After the ascent failed

Chapter 131 Trapped

Chapter 131 Trapped
On the east side of Lianxian Valley is a huge rocky mountain, with hot magma flowing down from time to time, it is a land of lava.

Lights flickered in mid-air, and several figures flew down.

The three disciples of the Cangyuan Sect with long swords flashed, and they sped towards the exit.

The leader of these three people was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, while the rest were at the eighth level. They looked in a hurry, with a hint of fear on their faces, as if they were avoiding something.

"Senior Brother, those three people who were ambushed by the disciples of the Luoyan Sect just now are also disciples of our Cangyuan Sect. Are we really going to stand by and watch?"

After escaping several miles away, an eighth-level Qi Refining disciple looked a bit hesitant.

"So what if you don't stand by and watch?"

"Our spirit grass has been snatched away by the people of Luo Yanzong, and we can't protect ourselves. Do you still want to save others?"

The leading senior brother at the ninth level of Qi Refining in front paused for a moment, then looked back at the disciple with an ugly expression on his face.

"Senior brother is right."

A person next to him also said: "The people of the Luoyan Sect are too despicable. They even chose us disciples who are alone, and they only pick out those who are lower than them. Now that we don't have any spirit grass in our hands, after we go out, I'm afraid we will be killed." I'm going to lose the bet."

As he spoke, he looked at the disciple who had asked earlier, and said, "And you didn't see that the disciples of the Luoyan Sect who ambushed them were all on the ninth and tenth levels of Qi Refining. Wouldn't it mean we were going to die if we went?"

"However, they are also our brothers and sisters. Could it be that people from the Luoyan Sect are allowed to bully them like this?"

"Maybe there are seniors from our Cangyuan Sect or seniors from Daoji Realm nearby, why don't we ask them for help."

The disciple was filled with righteous indignation.

"Hmph, if you can think of this, can I not think of it?"

The leading brother said coldly.

"Now that the exit is about to be closed, it's too late for those brothers and seniors to get out, so how can they meddle in their own business? If you want to kill yourself, don't pull me."

The disciple's expression froze.

"Now it seems that we have to go out as soon as possible, tell Elder Huang Long about this matter, and ask him to make a decision." The leading senior brother paused and said, "The people of the Luoyan Sect are despicable, and the elders will not let it go."

"That's right. They took advantage of their numbers and power to attack us secretly. Now that we don't have any spiritual herbs in our hands, we will definitely lose this bet. My faction will definitely be embarrassed."

"Before they came in, they deliberately provoked us to make a bet with them. It must have been calculated, it is simply unreasonable!"

The person next to him also said angrily.

Luo Yanzong calculated that the masters of all factions were rushing to the exit at this time, and took this opportunity to look around for their low-level disciples to attack and snatch the spirit grass.

The two factions made a bet, if they lost, it would be a small thing for all disciples to hand over the spirit grass, but it would damage the reputation of the sect. Once this matter gets out, it will be difficult for the Cangyuan Sect to hold its head in front of the other five sects in the future.

Hearing what the two said, the inquiring disciple also nodded and said no more.

"Huh? Who are you?"

As they were speeding up their journey, the three of them suddenly turned pale.

A figure appeared in front of him.

This person was dressed in white and was born fair and clean. He looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, but the white paper fan in his hand with the four characters "Xianfeng Daogu" made people feel strange.

What is even more strange is that there are several holes in the clothes of this young man, leaving a few fist marks on it, and his hair is also a little scattered, which seems to be a bit of a mess.

The leading senior brother took a look at the young man in white, and found that the other party was also a master of the eighth level of Qi refining, and he was immediately vigilant.

The two behind them also secretly practiced the kung fu formula, looking wary.

"Are you disciples of the Cangyuan Sect?"

The young man in white didn't even look at the three of them, and kept waving the white paper fan with "immortal style bones".

With such an appearance, who else is it but Baifeng?
"That's right, we are the registered disciples of Elder Lianqing of the Cangyuan Sect. Your Excellency is blocking the way here. What advice do you have?" The leading senior brother looked cloudy.

"Oh, since you are disciples of the Cangyuan Sect, the old man did not find the wrong person."

The young man in white is old-fashioned.

He didn't even look at the three of them, and asked with his head held high: "There are two women and a five-year-old boy in your Cangyuan Sect. The old man has been looking for them for a long time. Do you know where they are?"

"A child around five years old?"

The leading man was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself, could it be that little junior brother he was talking about?
Before entering Immortal Alchemy Valley, all the disciples knew that a junior junior with a high status had also come. Judging from the features mentioned by the boy in white, he should be the one the other party was looking for.

As for the other two women, they probably were Nie Xin and Chen Xue.

The two people next to them also had their hearts turned, wondering if the other party was inquiring about the three people they saw being besieged by Luo Yanzong just now?
The leading brother looked at the white-clothed boy again, and asked: "There is indeed a junior brother in my school, but I don't know why you are looking for him?"

"Hmph, relying on his body skills and brute force, that brat repeatedly defeated me before the old man had time to sacrifice the talisman, forcing the old man to retreat and break through in the past few days. Now I have reached the eighth level of Qi Refining. This time we have to deal with him!"

"Where are they now? Please tell the old man quickly."

Bai Feng rolled up his sleeves and said coldly.

After that fight with the "little junior brother", Bai Feng has sought revenge several times. Unexpectedly, he has been defeated repeatedly, and then he has been defeated repeatedly. In the end, in a rage, he no longer looked for the spirit grass, and went directly to find a spiritual energy Retreat and comprehend exercises in dense places.

Bai Feng is extremely talented and has a comprehension ability that surpasses ordinary people. Many high-level exercises in Xue Luocha can be mastered at a glance, but he has always been cynical and disdainful of cultivation, passing on these comprehensions to his disciples.

However, in order to take revenge on that boy who made him embarrassed repeatedly, he had no choice but to break through with his teeth closed and his eyes closed.

The leading senior brother was dumbfounded.

"Speaking of which, we have seen Senior Sister Nie and Junior Brother nearby a few days ago. If you look for them, you should see them in the lava field to the east."

The leading senior brother didn't want to say much at first, but after Bai Feng threw over the three mid-level magical artifacts that were shining with inspiration, he immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Field of lava?"

Bai Feng pondered for a while, then nodded, sacrificed a talisman, and disappeared on the spot without saying a word.

The three opened their mouths with astonishment on their faces.

But looking at the three instruments, he soon smiled again, picked one of them each, and continued towards the exit as if nothing had happened.


At the same time, in a certain volcano not far from where the Luoyanzong disciples gathered before, there was a heavy curtain of light, and several array flags gathered in midair, forming a magic circle, covering a radius of hundreds of feet.

Outside the light curtain, several young monks dressed in Huoyun robes gathered together. Judging from their attire, they were disciples of the Luoyan Sect.

Among these people, the lowest level of cultivation is also at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and one of them even reached the tenth level.

"Senior Brother Yan, they have been trapped inside for several hours, and it seems that they are almost exhausted."

A short disciple looked at the light curtain in front of him and sneered.

"Hey, this is the land of lava. Even if they can resist our large formation, they will not end well if they are affected by the power of flames for a long time."

The other disciples also smiled gloatingly.

A tall, middle-aged man in front of him held his hands behind his back and said nothing.

"Speaking of which, the three of them only have two ninth-level qi refining and one sixth-level qi refining. We can take it directly. Brother Yan, why do you bother to set up a magic circle to surround them?" The short man looked Looking at the middle-aged man, asked.

"What do you know? Killing people is worse than killing people. Senior Brother Yan just wants to torture them slowly. When they can't stand it anymore, they will naturally beg for mercy and hand over the spirit grass."

That "Senior Brother Yan" didn't open his mouth, but the person next to him said with a sneer.

"So that's it. This move is indeed much more refreshing than taking the spirit grass directly from their hands." The short man suddenly realized.

Senior Brother Yan raised his head and smiled lightly.

"This cloud and fire formation is an elementary and high-level magic formation. With the blessing of this formation, the fire energy here will double, making it impossible for them to survive or die."

Senior Brother Yan said indifferently, a formation flag flew out from his sleeve, hovered in mid-air for a while, and then fell towards the light curtain.

Immediately, the power of flames in the magic circle multiplied, and countless rocks and trees around were incinerated.

"Now if you beg for mercy obediently, for the sake of being both sects of the Northern Territory, Yan can spare your lives."

Senior Brother Yan showed a proud face, and his voice spread far away.

At this time, the faces of the three figures in the light curtain were gloomy, and there was a faint flash of spiritual light in their hands, which kept impacting in the light curtain, but they couldn't break the light curtain no matter what.

These three people were Nie Xin, Chen Xue, and the little boy with the big sword on his back.

"The flames inside are getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, we may be burned to death by the flames."

Chen Xue looked a little pale.

Trapped in this magic circle, instead of being unable to break the ban, they were suppressed by the power of flames, and their cultivation was greatly reduced.

"This formation is called the Cloud Fire Formation. Under the blessing of the fire energy, the restriction will gradually strengthen. To break the restriction, you need to find the hidden eyes of the formation." Nie Xin frowned slightly and said solemnly.

"However, this formation changes every hour, and there is no way to know where the formation eyes are. Over time, we will definitely be exhausted of spiritual energy."

Chen Xue shook her head.

As she said that, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "I never imagined that Luo Yanzong's people are so despicable. Is it possible that we really want to hand over the spirit grass?"

Nie Xin was silent.

"Let me try."

Just as the two were discussing, a childish voice came from behind.

The little boy stepped slowly towards them.

"Junior brother, this cloud and fire formation is no small matter. It may not be possible to crack it with the strength of Xin'er and me. Don't try to be brave." Chen Xue said in surprise.

"It's okay, I can use it." The little boy patted the big sword behind him and said.

Chen Xue looked at the big sword that was much taller than the little boy, forced a smile, and said, "Little brother, although you have just broken through the sixth level of Qi refining, this flying sword is only a low-level magic weapon, and I am afraid it will be difficult to break it. Kaiyunhuozhen, let the two of us figure out a way."

"Senior sister, don't worry, my father said this sword is very powerful." The little boy looked determined.

With that said, he stepped forward and came to the center of the light curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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