After the ascent failed

Chapter 160 Divine Forms Are Destroyed

Chapter 160 Divine Forms Are Destroyed

The ground exploded with a bang, and a figure ejected from it, looking a little embarrassed, and the aura on his body also dimmed for a few minutes.

Only then did everyone see that the flying figure turned out to be Little Jade Tiger.

Everyone's eyes widened, Yan Changkong and Master Tingshan also showed disbelief on their faces, others might not be able to see clearly, but with their skills, they could clearly see that when Xiao Yushan Jun and Ye Xiaobao's fists collided, they were instantly crushed. Dissolved, and then like a rotten one, Xiaoyu Tiger was shocked and flew back backwards.

"It turns out that you are also majoring in body training and Taoism. I have cultivated the 'Jade Lotus Golden Body' and have never met an opponent. Today is just a good time to fight!"

Being repelled by Ye Xiaobao's blow, Xiaoyu Tiger was equally astonished, but quickly regained his composure, showing fanaticism.

His "Jade Lotus Golden Body" body-refining Dao technique can instantly kill ten masters who have completed the Dao base realm with the strength of his body alone. Ye Xiaobao was able to block his blow and slightly gain the upper hand, which aroused him instead. fighting spirit.

Ye Xiaobao didn't pay attention to him at all, and under the control of Ye Chunyang's divine sense, he flew directly towards the other side of the Tingshan real person.

"Good come!"

Master Tingshan smiled instead of anger.

The scene where Ye Xiaobao repelled Xiao Yushan just now did surprise him, but that's all. With his talisman technique, he could trap and kill Ye Xiaobao on the spot.

There was no wind in his sleeves, and bright yellow light flew out from them. Then he chanted a mantra, and a talisman flew towards Xiaobao in the air.

Suddenly there was a roar, and the entire Yan family courtyard was illuminated by yellow light, centered on Tingshan real person, surrounded by dust, flints the size of human heads emerged out of thin air, falling wildly on Ye Xiaobao's body.


"This is an intermediate-level low-level talisman. It seems that Taoist Tingshan's talisman technique is more profound, and even such a high-level talisman can be refined."

Seeing this, Yan Changkong couldn't help nodding in praise.

Talismans are based on spells, and the power of spells is gathered on the talisman paper by the way of refining talismans. Although most immortal cultivators can refine talismans by themselves, materials and their own cultivation are the key to making truly high-level talismans. More talent is needed.

Reverend Tingshan is obsessed with the study of talismans, and spends half of his life on refining talismans. The talismans of the same level are refined by him, which are several times more powerful than those sold in the market.

The meteorite talisman sacrificed at the moment is definitely not as powerful as a blow from the Dacheng of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

"Senior Ye, Master Tingshan's meteorite talisman is very powerful, can Senior Xiaobao handle it?" Yan Yuyan asked worriedly.

Yan Wushuang clenched her hands involuntarily.

"It's okay, it's just some low-level skills." Ye Chunyang gave the two sisters a reassuring look.

The expressions of the two goddesses froze slightly.

While the three of them were talking, the meteorite talisman of Master Tingshan was even more blazing, and everyone in the Yan family retreated a few feet, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"It took me several years to refine this meteorite talisman. It is your honor to die under this talisman."

Master Tingshan grinned grimly.

Before the words fell, an unexpected scene appeared.

Under the shroud of fire, Ye Xiaobao didn't move, only raised one hand lightly, like swishing a fly, and swept across the many flints.

There was only the sound of firecrackers exploding, and all the flints exploded into fragments of light under Ye Xiaobao's palm, and there was silence in the blink of an eye.

Master Tingshan's pupils shrank.

Just when he was surprised, a huge fist shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and hit his face with a "bang", and his whole body was blown away like a sandbag several feet away.

Yan Changkong showed disdain just a moment ago, and his face suddenly froze.

The meteorite talisman of Reverend Tingshan was so powerful that it was broken by Ye Xiaobao with one blow, obviously it was not a fluke that suppressed Xiaoyushanjun's blow just now.

"How could you break my meteorite charm?"

Master Tingshan sat up from the ground, his face full of disbelief.

Ye Xiaobao had no emotion on his face, and his figure galloped past like wind and lightning, without even using his spiritual power, he directly raised his fist with physical strength to bombard the two of them.

Lord Xiaoyushan and Reverend Tingshan both had their eyelids twitching wildly. After this fight, they knew that Ye Xiaobao was very human, and there was no slightest contempt in their eyes.


There was a muffled sound like thunder, and a majestic wave of air rolled up in the field, shaking the bricks and tiles in the courtyard, and the bronze light on Xiaoyu Tiger's body shone like an ancient giant, with the power to smash everything, and wanted to beat Ye Xiaobao into pieces. Bolognese.

It's a pity that Ye Chunyang's avatar is the same as the main body, its physical body has reached the stage of transforming gods, and it directly ignores Xiaoyu Tiger's punches, and the latter is beaten into a mess after several counterattacks.

On the other side, the more Master Tingshan fought Ye Xiaobao, the more terrifying he felt.

He and Xiaoyushanjun were close to each other and fought far away, but Ye Xiaobao not only crushed and beat Xiaoyushanjun like a dog, but also the magic treasure talisman he cast could not hurt him at all.

Master Tingshan even felt that Ye Xiaobao seemed to be playing tricks on them.

In just a few breaths, Yan's courtyard was in a mess like a typhoon passing through.

Ye Xiaobao's figure shone, and his clothes were not in a mess, but Tingshan Daoist and Xiaoyushanjun turned paler and paler, with deep shock in their eyes.

"Who the hell is this?"

Reverend Tingshan has sacrificed several middle-level talismans, but they were destroyed by Ye Xiaobao with a flick of his fingers. Is such strength really just a Daoist foundation?

Ye Chunyang stood still in place with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face all the time.

Two cultivators in the Spirit Transformation Realm can slap them to death with just a single attack.

However, Ye Chunyang's purpose is not to kill people, and he is too lazy to be serious with them.

When Yan Yuyan and Yan Wushuang saw this scene, a strange light flashed in their eyes.

Even though they had already surpassed Ye Xiaobao's strength countless times, they never expected that the other party could contend against two powerful people in the Spirit Transformation Realm at the same time, and they were still so comfortable.

"A guard is so strong, how powerful is he?"

Yan Wushuang tilted his head slightly, looking at Ye Chunyang, with an unprecedented admiration in his eyes.

On the opposite side, Yan Changkong's face became gloomy and uncertain.

He walked down the steps of the front hall step by step, glanced at the battle circle next to him, looked at the sisters of the Yan family, and said: "I really didn't expect that there are such masters by your side, but it seems that the monk should Are you following his orders?"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked at Ye Chunyang.

"If I kill him, what do you think will happen?"

Yan Changkong smiled coldly.

The expressions of the Yan family sisters suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly, Yan Changkong actually shifted his target to Ye Chunyang.

Apparently he has seen that Xiaobao is driven by Ye Chunyang, and he has the plan to take him down and let Xiaobao use his tricks.

Although they were extremely shocked by Ye Chunyang when they met twice, in fact, it was "Senior Xiaobao" who shot them. So far, they have not seen Ye Chunyang's real cultivation.

Yan Ling's death seemed strange, but they couldn't be sure whether Ye Chunyang did it or not.

But Yan Changkong is a genuine cultivator of the Spirit Transformation Realm, how can Ye Chunyang be his opponent?
"Boy, do you want to catch him without a fight, or let me do it myself?"

Yan Changkong looked at Ye Chunyang for a moment, and found that the other party's cultivation was obviously only at the third level of Qi Refining, and said contemptuously in his eyes.

Ye Chunyang's face remained unchanged, and he said, "Are you sure you want to fight with me?"

Yan Changkong was stunned for a moment, and said disdainfully: "You dare to come here to clamor because you are relying on this person. He does have some strength, but unfortunately you didn't expect that I would invite Reverend Tingshan and Lord Xiaoyushan. Now he has no time to take care of you. You can be taken down without a hitch."

Yan Changkong's patience was completely exhausted, he didn't want to talk any more nonsense, he just raised his hand to grab it, and slammed it down on the top of Ye Chunyang's head.

When he reached the Spirit Transformation Realm, the spiritual power in his body had been transformed into magic power, and he could mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his own use with every gesture. In an instant, an invisible barrier formed around Ye Chunyang, sealing him tightly.

With such swift and violent supernatural powers, even if ten Dao base realms attack together, they will never escape his palm.

But Ye Chunyang looked at Yan Changkong silently and shook his head.

"Forget it, I wanted you to take me to the treasure house of the Yan family, so as not to make a big fuss, but since you insist on doing it, then let you die."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand expressionlessly.

"嗖嗖" several clear sounds resounded, and a large piece of silver light poured down from the sky.

"Out of control."

Yan Changkong shook his head in disdain.

No matter what Ye Chunyang was, he was just a Qi-refining cultivator, no matter how many methods he used, it was impossible to pose a threat to him, so he simply ignored the silver light.

But the next scene made Yan Changkong's face change drastically.

Flying swords entwined with silver thunder light hovered above their heads, just as they were about to slash at Ye Chunyang with their palms, the dense rain of swords suddenly whizzed past, causing bursts of hissing that tore through the air.

As soon as Yan Changkong raised his head, he was suddenly submerged in the thunder, and a series of cold flying swords directly stabbed down on him.


The others didn't have time to see what happened, they only heard a pig-killing scream from the bright thunder, but it stopped abruptly, and when Ye Chunyang waved his sleeve robe to take the flying sword back, there was nothing there , not a single person.

Everyone in the Yan family opened their eyes wide.

Yan Yuyan and Yan Wushuang felt cold behind their backs.

"Yan Changkong, was he killed?"

Being beaten by Ye Xiaobao like a dead dog, the two Xiaoyu Tigers, who were out of breath, seemed to be hit by a ghost in the daytime, with great panic on their faces.

They sensed it several times, but there was no sign of Yan Changkong at this time.

Yan Changkong, who was in the state of spiritual transformation, evaporated directly from the world under Ye Chunyang's sword.

Yan Changkong's cultivation level was comparable to theirs, but he was killed by this young man who seemed to be only at the stage of refining Qi, which made them tremble involuntarily.


The two didn't dare to have the heart to fight anymore, let alone take any chances, their knees gave up, and they knelt down towards Ye Chunyang, knocking their heads on the ground, their eyes lost their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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