After the ascent failed

Chapter 139 Fighting?

Chapter 139 Fighting?

Not far away, several disciples were holding a portrait and whispering something.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side, grabbed the portrait directly, and snatched it away.

"Bastard! Who is so bold?"

A disciple on the eighth floor of Qi refining was furious, but when he saw that the boy and girl who had taken away the portraits were on the tenth floor of Qi refining, and the other was a "little witch" whom everyone talked about in the circle of disciples, he immediately fell silent.

"Where did this picture come from?"

Bai Feng looked at the portrait and asked.

The painting on it is clearly Ye Chunyang's appearance.

Ye Yao also looked puzzled.

"Doesn't this senior brother know what's been going on in the sect recently?" Several disciples were surprised when they heard the question.

"What's the matter?" Bai Feng wondered.

Several people glanced at each other, and then the disciple at the eighth level of Qi Refining said: "Brother, I don't know, this portrait was posted by Qi Fei, Senior Uncle Qi, this Senior Uncle Qi is a direct disciple of Elder Lian Qing of Lian Yunfeng, It is said that the person in this portrait killed his younger brother, and Uncle Qi wanted him inside the door."

"There is such a thing?" Bai Feng was surprised.

"That's right, Martial Uncle Qi has issued an ultimatum. Three months later, he will face off with him on the stage of life and death. Now all the disciples in the sect are talking about it."

A disciple at the seventh level of Qi Refining said enthusiastically.

"The Stage of Life and Death is the place where disciples of our sect resolve their grievances. Once on the stage, it is no longer just a competition like the Fighting Star Stage. It is not only the outcome, but also life and death."

Bai Feng grinned.

My master is not the Supreme Elder of the Cangyuan Sect. This is the first time I heard that the disciple wanted to arrest the Supreme Elder. This is really an ancient anecdote.

Ye Yao also showed a strange expression on her face, she muttered to herself: "This person even dares to challenge my father, where did he get the courage?"

"What's that Qi Feifei called? How's his cultivation?" Bai Feng asked again.

The disciples at the eighth level of Qi Refining were surprised when they heard the words. When others mentioned Qi Fei, they were all in awe, but this person seemed to regard him as a cat or a dog, and didn't pay attention to him at all.

He looked at the two of Baifeng in surprise, and then said excitedly: "It seems that the two of you really don't know anything about this matter. Uncle Qi Fei entered the Dao base stage three years ago, and his skills and skills are very good. That's right, this Ye Yun dared to kill his younger brother, how could Uncle Qi let him go?"

Bai Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

Ye Yao on the side curled her lips when she heard this, but she had heard from Aoki that her father was not only a master of alchemy, but also a soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage. How could a base monk pose a threat to him?

Seeing that Baifeng and Baifeng seemed to be overwhelmed by Qi Fei's name, the disciples at the eighth level of Qi Refining ridiculed in their hearts. Lian Yunfeng and Qi Fei have been a man of influence in recent years, and they are highly valued by Elder Lian Qing. How do they know him? How powerful?

Bai Feng pondered for a moment, then strode past several people.

Ye Yao also bouncing along beside her.

"Senior brother, this man is so courageous, it seems that he doesn't even look down on Mr. Qi." After the two left, a disciple sneered.

"It's just a guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. How can they know the prestige of Master Qi." The disciple at the eighth level of Qi Refining shook his head.

"By the way, it is said that the person in this portrait is named Ye Yun. I don't know who he is. I don't seem to have seen him in the sect. I don't know if he will be on the stage of life and death in three months." Confuse.

"Now the sect has spread the murder of a family member surnamed Ye. It is up to him whether he will appear on the stage after three months. Otherwise, if the matter gets to the elders, his end will not be easier than on the stage of life and death." The eighth-level disciple of Qi Refining analyzed.

"Senior brother is right, we will wait three months to see a good show."

Several disciples laughed and said.

The life-and-death fight has not happened for a long time, and the person who made the fight is still a Daoist master. I think it will be very exciting when it comes.

On the other side, Bai Feng and Ye Yao left the foot of Dou Xingtai Mountain, but a rainbow light fell in front of them, and a powerful aura suddenly enveloped them.

The light dissipated, and a handsome young man appeared in front of the two of them.

"I, Qi Fei, I know that you have some relationship with that Ye."

Qi Fei looked at the two calmly.

"Tell him for me, three months later, I'll be waiting for him on the stage of life and death, whether he comes to the appointment or not, his fate, I will decide."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to reply, they left again riding the rainbow.

Bai Feng and Ye Yao looked at each other, and both saw the strange look in each other's eyes.

Then they shook their heads and laughed secretly, ignoring Qi Fei's words, and left directly.

"That Qi Fei, who dares to fight with my father, is really courting death."

Ye Yao said disdainfully while walking.

"Old man, do you want to tell my father about this?"

As he spoke, he looked at Bai Feng who was at the side.

"Do you need to bother Master with such a trivial matter? Then I will deal with him on behalf of Master."

Bai Feng rolled his eyes.

"You want to fight for my father?" Ye Yao was surprised.

"Why not?"

Bai Feng opened the white paper fan of "Xian Feng Dao Bone", looking like a master, said: "This guy is just a Dao base monk, just like him, the disciples and grandchildren of the old master will catch a lot of them and kill them." He is simply easier than trampling an ant to death."

Ye Yao was noncommittal.

In the past six months, she had heard it countless times, but in fact, she hadn't seen any of the so-called disciples and grandchildren.

"Forget it, you little boy won't understand if you talk about it, so let's let it swell for a while, and then slap him to death for the master."

Bai Feng didn't bother to talk much, shook the white paper fan, and walked towards Wangxing Peak.

Ye Yao was suspicious, but she didn't ask any more questions.


Within the sect, a piece of news spread like wildfire.

There was a portrait circulated among the disciples, which showed a young man named Ye Yun. Lian Yunfeng and Qi Fei personally announced that they would kill this person on the stage of life and death three months later.

For a while, the disciples continued to spread rumors and gossip.

Some people were surprised, while others were puzzled.

Qi Fei is a direct disciple of Lian Yunfeng's Elder Lian Qing, a master of Dao Ji Realm Xiaocheng, everyone in the sect knows about this, but they have never heard of Ye Yun in this painting.

I don't know who this person is, who actually made a Daoist master so violent.

Many disciples were enthusiastic and curious about Ye Yun's identity. They secretly investigated the identity of the other party. As a result, it seemed that this person had never appeared in the sect, and there was no clue about him.

But this does not prevent the disciples from looking forward to the life-and-death battle three months later. Such a major event that caused a sensation in the sect has not happened for many years.

At this time, in a certain wing of Lian Yunfeng, Nie Ying was holding a portrait with an uncertain expression.

"I didn't expect that the person who beheaded Qi Mubai back then was actually Ye Yun. In this way, he is not a waste at the third level of Qi refining?"

"However, how did he come to the Cangyuan Sect?"

Nie Ying murmured.

When he saw Ye Chunyang outside the Immortal Alchemy Valley half a year ago, he felt strange, didn't that kid stay in Lindu City all the time?Why did it appear in the Cangyuan Sect?And became the murderer who beheaded Qi Mubai.

"Hmph, no matter what, it's good to have Qi Fei take the shot, and it saves me from having to spend more time dealing with him."

Nie Ying sneered.

Thinking of this, he opened a jade bottle on the table, and inside was a pill that floated up and down, and a faint medicinal fragrance emanated from it.

"After holding back for so long, I finally waited until today. As long as I take the Foundation Establishment Pill and break through the Dao Foundation Realm, neither the Ye nor Qi Fei will be able to threaten me again."

A sharp light flashed in Nie Ying's eyes.

The current him, his cultivation level is no longer comparable to that of half a year ago, and his aura has faintly reached the peak of the tenth level of Qi Refining. He is only one step away from stepping out of that threshold and becoming a master of the Dao Foundation Realm.

Moreover, with the spirit grass obtained by Lianxian Valley half a year ago, he has already become Lian Qing's direct disciple in advance, and after breaking through the Dao Foundation Realm, his status in the sect can also be improved a bit.

He immediately put away the Jidan, and walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.


It is also in Lianyun Peak, but there is a completely different scene in another attic.

Nie Xin and Chen Xue sat quietly in front of the window, holding a portrait of Ye Chunyang with complex expressions.

After taking many elixirs brought out by Immortal Refining Valley, both of them have broken through the tenth level of Qi Refining, and like Nie Ying, they have been accepted as personal disciples by Lian Qing, and their cultivation has doubled day by day.

"Xin'er, what happened outside Biyun Peak back then? Was it true that Mr. Ye killed Qi Mubai?"

After a long time, Chen Xue questioned.

Nie Xin stared at the portrait, frowning silently.

"What happened back then?" Chen Xue asked again.

Qi Mubai's death a few years ago is still a mystery. The Qi family used to investigate the matter all over the city, but it ended in an anticlimactic manner not long after, which made everyone feel very puzzled.

"I'm not very clear about this either." Nie Xin shook her head and replied.

She stood up, and the scene of seeing Ye Chunyang in Biyun Peak after waking up appeared in her mind, which she still can't let go of.

"You didn't see with your own eyes that it was Mr. Ye who killed Qi Mubai?" Chen Xue's eyes flickered.

"No." Nie Xin frowned slightly, "I was attacked that night, and I was in Biyun Peak after waking up, and I don't know anything else."

"In this case, the person who attacked must be Qi Mubai."

"No matter what happened at that time, now Qi Fei insists that Qi Mubai was killed by Mr. Ye, but it seems that Qi Fei still doesn't know that Mr. Ye is now the elder I sent, so he wanted him and forced him to three After a month, I will be on the stage of life and death."

Chen Xue's eyes revealed some thought.

"I don't know if Mr. Ye will fight. When I was in Lingxian Mansion, I heard Elder Yuan Hai said that he is a high-level soul cultivator. If he really fights with Qi Fei, what will happen if he runs away?"

Having said that, Chen Xue showed an expression of interest on his face.

When Nie Xin heard this, a trace of darkness flashed across his eyes.

She turned her head to look out of the window, and murmured: "Speaking of knowing you, it seems that the only time I have used the Qinghuang sword is in the ancient tomb... I want to see how far your cultivation has come from." To what extent?"

(End of this chapter)

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