After the ascent failed

Chapter 122 Soul Cultivation Three Years Ago

Chapter 122 Soul Cultivation Three Years Ago

After a flash of light, Ye Chunyang appeared in an ancient palace.

This great hall is lifeless, surrounded by dense fog, as if standing in the clouds, and there is no way out around it.

With a thought in Ye Chunyang's mind, a clone appeared beside him.

Under the control of his divine sense, Xiao Bao immediately darted forward and searched everywhere.

And its body released divine thoughts, covering every inch of the palace.

When breaking the ban earlier, someone clearly attacked him with soul art, but the opponent's divine sense was not very strong, and Ye Chunyang could easily resist it with only [-]% of his soul power.


Just when Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts just arose, a spiritual pressure suddenly came from the sky, and the powerful fluctuations of the soul pierced like a sharp sword, wanting to invade his mind.

"court death!"

Ye Chunyang sneered, and the God Refining Art was activated, and invisible ripples appeared around him, and that divine sense was immediately defeated and invisible.


There was a sound of surprise in the hall.

The divine sense seemed to feel Ye Chunyang's difficulty, and took the initiative to retreat. At this time, Ye Chunyang saw a ray of fire floating in the front of the hall.

The flames are shining like stars, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell that it is a ball of flames.

"Spiritual possession?"

Ye Chunyang's eyes narrowed. This fire ball, which looked like a will-o'-the-wisp, clearly had a strong divine sense attached to it.

This reminded him of what Aoki once said about the supernatural powers of soul cultivation during the distraction period.

When the soul has been cultivated to this point, the body is no longer needed, the soul can be independent, and everything can be a body.

Could it be that the divine sense in front of him is actually a distracted soul master who has failed?
But upon closer inspection, Ye Chunyang shook his head.

Although this divine sense is attached to a ball of spiritual fire, its soul power is not even one-tenth of his, at most at Xu Guang's level.

It seems that relying on some kind of secret technique, he entrusted a ray of spiritual thoughts in this group of spiritual fire, just like keeping part of his spiritual thoughts in the clone body.

"It turned out to be a young boy, but the power of the soul is not bad."

The group of spiritual fire drifted up and down, making a sinister sound.

"Where is your Excellency, what is the purpose of bringing me here?" Ye Chunyang didn't change his face.

He can wipe out the other party like this by raising his hand, but since he came to the Alchemy Valley to find out the clues of the ancient soul cultivator, Ye Chunyang is not in a hurry to do it, but has a little bit of cat and mouse thinking.

"Hey, you don't need to know the name of this seat, but you were able to break the restriction set by this seat. This seat has been trapped here for 300 years, and finally saw a soul cultivator."

Linghuo smiled darkly.

Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows.

The other party has been here for 300 years, and the source of the Immortal Alchemy Valley is at least tens of thousands of years ago. This person is not an ancient monk, and he probably sneaked in pretending to be a disciple when the six sects joined forces to open the barrier outside the valley.

"The restriction you broke just now was deliberately set by this seat, and only soul cultivators can break it. I have been trapped here for 300 years, and this seat can finally get out today!"

Linghuo laughed wildly.

"Oh, how do you plan to escape?" Ye Chunyang asked casually.

Ling Huo suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, a faint voice came again: "Through the matter now, I am not afraid to tell you that I came here 300 years ago to find something, but it was a pity that I entered the restriction by mistake and my soul was almost killed, so It is impossible to leave from the enchantment of Immortal Alchemy Valley."

"But it's all right now, you were led here by the teleportation array of this seat, as long as I devoured your soul, I can recover, then I'm looking for a body to seize, how can this mere Immortal Alchemy Valley trap me ?”

Speaking of this, Linghuo let out a low laugh, as if he had seen the beautiful scene of the vertical and horizontal side after he recovered.

"Devour my soul?"

Ye Chunyang smiled.

He didn't speak, and after a move of his divine sense, the avatar returned to the side.

Suddenly, the spirit fire seemed to sense something, and the divine sense rushed over, circling around Xiaobao.

"It turned out to be an unconscious puppet. It's so wonderful. I didn't expect to meet not only a soul cultivator this time, but also such a puppet. Now, I don't even need to seize the body. I can just sit on this body with my mind." Already!"

Linghuo laughed.

There is the power of teleportation in the enchantment of Immortal Alchemy Valley, which can only be passed through by relying on the physical body, and it is impossible to get out with only spiritual thoughts.

With this puppet now, as long as he is attached to the opponent, he can easily get out of the gap in the barrier opened by the elders of the six sects.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Chunyang is a soul cultivator with powerful soul power. As long as he devours the opponent's soul, he can recover quickly.

How lucky he was!
"Spirits and souls can devour each other?"

Ye Chunyang muttered.

With a silent look, it seemed that he was frightened by the majesty of the spiritual fire.

"Hey, under normal circumstances, it can't be devoured naturally, but when I came to practice, I was lucky enough to get a secret method of soul art in a soul cultivation relic. By devouring other people's souls, I can strengthen myself."

"Of course, these methods are too extreme, and there will inevitably be some sequelae, but as long as I can recover in a short time, that's all I can do."

Linghuo smiled darkly.

"Boy, now are you going to let go of your soul and let me devour it, or wait for me to do it myself?"

The spirit fire floated up and down, and the words were full of jokes.

Obviously, Ye Chunyang has been regarded as his prey.

Ye Chunyang stopped talking.

He looked at the spirit fire with great interest, and said after half a moment: "Looking at the fluctuation of your divine sense, the state of your soul is at most in the early stage of soul shaping. Who gave you the courage to threaten to devour my soul?"

"However, I'm a little interested in the soul cultivation relics you mentioned just now. If you tell me, I may consider saving your life."

Ye Chunyang said lightly.

"What did you say?"

Linghuo froze for a moment, feeling that he had heard a big joke.

"Boy, you probably don't know how powerful I am."

"In today's world, there are not many soul cultivators who can reach the soul-shaping stage. With my state, even monks who have completed the spiritual transformation dare not dare to presumptuously in front of me!"

"How dare you talk to me like this, do you want to die?"

Linghuo was also a big figure in Megatron before his soul was damaged. I don't know how many powerful people are in awe of him. Now a brat dares to speak nonsense in front of him. It's really ignorant.

But if he knew that Ye Chunyang had just exterminated a soul cultivator at the same level as him not long ago, he probably wouldn't have said that.

Ye Chunyang shook his head: "Since you keep saying that you want to devour my soul, don't you see what state I am?"

"What realm are you?"

Linghuo froze for a moment, and said contemptuously: "Since the extinction of soul cultivation, very few people have been able to cultivate to the level of this seat, but which of these people is not an old monster who has become a spirit, you are a young boy Boy, can it still be compared with them?"

Soul cultivation is different from law cultivation. Soul cultivation cultivates the soul, and the other party's cultivation level cannot be seen with the naked eye alone. Only through the use of soul skills can one judge.

When Ye Chunyang broke the ban just now, he had already detected it.

Since his divine sense is only around the late stage of divine sense at most, this kind of soul cultivation is just a small bug to him, and he can be crushed to death with a flick of a finger.

But before he finished speaking, Linghuo suddenly turned pale with shock.

An astonishing storm of spirit and soul surged up in the field, and without waiting for the reaction of the spiritual fire, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the hall, and a substantial phantom suspended in the air.


Linghuo was shocked.

The next moment, he seemed to be crushed by a mountain, the flames on his body were dim, and he couldn't exert any soul power.

Ye Chunyang's big hand strangled him directly and held him alive.

"Out of body period! How is it possible!"

Linghuo was shocked.

This turned out to be a soul cultivator whose soul had gone out of his body. Squeezing him to death was as easy as crushing an ant.

"Didn't you just want to devour my soul? How about now?" Ye Chunyang said jokingly, holding the spirit fire in his palm.

"The villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai, master, please spare me!" Linghuo was terrified to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, the situation reversed so quickly, with his cultivation base in the soul-shaping stage, devouring the major repairs in the out-of-body stage, isn't this a dead end!
Ye Chunyang was too lazy to talk to him, and asked lightly: "What's the matter with the soul repair relics, do you want me to search for your soul, or speak up yourself?"

"Soul search!"

"Senior, spare your life! Let me tell you! I will tell you everything I know, please be merciful, senior!"

Linghuo trembled physically and mentally.

His mind and soul have been greatly damaged, and with Ye Chunyang's cultivation base in the out-of-body period, if he were to search for his soul, he would definitely not be able to bear it, and the end would be to lose his mind and soul.

Ye Chunyang looked at him indifferently.

Linghuo hurriedly said: "It is said that there was a soul cultivator sect tens of thousands of years ago before the Immortal Refining Valley was closed. Later, it was invaded by masters, and this sect was wiped out. However, this soul cultivator sect has many forbidden methods, and it has preserved the secrets of the sect. Tibet, 300 years ago, the villain also came in to look for it after hearing this rumor."


Hearing what this person said, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but think of the copper piece he got from Xu Guang before.

There was similar information in that piece of copper, but it was incomplete. Ye Chunyang only knew that there was a soul cultivator in Immortal Refining Valley, but he didn't expect it to be a sect.

It seems that in the ancient times of the Demon God Realm, the popularity of soul arts far exceeded his expectations.

"What else do you know?" Ye Chunyang asked again.

"As far as the villain knows, the mountain gate of that sect is three hundred miles to the north of here. The villain was lucky enough to enter it back then, but he didn't expect that there were many restrictions inside. He could get some low-level soul skills and was almost killed. The strangulation is prohibited and cannot be restored to this day."

Linghuo said dejectedly.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Senior, I have fully told what the villain knows, and I implore senior to spare the villain's life."

"Just now I did say that as long as you tell me the whereabouts of the soul cultivation relic, I will consider saving your life."

Ye Chunyang squeezed the spirit fire to take some time off.

Linghuo breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

But before he could show his joy, his heart suddenly fell into the bottomless abyss.

"But for now... let's let your spirit and spirit go away."

Ye Chunyang raised his hand lightly, and a divine sense shot out, and the spiritual fire dissipated with a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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