After the ascent failed

Chapter 159 1 Pick 2

Chapter 159 One vs Two
Everyone was frightened by Ye Xiaobao's move.

The white-haired old man was a master with a perfect Dao foundation, but he was torn to pieces with his bare hands. Such a fierce character really only has a Dao foundation master?

"And isn't this person a soul cultivator? Was he using a spiritual spell just now?"

The calmness on Yan Changkong's face disappeared, and turned into an extremely gloomy expression.

Obviously, they all underestimated this seemingly unattractive young man.

The silver-haired young man was completely stunned, and stood there in a daze, mouth shut for a long time.

He looked at Yan Changkong in horror.

The white-haired old man was in the same realm as him, but he was instantly killed. Will he have a chance of winning against this round-faced young man?

Before he could open his mouth to ask for help, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him.

The silver-haired youth let out a sharp and strange cry as if he had seen a ghost.

But he is not an ordinary person either, after jumping back a step, he gritted his teeth fiercely to remind him, a faint green rainbow light burst out of his body.

There was only a clear sound of "嗖", the brilliance burst out in the void, and the green light surged for several minutes in a blink of an eye, turning into a giant knife several feet long and slashing straight down at Ye Xiaobao's face.

Just now the old man was killed with one blow mostly because he underestimated the enemy, now that he has learned from the past, how could the silver-haired youth be careless.

The silver-haired young man is the youngest elder of the Yan family, and he has gathered thousands of honors. Even the ancestors praised him when he was alive, and some people in the family said that if he made further progress, he would be the next patriarch. It is not impossible to inherit.

"No matter how weird you are, this knife will kill you!"

Thinking of his many experiences, the silver-haired youth instantly regained his confidence.

Moreover, after many years of training, this magic weapon of his is almost as powerful as the innate spirit treasure, and the monks of the same level who have completed the Taoist foundation will retreat three feet when they see it.

But soon, the silver-haired youth's eyes filled with great shock.

Without saying a word, Xiaobao punched the sky violently.

There was a muffled sound of "boom", and the night sky lost all its brilliance, and the giant knife of the silver-haired young man was instantly turned into powder and debris under his fist, and the silver-haired young man who was connected with his life lost his vitality directly. Essence and blood gushed out of his mouth.

The surprise of the silver-haired youth was no small matter.

But before he could react, there was a strong wind in front of him, and a slap the size of a cattail fan swept across.

The silver-haired young man's pupils were wide open, and he hurriedly chanted the mantra, and the rainbow light gradually rose from his body, turning into a layer of aura shield to protect his whole body.

"I got this defensive spell from an ancient ruin, and no one in the same level can penetrate it. It's not a problem for this person to hit it now."

The silver-haired young man felt proud when he thought about the origin of his defensive spell.

With this spell, he once forcibly resisted the Spirit Transformation Realm and survived a single blow. Although there was no life-and-death struggle at that time, there were very few people who could achieve this step in the Dao Foundation Realm.

Although the person in front of him had a strong shot, it was absolutely impossible to break his shield with one blow.

However, just as arrogance appeared in the eyes of the silver-haired youth, it immediately turned into despair and disbelief.


The huge roar was like a mountain colliding, Ye Xiaobao's palm fell, and it was only slightly blocked when it hit the young man's shield, and the next moment it was crushed down like a mountain avalanche.

Ye Xiaobao is Ye Chunyang's avatar, and his physical body has also reached the stage of transformation. This palm is like killing a small ant. There is a loud crackling sound from the shield on the silver-haired young man, and it is full of cracks.


The silver-haired young man's skull was shattered, and Ye Xiaobao slapped his head directly into his neck, and then he disappeared, leaving only a huge deep hole in the ground.

Ye Xiaobao actually pierced the ground with his slap, and buried the silver-haired young man in it.

There was a dead silence.

Yan Yuyan and Yan Wushuang opened their mouths in astonishment, watching around, the faces of the Yan family who were ready to make a move at any time also froze, almost as cold as ice.

In less than three breaths, two masters with perfect Dao foundation, one was torn to pieces, and the other was beaten into the ground, how fierce is this?
After the shock, the sisters of the Yan family were overjoyed.

They do know that Ye Xiaobao looks like Ye Chunyang's "righteous brother", but in fact he obeys the latter and is his bodyguard.And Ye Chunyang's method of killing Dao Jijing at a glance is truly terrifying.

A single guard has such amazing strength, how powerful should Ye Chunyang himself be?
But even though they thought so in their hearts, the two women couldn't help but worry when they looked at Yan Changkong and the three of them.

Although Ye Chunyang and Ye Xiaobao are mysterious and unpredictable, but in front of them are three powerhouses in the spiritual realm, how can they be against?

"It seems that Yan has underestimated you."

Yan Changkong's face felt cold the moment the silver-haired youth was slapped to death.

With his cultivation base, he naturally knew that the moment Ye Xiaobao smashed the youth magic weapon, the latter was doomed to death.

It's just that he was a little surprised. Isn't the other party a soul cultivator? Why did he use his physical body and spiritual power just now?

"However, even if you have the strength to kill Dao Jijing Consummation, you will never leave here alive today."

After all, Yan Changkong was a strong man in the Spirit Transformation Realm, so he quickly regained his composure.

Regardless of whether the other party is a mana cultivator or a soul cultivator, how could they be threatened by a few brats when they have three Spirit Transformation Realm here?

"Tingshan Fellow Daoist, brother Xiaoyu, I will ask you to deal with this person."

Yan Changkong cupped his hands at Reverend Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyushan, and said with a smile.

"Brother Yan, don't worry, it's nothing more than a small Daoist cultivator. Brother Xiaoyu doesn't need to do anything. A poor Daoist can kill him alone." Master Tingshan waved his whisk indifferently.

"What fellow Taoist Tingshan said is very true. In our eyes, a cultivator in the Daoist realm is no different from an ant. Why do we need to fight together?" Xiao Yushan Jun also smiled calmly.

Yan Changkong nodded slightly upon hearing this.

Both of them are well-known powerhouses nearby, and they were invited today to guard against the mysterious soul cultivator, but judging from Ye Xiaobao's attack on the white-haired old man and the silver-haired young man, it was obvious that he was not the soul cultivator, and Yan Changkong fell to the ground. There is no need to worry.

Just as the three of them were talking with contempt on their faces, they suddenly became gloomy after Ye Xiaobao's move.

"Come on the two of you together."

Ye Xiaobao had no expression on his face, and driven by Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts, he hooked his hands at Tingshan Zhenren and Xiaoyushanjun.

"The kid dares to be so defiant, he doesn't know how to live or die!"

Master Tingshan was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help laughing angrily.

Little Jade Tiger also had a dumbfounding look on his face.

I don't know where this kid came from, but he dared to despise the two of them with his Dao foundation cultivation base.

"It seems that this kid is very confident. In that case, Brother Tingshan, we will give him a ride."

Xiaoyushanjun disdains to fight with a Daoist monk, and it is the way to join hands with Lian Xiaoyushanjun, so even if he wins, he will feel disgraceful.

However, he is a majestic master of the cave, and he is so ignored by a Daoist monk, so he can't bear it.

"Junior, today I will let you know what the majesty of a monk who transforms spirits is!"

Master Tingshan didn't drag his feet, and he dodged in the courtyard with a flick of his whisk.

With a wave of his fingertips, the surrounding spiritual energy boiled, and countless magic seals appeared in the void, sealing off Xiaobao's surroundings in a single thought.

"Brother Tingshan majors in Talismans and Magical Artifacts, and the depth of Daoism can be ranked among the upper reaches in the small achievements of the Spirit Transformation Realm, but using the sealing spell is enough to beat this kid to pieces."

Amazement flashed in Yan Changkong's eyes.

The last time I met Tingshan Zhenren was more than 100 years ago. At that time, they had a small competition. Although it was a tie, he was deeply impressed by the opponent's art of imperial weapons and the study of talismans.

Goodbye now, Reverend Tingshan's cultivation has obviously improved a lot, I'm afraid he is not far away from the Dao Foundation Realm.

Just as he was amazed, another spiritual light appeared in the field, a figure jumped down from the sky, and landed like an iron tower, shaking the entire Yan Family Courtyard.

At this time, the Little Jade Tiger is glowing with bright rainbow light all over his body, his skin is bronze-colored, and his body is several feet tall, like an ancient giant, full of majesty.

And as Little Jade Mountain Monarch steps forward, lotuses grow every step of the way, almost as if a banished immortal came to the world, he can crush one side with his momentum alone.

"Brother Xiaoyu's jade lotus golden body has become more and more perfect. With this power, even if I face it myself, the chance of winning is only [-]%." Yan Changkong nodded secretly.

Xiaoyushanjun's "Jade Lotus Golden Body" body training technique is so famous that even he dare not ignore it lightly. The two of them showed peerless supernatural powers as soon as they made a move, so it can be seen that they wanted to kill Xiaobao with one blow.

Driven by the main body, Ye Xiaobao glanced at the two of them, and shook his head lightly: "Small tricks."

After several years of training, the second soul in Xiaobao's body has gradually formed, but relying on the soul and body can push Jindan cultivators horizontally, the real Tingshan and Xiaoyushanjun are really big cats and kittens in front of him , completely out of sight.

"The kid is really looking for death, I want to see for myself, how can you be confident?"

Little Jade Tiger grinned ferociously, and without saying a word, he clenched his fist with one hand and slammed it down.

His punch was silent, but the surroundings seemed to be crushed by huge mountains, and waves were constantly forming in the air, layer upon layer, extremely turbulent.

In the courtyard, a group of monks from the Yan family watched Xiaoyushan Jun encounter a demon god, their faces pale and bloodless.

Some of those with a slightly lower cultivation base were directly shocked by the aftermath of this punch, their eyes turned white, and they fell to the ground and passed out.

The Yan sisters covered their mouths and exclaimed.

Lord Xiaoyushan is so powerful that people dare not look directly at him, and there is the real Tingshan next to him, so Xiaobao may be difficult to deal with alone.

They couldn't help looking at Ye Chunyang, but saw the latter standing still with his hands behind his back, looking calm and pretty.

This time, the two women became even more surprised. What Xiaobao was facing now was the siege of two monks in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Could it be that Ye Chunyang was not worried at all?
Just thinking about it, they saw a shocking picture.

I saw the golden light shining on Xiaobao's body, and his whole body was cast like gold and steel. With one step, his figure was like wind and electricity, and he thrust his palm against Xiaoyu Tiger's giant fist.

The two colors of gold and copper were intertwined, so dazzling that everyone couldn't open their eyes, but at the next moment, a figure flew out of the rainbow light, like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground hard.

(End of this chapter)

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