Chapter 177

The ultimate fairy sound, echoing.

Just as Yun Shaoling regained his composure, he suddenly saw a golden light meditating in front of him, and then a supreme majesty enveloped him, making him who got up and was about to run away immediately sit down again.

"what is that?"

Yun Shaoling's eyes turned pale with astonishment.

I saw Ye Chunyang drop his finger, and a golden phantom escaped from above his head.

The imaginary shadow is majestic and majestic, with its feet on the golden cloud, looking in all directions, facing the falling arrows of the setting sun without fear.

"This is... Yuanshen?"

"You, who are you?"

Master Hanfeng's face changed wildly.

Zhao Motong at the side was even more horrified, looking at the phantom flying out of Ye Chunyang's body as if seeing a ghost.

"Only Jindan cultivators can get out of their bodies. How can you..."

Master Hanfeng couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The Jindan cultivator is already a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the Northern Territory, and all those who have reached this realm are old monsters. Ye Chunyang is too young, and he does not look like a cultivator of this realm.

What's more, the Golden Core cultivators in the Northern Territory are nothing more than those few people. Although Master Hanfeng has been in seclusion all year round, he has heard of those people's names, and has never seen such a young Golden Core cultivator like Ye Chunyang.

"No wonder he dared to come here to provoke, it turns out that he has such strength!"

Daoist Hanfeng suddenly regretted it.

Although he was only one step away from the Golden Core Realm, this step seemed not far away, but it was still difficult for him to cross, and his mana and true energy were far inferior to a real Golden Core cultivator.

Right now Ye Chunyang thought out of his body, how could he not be startled?

But Daoist Hanfeng quickly calmed down.

"Even if your primordial spirit is out of your body, so what? This sunset arrow is enough to make Jindan monks drink their hatred!"

Seeing the sunset arrow shooting towards Ye Chunyang like the speed of light, Master Hanfeng regained a sliver of confidence.

This third sunset arrow has the power to kill gods and destroy Buddhas. Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit is out of his body, which can only show that he is a golden core monk, but this does not mean anything. The primordial spirit that has left the body is just a lonely ghost. Under this arrow, even if his primordial spirit escapes by chance, his physical body will surely fall.

When he seizes his home and is reborn, his cultivation will definitely drop sharply, and then Daoist Hanfeng can easily kill him.

But soon Master Hanfeng realized that he was wrong.

Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit stood proudly in the air, looking at the sunset arrow, a slight sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth lightly.


A roar that seemed to come from ancient times came out.

Suddenly, a majestic spiritual thought swept across all directions like a storm, and the golden light on Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. Chen Yu, Senior Brother Sun and other disciples in the Qi refining period looked terrified and ran away with their heads in their hands.

But within a few steps, there was a sudden buzzing in his mind, and the waves in his mind were turbulent for a moment, and he turned over and fell down immediately.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

This sound wave of divine thoughts is like a turbulent wave, layer upon layer, turbulent endlessly, facing the flying arrow of the setting sun like a Hong Zhong Dalu.

It's the Scary Curse!
The seemingly incomparably sharp sunset arrow, capable of obliterating everything, suddenly stood still in place under the shock of the sound wave, and then, with a "bang" under the unbelievable eyes of Master Hanfeng, it turned into shattered light and dissipated.

"Soul art!"

"You are a soul cultivator!"

Master Hanfeng's pupils widened.

The supernatural power shown by Ye Chunyang is not possessed by ordinary monks, it is clearly only possessed by soul cultivators.

An ordinary soul cultivator is not scary, what is scary is a soul cultivator who can perform soul skills out of the body!
This step can only be done when the soul has cultivated to the out-of-body stage.

"A soul cultivator in the out-of-body period?"

"This, this is impossible!"

Daoist Hanfeng's body kept shaking, this third sunset arrow was the most powerful method in the world of Hanfeng Cave, with his cultivation level, even a Golden Core cultivator could force it back.

Ye Chunyang was able to resolve it easily.

How much strength does this require?

"Good guy, I didn't expect you, Fellow Daoist Ye, to be a soul cultivator! This king really misjudged me!"

King Nanxuan's shocked voice came from his mind.

But after saying this, he suddenly fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Chunyang didn't answer King Nanxuan, the primordial spirit stood still, like an ancient immortal, looking down at the world, and looking at the real Hanfeng lightly.

Master Hanfeng opened his mouth wide, wanting to say something.

Without any warning, Ye Chunyang let out another roar, and the sound waves of divine thoughts spread loudly.

Before Daoist Hanfeng could say a word, a sharp pain suddenly appeared in his head, and he heard a low hum, and then he stood still on the spot, motionless.

"Elder Taishang?"

Zhao Motong's face turned pale.

In his eyes, Master Hanfeng's eyes were empty, his face was gradually graying, and he had lost his breath.

"The Supreme Elder, is he dead?"

With a sound of "Plop", Zhao Motong's body softened, and he knelt in front of Ye Chunyang, knocking his forehead on the ground, trembling.

Daoist Hanfeng is a master of spiritual transformation, and he is only one step away from forming an alchemy. He has fired the third sunset arrow. Such fame and strength all show his status as the number one monk in the Yan Kingdom.

Such a great person was shocked to death by Ye Chunyang's roar.

Zhao Motong couldn't imagine who else was his opponent?
"Senior, spare your life!"

Zhao Motong trembled unceasingly.

"Forgive me?"

"Just now when you swore to take two arrows in a row and wanted to take my life, did you think of asking for mercy?" Ye Chunyang's soul flickered, flew back into his body, and looked down at Zhao Motong, as if looking at an insignificant grain of sand on the ground.

Zhao Motong was terrified, and knelt on the ground, his head banging loudly: "The villain has no eyes, offended the senior, please forgive the senior, the villain will immediately lead the disciples to evacuate this place, and never set foot again Half a step!"


Ye Chunyang stared at Zhao Motong for a while, with a half-smile expression on his face.

"However, I still think it's simpler to clean up this mountain range and kill you directly."

Ye Chunyang's smile gradually turned cold.

Zhao Motong opened his eyes and fled without thinking.

Just now he begged for mercy just hoping to get a chance of life, but he didn't expect that the killing god didn't intend to let him go at all, so Zhao Motong had no choice but to run away!
However, after only a few steps of flying away, Zhao Motong felt as if some kind of strange force entered his mind, then his expression froze, and he fell to the ground, with great panic remaining in his eyes.

The leader of this faction fell away.

At the moment of his death, Zhao Motong couldn't figure out how he died.

Ye Chunyang obviously stood there without moving, but he could kill people with his divine thoughts alone.

The scene was dead silent, only those Daoist and Qi Refining Stage disciples shivering in the corner, and the devastated mountain gate as if a typhoon had passed through.

Yun Shaoling sat there blankly, staring at the corpses of Zhao Motong and the elders of the Hanfeng Cave with wide eyes, and then at the back of Ye Chunyang standing with his hands behind his back, feeling awe in his heart.

Recalling the meeting in the small town, Yun Shaoling first saw Ye Chunyang as just an ordinary person, without the slightest aura of a high-level monk, not even as good as him, a son of a scholarly family, just an ordinary young man who was so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary.

Who could have imagined that this seemingly insignificant young man had the ability to reach the sky. In less than half an hour, from several ordinary elders to the master of the cold wind cave, they fell in his hands one by one.

Even the Supreme Elder who appeared last was easily killed by him.

What kind of supernatural power is this?
Yun Shaoling yearned for the immortal way since he was a child, and he has made friends with several immortal cultivators, but he has only seen five or six layers of qi refining. When has he seen such a powerful and powerful magic technique like Ye Chunyang, who controls the soul?

"It turns out that the world of cultivating immortals is not just about asking for immortals..."

Yun Shaoling suddenly had a deep feeling.

In the world of cultivating immortals he imagined, everyone yearns for longevity, and cultivating immortals is only for longevity, but what he saw today subverted his cognition.

The world of cultivating immortals is not a peaceful place at all, but the jungle of the jungle, only the strong can survive.

Yun Shaoling silently nodded, his gaze faintly firm.

"All the disciples of Cold Wind Cave leave the mountain gate quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

Ye Chunyang looked around, no one dared to look directly at him.

His purpose is to find Soul Lake to cultivate his soul. If Hanfeng Dongtian evacuates here early in the morning, so that he can practice with peace of mind, there is no need to go to war.

However, Ye Chunyang has been promoted from an unknown mortal in the human world. He has never been an indecisive person. Anyone who blocks him will be destroyed with his backhand.

The disciples of Cold Wind Cave were terrified in their hearts, how dare they disobey the slightest bit, they immediately scattered and fled under Ye Chunyang's words.

In a blink of an eye, the huge cold wind cave was empty.

But there was still a figure sitting under the steps.

Yun Shaoling sat there blankly, with a complicated expression, without saying a word.

Ye Chunyang turned around, looked at him, and walked straight to the Tianshan Gate of Cold Wind Cave without saying anything.

"Brother Ye!"

Yun Shaoling got up suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Chunyang paused slightly, but did not turn his head.

"Can I cultivate immortality with you?" Yun Shaoling asked with firm eyes and clasped hands.

"Cultivate immortals with me?"

Ye Chunyang shook his head, "Let's go, if there is a destiny in the future, we may see you again."

After saying that, his figure flickered and disappeared into the Tianshan Gate of Cold Wind Cave.

Yun Shaoling looked astonished.

He looked straight at the place where Ye Chunyang disappeared, and after an unknown amount of time, he picked up the square bamboo basket again, inserted the oiled paper fan, and walked down the mountain slowly.

There is nothing else in the bamboo basket, only a few strange books about cultivating immortals, which Yun Shaoling liked to read since he was a child. Although there is no knowledge of cultivating immortals in it, it made him work tirelessly. Today, I can also embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

At this time, Ye Chunyang, after passing through several halls, came to the towering peak of Tianhou Mountain in Cold Wind Cave.

"Judging from the aura drawn by the dragon vein array before, the meaning contained in it comes from here. If the king guessed correctly, the soul lake should be in this mountain."

"However, the Soul Lake at that time could be easily found. I don't know why it turned into a mountain. It seems that the king has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and the world of cultivating immortals has indeed undergone many changes."

King Nanxuan got out of Ye Chunyang's sleeve, looked at the mountain ahead and muttered to himself.

Now he finally understands why Ye Chunyang attaches so much importance to finding the soul lake. As a soul cultivator, this kind of place that nourishes the soul is of great benefit to him.

King Nanxuan originally thought that Ye Chunyang was just trying to restrain him slightly, but he never thought that he had never seen through him, let alone how many cards he was hiding.

"Whether Soul Lake is here, you can know if you split the mountain."

Ye Chunyang said lightly.

"Cleave the mountain?"

King Nanxuan was startled.

Before the words fell, Ye Chunyang raised his hand and pointed, and 81 perishing swords were suddenly sacrificed.

(End of this chapter)

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