After the ascent failed

Chapter 136 Shocking the crowd

Chapter 136 Shocking the crowd
In the enchantment that was gradually closing, a startling rainbow suddenly shot out, and several figures flashed out of thin air.

Headed by a young man dressed in black, followed by two beautiful women, a five-year-old girl and a white-clothed boy.

Taoist Huanglong's expression changed, first he was a little surprised when he saw the girl, and then he was pleasantly surprised.

"Little Martial Nephew, you finally came out!"

He knew that the other party was a girl early in the morning, so he was not surprised to see her dressed like this.

But seeing the little witch come out safely, he was finally relieved.

It's just that the black-clothed youth and the white-clothed youth next to him looked very different, which made him a little puzzled.

But with the appearance of the young man, two eyes from the Cangyuan faction looked at him uncertainly, with hostility hidden in their expressions.

"Thank you, Uncle Huanglong, I've been waiting for a long time. Thanks to you for taking me down the mountain this time, otherwise I wouldn't have seen so many interesting things." Ye Yao patted Taoist Huanglong on the shoulder in an old-fashioned way.

The others looked at her transformed into a daughter with strange expressions on their faces.

Daoist Huanglong wiped off his cold sweat, and said with a dry smile: "It's a trivial matter, my junior nephew don't need to take it to heart, as long as my junior brother speaks a few words of kindness in front of the Supreme Elder in the future, it will be fine."

"Don't worry! My dad already knows!"

Ye Yao said with a smile.

As he spoke, he looked towards Ye Chunyang.

With his hands behind his back, Ye Chunyang sized up Taoist Huanglong slightly.

Taoist Huanglong was secretly surprised.

He didn't know the identity of the young man in front of him, but felt that after he appeared, many disciples from various factions focused their eyes on him, showing a hint of fear.

Ye Chunyang also noticed these gazes, and with a casual glance, he saw the girl from Yulingzong and the two women from the Water Sect full of fear, as well as Gu Qian and Zhang Wuchen who had disguised their identities and hid in the Water Sect.

These people are all he has met in Immortal Refining Valley.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay any attention to this, he withdrew his gaze and was about to leave.

But just as they walked into the crowd, there were several figures in front of them blocking their way.

A few disciples of the Luoyan Sect looked at them unkindly.

"It turns out that there are indeed disciples of the Cangyuan sect in the Immortal Refining Valley, but it's a pity that there are too many disciples. Your sect is still willing to gamble and hand over the spirit grass obediently."

The old monster Jin Yun showed disdain, and didn't care about the appearance of Ye Chunyang and his party at all.

The hundred-year-old spirit grass in the hands of Cangyuan sect disciples was almost robbed, no matter how many people appeared later, it was impossible to surpass them in the number of spirit grass.

"Huh, you old gangster, you ordered the disciples to plot against us, but now you still want to get the spirit grass from us?" Ye Yao said angrily.

"Smelly girl, who are you? If you dare to talk to this old man like that, you will die?" Old Freak Jin Yun's expression darkened.

"Old monster Jin Yun, I advise you not to touch her. This little nephew is the daughter of the elder I sent, if she gets hurt even a little bit, your end will be bad." Taoist Huanglong said calmly.

"Elder Taishang?"

Jin Yun's complexion changed, and he couldn't help but look at Ye Yao again.

"Cangyuan sect grand elder Aoki has a strong cultivation base, but he has never heard of a daughter?"

The elders of the other four sects were also taken aback, muttering to themselves.

The old monster Jin Yun also restrained himself three points all of a sudden, and he didn't dare to show power to Ye Yao anymore, but he still sneered and said: "It doesn't matter how high the little girl is? Before entering the Immortal Refining Valley, the noble faction voluntarily surrendered to me." Yanzong bet, do you still want to deny it?"

Everyone in the Cangyuan faction froze.

"What's going on?" Ye Chunyang asked casually.

On the other side, Bai Feng was shaking the white paper fan, watching this scene with great interest.

"Hmph, when we entered Immortal Alchemy Valley earlier, this veteran gangster deliberately provoked us to make a bet with Luo Yanzong, whichever faction can obtain the most elixir in Immortal Alchemy Valley will win, and the loser will You must hand over all the spiritual herbs."

"I didn't expect this old gangster to secretly order the disciples to besiege us and take away most of the spirit grass while we were scattered. Now they dare to show off their power here. It's really abhorrent!"

Ye Yao waved her small fists and said, not at all afraid of the other party's cultivation at the Spirit Transformation Realm.

My father, who is a master of soul art, is here, so what is the spirit transformation state?

Ye Chunyang stared at Luo Yanzong and his party for a moment, then asked Ye Yao: "Do you want to win?"

"Of course I thought about it!"

Ye Yao nodded vigorously.

But then his expression darkened, and he said: "But they have snatched away the spiritual herbs of many senior brothers, and now we have less than half of the spiritual herbs of the other party, so it is impossible to beat them."

"But a few Breitling grasses, what are they worth?"

Ye Chunyang said disdainfully, raised his hand, and a universe bag fell towards Ye Yao.

Ye Yao took it suspiciously, opened the Qiankun bag and took it out, and several flashes of spiritual light shot out.

A strong medicinal fragrance pervaded the air, and everyone took a closer look, only to see countless spiritual herbs floating in the air, each of which was a rare and rare flower in the world, with extraordinary spirituality, and the age was no less than 100 years old.

Old Monster Jin Yun frowned.

Taoist Huanglong and a group of Cangyuan disciples were also full of disbelief.

At this time, another spiritual light flew out of the Qiankun bag, and several spiritual grasses with stronger spirituality than before flashed, and they were all about 300 years old.

Everyone was stunned.

There are at least a hundred spiritual grasses that fly out of this Qiankun Sack, but the number has surpassed all the people of the Luoyan Sect combined, and the age is far better than them.

"how can that be?"

Jin Yun's expression changed wildly.

"Little sister, if you want spirit grass, you just need to ask me, why bother Master, the hundred-year-old spirit grass, I have plenty of it here."

At this moment, there was a laughing voice from the other side, Bai Feng waved and threw his Qiankun bag to Ye Yao.

Ye Yao blinked her big eyes, and opened the universe bag as well.

Densely dense spirit grass flew out one after another, and the number had already exceeded a hundred.

In addition to what Ye Chunyang gave earlier, Luo Yanzong has been completely crushed.

"There are so many hundred-year-old spirit grasses?" Taoist Huanglong's eyes widened, and his face couldn't hide his surprise.

Nie Xin and a group of Cangyuan Sect disciples beside him were also stunned, looking at the black-clothed youth and the white-clothed youth with monster eyes.

With so many spiritual herbs, could it be that the entire Immortal Alchemy Valley was searched?

At this time, Ye Yao was counting the trees one by one with her fingers, and surprise flashed in her eyes.

She hastily thanked Bai Feng, then proudly raised her head at Old Monster Jin Yun, and said, "Old Bangcai, what else do you have to say now?"

All Cangyuan disciples looked excited.

Luo Yanzong was aggressive just now, but he didn't expect the situation to reverse so quickly, this little junior sister immediately crushed the opponent.

Jin Yun's face turned green.

The other Luoyan Sect disciples also looked ugly, and they were all speechless.

"Hey, old monster Jin Yun, I would like to bet and admit defeat. We will accept the spiritual grass of your sect." Taoist Huanglong was very proud.

Just now he was overwhelmed by the old monster Jin Yun, but now their spiritual grass is far better than the other, let's see how arrogant he is.

Old Monster Jin Yun was so angry that his nose was crooked. After glaring at Ye Yao viciously, he looked at Ye Chunyang and Bai Feng coldly, with a strong evil spirit in his eyes.

"Give them the spirit grass!"

The old monster Jin Yun waved his hand and gave orders to the disciples behind him.


The expressions of several Dao base disciples changed.

"Give it to them!" Old Monster Jin Yun said in a deep voice.

When the disciples heard the words, they had no choice but to throw out all the spiritual herbs in their hands.

Cangyuan sect disciples cheered excitedly, and at the same time looked at Ye Chunyang and his party with obviously different eyes.

"Old Huanglong, this matter won't be left alone, just wait for me!" Old Monster Jin Yun stared at Taoist Huanglong and said solemnly.

"Accompany you at any time!" Taoist Huanglong sneered, not giving in at all.

Old Freak Jin Yun felt stuck in his heart, at last he flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly and led his disciples away, looking a bit dingy.

The monks of each faction looked at each other.

A moment ago, Luoyanzong was majestic and majestic. Everyone thought that the Cangyuan faction was bound to be slapped in the face. Unexpectedly, things turned around. It's swollen.

Immediately, all eyes focused on the black-clothed youth and the white-clothed youth.

What is face slapping?

The other party has made the best interpretation.

These two people were able to produce so many spiritual herbs, which shows their extraordinary strength, and just now, from what the white-clothed youth said, it seems that the black-clothed youth is his master, but no matter how it looks, the latter seems to have only the third level of Qi refining look like?

Everyone was confused for a moment.

"Maybe it's just a joke among young people."

Many people think so.

These two people don't look very old, and it's normal to joke with each other.

After thinking about it this way, the factions quickly dispersed.

Taoist Huanglong also glanced at Ye Chunyang and Baifeng suspiciously. These two people seemed to have never appeared in this sect.

But Taoist Huanglong didn't care about this, there are so many Cangyuan Sect disciples, how could he recognize everyone, it is thanks to the actions of these two people that they can help them reverse the situation.

"This trip to Refining Immortal Valley is considered to be very rewarding. After returning to the sect, you can choose to hand in these spiritual herbs or keep them yourself. I have already told you the conditions before entering the valley."

Taoist Huanglong said to everyone.

After saying that, he casually sacrificed a spirit animal bag, a black light flashed out, and a giant flying python immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go, follow me back to the sect."

Taoist Huanglong waved his hand and grabbed the giant python.

"Master, that old man's spirit beast is too low-level, why don't you sit on my side!"

With a flick of Baifeng's hand, a rainbow of light flashed from his sleeve, and a spirit bird with dazzling feathers hovered in the air.

"Seven birds and phoenixes?"

Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.

Qiqinfeng is a rare spiritual bird that flies extremely fast. There have been rumors that this beast is a descendant of the phoenix, and some of them will inherit some true spirit blood and have incredible supernatural powers.

"What a beautiful bird!"

Ye Yao smacked her lips, and before Ye Chunyang could speak, she couldn't help but jumped up.

Ye Chunyang frowned slightly, but didn't say much. With a flash of his figure, he also sat down cross-legged on Qi Qin Feng.

Bai Feng was overjoyed.

The other party's move proved that he had accepted him, and it seemed that his Tianzi token was not given away in vain.

"It seems that we have to prepare some more treasures in the future, so that he will willingly accept me as his disciple!"

Bai Feng thought happily, and with a thought, he drove the seven birds and phoenixes through the air. The speed made all the disciples dumbfounded.

But just after the three disappeared, a sneer flashed across the crowd looking at the direction they left.

(End of this chapter)

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