Chapter 158
It was night, and the house of the Yan family was brightly lit, and the nuns were dressed in light gauze, dancing in the living room, the beauty was faintly visible.

On both sides of the hall, Master Tingshan and Mr. Xiaoyushan pushed cups and exchanged cups, enjoying the spring breeze.

"Did I take the liberty to invite you this time, didn't I disturb the two fellow Taoists?"

At the first place, Yan Changkong raised his glass and laughed.

"Brother Yan, what's the matter, our friendship is not what it is today, brother Yan invited us, why should we not come?" Little Yushan Jun seemed to reply heartily.

Yan Changkong was silent, but he sneered in his heart, if he hadn't been rewarded with a high-level magic weapon, how could you agree so readily?
"Brother Yan said earlier that a soul cultivator attacked your Yan family. What's going on?"

Master Tingshan interjected.

Although Yan Changkong's letter mentioned the matter of soul cultivation, it was vague, and the two of them didn't know much about it.

When this matter was mentioned, Yan Changkong's smile faded, and he waved at the female cultivators in the hall. Only the three of them were left in the hall, and then said slowly: "Speaking of which, this matter is still related to the two traitors of our Yan family. Recently, Yan was tracking down their whereabouts, but he did not expect that the masters he sent were killed one by one, and one of the elders who had completed the Taoist foundation was even obliterated to death."

At this point, he paused for a moment, looked around at Tingshan Master and Xiaoyushanjun, and said: "The kind of person who can beat people to pieces, what kind of person can have such supernatural powers, needless to say, you can also think of it." Bar?"

Although they didn't care about it on the surface, the two of them still froze in their hearts after hearing this.

"Could it be that in the Northern Territory, there are soul cultivators who can't reappear?"

"And this person still appeared in Yinyue Kingdom, who is it?"

Master Tingshan and Little Jade Tiger face each other.

"The identity of this person has not been investigated so far."

"Soul cultivators have always had weird supernatural powers, and their appearance looks the same as ordinary mana cultivators. Unless he performs soul spells in person, no one will be able to tell the difference."

A haze flashed in Yan Changkong's eyes.

"Brother Yan is worried that that person will come to Yan's house to cause trouble?" Little Yushan Jun said with a half-smile.

Yan Changkong pondered for a long time without answering.

After a long while, he changed the subject and said, "Have you two fellow Taoists heard the rumor that there was a soul cultivator in our Northern Territory hundreds of years ago?"

"Of course I have."

The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"It is said that the man once used a high-level soul technique to sweep away the families of the various sects in the Northern Territory. Even the famous sects at that time were killed by him. Later, the six sects in the Northern Territory slowly rose."

"However, it is said that this person disappeared after challenging the various sects. No one has confirmed whether the rumors are true, and there are few records in the classics left by the six sects."

Little Jade Mountain Lord said quietly.

Reverend Tingshan on the side also nodded in agreement. They were still talking about this when they were outside the door just now.

"Whether the rumors are true or not, the strength of the soul cultivator can also be seen." Yan Changkong said: "The identity of the soul cultivator who killed my Yan family is still unknown, and the two of you are invited here just in case. "

"Haha, brother Yan, don't worry about this, if that person dares to come, we will naturally not stand by." Little Yushan Jun waved his hands indifferently.

"What Fellow Daoist Xiaoyu said is true. Although soul cultivation is strong, it is only an exaggeration when you think about it carefully. This kind of monk majors in spirit power, but his spiritual power is not high. Maybe he can gain some advantage in long-distance combat, but after progress, relying on With their weak spiritual power, a single spell in this way can wipe him out."

Reverend Tingshan brushed off his sleeve robe, and said: "Besides, that person only killed a monk with a perfect Dao foundation, so he may not be very powerful, maybe he ran away immediately when he saw us here. "

When Yan Changkong heard the words, he thought that what the two of them said made some sense, so he also smiled.

The three of them then chatted happily again.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something, his expression changed, and he looked up at the sky above the courtyard.

The eyes of Reverend Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyushan also flashed Leng Rui, at the same time, there was a flash of light in midair, and two young monks in black clothes appeared there.

"Who is so bold, dare to break into my Yan family's house?"

Yan Changkong narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two people who showed their stature, with a chill in his eyes.

"Ye wants to borrow something from Fellow Daoist Yan. I wonder if you can agree?" Ye Chunyang spoke calmly in a calm position.

"Oh, I don't know what you want to borrow? If fellow Taoist enters through the main entrance, I might think about it, but it's a pity that I became a gentleman on the beam." Yan Changkong sneered.

The aura of these two black-clothed youths seemed to be only at the Qi refining stage, but the Dunguang he had just controlled was obviously not low, which made him a little surprised.

With his hands behind his back, Ye Chunyang said indifferently, "Ye wants to borrow the treasure house of the Yan family. Is it possible?"

"What did you say?"

Yan Changkong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help thinking that he had heard it wrong: "Joke, even the patriarch of my Yan family's treasury needs a family token to enter. What are you two, how dare you speak such wild words?"

"The token is here!"

As soon as the words fell, two women in cloaks walked in outside the gate.

Yan Changkong frowned slightly, the figures of the two women made him vaguely familiar, and after distinguishing them for a while, he sneered: "I don't know who it is, it turns out that you are two traitors, I have nowhere to look for you, I didn't expect to send you off by myself." Coming to the door."

"Yan Changkong, you killed my father and usurped the position of patriarch, who is the traitor of the Yan family?"

The sisters of the Yan family took off their veils and looked at Yan Changkong with hatred in their eyes.

Based on their cultivation, they knew that they couldn't hide their identities from Yan Changkong, but they didn't expect that the real Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyushan they saw during the day were actually here.

For a moment, they couldn't help looking at Ye Chunyang worriedly.

Although he knew that this person was unfathomable, but what he was facing now were three masters who had completed the Lingling Realm. Can he really handle it?

"The position of patriarch is for those who are capable. Your father has stayed in the position of Yan family head for too long. I just want to take back what should belong to me."

"Stop talking nonsense, since you came here on your own initiative today, don't even think about leaving."

Yan Changkong's expression gradually turned cold.

He waved his hand abruptly, and two figures appeared in the courtyard, they were the two white-haired old man and silver-haired young man with perfect dao foundation.

"Miss, if you are arrested without a fight, we may be able to save you from suffering."

The silver-haired young man stepped forward with a playful expression. With his perfect Dao foundation, he was really overqualified to deal with a few Qi refining stage monks.

The white-haired old man didn't even look at the four of them, his face was full of disdain.

"Boy, do you still want to borrow our Yan family's treasure house?"

"After I capture these two little girls and get the talisman on them, maybe I can consider letting you taste the feeling of being cramped and boned inside."

Sarcasm flashed in Yan Changkong's eyes.

Ye Chunyang raised his head and sighed.

Originally thought that some negotiations could make Yan Changkong compromise, but he didn't expect that the final conclusion would be based on his cultivation.

He lost interest for a while, and he didn't bother to say much, and Xiao Bao stepped forward to stand in front of him as soon as his spiritual thought moved.

"Great achievement in Dao foundation? Is this what you rely on?"

"Or, is this person the soul cultivator who killed Yan Ling and Yan Chengtian?"

Yan Changkong glanced at Xiaobao slightly.

Based on his cultivation, it can be seen that Xiaobao has already cultivated spiritual power, and he is in the Dao Foundation Realm. Ye Chunyang, a Qi-refining third-level monk, dares to speak nonsense here, probably because he thinks he can rely on it.

But looking at Ye Xiaobao, he remembered the killing of Yan Ling and Yan Chengtian, and he had a high opinion of Ye Xiaobao in his heart.

But that's all, no matter how strong the opponent is, he is only a monk at the Dao base level, and they have three strong men at the spiritual level, even if this person is really a soul cultivator, it is easy to kill him.

Seeing that Ye Chunyang kept silent, Yan Changkong thought he guessed most of it right, and then sneered and waved: "Kill them!"

The eyes of the silver-haired young man and the white-haired old man flashed coldly, they took a step left and right, and immediately surrounded Xiaobao.

Without further ado, the old man flicked his sleeve robe first, and several miraculous fishes swam out, emitting a bright rainbow of light, illuminating the entire Yan family courtyard.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, the old man made a formula with both hands, and with a wave of one hand, the aura gathered together and turned into a ball of white flames, covering Ye Xiaobao.

The sound of "噗噗" was loud, and the surrounding void was continuously distorted under the burning of the flames, and the temperature within a radius of one hundred feet rose rapidly.

Seeing this scene, the young man stood still with a teasing look on his face.

To deal with a Daoist Daoist monk, the old man alone is enough.

As for Ye Chunyang and the sisters of the Yan family, he didn't even care about it. The three of them even dared to break into the Yan's house at night during the Qi refining period, and it was like a trap for themselves.

But just when the young man had this thought, there was an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost in daylight.

Under the flames of the old man, Ye Xiaobao's figure flickered, and a few afterimages stayed in place, but the person suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of the old man, opened and closed his hands, the white flame turned into fluorescent light and dissipated, and then he grabbed it like lightning.

The old man didn't see what happened at all, he felt a sharp tearing pain coming from his body, Ye Xiaobao grabbed his shoulders on both sides, forcibly tore him in two, he didn't know how he died.

Including Yan Changkong and Tingshan Zhenzhen, the faces of everyone present changed.

"how can that be?"

Isn't this person's cultivation base only at the Dao Foundation Stage?To actually kill a master with a perfect Dao base in one face-to-face? "

Yan Changkong's pupils contracted erratically.

How did Yan Changkong know that because of Xiaobao's aptitude of Tianlinggen, the aura on the surface is stronger than that of the main body, while the same-origin kung fu method of the original scripture is dominated by Ye Chunyang, and the aura is more restrained? It is reflected in Ye Chunyang, so others only think that he only has the third level of Qi Refining, but Xiaobao is a Daoist monk.

But despite this, the breath-holding effect of the original scriptures also exists in Xiaobao, unless the cultivation base is advanced, ordinary low-level monks can't see Xiaobao's specific cultivation base.

Even a cultivator like Yan Changkong, who is in the spirit transformation realm, mistakenly thinks that Xiaobao's cultivation is only at the Dao Foundation realm, but he doesn't know that he has actually reached the perfection realm.

What's more, when Xiaobao was in the human world, he was just like the main body, a peak powerhouse in the transformation stage!
(End of this chapter)

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