Chapter 135
"What did you say?"

Taoist Huanglong was furious.

With a sound of "bang", Taoist Huanglong waved his sleeve robe, and the leading senior brother flew backwards, hitting the rock behind him and blowing it into powder.

The leading senior brother endured the pain and sat up blankly, not knowing why Taoist Huanglong got angry.

The disciples were also full of astonishment.

When he regained his senses, Taoist Huang Long walked towards the leading senior brother with a gloomy face: "You know that your little nephew is in danger, but you don't want to save him?"

"Master uncle, please forgive me!"

The leading senior brother suddenly came to his senses, his head banging loudly, and he said: "I don't want to see death, but the people of Luo Yanzong are powerful, and I am not an opponent, so I hurried out to report to my uncle."


Taoist Huanglong slapped the leading senior brother away with a slap.

The crowd was silent.

That junior brother is the son of Grand Elder Aoki, if any accident happens, none of them can escape the responsibility.

"Uncle Huanglong, do we want someone from the Luoyan Sect?" the Taoist disciple asked.

"Hmph! You're too naive. You have no proof. We went to them to ask the teacher about the crime. How could Old Monster Jin Yun admit it? Going so rashly will only give him a chance to bite back."

Taoist Huanglong turned his head to look in the direction of Luo Yanzong and his party, feeling cold in his heart.

"Then what should we do now?" Dao Jijing disciple asked.

Taoist Huanglong glanced at the barrier exit, pondered for a moment, and said: "There are still two days before the exit closes, wait and see, it will be great if the little nephew comes out safely, if something really happens to him..."

At the end of the conversation, Taoist Huanglong stopped talking.

When that little nephew asked him to bring her to Immortal Refining Valley, he had personally admitted that she was Master Ye's daughter. If there was anything wrong, Luo Yanzong would definitely regret it.

Although I have never met that Master Ye, rumors about him spread as early as three years ago. This Supreme Elder who is on the same level as Aoki is a soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage. Offending such a person, even if Luo Yanzong It is difficult for the elder Taishang to come forward in person.

"I hope the little nephew is really safe and sound."

Taoist Huanglong secretly thought.

Even though he was not afraid of Luo Yanzong, if the little witch had anything wrong with him, he would never be able to escape the guilt of his lack of protection, so he could only pray that she would come out safely.

Seeing this, all the disciples sat quietly and waited wisely.

In the following time, people from various sects came out of Immortal Refining Valley one after another. Many disciples from the five sects of Shuizong, Luoyanzong, Tianxingzong, Yulingzong, and Xuanyimen returned safely, but they never saw that person. "Little Junior Brother" and Nie Xin and others.

In the crowd, Nie Ying was also a little restless.

That day, Baifeng's spell almost destroyed all his self-confidence, especially in front of Nie Xin, begging for mercy from a kid whose cultivation level was much lower than his own, which made him feel extremely humiliated, so he did not choose to join Nie Xin, but escaped alone.

But no matter what, he didn't want Nie Xin to have any accidents.

"When we return to the sect this time, we must break through the Dao Foundation Realm!"

Nie Ying looked determined.

Nie Xin once gave him a foundation building pill, and this time he gained some hundred-year-old spirit grasses from his training in the Immortal Valley, which is enough for advanced cultivation.

Time passed bit by bit, and a day and night passed in a blink of an eye.

The gap in the barrier gradually narrowed. A month ago, it could accommodate a few people to walk through, but now there is only a narrow gap left, and the fluctuations of the surrounding restrictions have gradually increased.

However, in this gap, there are occasional figures flickering.

Those who showed up at the end all had lingering fears, as if they had walked out of the gate of hell.

According to the speed at which the gap in the barrier closed, if they were delayed by a day and a half, they might never be able to get out.

However, so far, no "little junior brother" and others have been seen.

"The exit can last for a day. If the junior nephew and the others get out of danger safely, maybe they can catch up."

Taoist Huanglong's expression was uncertain, but at this time the barrier had not been completely closed, so he could still maintain his composure.

The sun rose and set, and soon another day passed.

The barrier has basically stabilized, no more disciples have come out, and each faction is counting the number of people. No matter which faction, the number of people who come out is less than half of the number when they entered.

From early morning to noon, and then to dusk, there was only a narrow gap left at the barrier exit, and Taoist Huanglong gradually couldn't sit still.

He got up and stomped back and forth, like an ant on a hot pan, his face full of intersections.

"Fellow Daoist Huanglong, are you worried about losing the bet?"

A mocking voice came.

Boss Jin Yun led the crowd to come, gloating at the Cangyuan faction and his party.

"Old monster Jinyun, the exit has not been closed yet, how do you know that our faction will definitely lose the bet?" Taoist Huanglong replied angrily.

"Haha, of course I don't know the result of winning or losing, but according to the current situation, I'm afraid no one from your faction will be able to come out."

Boss Jin Yun laughed out loud.

"Whether I send someone out or not, it's not up to you, old monster Jinyun, to decide." Taoist Huanglong's expression darkened.

"Probably so!"

Old Monster Jin Yun shrugged indifferently.

After a pause, he waved to the disciples behind him, and said, "Since Fellow Daoist Huanglong is waiting for the disciples to come out, let's take an inventory first and get all your hundred-year-old spirit grass out."

A group of disciples of the Luoyan Sect took out the spirit grass from the Qiankun bag one after another when they heard the words, and immediately the fragrance of the medicine filled the surroundings. The number of them might not be less than a hundred, and each of them has reached more than a hundred years.

"They got so many Breitling Grass?"

Looking at the densely packed spiritual grass in front of Luoyanzong and his party, all the disciples of Cangyuan Sect gasped.

"Damn! Many of those hundred-year-old spirit grasses were obtained by us, but they were snatched away by despicable means!"

An angry voice came from the Cangyuan faction.

"That's right, if it wasn't for their sneak attack, we would have already surpassed them in the number of spirit herbs, so why is it their turn to show off their power here?"

Some disciples who were forcibly robbed of the spirit grass by Luo Yanzong gritted their teeth.

At least half of the spiritual herbs brought out by the other party were obtained from them. These spiritual herbs were obtained after all their hardships, but now they are being provoked by Luo Yanzong.

Taoist Huanglong looked at the actions of Luo Yanzong and his party, and his complexion gradually sank.

"A total of 93 plants, very good."

Old Monster Jin Yun took an inventory and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he looked at Taoist Huanglong, unable to hide his arrogance, "Fellow Taoist Huanglong, how many hundred-year-old spirit grasses did your faction pick this time?"

Taoist Huanglong looked ugly.

He also made an inventory just now. Although some of the disciples of the Cangyuan Sect still possess the hundred-year-old spirit grass, the total amount is far less than half of that of the Luoyan Sect. Old Monster Jin Yun deliberately asked his disciples to take out the spirit grass in front of them. Apparently he came to slap his face on purpose.

"Why, looking at the appearance of fellow Taoist Huanglong, could it be that your faction doesn't have spiritual herbs?" Old Monster Jin Yun asked pretending to be surprised, but his eyes were full of gloating.

The eyes of the elders and disciples of the various sects were also attracted by the bustle here, and most of them showed expressions of interest.

"Forget it, if Fellow Daoist Huang Long really can't produce the spiritual grass, it's okay. The so-called bet is just a joke at the next moment, so you don't have to take it seriously."

Seeing that Taoist Huanglong didn't speak, Old Freak Jin Yun was very pleased, waved his hands and said generously.

Hearing these words, the disciples of the Cangyuan Sect looked angrily.

But seeing that Luo Yanzong had so many spiritual herbs, they had no power to refute.

Taoist Huanglong crossed his hands in his sleeves and stood still all the time, but his heart had already sunk to the bottom of the glacier valley.

"Old monster Jinyun, what do you say about the fact that you asked the disciples to ambush my disciples and snatch the spirit grass?" After a long time, Taoist Huanglong uttered a sentence coldly.

When these words came out, the expressions of all the cultivators from all factions changed, and they looked at Old Monster Jin Yun with questioning eyes.

"Ambush your Cangyuan Sect disciple? Where do you start with this?"

Boss Jin Yun's expression remained unchanged.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said angrily: "As a member of the six sects, fellow Taoist Huanglong, you should be careful about what you say. It's better not to talk about such unfounded things."

"Whether you talk nonsense or not, you know it in your heart." Taoist Huanglong said lightly.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Huanglong seems to be angry because of the bet. It seems that the Cangyuan faction is not as generous as it seems!" Old Monster Jin Yun sneered.

"Huh, right and wrong are black and white, people have their own hearts, how about my Cangyuan sect, how could you easily slander them?" Taoist Huanglong was not afraid of the other party at all.

Old Monster Jin Yun sneered lightly, "Since Fellow Daoist Huanglong is so sure that my sect snatched the spirit grass from the disciples of your sect with despicable means, what evidence do you have?"

Taoist Huanglong was speechless for a while.

The old man Jin Yun was so unreasonable, "Since there is no evidence, then please hand over all the spiritual herbs in your hands."


Taoist Huanglong raised his eyebrows.

"Earlier, we both made a bet. If one of the factions loses, they must hand over all their spirit herbs. Why, did Fellow Daoist Huanglong forget so soon?" A sneer flashed in Jin Yun's eyes.

"That's right. All the factions have seen this matter. Can the Cangyuan faction want to deny it?"

"Hand over the spirit grass quickly, or the reputation of the Cangyuan Sect will be ruined in the future!"


The Luoyan Sect disciples also looked at the Cangyuan Sect with a sneer.

"No reason!"

"This group of despicable villains started secretly, and now they dare to show off their might, it's really abominable!"

All the disciples of the Cangyuan School were outraged.

They came out of Immortal Refining Valley with more people than Luoyanzong. If it wasn't for the opponent's sneak attack from behind, they would have obtained twice as many spirit herbs as them, but now they were beaten in the face by the opponent instead.

"The exit has not been closed, and the experience is not over yet, old monster Jin Yun, are you too impatient to ask my sect for the spirit grass?" Taoist Huanglong looked gloomy.

Unexpectedly, I endured again and again, but the other party was aggressive.

"Really?" Old Monster Jinyun sneered, "Fellow Daoist Huanglong may wish to see clearly, is the barrier exit still there?"

Taoist Huanglong was taken aback.

Looking up, the enchantment exit has been closed, leaving only a shallow gap, which is almost insignificant. Even if there are people inside, it is absolutely impossible to come out again.

"Could it be that the little nephew really fell inside?"

Taoist Huanglong's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

That little nephew had a special status, and if he died in the Immortal Refining Valley, the entire Northern Territory might be hit by a major earthquake.

Seeing Taoist Huanglong's annoyed expression, Boss Jin Yun felt very proud.

But at this time, an unexpected scene appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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