After the ascent failed

Chapter 130 Qi Fei's Strategy

Chapter 130 Qi Fei's Strategy

Having seen the power of Ye Chunyang's sword formation, how dare the woman in green hide anything.

After hearing this, Ye Chunyang fell silent.

After a while, he waved his hand: "Forget it, since the illusion of the Sutra Pavilion has been lifted, I will spare your life for the time being."

He came here only for the soul technique, but since the soul technique in the scripture storage pavilion has been destroyed, there is no way to do it.

Fortunately, he didn't gain anything from this trip.

After all, Ye Chunyang had no intention of staying any longer, turned around and wanted to leave.


The woman in green suddenly spoke.

"What else do you need?" Ye Chunyang looked back at her.

"Qing Chen is willing to follow Senior, but I wonder if Senior can take him in?" The woman in green asked with hesitation.

Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.

Gu Qian was also surprised.

The woman in green saluted slightly, and said: "Qingchen has relied on the illusion of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to hide for tens of thousands of years. Now that the illusion has been broken, Qingchen has nowhere to go. If senior can take him in, Qingchen is willing to serve senior and never Abandon."

Ye Chunyang's eyebrows gathered slightly.

"No need, it's not easy for you to cultivate, so you don't have to follow me."

After looking at the woman in green for a while, Ye Chunyang said lightly.

Although Qingchenjian cultivates the spirit body, its quality is much lower than his 81 perishing swords. As his cultivation level improves, the quality and power of this set of flying swords will continue to rise. Among them, Ye Chunyang cannot enter the eyes.

The woman in green was stunned.

Gu Qian on the side also showed surprise.

Qingchen Sword is a spiritual sword that has created brilliance. I don’t know how many experts want to subdue it. Now the sword spirit of this sword surrenders actively, but Ye Chunyang refuses it. If it is spread, I don’t know how many people will be shocked.

However, she didn't see any regret from the young man's face.

"If you feel that you have nowhere to go, you can follow me to Kunlun Ruins."

Gu Qian couldn't see through Ye Chunyang, so she simply looked away from him and looked at the woman in green.

"Go to Kunlun Ruins with you?"

The woman in green hesitated.


"You have seen my identity before, so you should know that Kunlun Ruins is one of the few sects of cultivating immortals in the human race that can compete with the monster race. If you go with me, you will be safe."

Gu Qian nodded: "What's more, if the monsters in Xuanshan are in chaos today, I need your power to repair the seal. This is also the purpose of my visit."


"Well, I have no other place to go for the time being, and it doesn't hurt to go to the Kunlun Ruins with you."

The woman in green bowed her head and thought for a while, then agreed.

After the words fell, the body disappeared, and turned into a small blue sword floating in front of Gu Qian.

The light lines on the sword linger, it looks petite, but it exudes a rustic and simple atmosphere.

Gu Qian's face showed joy, and with a move of his jade hand, the Qingchen sword turned into a streamer and swept into his sleeve.

This Qingchen sword has cultivated a sword spirit and has independent thinking. Gu Qian and her are not masters and servants, but since this sword has promised to stay with her, it can also play a huge role in the future.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to the result, turned around and went downstairs.

Since there is nothing he wants in Immortal Refining Valley, it is useless to stay here.


Gu Qian called out suddenly.

"What? Does the fairy have anything else to do?" Ye Chunyang looked back at her indifferently.

Gu Qian was silent for a while, and said, "Are you...are you going back to Kunlun Ruins?"

"To Kunlun Ruins?"

Ye Chunyang paused slightly, and said calmly, "Maybe."

He has also heard of the Kunlun Ruins and Piaomiao Palace, which are great sects of cultivating immortals outside the Northern Territory, but let's talk about the future.

"Your Taoism and practice must be highly valued in Kunlun Ruins. If you go, you can report me Gu Qian's name."

Gu Qian pursed her lips, looking at this mysterious man full of complexity.

"Report your name?" Ye Chunyang laughed dumbly.

This woman was as proud as ever, and she was a dignified cultivator who had to rely on the name of a little girl, which made people laugh out loud.

Ye Chunyang shook his head secretly, not wanting to say anything more to her.

At this moment, footsteps came from downstairs, and a figure flashed into the pavilion.

"Junior Sister Gu, are you alright?"

The person who came was the handsome young man named "Senior Brother Zhang" who accompanied Gu Qian into the Alchemy Valley.

"I'm fine." Gu Qian shook her head and asked back, "Why did Senior Brother Zhang come here?"

"Just now I felt that the sound transmission talisman between you and me was suddenly disconnected. I was afraid that my junior sister would be in danger, so I chased after you all the way. I was relieved to see that you are fine."

"Brother Zhang" said.

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Chunyang and Ye Xiaobao: "Who are these two?"

Gu Qian stared sideways at Ye Chunyang for a moment, and introduced: "This is Mr. Ye, as for the one next to him..."

"He is one of my senior brothers, and the fairy calls him Xiaobao." Ye Chunyang said casually.

He fell into a hallucination before, and in order to escape, he released Xiaobao as a backup.

"So it's Mr. Ye and fellow Taoist Xiaobao. I'm next to Zhang Wuchen. I don't know what sect the two fellow Taoists are from?" Zhang Wuchen ignored Ye Xiaobao, who was breathing weakly, and took an extra look at Ye Chunyang.

He keenly noticed that Gu Qian looked at Ye Chunyang a little strangely, that kind of eyes he had never seen with her for many years, which gave him a vague sense of crisis.

"Ye is a member of the Cangyuan Sect." Ye Chunyang said so.

"Cang Yuan faction?"

Zhang Wuchen smiled but wasn't smiling.

I thought it would make Gu Qian look at her differently, maybe like them, some well-known person came in in disguise, but I didn't expect that it was just a mere disciple of the Northern Region sect.

"Since Fellow Daoist Ye is a friend of Junior Sister Gu, he is also a friend of my Zhang Wuchen. Mr. Zhang also has some acquaintances in various sects in the Northern Territory. If you have any difficulties, you can just report Mr. Zhang's name."

Contempt flashed in Zhang Wuchen's eyes, and he said lightly.

"is it?"

Ye Chunyang ignored Zhang Wuchen's aloofness.

In his eyes, the other party was too small to be worth seeing.

Zhang Wuchen didn't wait for Ye Chunyang's answer after finishing speaking, so he turned the subject and asked Gu Qian: "Junior Sister, did you find that thing?"

"Brother, don't worry, the Qingchen sword has been obtained." Gu Qian said.


Zhang Wuchen was overjoyed.

But then he glanced at Ye Chunyang slightly from the corner of his eye, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"The Qingchen Sword is a secret mission assigned by the sect. Junior Sister Gu said it in front of Ye Chunyang without any hesitation. It seems that the relationship between them is far from as simple as I imagined. I need to plan this matter as soon as possible."

Zhang Wuchen secretly said.

Ye Chunyang was too lazy to entangle with the two of them, so he shrugged and left.

"Young Master Ye!"

Gu Qian suddenly took a step forward.

"Does Fairy Gu have anything else to do?" Ye Chunyang didn't turn his head.

"Master Ye, don't you plan to go to Kunlun Ruins with me?" Gu Qian asked with a frown.

"Kunlun Ruins?"

"talk later."

Ye Chunyang shook his head and laughed casually.

Kunlun Ruins is indeed much stronger than the Cangyuan faction, but it is not enough to make Ye Chunyang look sideways. Even if there is an intersection with this faction one day, it will never be due to a woman.

After the words fell, Ye Chunyang quickly disappeared into the attic.

Gu Qian's eyes drooped slightly. Facing this mysterious man, she always had a strange feeling and couldn't calm down.

Seeing Gu Qian's strange look in his eyes, the gloom in Zhang Wuchen's eyes flashed away.

But he quickly returned to normal: "Junior Sister Gu, now that Qingchen Sword is in our hands, we can leave. According to the time, the entrance to Immortal Alchemy Valley will be closed in a few days."


Gu Qian withdrew her thoughts and nodded.

After discussing again, the two disappeared immediately.


After leaving the Sutra Pavilion, Ye Chunyang did not stay in the ruins of the Immortal Sect.

It took more than half a month to come here. If he didn't get out before the gap in the barrier closed, no matter how powerful he was, he would still be trapped here for 100 years.

Although the danger here is nothing to him, 100 years is enough for him to accomplish many things.

Thinking of this, Ye Chunyang put away his avatar, and returned to the original way with his flying sword.

All the way down from the ruins of the Immortal Sect, sometimes I heard people laughing excitedly, and sometimes there were magic weapons colliding and magic spells bursting.

Obviously, there are still many disciples of the six sects searching for treasures here.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to this, but he didn't notice that shortly after Yujian passed by in the air, two rainbow lights came and appeared as two figures.

"Junior Brother Qi, what did you find?"

Beside Qi Fei, the young man surnamed Chu asked in surprise.

At this time, Qi Fei was looking at Ye Chunyang's far away direction, which was uncertain.

"Just now I saw the appearance of that person clearly." Qi Fei pondered for a long time, and said with gloomy eyes.


The young man surnamed Chu was full of doubts.

"The one who killed my younger brother Qi Mubai." Qi Feihan said in a low voice.


The young man surnamed Chu was very interested: "The last time I heard Junior Brother Qi say that this person seems to be a disciple of our Cangyuan Sect. In this way, he is the one who passed by with his sword just now."


Qi Fei nodded.

"I've seen him in the Buddhist scripture pavilion in the gate, but I've checked before coming to the Immortal Refining Valley, but this person doesn't seem to be in the sect."

When Ye Chunyang passed by just now, he suddenly saw the other person's face, which matched the person shown in Mrs. Zheng's white jade artifact, and it was also the slightly unusual disciple he had met in the Sutra Pavilion not long ago.

"Junior Brother Qi is quite simple to know the identity of this person. After returning to the sect, you only need to hang up his portrait and invite him to the stage of life and death. As soon as he shows up, Junior Brother Qi can naturally avenge Brother Ling." The young man surnamed Chu suggested.

"It's a good idea to hang up his portrait, but the other party knows that I want to look for him, so why would he obediently come out to die?" Qi Fei looked thoughtful.

"Hehe, it's only natural for Junior Brother Qi to avenge Brother Ling when this person kills him. Once his portrait is hung up, even if he avoids seeing him, the elders will not be able to protect him if the massacre of his family members is exposed." The young man surnamed Chu With a calm smile, he said.

Qi Fei's eyes flickered, and he finally nodded and sneered.

"Senior brother Chu is right. Thank you for your reminder. After I go back, I will immediately spread the matter among the peaks to force him to come out."

"If you dare to kill someone from my Qi family, I will definitely make his life worse than death!"

(End of this chapter)

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