After the ascent failed

Chapter 129 Sword Spirit

Chapter 129 Sword Spirit
At this time, Gu Qian found that the true energy in her body was functioning normally, and instead of showing signs of poisoning, her spiritual power was pure without any blockage.

In fact, when he gave Cheng Ye the alchemy formula to help him make alchemy, he just had the mentality of trying it out, but he didn't expect that the fire poison in her body would be lifted.

Now it is immune to poisonous invasion.

"His alchemy is so wonderful?" Gu Qian couldn't believe it.

Of course, it was because she didn't know Ye Chunyang's name as "Master Ye", otherwise she would only be more shocked.

"Since you know I'm not poisoned, why did you let me down?"

Seeing Ye Chunyang's playful eyes, Gu Qian was annoyed.

This guy knew that he had taken the Bai Ling Dan, so he could see that he was not poisoned, but he kept silent, really hateful!
"I know that Cheng Ye has refined Bai Ling Dan for you, but Cheng Ye's alchemy skills are not enough. I also need to observe it to determine whether you are really immune to poisonous invasion."

"Besides, you are the one who wants to go down, right?"

Ye Chunyang said with a half-smile.

Gu Qian was speechless.

"Turn your back!"

She stared at Ye Chunyang coldly and said angrily.

After the words fell, Ye Chunyang was not only indifferent, but stood there with his arms folded, and the old god was there.

The scene was deadlocked for a moment.

Gu Qian buried her head deeply, her cheeks were so red that they were about to bleed.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and got up from the hot spring, her snow-white skin was unobstructed.

The crystal water drops dotted her beautiful delicate body, like a lotus emerging from water, so delicate and charming, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.

But soon, he returned to normal.

There was the sound of getting dressed from the side, the perfect body was finally covered up, Gu Qian put on her clothes again, but her hair was covered with black hair, but she was hanging on her shoulders, which was quite charming.

Looking at this woman, Ye Chunyang remembered what the other party said just now, and asked with a chuckle: "Do you still want me to go to Kunlun Ruins with you?"

A red glow flew up on Gu Qian's face, and he was speechless for a while.

"What is the Qingchen sword you mentioned just now?" Ye Chunyang asked casually.

"This sword was once a spiritual sword used by monks in ancient times to defend against monster races. It is extremely powerful."

After a moment of silence, Gu Qian replied.

"In the past, the ancestors of the human race sealed most of the monster race in Tianxuan Mountain. This sword has an indispensable contribution."

"Since the Wraith Beast escaped from Tianxuan Mountain three years ago, there has been a gap in the seal. This sword is urgently needed to make up for it. I came here under the order of my master to find this sword."

Ye Chunyang looked profound.

Gu Qian frowned, and continued: "It's a pity that I was plotted by that woman just now. It's hard to predict whether I can get out now, and it's even more difficult to find Qingchen Sword."

"Qingchenjian, didn't you just see it?"

At this moment, Ye Chunyang suddenly said something that shocked her greatly.

"What do you mean?" Gu Qian was surprised.

Ye Chunyang smiled but did not answer.

He looked up at the cloud-shrouded sky, and said after half a moment: "Since it is the one that lured us here, let it wait for us to go out. In addition, I also have some questions and want to ask it clearly."

Gu Qian was puzzled when he heard this.

Just as he was waiting for the exit to ask, Ye Chunyang stepped on his feet, and 81 sword lights flew out from his sleeve.

As soon as the two-finger pinches were pressed, a huge sword array was densely spread out in the void. Gu Qian was shocked to see that the sky was filled with thunder, and countless arcs shot out from the sword array.

The loud rumbling noises continued, and Gu Qian felt that half of the sky was split into two halves under Ye Chunyang's sword.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chunyang stretched out his hand to grab it.

It seemed that some kind of magical power was caught in his hands, and as he flicked his sleeves, a green light appeared in the field, and the woman in green who had disappeared looked at them in surprise.

"How could you find me?"

The woman in green looked at Ye Chunyang with horror.

"It's just a mere escapism, and you want to hide it from your own eyes?"

Ye Chunyang sneered.

With a gesture of raising his hand, all 81 perishing swords were retracted into their sleeves, and he said lightly to the woman in green: "Send us out as you brought us here, otherwise I don't mind obliterating you, little girl!" Little Sword Spirit."

"Sword Spirit?"

Gu Qian was slightly surprised.

When the woman in green heard this, her expression changed drastically: "How do you know that I am a sword spirit?"

"I practice flying swords, and I have my own comprehension in the way of swords."

"If I'm mistaken, your body is the Qingchen Sword, right? It's just that you are a ray of sword spirit, but you have cultivated into a spirit, and you dare to tease us. You are looking for death."

Sarcasm flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes.

The woman in green couldn't keep her composure anymore.

She looked sideways at Gu Qian, and was shocked again: "You are not poisoned? How is this possible?"

"Thanks to Your Excellency, the poison in the lower body has been cured."

Gu Qian said coldly.

She never imagined that the green-clothed woman in front of her was Qingchenjian, and possessed such intelligence that she was almost toyed with by her.

"Hmph! You guys are amazing, but it's not that easy to take me down!"

The green-clothed girl's eyes flickered, and with a sneer, she turned into a green light and fled away.

"I just want to leave now, isn't it too late?"

The green-clothed woman was just waiting to move, when suddenly a thunderclap hit her ears, and as the world trembled wildly, dense thunderbolts shot down from the sky, instantly enveloping her.

The woman in green raised her head in amazement, the electric grid was entangled in the void, and the flying sword was extremely sharp, and she stabbed down at it.

"Tiancheng Leimu!"

"This is a sacred tree that is specially used to restrain evil and ghosts. How can you have it?"

Fear finally appeared on the face of the woman in green.

Although he is a sword spirit, his real cultivation level is not high, and as a spirit body, Tiancheng Leimu is simply her nemesis.

Ye Chunyang didn't say a word, just like pointing Jiangshan gently with his fingertips, the big Peng Jianyu directly surrounded the woman, with the intention of killing her.

The green-clothed woman's expression was cold, and bursts of green clouds surged around her body. Then her body changed, and she turned into a small blue-green sword and flew up, trying to break through Ye Chunyang's Great Thousand Sword Formation and escape.

"Qingchen Sword!"

Gu Qian's expression changed.

But seeing Ye Chunyang activating the sword formation with great momentum, she was extremely shocked.

After hesitating for a while, she finally did not intervene rashly.

Ye Chunyang looked at the small green sword that was struggling left and right, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, the Daqian Sword Formation changed its offensive and suddenly closed three points.

This Qingchen sword looks quite powerful, and it should also belong to the high-level innate spirit treasure, but compared to his sword array composed of 81 perishing swords, it is really an ant compared to a mountain, and it can only be crushed in the end.

Soon, under the closing of the sword formation, no matter how Qingchenjian could retreat, he could only continue to struggle.

Seeing this, Ye Chunyang stretched out his finger, and cast a forbidden curse on Qingchen Sword, which was immediately sealed in the Daqian Sword Formation, completely powerless to resist.

Gu Qian was dumbfounded.

She has heard the elders of the sect say about the power of the Qingchen sword countless times, and even those elders with high cultivation bases highly respect this sword, but she never thought that Ye Chunyang would subdue it with a wave of his hand. Could it be that she still underestimated it? lost him?

"Senior, spare your life!"

After the little green sword was imprisoned, it turned into a sword spirit again.

At this time, the woman in green was already extremely afraid of Ye Chunyang, even if her master had subdued him, she couldn't have such a straightforward method.

"You teased me just now, but now you ask for mercy?" Ye Chunyang said with a blank expression on his face.

"This junior has no intention of teasing the two of you, I just want to see this fairy fall in love with senior, so I can help her fulfill her wish, not to mention, my Lingyuan Qiongjiu didn't hurt her, so please forgive me for offending me. "

The woman in green said anxiously.

In terms of age, she was born tens of thousands of years ago, but in the world of cultivating immortals, Ye Chunyang's strength is far above her. In front of him, the woman in green can only surrender.

"Stop talking nonsense, when will I treat him, treat him..."

Gu Qian was angry, but he didn't know whether it was something in his heart or something else, but he couldn't continue in the middle of the conversation.

Ye Chunyang looked strange.

He waved his hand to disperse the sword formation, then brought the woman in green to his face, and said coldly: "I will suppress you with the sword, will you accept it or not?"

"Convince me, this junior is convinced!" the woman in green panicked.

"Okay, since you are convinced, I will let you go."

Ye Chunyang nodded lightly.

He looked at the woman in green with majesty, and asked: "Now you can tell me, what exactly is this place, and why the Immortal Sect is known as the eternal soul cultivation sect, but there is no soul technique? "

"Back to the seniors, this place is actually in the Sutra Pavilion, it's just that the two of you have triggered the restriction and formed an illusion." The woman in green said.


Ye Chunyang expressed doubts.

There was also a surprised look on Gu Qian's face.

At this time, a brilliance flickered in the hands of the woman in green, and the surrounding white mist gradually dissipated, and the two reappeared in the attic.

On the other side, Ye Xiaobao appeared at the same time.

"Sure enough, it's still here!"

Gu Qian looked around, with a look of surprise on her face.

He looked at the young man next to him, the environment just now was an illusion, but what he had just experienced with him was real.

Gu Qian's heart felt mixed for a moment, it was hard to describe.

Ye Chunyang frowned secretly.

After a while, he asked again: "Then why is there nothing here? Could it be that something happened to the Immortal Sect?"

"Seniors don't know that the Immortal Refinement School did have many soul arts back then, but the seniors of this school have banned all high-level soul arts. Once the sect undergoes a drastic change, all the jade slips of the exercises will be automatically destroyed. .”

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Immortal Sect was invaded by masters, and the sect was destroyed, and these soul skills also disappeared."

The woman in green opened her mouth to explain.

Ye Chunyang suddenly nodded.

No wonder there is clearly a school of collections here, but there is no soul art.

"Since that's the case, why are you still here safely after the Immortal Refining School was destroyed?" Ye Chunyang asked.

The green-clothed woman's eyes flickered, and said: "The masters who killed the Immortal Sect did ransack this place, but because the ancestors of the Immortal Sect have already cast illusions on me, I avoided the eyes and ears of that person. .”

"Speaking of which, if the two of you hadn't accidentally triggered the restriction in the pavilion, you wouldn't have discovered me."

(End of this chapter)

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