After the ascent failed

Chapter 138 The Old Immortal and the Little Witch

Chapter 138 The Old Immortal and the Little Witch

Chen Xue and Nie Xin grew up together, and no one knows better than her what the other is thinking.

But she didn't say anything, just stood quietly with her, looking at the lonely peak in the distance.

"In just three years, a lot has changed."

Chen Xue said with emotion.

She recalled the first time she saw that "Master Ye" in the Lingmiao Pavilion of Lindu City. At that time, everyone thought he was a good-for-nothing son who dragged Nie Xin down. The existence that people look up to.

"Xin'er, have you ever thought about fulfilling your engagement with him and marrying him?" Chen Xue asked suddenly.

"Fulfill the marriage contract with him?"

Nie Xin was slightly taken aback, then quickly shook her head and said, "I won't marry him."

"is it?"

"If that's the case, then I'm going to grab it. Now he is the Supreme Elder of our sect and the world-renowned Master Ye. Don't regret it then."

Chen Xue giggled.


Nie Xin opened her mouth, but couldn't speak.

Chen Xue looked at her with a half-smile.

Nie Xin fell silent.

The two stood peacefully in the attic, looking in the same direction, but had different thoughts.


At the same time, Ye Chunyang in the secret room was displaying several kinds of medicinal materials, preparing to refine Zhenyuan Pill.

The alchemy recipes related to Zhenyuan Pill flashed in his mind, Ye Chunyang waved his hand immediately, and a spiritual fire shot into the pill furnace.

"Fortunately, I got three main herbs from the Zhao family before entering the Immortal Refining Valley. Otherwise, the refining of the True Essence Pill may take a long time because of the difficulty in finding these herbs."

Ye Chunyang weighed the spirit grass in his hand, and said to himself with a faint smile.

It is very strange to say that Lianxian Valley is known as the holy land of elixir, and all kinds of elixir are overgrown. However, Ye Chunyang got a lot of elixir after scraping, but he did not see the three main herbs of Zhenyuan Dan.

If it hadn't been obtained in the Zhao family's hands in advance, it may not be possible to refine the True Yuan Pill even if it has gone through this journey in the Immortal Refining Valley.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Chunyang thought.

The brilliance flickered beside him, Xiaobao appeared out of thin air, and a divine thought passed through, and the latter immediately sat cross-legged beside him, and put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace one by one.

It is not difficult to refine the True Essence Pill. With Ye Chunyang's high-level alchemy skills, the avatar is completely capable of doing it.

After handing over the task of alchemy to the avatar, Ye Chunyang closed his eyes and meditated, his spiritual thoughts entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the ruins of the Immortal Sect, he obtained two soul arts. At that time, he practiced in a hurry and failed to comprehend them carefully. Now he can just calm down and appreciate the mysteries of them.

The journey of soul cultivation is mysterious and unpredictable, and reaching a high level can even separate the soul from the body and entrust it to all things, which is equivalent to immortality.

It's a pity that soul art is difficult to practice, and because of the inability to balance the soul and spiritual power, after ancient times, many soul art skills have been lost, and soul cultivation has gradually disappeared from people's sight.

But Ye Chunyang definitely can't give up. In terms of soul skills, he has already had the foundation of refining the gods, and he has cultivated to the state of the primordial spirit when he was in the human world. It is easy to practice soul skills.

And spiritual power cultivation has the original scriptures, and the progress is even faster by manipulating the avatar to practice together.

Taking the route of both Dharma and soul cultivation, and reaching a certain level, in this world of demon gods, he can be invincible vertically and horizontally.

As time passed, under Xiaobao's refinement, the medicinal materials decreased little by little, and the whole secret room was filled with the fragrance of Chinese medicine, while Ye Chunyang was like an old monk in meditation, without opening his eyes.

Winter went to spring, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and the matter of training in the Immortal Valley gradually subsided, and few people mentioned it again.

On this day, the warm sun was shining brightly on Cangyuan Mountain, disciples would often fly in and out from each peak, absorbing energy and practicing, it was a scene full of vitality.

At this time, on a certain mountain peak with dense figures, there was a lot of applause, and countless disciples cheered excitedly, as if they were paying attention to something.

In front of the crowd, on a wide square platform, two figures faced each other, with a sharp face and deep-set eyes. He was a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s, and his cultivation had reached the ninth level of Qi Refining.

On the opposite side is a boy in white clothes who looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man was holding a white paper fan in his hand, on which were written four large characters of "Immortal Style and Daogu". Coupled with his white shirt, it seemed a bit like a fairy.

This person is Bai Feng.

Today's him has a bit more majestic spirit, and his cultivation has broken through from the eighth level of Qi refining to the tenth level of Qi refining.

"Boy, you probably don't know who I am, and you dare to challenge me on the Dou Xingtai. Who gave you the courage?"

The middle-aged monk stared at the other side with a sneer.

At present, he has won six games in a row on the Dou Xingtai. Not only has he been given the opportunity to enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to practice spells, but he has also been personally instructed by the elders on the exercises. Opportunities can break through the Dao base.

However, Zhuxin Pills are not easy to get in such a big sect as the Cangyuan Sect, so the middle-aged monks plan to win a few more games and buy enough spirit stone rewards before buying the pills.

In the past six months, many monks of the same level have been defeated by him. Although the young man in front of him has the tenth level of Qi refining, but knowing his prestige, he dared to take the initiative to provoke him. It is really ignorant.

"Old man, this guy's name is Chang Hui, and he has a very powerful mid-level magic weapon in his hand, you have to be careful!"

A five or six-year-old girl in the audience shouted with a smile.

This girl is Ye Yao.

In the past six months, she and Bai Feng have never known each other, and they often exchanged ideas with each other. Bai Feng taught her many high-level exercises of the Blood Rakshasa, while she secretly took out various panacea from Ye Chunyang's treasury to exchange with Bai Feng.

After a period of time, the cultivation of the two improved by leaps and bounds. With his extraordinary comprehension, Bai Feng soared to the tenth level of Qi Refining, and after practicing many high-level exercises, he also reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, and he could control the sword alone flew.

Hearing Ye Yao's reminder, the young man remained unmoved, but the middle-aged monk shrank his pupils.

The middle-aged monk didn't recognize the young man opposite, but this girl was no stranger at all. The latter was a frequent visitor on the Star Fighting Stage, known as "Little Witch".

It is said that this little witch can only make a left hook, but no one has ever been able to catch her.

But the middle-aged cultivator is not afraid. No matter how strong the little girl is, she is still at the eighth level of Qi Refining. He can kill her easily by himself. Right now, he is more interested in the young girl on the opposite side, but his cultivation level is similar to his. boy in white.

"Boy, which peak real person are you a disciple of? Report your name, I always say that someone never fights against someone who is unknown."

Chang Hui looked at Bai Feng with disdain.

At his level, he is almost invincible under the Dao base level, so how could he put Bai Feng in his eyes.

The young man on the other side speaks amazingly.

"In the eyes of this old man, you are just a live target for this old man to practice, and you are not qualified to know the name of my master."

Bai Feng rolled his eyes.

When these words came out, everyone fell silent.

"Where did this kid come from? He looks crazy."

"It seems that he still doesn't know how powerful Senior Brother Chang Hui is. He dares to be so provocative. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

"It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Let's see how he kneels and begs for mercy later!"


All the disciples looked at Bai Feng with pity.

With the prestige of Chang Hui winning six games in a row, they were not optimistic about this fair and clean boy at all.

"Hey, the kid is very arrogant."

Chang Hui was also laughed out of anger.

He has fought many times on the star fighting stage, and he has never seen anyone who dares to despise him so much. This young boy probably hasn't seen how powerful he is.

"Let's not talk nonsense, the old man is still waiting to go down the mountain to catch the spirit turkey. If you knelt down and shouted 'Master Bai, have mercy' three times earlier, maybe I can consider letting you go."

Bai Feng pouted, with a look of disdain.

"court death!"

Chang Hui froze for a moment, then became furious.

"Since you are so ignorant of the sky and the earth, don't blame me for being merciless."

With a gloomy voice, Chang Hui stomped his footsteps, his robes rattled under the ferocious breath, and the stone slab under his feet was shaken to pieces.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly, Chang Hui's eyes blurred, as if he saw something unbelievable, his eyes widened.

A large piece of yellow light flashed across the air, dozens of talismans appeared in front of him without warning, and spells of various attributes continued to shoot out.

There was a loud bang, and before Chang Hui could take a step, his figure suddenly froze there.

Everyone was taken aback.

Many people rubbed their eyes and looked up to the stage, only to see thick black smoke billowing up, and then with a "plop", Chang Hui rolled his eyes and fell back straight, fainting like a dead dog Be crisp.

"Hey, the old man thought you could hold on for a while longer, but I didn't expect it to be so bad and lose so quickly."

"It's really boring, very boring!"

Bai Feng was also stunned for a moment, then shook his head angrily.

"Old man, you are getting better and better now. This guy won six games in a row before, but he didn't get out of a single round in your hands." Ye Yao said in surprise.

"It's nothing, these talismans are just the filial piety of my disciples and grandchildren. They usually come out and squander them when they have nothing to do. Like him, ten old men who come together can wipe them out with a single hand."

Bai Feng shook his head and said indifferently.

I used some low-level talismans just now, and I planned to exchange ideas with the opponent a few more times, but I didn't expect this person to be so useless.

When all the disciples in the audience heard the words, a chill came from behind their backs.

Ten of them can raise their hands together and be wiped out?
What is this nonsense?

They could see clearly just now that each of the talismans sacrificed by this young man was a high-level talisman of the primary level. It is not bad for ordinary disciples to hold one talisman of this level. How prodigal is this?
"Hey! I thought I could have some fun coming to the Dou Xing Terrace, but I didn't expect it to be so boring. Instead of wasting time here, I might as well go down the mountain to catch a few spirit turkeys and roast them."

"Little witch, let's go."

Bai Feng waved his hand, stepped off the stage and came to Ye Yao's side.

"Wait, that's not my master's portrait, why did it appear here?"

Just as the two walked out of the crowd side by side, Bai Feng suddenly saw something and his eyes were fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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