Chapter 149
"This Seven Profound Ark is just a high-level magic weapon, it's really low-level, but Luo City is not too far away, so let's use it for now!"

Tens of miles away from Fangshi, Ye Chunyang was staring at a small spirit boat in front of him with disgust.

This spirit boat was obtained from that woman before, and its rank is slightly lower, so it doesn't catch his eyes no matter what, so it can only be barely used as a substitute for transportation.

Shaking his head, he immediately took a step and swept into the spirit boat.

The avatar followed closely behind.

Throwing a few spirit stones casually in the activation circle, the brilliance of the spirit boat soared, and there were several hurricane hissing, which seemed quite imposing.

However, just as the spirit boat was about to break through the sky, Ye Chunyang paused, looked somewhere behind, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"There are still a few small tails, which is a bit interesting."

In Ye Chunyang's perception, several cold and sharp breaths are approaching here.

He sneered, but he left in no hurry, he stopped at the spot and waited leisurely.

At the same time, several figures appeared in a dense forest not far away.

These people's aura was sharp, their faces were murderous, and their cultivation bases were all at the ninth level of Qi Refining. They shuttled quickly like cheetahs in the forest, and their figures were so fast that it was hard to catch them.


Suddenly, the first burly man at the ninth level of Qi Refining stopped, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Dilong, what happened?"

A young man in his thirties who was on the eighth level of Qi Refining behind him asked in amazement.

There were two other men with cold eyes, who suddenly stopped when they saw the thick man, and also showed suspicious expressions.

"It's strange, that person's aura stopped in place. Didn't he find us?"

The burly man frowned, his expression uncertain.


The young man was slightly taken aback.

But he quickly shook his head and said in disdain: "Each of us has a magic weapon bestowed by the madam on us, which can hide our breath. Because of this, we have never missed many assassination missions. That person's cultivation base is only in refining Qi." How could we be found on the third floor?"

"Brother Yuanlong is right. This magic weapon is like the amulet of our Tianshalou disciples. With it, no one will be able to notice our existence unless you are a monk in the Dao Foundation realm. Brother Dilong is probably thinking too much."

The other two men also shook their heads confidently.

"I still don't feel right."

The stout man's eyes flickered.

"That kid hasn't stopped since he left Fangshi. It's just that the distance is too close for us to do anything, so we have been following here. Now he suddenly doesn't move, it's really weird."

The stout man faintly felt that this matter was a bit weird, which made him feel a little ominous.

This intuition is accumulated based on years of experience in assassination. If there is danger, you can feel it immediately, which is almost instinctive.

The young man named "Yuanlong" was silent for a while, and his eyes also flashed vigilance.

They are the assassination elites in the Tiansha Building. They have performed countless missions, so naturally they will not be careless.

But after thinking about it, Yuan Long still shook his head indifferently.

"Brother Dilong is overthinking. If the target this time is a master of the same level as you and me, and he finds out that we still have some possibilities, it's just the third level of Qi Refining, and it is absolutely impossible for him to notice any clues about us."

After a pause, he then smiled and said: "What's more, with the opponent's cultivation level, what if we find out? Just take him down."

"That's right, a kid at the third level of Qi Refining is indeed nothing to be afraid of."

The stout man was awakened by these words, and his expression relaxed.

But after pondering for a while, he still said: "Although that's the case, but be careful when sailing for thousands of years, we'd better be more cautious."

The three of them looked at each other, nodded and said nothing more.

Dilong is shrewd and capable, and his cultivation level is higher than them, so he has always been convinced by him.

Immediately, the group of people flickered and fled from the forest at high speed.

Because of the concealed magical artifacts on their bodies, the figures looked like ghosts, and they were outside the forest in a blink of an eye.

And Ye Chunyang's breath had already been locked by them, and he soon came to the place where the other party was.

But when they got here, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

The place was empty, not a single person was there.

"Strange, the boy's aura is clearly here, why did he suddenly disappear?"

The two cold and sharp men were the first to exit.

Yuan Long also showed surprise.

They clearly felt that the other party was here a moment ago, but now they disappeared flat, which surprised them greatly.

Dilong didn't speak, and kept scanning his surroundings.

"Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from somewhere, and the four of them were startled.

Two figures appeared in front of them like ghosts, one of them had a very familiar aura, and it was the goal of their trip.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

Ye Chunyang crossed his arms and looked at them indifferently.

Seeing Ye Chunyang's low-level aura, Dilong put down his worries completely, and said with a smirk: "Using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, if you want to find out who is behind us, it's impossible for you, if you are sensible, just obediently arrest them with your hands." , and save a few of us from doing it."

Ye Chunyang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Well, I didn't intend to ask anything out of your mouths."

He looked at a few people with a sneer, and said, "But the benefactor behind you sent you cats and dogs, which is not enough."

"You brat is not ashamed, who gave you the courage to be so arrogant?"

Dilong laughed angrily.

"But it's okay, when you fall into our hands later, you will know how stupid what you said is."

Before the words were finished, Dilong swung his sleeves and said, "Take it!"

Yuan Long and the two men with cold eyes stepped forward like lightning, and the next moment they were in front of Ye Chunyang and the two of them, and they unanimously cast spells.

There was a loud "whoosh" sound, and one after another of cold light shot out from the hands of several people, it was a mouthful of extremely sharp flying swords, revealing a frightening edge.

These people are all ruthless characters who have been carrying out assassination missions all year round. They took their lives without delay. Masters can only temporarily avoid the edge.

Unfortunately, in Ye Chunyang's eyes, this is like a clown, not worth mentioning.

"Tips for carving insects."

Sarcasm flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes, the main body did not move, and the clone stepped out.

"Hmph! Since you are going to die yourself, little servant, let's deal with you first."


Seeing Ye Xiaobao with dull eyes standing up, Yuan Long sneered, and before the word "death" came out, a flying sword shot towards the center of his eyebrows with his two fingers separated by a little space.

With the decisiveness of his attack, anyone below the same rank who had no defense would be instantly killed. How could it be difficult to kill this mere low-level attendant on the third floor of Qi Refining?
After the sword was sacrificed, Yuan Long didn't even bother to watch the "attendant" be cut to a bloody end, and continued to point his target at Ye Chunyang.

The latter is the goal of their trip.

But when Yuan Long thought that Ye Xiaobao would be pierced through his skull with a sword, he saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw this unremarkable young man with a round face grabbed the flying sword with one hand, and the light of the flying sword was exhausted, and then he folded his hands in half, and the flying sword that Yuanlong was so proud of was actually broken by him and turned into a pile of waste The rotten copper and iron were thrown away by him.

Yuan Long almost popped his eyeballs out.

At the same time, Xiaobao stepped forward again, waving his big hand again and again.

There was a strange crackling sound, and before the two cold and sharp men could understand what happened, the flying swords they raised were smashed into powder.

"how can that be?"

Dilong was also taken aback.

"It's weird, everyone be careful!"

Dilong is worthy of being the leader of this team, he quickly calmed down after the initial shock, and immediately worked out his skills, and the aura in his body soared.

But before he could use the kung fu formula, he suddenly heard an "ah", and his breathing stopped abruptly.


A huge shadow of a fist descended from the sky, directly hitting Dilong's face, the gray brain mixed with blood exploded in the air, leaving only a headless corpse standing straight down.

"Brother Dilong!"


The three of Yuanlong watched Dilong's tragic death, and then looked at Ye Chunyang and the other two, feeling a chill behind them.

"The information is wrong. This attendant is not an alchemy boy at all, but a powerful man with high cultivation base. Let's go!"

Yuanlong's scalp tingled for a while, he yelled at Leng Rui and the two men, and immediately took Shenhong and fled for his life.

Obviously they hit the iron plate.

The earth dragon has reached the ninth level of Qi refining, and he didn't even have the strength to resist in front of Ye Xiaobao. He was directly punched into a meatloaf. With such terrifying power, who can beat him?

"Damn it, Madam clearly tested the cultivation of these two people herself, how could she go wrong?"

"No, this matter needs to be reported to Madam as soon as possible. Such a terrible person may only be resolved by Madam herself."

Yuan Long felt cold in his heart, but he was extremely puzzled.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stop at all, and flew in the direction of Fangshi desperately, away from the land of death in a flash.

"Since you want to go back and report the letter, then please bring me a word by the way."

Just when Yuan Long thought he had a chance to escape, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Yuanlong's body froze, and he saw two black shadows flashing in front of his eyes, and Gululu rolled to the ground.

It was the heads of those two cold men.

Yuan Long turned around with cold hands and feet, and the two black-clothed monks stood behind him like demon gods, looking at him with playful smiles.

"Click" sound!
Yuan Long's knees went limp, his head hit the ground, his body shook like chaff, and he couldn't even utter a word to beg for mercy.

"Are you so afraid of me?"

Ye Chunyang was a little funny.

"The villain has no eyes, offended senior, please spare the villain's life." Yuan Long tremblingly said.

"I said just now, if I ask you to give me a sentence, I won't kill you." Ye Chunyang waved his hand.

Yuan Long was overjoyed when he heard this.

But before his face showed joy, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help being terrified.

"You go, go back and tell the benefactor behind you, no matter who she is, she provoked me, and her death is coming."

A faint voice fell, and there was no one in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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