After the ascent failed

Chapter 155 Let go of that girl

Chapter 155 Let go of that girl
Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

Usually there are few immortal cultivators in Luoguan Town, but now there are so many senior immortal masters suddenly appearing, especially after hearing that the other party is actually a cultivator from the Yan family in Luocheng, the shopkeeper and all the diners were frightened. They all fled outside.

"Hey, two immortal masters, why don't you leave? They are from the Yan family in Luocheng, and they must not be provoked. Let's stay away for a while."

The store manager passed by a place in the store and saw two young monks in black clothes sitting there having a drink, and reminded him kindly.

"The Yan family in Luocheng?"

"It was them I was looking for."

Ye Chunyang poured a glass of sake by himself, and seemed to be talking to the shopkeeper, and also seemed to be muttering to himself.

The shopkeeper didn't listen to Ye Chunyang's words, seeing that he was still sitting there motionless, he wanted to persuade him a few more words.

But seeing Yan Chengtian and the others being aggressive, their expressions suddenly changed wildly, and they didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly escaped from the shop, as if they didn't even want their own family property.

Seeing that the restaurant was soon empty, Yan Chengtian's eyes flashed contempt.

Mere mortals are no different from ants in the eyes of immortal cultivators.

No, there are two more.

Yan Chengtian suddenly looked at Ye Chunyang's table, and said coldly: "My Yan family is working here, and everyone who has nothing to do with it needs to avoid it, you two should get out of here!"

Ye Chunyang sat there, drinking some wine and eating side dishes, as if he didn't hear Yan Chengtian's words.

"Didn't you hear what I said? If you don't get lost, don't blame me for throwing you out!"

Yan Chengtian frowned, with a cold light in his eyes.

The old man also looked over, and his eyes swept over Ye Chunyang and the two of them, with a bit of surprise in his expression.

"It turned out to be two low-level monks at the third level of Qi Refining."

"Forget it, don't worry about them, take her two back and talk about it."

The old man took a look and then retracted his gaze.

He felt that there were aura fluctuations on the two of Ye Chunyang. It was strange that there were two strange monks in Luoguan Town, but the cultivation base of these two people was not high, and the old man didn't bother to pay attention.

"Alright, after I finish my business, I'll clean them up."

Yan Chengtian also saw something and sneered.

He didn't seem to care about it on the surface, but these two black-clothed monks ignored his expulsion, which was undoubtedly provoking his majesty, how could he tolerate it?
But compared to what Yan Changkong told him, these two low-level monks seemed insignificant.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Yan Chengtian stared at the pair of sisters in front of him with a smirk, and said, "But don't worry, my uncle said that as long as you obediently hand over the token from the Yan family's treasure house, your lives will be spared."

"How does Yan Changkong know that the token is on us?"

The tall slender woman's expression changed suddenly.

"Hey, the treasure house token is held by the patriarchs of all generations. Your father was the previous patriarch, but he didn't have this thing on his body after his death. Obviously he passed the token to you when he escorted you out of the Yan family. Now Are you planning to hand it over yourself, or wait until my uncle is in front of you, and then let him use forbidden methods to concoct you?"

Yan Chengtian sneered lightly.

The tall slender woman's body trembled slightly.

The talisman was given to them by their parents before they died. Only her sister and her sister knew about it, but Yan Changkong still noticed it unexpectedly.

"The treasure house talisman is related to the survival of the Yan family. With this talisman in hand, we still have a chance to contend with Yan Changkong. If we are taken away by him, there is no hope of revenge in this life."

The tall slender woman's eyes flickered, and she suddenly grabbed the petite girl beside her.

The girl was startled, feeling as if something had been stuffed into her hand, and seeing the determination in the tall slender woman's eyes, she felt a chill in her heart.


The tall slender woman showed a smile, and after whispering something to the girl, she urged her with one-handed tricks, and the surrounding aura suddenly lit up, pushing the girl out of the window.

"don't want……"

The girl's eyes were clouded with tears.

She knew that she was about to lose this last relative.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy?"

When Yan Chengtian saw the tall slender girl's actions, a sneer flashed in his eyes, before the girl was sent out of the window, he quickly raised his hand.

I saw him opening and closing his hands, and suddenly there was a strong wind, rolling up the tables and chairs in the restaurant and flying, the girl supported by the magic formula was immediately wrapped in a black awn before she could escape.

Afterwards, Yan Chengtian bent his palm and grabbed it with five fingers in the air, and the desperate girl was strangled by his throat with one hand, unable to move.


The tall slender woman originally wanted to send the girl away, and then die with Yan Chengtian and others, but she did not expect that the opponent's magic skills and cultivation were strong, and he captured the girl before she was ready.

"The two of you are only on the tenth floor of Qi Refining, and you also want to escape in front of me. It's just whimsical."

Yan Chengtian squeezed the petite girl's throat, and sneered disdainfully: "Hand over the token, or don't blame me for not remembering the past, and kill you here!"

"You! Hugh! Think!"

Although the girl was banned, her eyes were determined.

"You still dare to be stubborn when you are about to die. If that's the case, I will kill you first, and then take her back and slowly process it!"

Yan Chengtian smiled grimly and exerted force with his hands.


The tall slender woman's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yan Chengtian sneered and said nothing, but also stopped.

The tall slender woman took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Wu Shuang, give him the things!"

"elder sister!"

The girl pursed her lips tightly and did not move.

"give him!"

The tall slender woman emphasized her tone, and said.

The girl's body trembled violently, and a difficult choice was revealed in her eyes.

"I'll give you three breaths, let go of that girl, or I'll kill you all."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the restaurant.


"Who's talking?"

Both Yan Chengtian and the old man frowned, followed the voice and looked at the two young men in dark black clothes.

The two women were also shocked, and looked at each other in surprise.

A strange color flashed in the tall slender woman's eyes.

Since the two black-clothed youths turned their backs to them, they didn't see their faces, but the figure of the other party was somewhat familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

"Boy, I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?" Yan Chengtian grinned, revealing a sinister smile.

In the entire restaurant, apart from them, there were only these two young men in black clothes left. Obviously, the words just now came from their mouths.

"I said, within three breaths, let her go, otherwise none of you will live today."

Ye Chunyang poured the wine.

He added: "It's been a while now."

Yan Chengtian laughed angrily.

"Nowadays people are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Even two Qi-refining third-level monks dare to shout in front of me. They really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"You, go and destroy them!"

Yan Chengtian didn't even bother to do it himself for a low-level monk at the third level of Qi Refining, and directly instructed a young monk at the tenth level of Qi Refining beside him.

The young monk grinned and said yes, and stepped forward.

Suddenly the cold wind blew up, the young monk did not move, but suddenly appeared beside Ye Chunyang.

"Boy, when you reincarnate in your next life, remember that heroes should do what they can to save the beauty. Don't ruin your own life if the beauty can't be saved."

The young monk sneered, raised his hand and grabbed Ye Chunyang's head, and pressed it down.

Looking at its sharp claws, once it falls, Ye Chunyang's head may turn into a falling watermelon, and he will be shot to pieces on the spot.

But before he finished speaking, his expression froze suddenly.

"Clap" sound.

The young monk felt as if his face was hit by a volcano, and after a violent howl, his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other people, it was the figure next to Ye Chunyang who didn't know when he stood up, flung out a light slap, and the young monk flew out on the spot.

Yan Chengtian looked at the young monk who fell to the ground and was unconscious.

This slap was useless, but it made the young monk's face sunken, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Two breaths have passed."

Ye Chunyang's faint voice came again.

"There's something wrong with these two boys!"

Yan Chengtian's pupils contracted. This young monk, who had reached the tenth level of Qi Refining, was slapped to death. Any fool could see that these two were unusual.

The old man's complexion also changed a few times, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

I thought that the other party was just two inconspicuous low-level monks, but I didn't expect it to be so unexpected.

And judging from the situation at this time, it is obvious that the person who took the shot was taking orders from the young man who was drinking.

Unlike Yan Chengtian and others, the two women were shocked when they saw the face of the person who made the attack.

"It's him?"

"he is……"

The two women looked at each other, and the two people they met in Liangcheng a few years ago emerged in their minds, shaking their bodies and minds.

At this time, Yan Chengtian's face was gloomy, he stared at the backs of Ye Chunyang and the two of them, and said: "Boy, do you really want to meddle in your own business?"

Ye Chunyang didn't answer, but put down his wine glass lightly, and spit out two words: "Three breaths."

Yan Chengtian opened his mouth, but saw a black shadow flash in front of him.

With a sound of "whoosh", Xiaobao suddenly jumped out.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A few low and muffled sounds echoed in the restaurant, Yan Chengtian saw blood fog in his eyes, and the words on his lips stopped abruptly.

When I looked again, I saw that there were a lot of broken limbs around me.

Yan Chengtian's face froze, and just as he was about to say something, his body fell backwards, his head rolled down without a sound, and blood gushed out from his neck.


Seeing Yan Chengtian and his party die in the blink of an eye, the eyes of the old man next to him filled with disbelief.

But he is worthy of being a master of the perfect Dao base realm. After the initial shock, he quickly calmed down, looked at Ye Chunyang indifferently, and said: "I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, the old man almost lost his sight, but the old man persuaded you You still don't want to meddle in our Yan family's affairs, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Too much nonsense!"

Ye Chunyang looked back at the old man, his eyes were as cold as ice.


The old man suddenly opened his eyes wide, feeling as if his mind had been pierced by something sharp, causing severe pain.

"Soul art..."

The old man seemed to use all his strength to say two words, then his head slowly drooped, and he remained in place without any movement.

The hearts of the two women were shocked. At this moment, they clearly saw that the old man's eyes darkened quickly, and his body was no longer angry.

Ye Chunyang silently extinguished his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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