sounds echoed in the void, and the primordial spirit suddenly escaped from the body.

After some observations, he already understood that the physical body cannot forcibly break through this restriction, let alone break it with external force. He can only find a way to resolve it from the inside out.

If other people were here, they must have returned in frustration, but Ye Chunyang, who has cultivated into a primordial spirit, is not afraid at all. This restriction has a strong corrosive power on tangible things, but it cannot hurt his primordial spirit.

As Ye Chunyang expected, after Yuanshen came out of his body, he easily passed through the light curtain and came to the forbidden space.

At this time, he clearly saw a mysterious magic circle faintly appearing in the light curtain, with several spirit stones with different attributes floating up and down in the middle. Based on his experience in setting up the formation, he presumably was the eye of the forbidden magic circle.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, and then urged to use the alchemy formula.

The brilliance of Yuanshen's body was radiated, and it turned into a golden fire bird and flew out towards the sky, heading straight for the formation eye.

Immediately, there was an ear-piercing crisp sound from the magic circle, and the several spirit stones with different attributes cracked one after another, and the light curtain covering the surroundings shook slightly before dimming for a moment.

Ye Chunyang looked up.

The dense golden threads in the sky were wandering around, but when the light curtain weakened, these golden threads also scattered in all directions, and soon disappeared.

Ye Chunyang breathed a sigh of relief, and after checking again to make sure there was nothing abnormal, he was urged by the soul technique to return his soul to his body.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
"Hey, I didn't expect that there are still soul cultivators in the Northern Territory, who can break the forbidden technique of this seat."

A cold low laughter came from an unknown place, Ye Chunyang's heart trembled, and his divine sense went to it without even thinking about it, and at the same time, the primordial spirit quickly retreated back into the physical body.


Suddenly there was a shock in his mind, and a violent roar echoed from Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts, and at the same time, streaks of light suddenly lit up under his feet.

"Teleportation Array!"

Ye Chunyang had a bad premonition, and immediately activated his kung fu to stabilize his figure, and the 81 perishing swords in his body were all activated.

Unexpectedly, there is a teleportation array hidden here, he didn't notice it beforehand, and the roar just now was another powerful divine sense, and it was this divine mind that activated the hidden teleportation array through the air with soul magic.

Ye Chunyang felt a chill in his heart.

The divine sense that just collided with it was not very strong, but now he was in the center of the teleportation array, and it was too late to break free, and soon his figure flashed and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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