After the ascent failed

Chapter 156 The Secret of Raising Spirit Wood

Chapter 156 The Secret of Raising Spirit Wood

The restaurant suddenly fell into a dead silence, only the bloodstains on the floor and Yan Ling's stiff body.

The two sisters had cold hands and feet.

It all happened so fast.

A moment ago, Yan Chengtian and Yanling jointly persecuted them and put them on a dead end, but they didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, one of them fell to the ground, and the other's soul was wiped out.

"Master Ye?"

"Senior Xiaobao, is it really you?"

The tall slender woman took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, walked up to Ye Chunyang, and bowed respectfully.

Ye Chunyang sat there all the time, never moving a bit.

Seeing the two girls approaching, he nodded slightly: "Fairy Yuyan, Fairy Wushuang, please stay safe."

The tall slender woman smiled wryly, and took off her cloak, revealing a delicate face.

The petite woman beside her looked slightly hesitant, and also took off her cloak and veil.

The former has a delicate face, gentle and gentle, and has the demeanor of a lady from a great family, while the latter is cold and enchanting, with a hint of surprise in his youth, and is more beautiful and moving than tall and slender women.

This appearance is exactly that of a pair of sisters, Yan Yuyan and Yan Wushuang, who met by chance in Liangcheng in the past.

"I didn't expect to see the two seniors again when we parted ways in Liangcheng a few years ago. My sisters and I are lucky to have three lives together."

Yan Yuyan saluted gently: "Thank you senior for saving us today, we were able to survive the disaster. Counting Liang Chengzhong you saved us from the siege a few years ago, the two of us sisters have already owed the master twice."

On the side, Yan Wushuang didn't say a word, but his face was full of complex expressions.

When meeting this person for the first time, she regarded him like everyone else as an inconspicuous low-level monk, but who would have thought that he was the famous Master Ye, who even killed Yan Chengtian and Daojijing today? The perfect Yanling became her savior.

"It's a small matter, I didn't save you for no reason, Miss Yan, don't take it to heart."

Ye Chunyang said lightly.

Yan Yuyan showed her astonishment: "The little girl is stupid, I don't know what the senior said?"

Could it be that the other party didn't come to help when they saw injustice, but had another purpose?

The two sisters immediately became alert.

"This is not a place to talk, just follow me."

With a wave of Ye Chunyang's hand, a ray of light enveloped the two women, and after a flash of light, the restaurant was suddenly empty.

After hiding outside for a long time, the store manager didn't hear any movement, so he stretched his neck and looked inside.

When he saw the scene in the restaurant, his face turned pale and he sat down on the ground with a "plop".

At this moment, several streams of light descended from the sky in a piece of yellow sand dozens of miles outside the town.

The light faded away, and Ye Chunyang and the sisters from the Yan family appeared.

In the blink of an eye, they were led away for tens of miles, the two women's faces were serious, and they looked at Ye Chunyang faintly with guarded eyes.

"Senior brought us two sisters here, what orders do you have?"

Yan Yuyan was both vigilant and asked helplessly.

They have experienced too many things these days, and they have seen too many people with different appearances. Judging from Ye Chunyang's words just now, it seems that the other party has another purpose for saving them, which makes them have to guard against it.

But like Yan Ling, a strong man with a perfect Dao foundation, Ye Chunyang wiped out the soul with a single divine thought, even if the other party really had some purpose, what can they do with their strength?

Ye Chunyang looked at the pair of sisters silently with his hands behind his back.

"I saved you two because I wanted to ask you about some things about your Yan family. I hope you can answer truthfully."

Ye Chunyang didn't procrastinate at all, and just got straight to the point.

"Senior wants to ask us about the Yan family?"

The two women looked suspicious.


Ye Chunyang nodded and looked at the two sisters, and asked, "Do you know about raising spirit trees?"

"Cultivating Spirit Tree?"

The two women were shocked again, and after looking at each other, Yan Yuyan shook her head: "Forgive me for my shallow knowledge, I have never heard of what is called spiritual tree?"

"Then, have you seen this thing?"

Ye Chunyang's sleeves flicked, and the fragments of the spiritual tree floated in front of Ye Chunyang.

Ye Chunyang traveled thousands of miles to come here, originally to inquire about the spirit tree, and happened to meet the sisters of the Yan family who were in trouble, so he just took advantage of the situation to save them.

Yan Yuyan took the fragments and looked at them, her eyes flashed deep, and after a moment she wondered, "Could this be the Spirit-Cultivating Wood Senior said?"


Now that he met the two sisters, Ye Chunyang simply explained to them: "I found out that this item came from your Yan family. As a prostitute, you should know something about it, right?"

The two sisters looked suspicious.

Yan Yuyan's eyes flickered, as if she was thinking about something, but Yan Wushuang, who was at the side, stared at the fragments of the spiritual wood for a while and then said: "I have seen this thing before."


Ye Chunyang looked at Yan Wushuang.

Yan Yuyan also looked at him in surprise.

Facing Ye Chunyang's gaze, Yan Wushuang's eyes flashed with panic, but she calmed down immediately, and said: "A few years ago, I went into the family treasure house with my ancestor, and I saw something exactly like this fragment inside, if I didn't If you guess wrong, this fragment should be one with that thing."

"Family treasure house?"

Yan Yuyan was stunned, she seemed to have remembered something, she nodded and said: "Wu Shuang is right, this thing is indeed stored in our Yan family's treasure house, I also have a slight impression."

"Are you two sure?" Ye Chunyang's heart moved, it seemed that he was right this time.

"This thing is true in our Yan family's treasure house, but..."

Yan Yuyan had some hesitation on her face.

After a pause, he continued: "In my impression, this thing is not a precious thing, but it seems to have existed for a long time, and it has appeared since the last few generations of our Yan family."

"Can you take me there?" Ye Chunyang asked again.

"If seniors came here a few years earlier, we might have asked the ancestors to open the treasury and let the seniors find out, but now the Yan family has undergone drastic changes, the ancestors have passed away, my father has also fallen, and now the Yan family is under the control of Yan Changkong. , even if we have the talisman, we will never have the opportunity to get close to the treasure house."

Yan Yuyan smiled wryly.

Now they have no status in the Yan family, let alone bring Ye Chunyang into the treasure house, they are afraid that they will fall into Yan Changkong's hands as soon as they step into the Yan family.

"what happened?"

"The person who chased and killed you in the restaurant just now is also a member of the Yan family?"

Ye Chunyang frowned slightly.

Just now he vaguely heard the conversation between the two sisters, it seems that some kind of accident is happening in the Yan family, but Ye Chunyang is not interested in it, and he has no intention of looking into it.

But at this time, it was about raising spirit trees, so he wanted to investigate clearly.

"To tell you the truth, Senior Ye, our ancestor of the Yan family originally had cultivation in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but it's a pity that his life energy was exhausted, and he passed away not long ago."

Yan Yuyan sighed quietly.

"After the patriarch passed away, Yan Changkong was born in a subordinate lineage, but he was ambitious and designed to ambush the direct lineage of the family. My father was the head of the family, but he fell into his scheme without any precautions, and unfortunately fell into his hands."

"Wu Shuang and I fled under the desperate escort of our clansmen. We thought we could take refuge in Yanling, but unexpectedly he had already turned his back. Today, we almost fell into the trap of a tiger."

Speaking of this, she looked at Yan Wushuang with a sad face: "The land is so big today that there is no place for us to live. If Senior asks us to take you to the Yan family's treasure house, my sister and I will be powerless." .”

Ye Chunyang looked at the two girls quietly, wondering what he was thinking.

It took a long time to ask: "Who else in the Yan family can open the treasure house?"

"There is only one opening talisman in the treasure house of the Yan family, and no one in the world can open it except the two of us." Yan Yuyan didn't answer, but Yan Wushuang interjected, looking at Ye Chunyang with burning eyes.

Ye Chunyang frowned.

After a moment of silence, he waved his hand, and the Yan family sisters shrouded in light: "Let's go, take me to Luocheng."

The bodies of the two women trembled, and before they had time to ask further questions, their figures had already disappeared in a swirl of light.


Luocheng is only three hundred miles away from Luoguan Town. Although it is located on the border and surrounded by a deserted land, Luocheng is bustling and bustling, densely populated, and there are not a few immortal cultivators.

At this time, in a certain luxurious manor in the city, a middle-aged man was sitting on the head, listening to the reports of the people below with a gloomy expression.

"Reporting to the patriarch, the incident in Luoguan Town is indeed true. Not only Yan Chengtian, but Elder Yanling was also killed. Judging from the traces at the scene, everyone was killed with one blow."

A white-haired old man bowed.

Even he himself couldn't believe it when he said this.

However, after receiving the news of the deaths of Yan Chengtian and Yanling, he rushed to the restaurant immediately, recalling the tragedy of the scene, he still has lingering fears.

"How is this possible? Yan Ling is a master of the Dao Foundation Realm, and only those at the Spirit Transformation Realm can kill him. It is impossible for those two girls to know people of this realm." The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes half-closed, his face uncertain .

"Patriarch, we have checked Yan Ling's body. There is no injury on his body, but his eyes are empty and lifeless. If my subordinate guessed correctly, he should have died of being obliterated."

A silver-haired young man next to him said.

Both he and the white-haired old man have completed the Dao Foundation Realm, but there is a big difference in age, which shows their high talent.

"The soul is destroyed?"

Yan Changkong raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Only a soul cultivator can quietly kill a person's soul. Could it be that those two girls know such a master?"

The young man and the old man looked at each other, each meditating.

"probably not."

The silver-haired youth thought for a while, then shook his head slightly.

"Soul cultivation has long since declined tens of thousands of years ago, and there are very few people who can practice this way. Even the last time soul cultivation appeared in our Northern Territory was hundreds of years ago. How could those two girls have the same relationship with soul cultivation?" There are relationships?"

Yan Changkong fell silent.

After a long while, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was a stern flash in his eyes: "No matter who killed Yan Ling and Yan Chengtian, they must find the whereabouts of those two girls. It can be regarded as really controlling the Yan family, do you understand?"

The two looked at each other with respect on their faces.

"Okay, you all get back, no matter what method you use, I must find them within ten days!" Yan Changkong waved his hand and ordered.


The two agreed, and hurriedly retreated, soon only Yan Changkong was left in the hall, staring at the outside with gloomy eyes without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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