Chapter 147

While flying, Ye Chunyang was playing with a piece of black wood in his hand.

This piece of wood was brought back by Xiaobao from the Buddhist scripture pavilion. It is only the size of a baby's palm. Its surface is covered with ancient wood grains. It looks a little rough, but it is warm and cool in the hand, and it gives a sense of spiritual purity.

"Unexpectedly, there is a fragment of the spiritual tree in the Cangyuan sect. Could it be that there is also a spiritual tree here?"

Ye Chunyang murmured.

The Spirit Cultivation Tree is a magical tree that can gather spiritual energy. He once cultivated one when he was in the human world.

However, the main magical function of this tree is not to gather spiritual energy, but the spirit-nourishing wood cut from this tree can nourish the soul, which is of great benefit in practicing soul art.

After coming to the Demon God Realm, Ye Chunyang came into contact with the practice of soul art for the first time, and had long planned to find a tree for cultivating spirits, but unfortunately found nothing.

Unexpectedly, during the period of retreat, he used his avatar to travel to and from the Buddhist scriptures pavilion and accidentally found a fragment of spiritual cultivation wood. How could he not be surprised.

It's just that when Ye Chunyang got the object, he found that the soul power on it was already weak, and he could no longer rely on the practice of soul art, so he went out and planned to ask Aoki about the source of the object.

"Ye Daoyou, why are you interested in coming to my Cangyuan Peak today?"

Just thinking about it, Aoki's hearty laughter came from Cangyuan Peak.

Ye Chunyang flickered and fell towards the place where the sound came from.

Cangyuan Peak not only has a main hall, but also a magnificent sea of ​​clouds on the back mountain, surrounded by white mist, like a fairy mountain peak.

"Ye took the liberty to visit, didn't he bother Fellow Daoist Qingmu?"

Ye Chunyang put away the light, and saw an old figure meditating on a cliff on the mountain.

It was Aoki.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Ye is a bit out of touch when he said this, but you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Fellow Daoist has retreated for a long time, and suddenly came here, what do you want to do?" Qing Mulang said with a smile.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much, he directly took out the fragments of the Spirit-Cultivating Wood, and asked, "I found this object in the Buddhist scripture pavilion a few days ago, and I'm a little interested in it. I don't know where it came from?"


Aoki stretched out his hand to take the shards of spiritual wood, and after looking at it slightly, he showed doubts: "This thing has no spiritual energy, it's just an ordinary thing, why did Fellow Daoist Ye suddenly fall in love with this thing?"

"Ordinary things?"

Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Could it be that Aoki didn't know that these were fragments that fell off from the spirit cultivating tree?
He smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that this thing is a bit strange, so it's a bit strange."

Aoki looked suspicious.

But he didn't think too much, and after carefully measuring the pieces of spiritual wood, he shook his head slightly and said: "If you say that the origin of this thing is indeed a long time ago, it should have existed before the elder of the previous generation died. "


"Does Fellow Daoist Qingmu know where the previous Great Elder got this thing from?"

Ye Chunyang asked again.

"This old man has heard a little bit."

Aoki pondered for a while, and said: "As far as I know, this thing seems to have appeared in our school hundreds of years ago. At that time, the elders of the previous generation saw that this thing was a bit unique, so they kept it. If you find out what is the use of this thing, you can simply put it in the scripture storage cabinet."

"It's just a dead thing. Not only the elder of the previous generation, but the old man also took it out and inspected it after he cultivated the golden core, but he didn't find anything strange. Could it be that fellow daoists saw something?"

At the end of the conversation, Aoki couldn't help but said strangely.

"I didn't see anything, I just felt that this thing is a bit different, so I asked Fellow Daoist Qingmu about it." Ye Chunyang took back the pieces of the spiritual wood, and said nonchalantly.

Aoki looked suspicious.

After a while of silence, he suddenly said: "You Daoist Ye, if you really want to know the origin of this thing, you might as well go down the mountain and go to Luo City to have a look."

"L.A. City?"

Ye Chunyang's eyebrows gathered slightly.

The name is somewhat familiar.

"That's right. According to what the previous Great Elder said, this thing was sent to me by a family in Los Angeles hundreds of years ago, but there is no record of which family it is."

Aoki said: "You Daoist Ye, if you are interested in this thing, you can check it out."

Ye Chunyang's emphasis on this object made Aoki deeply puzzled, but he thought that this fragment was indeed a dead object after it was placed in the Sutra Pavilion, so he didn't ask any more questions.


Ye Chunyang thought for a moment and nodded.

Judging from Aoki's performance, he really doesn't know the magic of the Spirit Cultivation Tree, since that's the case, he doesn't need to explain much.

What's more, whether there is really a spirit-cultivating tree in the Demon God Realm will be discussed after he has verified it.

Afterwards, he made a bow, bid farewell and left.

Aoki felt even more strange, but Ye Chunyang was interested in this thing, so he would not intervene.

After leaving Cangyuan Peak, Ye Chunyang did not leave the mountain gate directly, but returned to Wangxing Peak.

Although he had some clues about cultivating the spirit tree, he had just broken through to the completion of the Dao Foundation Realm at this time, and he still needed to stabilize in the cave for a while, and he would leave the sect after everything was fully prepared.

After returning to the peak, Ye Chunyang was surprised to find that there was no one in the cave, and Ye Yao and Bai Feng had disappeared.

Just as he was surprised, a flame came flying from the hall.

Ye Chunyang's eyes were fixed, and he grabbed it casually. It was a sound transmission talisman. After hearing the content, Ye Chunyang looked strange.

"Yao'er went down the mountain with Bai Feng privately, but that girl has my spiritual memory on her body, and the Qinghuang sword has also been passed to her, so there shouldn't be any danger."

Ye Chunyang whispered, and the flame dissipated in his hand.

This sound transmission talisman was left for him by Ye Yao, this little girl probably felt that staying in the cave was boring, so under Bai Feng's instigation, she followed him down the mountain to play.

Although Ye Chunyang was a little worried, but this girl had a peculiar physique, and with the Qinghuang sword he had refined, the ninth level of Qi refining could completely compete with the tenth level, and with Baifeng by her side, there would be no danger at all.

What's more, no matter where the other party is, he can feel the slightest abnormality of the spiritual memory left on her body at any time.

So in the next few days, Ye Chunyang was immersed in studying the fragments of the spiritual tree.

Although the soul power contained in this object is so thin that it is negligible, it is still an orthodox spirit-cultivating wood fragment. If there is a spirit-cultivating tree within a certain range, it can be sensed accordingly.

"This piece of spiritual wood has been sealed for hundreds of years in the Cangyuan Sect's Buddhist scriptures pavilion. If it is allowed to maintain the power of nourishing the soul, it will not be able to regain its vitality."

"I don't know if this step can be achieved with the ripening effect of the spirit spoon?"

Ye Chunyang weighed the shards of the spirit wood, thought for a while, and then took out the spirit spoon and took water to irrigate.

A spoonful of clear water, under the medium of the spirit spoon, instantly turns into a magical spirit water that can't be avoided by the spirit springs of heaven and earth. As it falls bit by bit into the pieces of the spirit-cultivating wood, the black wood grain on it seems to be alive , actually squirmed faintly.

Ye Chunyang carefully observed the changes in the fragments.

Although the spirit spoon can ripen any spiritual flowers and herbs, it is on the premise that the latter still has vitality. Now that the fragments of the spiritual wood have been separated from the body, the vitality has long been cut off. If it is not for the long-term preservation of this wood, I'm afraid it is not much different from the firewood used for chopping wood and burning fire.

With such a thin vitality, Ye Chunyang can't guarantee that the ripening of the spirit spoon will also be effective for him.

Under Ye Chunyang's gaze, the wood grains on the fragments squirmed a few times, and suddenly emitted a faint fragrance.

This fragrance is different from other natural treasures. It smells refreshing and all fatigue is eliminated.

"It really works."

Ye Chunyang was overjoyed.

But after checking the fragments for a while, he shook his head in disappointment.

"It's a pity that this thing is just a fragment after all. Even if the spirit spoon has the magic of ripening, it can only keep the last ray of life lingering. If it is a branch that is really cut from the spirit-cultivating tree, it should be able to add more. angry."

"Forget it, let's use the spirit spoon to keep it alive for the time being, and try to find clues about the spirit tree after going down the mountain in a few days."

With a decision in mind, Ye Chunyang didn't think too much about it, and directly threw the spirit-cultivating wood fragments into the jade gourd.

Although it is impossible to ripen this thing and make it restore the effect of nourishing the soul, as long as it can maintain its vitality, there is a great chance to find a real spiritual tree.

In the next few days, Ye Chunyang would take out the pieces of spiritual nourishing wood every day, and use the spirit spoon to maintain his vitality, and in the rest of the time, he would continue to stabilize his realm and comprehend soul art at the same time.

After coming and going, two months passed before I knew it.

In the past two months, the news that Qi Fei was about to fight "Ye Yun" and was defeated by his disciples and retreated gradually subsided. Even if some disciples were still talking about it, it was no longer as hot as it was back then .

However, shortly after the fight ended, another piece of shocking news came out.

Elder Lian Qing of Lian Yunfeng was cut off with one arm, but this is a taboo, no one knows the reason.

But on the day it was reported that Elder Lian Qing's arm was cut off, he also heard that he ordered Qi Fei to be expelled from the sect and sent back to Qi's family in Lindu City, and he was no longer allowed to step into the Cangyuan Sect.

As soon as this news came out, not only Yunfeng's disciples couldn't understand it, but other disciples in the peak also looked astonished.

It is rumored that Qi Fei is Lian Qing's most beloved disciple in the past few years, and now he is cruelly expelled from the school, and he even broke his arm. Everyone speculates that this matter is very likely to be related to the mysterious "Ye Yun" .

It's a pity that there is no real evidence for this matter, and it has become the first unsolved case in the Cangyuan sect.

And when he heard the news that he was expelled from the division, Qi Fei, who had just woken up from a coma due to serious injuries, vomited blood on the spot, and immediately passed out again.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay much attention to the news circulating among these disciples. After resting in the cave for two months, he finally left Wangxing Peak after discovering that the vitality in the spirit-raising wood fragments had gradually stabilized.

According to the clues informed by Aoki, this fragment of spirit-cultivating wood came from Los Angeles, and he planned to go there this time to have a look, maybe he would gain something.

When he left the sect without a sound, in the attic of Lian Yunfeng's disciples, two figures stood facing each other with a dignified expression.

"Xin'er, are you really planning to go down the mountain to practice?"

Chen Xue looked at Nie Xin and asked in surprise.

Originally, she could practice safely in the Cangyuan Sect, but the other party suddenly wanted to leave the sect, which made her a little puzzled.

"That's right. Although the sect is good, it's too comfortable. If you want to be really diligent, you must hone it."

Nie Xin looked into the distance with a firm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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