Chapter 157

"Yanling died strangely. Could it be that there is really some powerful figure helping those two girls behind the scenes?"

The more Yan Changkong thought about it, the more strange he felt.

The means to obliterate other people's souls is obviously only available to soul cultivators, and Yan Ling's cultivation has reached the Dao Foundation Stage. Even if it is a soul cultivator, it must be at least above the stage of divine sense. Yan Yuyan and Yan Wushuang are just two Qi-refining It is impossible for a monk to know such a high level of soul cultivation.

"No matter what, I am determined to get the token of the treasure house. Now that there is such a mysterious person, I need to prepare another hand."

After staying in the living room for a while, Yan Changkong got up and went to the study, took a pen and paper to write two letters, and then called the servant.

"See the patriarch, what orders does the patriarch have?"

The two servants bowed and obeyed.

"You send these two letters to Tingshan Residence and Yulian Cave respectively, please come to Tingshan Master and Little Yushan Jun to explain." Yan Changkong ordered.

The two answered yes, immediately took the envelope and left quickly.

Yan Changkong then sat on the grand teacher's chair again, tapping the handle of the chair lightly with his fingers.

"Two stinky young girls who want to fight with me too, no matter who is around you, you can never escape from my palm!"

Yan Changkong muttered to himself, and after realizing that he was safe, a smile gradually appeared on his face.


Two days later.

Outside Luo City, four figures put away their escape light and slowly descended.

These four people are Ye Chunyang, Ye Xiaobao, and the Yan family sisters.

"Senior, this is Luo City, and the Yan family's mansion is in the city. Are we... really going?"

Yan Yuyan raised her head and looked at the city gate in front of her. A few days ago, her clansmen fought bloody battles here and escorted them out of the city with all their might. They never expected to return here so soon.


Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

"However, the treasure house of the Yan Family is now controlled by Yan Changkong, and he himself is a master of the Spirit Transformation Realm. If we go rashly, there must be danger." Yan Yuyan couldn't help but persuade.

Yan Wushuang pursed her lips, looked at Ye Chunyang with complicated eyes, but finally did not speak.

The old ancestor died, and his father died. Now Yan Changkong is the strongest in the Yan family. Although she really wants to avenge her parents, but with Yan Changkong's cultivation, they have no chance of winning. Too much surprise, but definitely not Yan Changkong's opponent.

But when Yan Wushuang thought that Ye Chunyang would retreat because of Yan Yuyan's persuasion, the other party smiled lightly.

"Small success in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but it's just a little bit better than ants."

After Ye Chunyang finished speaking, he stepped into the city: "You guys go with me. If it is true as you said, there is something I want in the Yan family's treasury, and we will help you get it back."

The hearts of the two women were shocked.

In his eyes, a small achievement in the Spirit Transformation Realm is only better than an ant?
Just how high is his cultivation level, how dare he despise the masters of the spiritual realm so much?
But after hearing the other side's words, the two sisters were all refreshed.

If he didn't have the confidence, would he dare to speak like that?
"Sister, if he can really help us return to the Yan family, it will be worth taking away all the treasures in the Yan family's treasury!"

Yan Wushuang looked excited.

She doesn't want to take revenge all the time, but it's a pity that she is weak. If she can gain the help of Ye Chunyang, she will have hope to return to the Yan family.

Yan Yuyan was a little hesitant, but after thinking for a while, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

Now, they can only choose to trust Ye Chunyang.

Moreover, the other party silently obliterated Yan Ling's spirit in the restaurant, which shows that he has great powers, and it would be great if he could use his hands to take back Yan's family.

The two women immediately put on their cloaks, covered their faces with black veils, and led Ye Chunyang to a certain direction in the city.

"Go away! Reverend Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyushan are here, if you dare to stand in the way, will you die?"

As soon as he entered the city, he heard a few curses in his ears.

On the street, an eighth-floor Qi-refining monk in black armor was whipping a few mortals on the road, cursing and swearing.

"Tingshan real person?"

"Little Jade Mountain Lord?"

"Why are they here?"

The Yan family sisters lost their voices.

Behind the black-armored monk, a carriage was parked in the middle of the road, and there seemed to be someone sitting in it, and there was a powerful spiritual pressure emanating faintly.

Ye Chunyang glanced at the carriage, but ignored it, and walked forward.

"Didn't you hear what I said? How dare you stand in the way and seek death?"

Ye Chunyang stepped out, and suddenly there was a piercing sound from behind, and the long whip of the black-armored monk slammed at him.

Look at this cold posture, if you hit the body, you will inevitably be bruised.


Ye Chunyang's footsteps stopped, Xiaobao moved in response to the sound, grabbed it with one hand, and the long whip immediately fell into his hand, unable to get an inch in.

"It turns out that you are also immortal cultivators, no wonder you are so bold." The black-armored monk's face changed slightly, and his eyes staring at the four of them suddenly turned cold.

"Forget it, it's just a few low-level monks, don't worry about them, let's go first!"

Just when the black-armored monk was gloomy, a voice came from the carriage, and the black-armored monk immediately showed respect and responded repeatedly.

"Let's let you off today. If we meet again next time, it won't be so easy." The black-armored monk withdrew his long whip, said a word coldly, and then drove his carriage and galloped down the street.

Passing by along the way, everyone avoided him one after another, not daring to collide with him at all.

But no one noticed that when the carriage passed in front of Ye Chunyang and his party, the curtains of the carriage seemed to be pulled open a gap, and a gaze poked out from it and fell on them.

Ye Chunyang remained indifferent, but a dark color flashed in his eyes, and finally he sneered and ignored it.

"Strange, Master Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyu have always practiced in their own mountain gates, and rarely walk around outside? Why did they suddenly come to Luocheng?"

Yan Yuyan and mosquitoes are talking to themselves.

"Sister, look at the direction they are going, is it our Yan family?" Yan Wushuang asked suddenly.

Yan Yuyan was taken aback.

The direction where the carriage disappeared was indeed where the Yan family was.

"Could it be that they really went to Yan's house?"

Yan Yuyan's brows were furrowed, and her eyes revealed worry.

"Who are those two people?" Ye Chunyang asked casually.

"Both of these two are masters at the Spirit Transformation Realm. They have their own sects, and there are not a few disciples. It's just that they have no connection with the Yan family. The sudden arrival here may have something to do with Yan Changkong," Yan Yuyan explained. .

She raised her head and looked at Ye Chunyang. If these two were heading to Yan's house, wouldn't that mean that Yan Changkong had two more masters of the spirit transformation?
In this way, if they want to open the treasure house, is it no different from sending them to death?

Yan Wushuang also became a little worried.

Ye Chunyang's expression did not change, and he said: "It's okay, no one can stop what I, Ye Chunyang, is going to do."

With that said, he walked forward with his hands behind his back.

The sisters were surprised, but seeing Ye Chunyang's indifferent expression, they could only grit their teeth and follow.

Although it is strange that Tingshan Zhenren and Xiaoyushanjun appear here, they may not have anything to do with the Yan family, and Ye Chunyang's supernatural powers may really help them avenge their revenge and take back the Yan family.

At the same time, the carriage was running like lightning, and soon stopped outside Yan's house.

The car curtain was lifted, and two figures stepped out of it.

It was a thin, middle-aged Taoist priest and a big man with a square face. The two had powerful auras, and there were bursts of aura as they walked, making people afraid to look directly at them.

"Really Tingshan didn't use his skill of driving the clouds, but instead learned how ordinary people ride horse-drawn carriages to enter the city. It's interesting."

After getting off the carriage, the square-faced man looked at the skinny Taoist priest beside him with a strange smile on his face.

At their level, they basically don't even need to control magic weapons. They can call wind and rain with a wave of their hands, condense air into clouds, and fly clouds and fog with just a snap of their fingers.

It was the first time that Si Fanglian had been riding in a mortal carriage since he cultivated into the Spirit Transformation Realm.

"Haha, this carriage is not an ordinary carriage. Fellow Daoist Xiaoyu might as well take a good look at it."

Master Tingshan didn't take it seriously, took out a whisk in his hand, and waved it at the carriage.

Fluorescent lights flickered, the carriage transformed into a giant golden chariot, and even the horse in front turned into a giant four-horned beast with fierce eyes after roaring a few times.

"A third-level monster, an upper-level magic weapon?"

The square-faced man stared at him.

The four-horned behemoth and the golden chariot exuded powerful auras, which looked extraordinary at first glance, but they were covered up by the magic of Tingshan.

"This beast is my mount, and this spiritual chariot is also a magic weapon that can gather spiritual energy. Sitting in it can replenish our spiritual energy at all times, but this is a mortal city after all, and it is too ostentatious to enter the city in its original form. That's why I used the trick of enlightenment to transform it into an ordinary carriage."

"Coincidentally, I met fellow Taoist Xiaoyu on the road this time, so I invited you to ride with me."

Master Tingshan said proudly.

"Realist Tingshan is good at tricks, no wonder I always feel full of spiritual power in my body along the way, so it's because of this magic weapon."

Lord Xiaoyushan nodded in admiration. Although this monster and magic weapon are not very high-level things in his eyes, but being able to use the attunement technique like the real Tingshan, it shows that he has a lot of research on this way.

"Fellow Daoist Xiaoyu has won the prize."

Reverend Tingshan couldn't hide his arrogance in his eyes, he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the last time you and I met was more than 100 years ago, I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Yan would invite you and me at the same time this time. It's also a matter of fate, but I don't know what you think of the soul cultivation mentioned in Yan Daoyou's letter?"

"How can there be any soul cultivation in this world?"

Lord Xiaoyushan shook his head and said: "If there is one, there is only Master Xuantong who has been famous in the Northern Territory for hundreds of years, but this person is like a flash in the pan, and suddenly disappeared after the Northern Territory became famous. He is still alive, and I am afraid that he has already exhausted his life energy and turned into a piece of loess."

Master Tingshan's eyes flickered, and he nodded with a smile on his face: "That's right, it seems that Fellow Daoist Yan is a little unfounded, but this time he invited us to come with a high-level magic weapon for each of us. Why not do it?"

"That's exactly what I mean." Little Jade Mountain Jun laughed.

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, since there is the benefit of giving it away for free, how can there be no reason not to take it?
The two talked, and walked comfortably to the Yan family compound.

(End of this chapter)

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