Chapter 148

Luocheng is on the border of Yinyue Kingdom, and its scale is not too big. It can only be compared with Lindu City, and it is slightly different from big cities such as Yunlan City and Liang City.

Due to the long distance, continuing to fly with the sword would consume too much spiritual power, so Ye Chunyang did not rush directly after going down the mountain, but brought his avatar to a nearby square city.

After some inquiries, Ye Chunyang knew that there was a flying magic weapon for sale in this square city, which could be activated only by spirit stones, which was more convenient than owning a sword.

After entering Fangshi, he did not make Xiaobao invisible, and the two walked through the street and soon came to a store.

Ye Chunyang's luck is not bad, today is the opening day of Fangshi, monks will come and go more than usual, and there will be more treasures for sale.

Fangshi is different from other cities.

Fangshi is like a small city for cultivating immortals. It is a place where cultivators gather specially. There are monks working together to maintain order and prohibit private fighting.

Ordinary cities are mostly mortals, and occasionally there will be some cultivating families, such as Lindu City and Yunlan City, and the rest are mostly directly ruled by the Yinyue Kingdom royal family.

Immortal cultivators never interfere with ordinary people's affairs.

At this time, there was a lot of people in the store, and many monks were selling treasures here, including Qi refining and Dao foundation levels.

In this kind of market that is maintained by monks, no one will violate the rules to make money.

Ye Chunyang wandered around the venue, and found that many Cangyuan sect disciples were active here, but because he seldom showed up in the sect, no one recognized him.

After a brief glance, Ye Chunyang found an open space to put some pills, and wrote words such as asking for treasures, and then sat down calmly, just like the last Wanding meeting in Yunlan City.

In fact, with his ability, it is not impossible to refine a flying magic weapon by himself, but firstly, there is a lack of materials, and secondly, refining the magic weapon takes a lot of time, so it would be easier to buy it directly.

The elixir he put out was not high-level, just a dozen or so ordinary snow pottery pills, suitable for monks in the Qi refining period.

However, with the medicinal effect of Snow Pill, it is more than enough to exchange for a high-level flying magic weapon.

Sure enough, as soon as he released the elixir, he heard voice transmissions asking for the price one after another.

In this kind of crowded place, the monks will not reveal their details in the transaction, but they will talk through sound transmission. If the two parties have no objections, they can conduct private transactions.

Sound transmission is a low-level spell for beginners. Generally, monks who have reached the fifth level of Qi Refining can practice it, so it can be guaranteed to be safe.

Of course, if a monk with a high level of cultivation intends to listen to the conversation of a low-level monk, he can easily break it.

But under normal circumstances, high-level monks don't bother to pay attention to the transactions of low-level monks, unless some valuable treasures actually appear.

Not long after Ye Chunyang put out the elixir, he received sound transmissions from five qi refining monks, but the magic weapon produced by the other party was too low-level, so Ye Chunyang directly ignored it.

Although those Qi refining monks were very greedy for Xue Po Pill, they no longer wanted to entangle themselves in a boring way.

After about half a stick of incense like this, a soft voice sounded in Ye Chunyang's ear: "Fellow Daoist wants a flying magic weapon, but I have one here."

Ye Chunyang raised his head, and saw a woman standing opposite. Although she was middle-aged, she was well maintained, with a plump figure, no trace of age on her face, and she exuded a mature aura.

However, this woman's cultivation base is a small success at the Dao Foundation Realm, so she asked if the Xue Po Pill was prepared for disciples or juniors.

"If your Excellency takes out the flying magic weapon, it's natural to exchange for these pills, but it also depends on the rank. I only want the upper rank." Ye Chunyang replied lightly.

"Hehe, flying artifacts are always expensive, and high-level ones are even more difficult to find, but Taoist friends are about to go up to the next level. They have a lot of appetite." The woman showed a look of surprise.

Ye Chunyang looked indifferent and did not reply.

The woman couldn't help being taken aback when she saw that the other party seemed to like to buy or not, or to leave if he didn't buy.

I've never seen someone so proud of selling things.

But she didn't care, and after taking another look at the two bottles of Xue Po Pill, she continued to transmit the sound transmission: "If fellow daoist insists on getting a high-level flying magic weapon, it's not that I don't have one, but the number of these Xue Po pills, fellow daoist If there are a few less, if you add a few more, the concubine can exchange it with you."


"Fellow Daoist, take out the magic weapon first!"

Ye Chunyang said expressionlessly.

Seeing that he agreed so resolutely, the woman was surprised.

The other party is so confident, does he have a lot of snow pills in his hand?

The woman regretted that she had lowered the price, but she did not hesitate, she walked up to Ye Chunyang, and imposed a barrier, everything around her was immediately isolated.

The monks who came and went glanced at it curiously, as long as the treasure is negotiated, both parties will set a ban on private transactions.

Such a scene is no surprise in this store.

Ye Chunyang and this woman set up restrictions on each other, it seems that both sides have offered satisfactory conditions.

However, to everyone's surprise, the prohibition shield dissipated not long after it was set up, which was surprisingly fast.

Then, the beautiful woman came out.

Her expression was a bit complicated. After looking at Ye Chunyang, she walked out of the store without saying a word, and soon disappeared.

At this time, the elixir in front of Ye Chunyang had disappeared.

Many qi refining monks who had just bid on Ye Chunyang secretly regretted it. After such a scene, it was obvious that those snow pills had fallen into the hands of the woman.

Ye Chunyang didn't give any explanation for this. After the woman left, he also walked out of the crowd with his hands behind his back, and then left Fangshi directly, with a look of no regrets.

Although everyone felt sorry for this, they did not pay too much attention.

But no one knew that just after the transaction was over, the woman appeared again at a certain street corner.

She walked along the front for about half a stick of incense, and finally stopped outside a restaurant. After a pause, she went straight to the attic above.

When she selected a seat, there was a figure of a man sitting there.

The man was dressed in a black Taoist robe, with a cloak covering his head, so that people could not see his face clearly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are back."

The man in black was holding a teacup, gently flipping the tea leaves on it, and asked calmly.

The woman sat down gracefully in front of the man in black, nodded, and said with a light smile: "I have already found out the cultivation level of that man, he has no spiritual power, and he is indeed a Qi-refining cultivator, and he is only around the second and third floors." .”

The man in black was silent.

"However, there is one thing that is very strange." The woman paused, and then said: "This person's cultivation level is obviously not high, but the pills he sells are top-grade, and the quantity is more than I expected."

"It's not surprising."

The man in black put down his teacup, sneered, and said: "This person is a waste in spiritual power cultivation, but he has some alchemy methods. Even Master Cheng Ye is willing to bow down to him, so he will naturally have some high-quality pills in his hand." medicine."


The woman looked surprised.

She looked at the man suspiciously, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Since this man is a master of alchemy, why does Fellow Daoist Nie want to oppose him, and even pay a lot of money to ask me to do it?"

"What's more, this person is just a Qi-refining cultivator. It is easy to kill him, so there is no need to spend so much trouble."

A cold sneer came from the mouth of the man in black, and he took off the cloak on his head, revealing a handsome face.

This face was very familiar, it was Nie Ying.

"It's just a waste, it's easy to kill him, what I want is to let him taste the pain that is worse than death!"

Nie Ying looked cold.

Now, his cultivation base is much stronger than when he came back from Lianxian Valley, and he has become a real Daoist monk.

This time I went down the mountain to buy some training materials in the square market, but accidentally found Ye Chunyang, and the hatred in my heart suddenly surged.

"If it wasn't for the appearance of this person, the relationship between me and Xin'er would not have become so indifferent. Although I hate him deeply, it would be too cheap for him to let him die so easily."

"Besides, I heard that he has a powerful disciple, and Qi Fei was also defeated by him some time ago. Although I suspect that disciple followed him to practice alchemy, just to be sure, let Fellow Daoist Xu go check it out himself. it is good."

"In addition, this person seems to be a disciple of the Cangyuan Sect at the moment. I can't do it myself, so I have to ask you to take this person down secretly, and then send him to me."

Nie Ying said coldly.

"I see."

The woman suddenly nodded.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Nie, we at Tiansha Tower use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. Since you ask us to help, we will naturally satisfy you."

"I didn't find any disciples around him just now, but there is a monk with similar cultivation level as him. It seems that he should be his servant or alchemy boy. We will deal with them together later."

The woman said quietly.

A cold look flashed in Nie Ying's eyes, then she nodded with a sneer.

"That disciple...seems to be his guard in Lindu City, right?"

Nie Ying suddenly remembered that "Ye Yun" had escaped danger many times when he was in Lindu City. With him as a little monk at the third level of Qi refining, how could he survive to this day without expert guards around him?

He had always had doubts about this matter, but after hearing that Qi Fei was about to fight "Ye Yun", a disciple of the Dao Foundation Realm would fight on his behalf, and the doubts in his heart were suddenly resolved.

A high-level alchemist does not necessarily have a high level of cultivation, but it is normal to have high-level disciples under his sect.

"Ye Yun, no matter who is guarding you this time, you will not escape this disaster!"

"When you fall into my hands, I will definitely torture you."

After cultivating Dao Foundation, Nie Ying's first task is to get rid of "Ye Yun", a serious trouble in his heart.

Originally, Nie Ying was a little bit afraid of the disciple who defeated Qi Fei, so she hesitated to make a move, but now to meet Ye Chunyang going down the mountain alone, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Nie, I've already sent someone to do it for a mere little Qi Refining cultivator. Even if he has three heads and six arms, he won't be able to escape my grasp."

The woman stretched out a white jade hand, shook it lightly, and said with a light smile.

Seeing this, Nie Ying also had a smug smile on her face, as if she had seen "Ye Yun" kowtow in front of her begging for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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