After the ascent failed

Chapter 150 Mrs. Luo

Chapter 150 Mrs. Luo

"Is that human being?"

Seeing that there was no one in front of him, Yuanlong's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Come without a shadow, go without a trace, and kill a few masters at the eighth or ninth level of qi refining with a backhand. Can this be done by a monk at the third level of qi refining?
Yuanlong was so frightened that his soul went to heaven, he hurriedly got up and rushed towards Fangshi.

He had to tell his wife the news, the round-faced young man guarding Ye Chunyang's side was not an alchemy boy at all, but a killing god!

At this time, in the Fangshi restaurant, Nie Ying and the beautiful woman were chatting relaxedly. The beautiful woman covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly from time to time, acting like a little girl, looking very charming.

Nie Ying drank her tea calmly, unmoved.

"Fellow Daoist Nie, don't worry, that cultivator surnamed Ye has probably been taken down by my people now, and he will be brought in front of you soon. How to deal with it at that time, is it up to fellow Daoist?"

Seeing Nie Ying's incomprehensible look, the beautiful woman couldn't help showing a bit of resentment, but soon she said as usual.

"I'm naturally not worried about the strength of your Tiansha Tower."

Nie Ying said with confidence.

Tianshalou is a well-known assassination organization in Yinyue Kingdom. Although the asking price is extremely high, it has never missed a shot. It is undoubtedly easy to catch a waste of the third level of refining Qi.

And it is said that there is a stronger backer hidden behind the Tiansha Tower, but no one has found out its origin.

"I heard that Nie Daoyou is now the closed disciple of Elder Lianqing, and is admired by his disciples in the Cangyuan Sect. It seems that it is very possible to inherit the position of Daoist Lian Yunfeng in the future." The beautiful woman's beautiful eyes flickered, and she smiled slightly. .

A year ago, when Nie Ying came back from Immortal Refining Valley, she was still at the tenth level of Qi Refining. She had cultivated Dao Foundation in such a short period of time. The talent was not inferior to that of Lian Yunfeng's other disciples. After Qi Fei was expelled from the sect, he directly replaced him the latter's position.

"I have assigned the position of Daoist to anyone who is not in the Spirit Transformation Realm. I have just advanced to the Dao Foundation Realm. It would be premature to inherit this position." Nie Ying shook her head, but her eyes couldn't hide her pride.

Back then, it took Qi Fei a long time to advance from Qi Refining Level [-] to Dao Foundation Level after taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, but it only took him a year, so it can be seen which one is stronger and which is weaker.

"Qi Fei has now been beaten back to his original form, and the Qi family has also declined. How does he compare with me?"

"After getting rid of the thorn in Ye Yun's side, I will try to win Xin'er's favor again. Even if he is Master Ye, he can never compete with me."

Nie Ying sneered in her heart.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly walked downstairs.

"Yuanlong pays respects to Mrs. Luo and Senior Nie!"

The person who came was Yuan Long who had returned from outside Fangshi in a panic.

"Oh, the original dragon is you, how about it, where is the cultivator surnamed Ye, hurry up and send it to Fellow Daoist Nie!"

Mrs. Luo waved her hand lightly.

Yuan Long had a distressed expression on his face.

Mrs. Luo saw that Yuan Long's expression was wrong, she frowned slightly, "Why, could something have happened?"

Yuan Long opened his mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then forced himself to calmly say: "Reply Madam, we... missed!"


Mrs. Luo was startled.

"That kid is a low-level monk at the third level of Qi refining. My wife has personally detected this point, and the Taoist boy next to him is no more than that. With your strength, how could you miss it?"

"What's going on, tell me clearly!"

Mrs. Luo looked gloomy.

The teacup in Nie Ying's hand also "clicked" and fell on the table, looking at Yuan Long with a slight frown.

"Reply, Mrs. Hui... the one named Ye is indeed around the third level of Qi Refining, but the Taoist boy next to him has a high level of cultivation. Neither Dilong nor the two juniors are his opponents. They are all attacked by him when they join forces. Killed it."

The original dragon trembled.

"how can that be?"

Mrs. Luo was a little unbelievable.

When she was in the store, she deliberately contacted Ye Chunyang and Ye Chunyang on the grounds of exchanging treasures. She had already detected the details of the other party's cultivation base, and the other party was indeed only around the third level of Qi Refining.

She knew the strength of Yuan Long's assassination team. They had made great achievements repeatedly and were first-class experts. It was unbelievable that they lost to the general of the Taoist boy.

"Could it be that besides Bai Feng, there are other masters around that kid?"

Suspicion also flashed in Nie Ying's heart.

"This matter is absolutely true." Yuan Long knelt on the ground with a chill behind him.

"Could it be that I have misread it?"

"Since they are all dead, why are you still alive?"

Mrs. Luo's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Yuanlong trembled.

He looked at Mrs. Luo and Nie Ying, and said fearfully, "The junior was lucky enough to escape with his life because that person asked me to give Madam something."


Yuan Long was full of fear in his heart, but he still said bravely: "The cultivator surnamed Ye asked me to tell my wife that I provoked him, you... your death time is coming."

Mrs. Luo's face darkened.

"So... you have already recruited?"

The cold words came out of Luo Fu's mouth word by word, looking at Yuan Long with indifferent eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Yuan Long was so frightened that he lay down on the ground with a "plop", and shook his head with a pale face: "Madam Mingjian, how can we confess when we abide by the rules, but the Taoist boy next to the monk named Ye is really terrifying..."

"Huh? How about my body..."

Just halfway through the words, Yuan Long felt something strange coming from his body, so he couldn't help but look down.

A series of mysterious runes spread from bottom to top all the way to his face. The next moment, there was no screaming, and suddenly there was a "bang", and his body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Mrs. Luo opened her eyes wide, revealing a deep chill.

"What a Taoist boy, that kid surnamed Ye was able to recruit such a character, it seems that we all underestimated him."

Mrs. Luo gritted her teeth and said.

"We did underestimate him."

Nie Ying looked at the puddle of blood on the ground, and her expression darkened little by little.

"I met this Taoist boy when I was in Lindu City. At that time, I only thought he was a monk of the third level of Qi Refining. However, seeing the curse mark he left on Yuanlong's body, it was obviously carved with spiritual power, which shows that this person is also a cultivator of Taoism. Key master."

He analyzed calmly.

Then he looked at Mrs. Luo and said, "Madam, do you plan to do it yourself?"

"Hmph, this person dared to say that my death was coming, and his tone was serious. I really wanted to meet him for a while."

Mrs. Luo sneered.

Nie Ying pondered.

After a while, he said: "The boy named Ye is nothing to be afraid of, but if it is true what Cai Yuanlong said just now, that Taoist boy may not be easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Nie, it's no longer just taking your commission to do things for you. They killed so many people in my Tianshalou, how could I let him go so easily?" Mrs. Luo smiled faintly.

After a pause, he continued: "It just so happened that the kid surnamed Ye exchanged my spirit boat, so I will take it back this time to let him know that we people in Tianshalou are not easy to kill."

Nie Ying frowned slightly.

"That kid surnamed Ye is really weird. Let this woman try it out. If anything happens, I won't be too late to act."

When he was in Lindu City, Ye Xiaobao appeared at the auction to sell the Foundation Establishment Pill. At that time, everyone thought he was Master Ye. Later, the real Master Ye's identity was revealed, and most people ignored this dull-looking young man.

But this time all the people sent by Tianshalou were wiped out, which shows that this person is quite capable, and having Mrs. Luo go to test on his behalf, it can save him a lot of effort.

Thinking in her heart, Nie Ying stood up and left a sound transmission talisman, and said, "Madam, I don't worry if I do it myself, but right now I have some urgent matters to return to the sect. If Madam takes down that kid, I just need to use this Just send me a message."

Mrs. Luo nodded and accepted the sound transmission talisman.

After Nie Ying finished speaking, she took a deep look at Mrs. Luo, and then left the restaurant without waiting any longer, heading back and forth to the Cangyuan faction.

"Ye Yun?"

"I'd like to see how powerful the Taoist boy next to you is. He can kill so many of my disciples with one move."

Mrs. Luo showed a cold expression, and disappeared into the restaurant after a flash.


A hundred miles away from Fangshi, Ye Chunyang sat quietly in the flying boat, his eyes flickered slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth after a while.

Just now he felt the triggering of the spell left in Yuanlong's body, and it was obvious that the gold master behind him had already passed the words to the ear of the gold master behind him.

Although he didn't know who was going to deal with him, but the power of Huashen was inviolable, and no matter who had evil intentions against him, he would show no mercy.

It's just that the other party's strength is too low, and he didn't bother to check it. Let Yuan Long bring the news back, and they will show up naturally.

At that time, it only takes one slap to slap them to death.

"However, as the spiritual power gradually recovers, the advantages of the avatar Tianlinggen are also revealed. Now his cultivation base is a few points stronger than mine, and he may advance to the spiritual realm faster than me."

Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts swept towards the clone, feeling secretly satisfied in his heart.

In the past year, Ye Chunyang not only improved his cultivation to the perfection of the Dao Foundation, but more importantly, he also promoted the practice of the avatar.

The avatar has the aptitude of the heavenly spirit root, so it can be cultivated faster than the main body, and the growth of his real body is mostly due to the benefits brought by the avatar. This time, the avatar rushed to the peak of the Dao-based realm in one fell swoop. The Spirit Transformation Realm is only half a step away.

Once the avatar reaches the Spirit Transformation Realm, its strength will increase by another level.

"This trip down the mountain is not only about going to Los Angeles to find spiritual trees, but also looking for ways to improve the cultivation level of the avatar."

Ye Chunyang thought in his heart.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to come very quickly."

Just as Ye Chunyang was formulating his future training plan, a rainbow light came towards him like a meteor chasing the moon from behind.

"It turned out to be her?"

Sensing the breath of the visitor, Ye Chunyang's eyes flashed strangely, and then he looked at the spirit boat under his feet, suddenly surprised.

Also at this time, the rainbow light quickly fell to the front, and the light scattered, revealing an enchanting woman.

It was Mrs. Luo.

"Fellow Daoist, where are you going?"

Mrs. Luo giggled coquettishly, but there was nothing unusual about it.

"Ye did not expect that your Excellency is the financial backer behind them, but it would be too ridiculous to want to deal with them just by relying on those few big cats and kittens."

Ye Chunyang looked at the woman playfully and said.

(End of this chapter)

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