After the ascent failed

Chapter 132 Qinghuang Sword?

Chapter 132 Qinghuang Sword?
Chen Xue was full of surprise, while Nie Xin looked at the big sword behind the little boy and remained silent.

She was amazed by the boy's confidence.

Even they were in an extremely dangerous situation at this time. The other party was only a five-year-old child, who was still immature, but fearless.

Moreover, the breath of this sword made Nie Xin feel familiar, thinking that he should have seen it somewhere.

But if you think about it carefully, you don't have any impression.

The little boy didn't say much, and after taking a step, his white and tender little hand slapped the back of the sword.

After a loud bang, the big sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and mysterious blue sword patterns flashed on the body of the sword, revealing a cold and sharp edge.

"This sword energy..."

Nie Xin stared.

The sword energy emitted by this giant sword made her feel familiar again, and then carefully looked at the blue inscription on the sword, and she suddenly remembered something.

"This isn't Ye Gongzi's Qinghuang sword, why is it in the hands of this little brother?"

Chen Xue also showed surprise.

A few years ago in the ancient tomb of Tianmang Mountain, if it wasn't for the appearance of this sword, she would have already died under the claws of the ghost beast, so how could she not recognize it.

No one expected that this seemingly low-grade flying sword turned out to be the innate spiritual treasure that Cheng Ye once became famous for!

And it will be in the hands of little boys.

However, the Qinghuang Sword at this time has obviously been re-sacrificed. Except for the unique spirituality and appearance of the sword, the rest has nothing like the previous Qinghuang Sword.

Seeing Chen Xue and Nie Xin's strange expressions, the little boy was secretly surprised, and muttered: "Could it be that the two senior sisters really recognize my father's Qinghuang sword?"

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he made the formula with his little hands and concentrated all his attention.

The Qinghuang Sword was half a head taller than him, and the sword energy seemed to split the void, and it was extremely sharp, but when it was activated, the little boy's face was obviously a little pale.

"Daddy said that although this Qinghuang sword is an innate spiritual treasure, it has a magic seal inside. As long as I break through the sixth level of Qi refining, I can activate it and make it release its spiritual power by itself."

The little boy underestimated, and the formula suddenly changed, and the Qinghuang sword burst into a dazzling blue rainbow, soaring into the sky like a horned dragon.

Under the shocked gazes of Nie Xin and Chen Xue, the sword light circled fiercely, rushed into the light curtain above in an instant, and slashed towards the surrounding formation flags.

The little boy's face became paler and paler. Obviously, even though the sword was driven by the magic seal, it was still a bit reluctant to use his cultivation base to urge luck.

Nie Xin and the two were worried.


At this moment, there was a thunder-like loud noise in the air, and the Qinghuang sword slashed fiercely on a formation flag, bursting out a shocking rainbow.

The formation flag seemed to have extremely strong spiritual power, but under the slash of the Qinghuang sword, it trembled a few times and burst into pieces.

The bodies of the two women trembled violently.

Under the blessing of the flames of the lava field, these formation flags were stronger than before, and the little boy chopped it into pieces with a single blow of his sword with his sixth level of Qi Refining.

"Little Junior Brother is really amazing!"

Chen Xue cheered up.

She and Nie Xin had resorted to many methods before, and damaged several magical artifacts, but they were helpless. The little boy really surprised them.

"Don't get too excited, this cloud and fire formation is unpredictable, destroying only one formation flag will have little effect on it, unless we find the formation's eye and destroy it, then we will be able to escape. You and I will help the younger brother break the formation together."

Nie Xin said calmly.

As he said that, a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and he took up the magic weapon to assist the little boy.

Hearing this, Chen Xue nodded solemnly, and also stepped out quickly.


"Brother, look, they seem to have broken a banner."

Outside the light curtain, the disciples of the Luoyan Sect were shocked.

Senior Brother Yan raised his eyebrows, seeing the cyan sword light flying from the light curtain, his eyes flashed with surprise.

But soon he calmed down, shook his head and sneered: "It's just destroying the spaghetti array flag, it has no effect on us, it's really embarrassing for them, big cats and kittens, to break through my cloud fire array." According to one's ability."

When everyone heard the words, they also nodded, looking calm.

After Senior Brother Yan finished speaking, he raised a formation flag in his hand again, and several formulas were thrown into it.

There were several muffled sounds on the light curtain, and the surrounding flames gathered wildly like a tide. The entire light curtain turned red like a burning cloud, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

The restriction in the light curtain increased suddenly, the little boy's face turned pale, and the Qinghuang sword faintly lost control, trembling and flying back into his hand.

"This group of despicable villains actually used the flames around them to bless the magic circle. Now it will be more difficult to break through." Chen Xue looked angry.

"In any case, we cannot be trapped here, we need to break the seal as soon as possible."

Nie Xin said coldly.

After finishing the words, he looked back at the little boy: "Junior Junior Brother, take a rest for a while, and leave the rest to me and Chen Xue."

Just now, the little boy had already broken a formation flag, causing a gap in the formation. Even if the opponent manipulated the power of flames, it would be much easier to decipher it than before.

"That's good, then I will have to trouble the two senior sisters."

The little boy thought for a while, took back the flying sword, took Huiqi Dan and sat cross-legged.

The sword just now really consumed a lot of energy. With his cultivation of the sixth level of Qi Refining, he couldn't control the sword continuously. He had to recover his vitality before he could cast the spell again.


Not far from the lava field, a stream of light flashed across the sky.

At a close distance, you will find that a young man in his 20s in the streamer is stepping on a flying sword and flying away at a leisurely pace.

This young man was dressed in ink, with a handsome face, and his body seemed to have nothing but Ye Chunyang who had rushed back from the inner layer of the Immortal Alchemy Valley.

Slowing down and looking out of the sky, he could vaguely see the location of the barrier exit.

With his extraordinary divine sense, Ye Chunyang clearly saw that the exit was slowly closing at this time, and he thought it would be completely closed in a few days.

The enchantment restriction of Immortal Alchemy Valley has existed for tens of thousands of years, which shows that it is powerful. Even if Ye Chunyang has a physical body in the transformation stage and a primordial spirit in the out-of-body stage, it will be quite troublesome to be trapped here.

But Ye Chunyang is not worried. With his speed, it is more than enough to return to the exit, and he can even spare a few days.

"Since there is still some time right now, let Xiaobao go and find out if there are any natural treasures around!"

A dim light flashed beside Ye Chunyang, and Xiaobao appeared out of nowhere, but disappeared quickly.

Before, Ye Chunyang didn't search for many spiritual herbs in the valley because he wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the soul cultivation technique, and now he happened to collect some.

With the invisibility of the avatar, as long as Ye Chunyang is willing, all the spiritual grass here can be scraped away within a few days.

After releasing the doppelganger, Ye Chunyang didn't stop, but flew towards the exit.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered something, and his body froze.

"Why is there the breath of the Qinghuang sword here, could it be that girl Yao'er?"

Ye Chunyang looked at a certain rocky mountain not far away, with suspicion on his face.

At this time, in the rocky mountain, fluctuations in fighting techniques could be heard faintly, as if monks were fighting.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, then turned around and fell towards the stone mountain.


In the stone mountain.

The blazing flames soared like an angry dragon, skyrocketing inch by inch.

Within a radius of [-] zhang, there was a raging sea of ​​flames, covering the light curtain and crimson of Nie Xin and the three of them, trying to burn them out like a furnace.

According to this trend, it may not be long before Nie Xin and others will be burned to ashes.

"Hey, just because you guys want to fight me, come out obediently now, and I can let you live."

Senior Brother Yan made a single-handed tactic and played it calmly. Even though the three people inside continued to cast spells to break the ban, they were still half a match against him.

In the light curtain, hearing Senior Brother Yan's sneer, Nie Xin showed a cold expression, and said coldly, "If you want to take the spirit grass from us, don't even think about it!"

"You still dare to speak hard, but I want to see how long you can hold on?"

Senior Brother Yan's face darkened.

His patience had been exhausted, and when he raised his arm while speaking, several array flags were shot out one after another, and the flames in the light curtain were even stronger.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Flames fell down like meteorites one after another, and a sea of ​​flames spread in the light curtain.

The expressions of the three changed drastically.

Even though the Qinghuang Sword was powerful, the little boy's lack of cultivation could not support him, and he was soon entangled in the flames, unable to display his spiritual power.

Chen Xue's complexion changed drastically, she grabbed the little boy, retreated to Nie Xin's side, and said, "The magic circle is getting stronger and stronger, we can't break through the restriction with our strength, is it really necessary to hand over the spirit grass? "

"Don't be naive. Since they set up a cloud and fire formation to trap us, it's not just for the simple purpose of taking the spirit grass in our hands. Even if we hand over the spirit grass, they will never let me go easily." Nie Xin looked freezing cold.

Hearing these words, Chen Xue felt cold in her heart.

As the power of the flames around them increased, their cultivation was suppressed. Could it be that they were waiting to die?
"These guys are so hateful, when I go out, I will ask my father to slap them to death!" The little boy gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Chen Xue smiled wryly upon hearing this.

Outside the light curtain, Senior Brother Yan saw that the other party was unable to struggle, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

He also didn't want to get entangled any longer, and waved his hand directly, the banner on the light curtain circled a few times in the air, and landed on the top of the three of them, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

The expressions of Nie Xin and the three of them changed drastically.

The other party's move is obviously going to take their lives.

"Today, do you really want to die here?"

A look of unwillingness flashed in Nie Xin's eyes.

How can I die if I haven't surpassed that person, and haven't personally annulled the engagement in front of him?

Chen Xue's face was pale, she never thought that she would die here.

She has some regrets.

If I had known this before, I would not have participated in the training in the Immortal Alchemy Valley. Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, I am afraid that disaster is doomed.

If it wasn't for being greedy for the hundred-year-old spirit grass in the Immortal Refining Valley, perhaps today's scene would not have happened.

"Forget it, what can we do now that the matter has come to this?" Chen Xue shook her head with a wry smile, and quietly closed her eyes.

Luo Yanzong and his party are numerous and powerful, and that senior brother Yan is even a master of the tenth level of Qi refining. Even if they can break the cloud and fire formation, they still cannot escape the opponent's clutches.

"It would be great if daddy was here, and he will definitely beat them to dust!"

The little boy said to himself.

Facing the increasingly stronger flames in the sky, he didn't show any fear, but he felt somewhat unwilling.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to waste time with you, so I'll send you to see Hades now."

Senior Brother Yan grinned grimly, raised his hand, and behind him all the disciples of the Luoyan Sect joined hands to make a tactic.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
(End of this chapter)

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