After the ascent failed

Chapter 178 Heavenly Demon Cliff, Wan Xiuzhu!

Chapter 178 Heavenly Demon Cliff, Wan Xiuzhu!
King Nanxuan's eyes showed disbelief, but he wasn't too surprised.

Cultivators practicing immortal magic have the ability to move mountains and fill seas. In the eyes of powerful monks, splitting a mountain is just a matter of effort.

When King Nanxuan's cultivation was at its peak, it would be easy to turn the clouds up and down the rain in a single thought.

Having seen Ye Chunyang's methods just now, King Nanxuan has no doubts about his strength.

And when King Nanxuan thought this way, there was already a loud rumbling noise in front of him, the mountain trembled violently, and 81 perishing swords gathered into one and slashed on the mountain.

Countless rocks and broken trees flew, startling a crowd of birds and beasts.

If anyone is here, they will be surprised.

The entire mountain peak was divided into two halves under Ye Chunyang's sword, forming a sky moat in the middle. From a distance, it is more spectacular than the Cangyuan Sect's Life and Death Terrace.

"Ye Dao is friendly with supernatural powers!"

King Nanxuan sincerely admired it.

With his extreme cultivation, he can naturally do this step, but he can't do it as simply as Ye Chunyang.

Apparently Ye Chunyang's sword formation has been cultivated to the advanced level of the unity of human and sword.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much. After taking back the swords, he squinted his eyes and looked at the open mountain peak, releasing his spiritual thoughts to slowly explore.


Suddenly, his heart moved, and then his body flickered and flew away into the open mountain.

King Nanxuan's eyes flickered, as if he had discovered something, he swung the snake body, and followed with the scales of his own life.

Not long after, a bright light escaped into sight, Ye Chunyang paused, and looked down in mid-air.

Spots of rainbow glow flickering, looking carefully, it is actually a piece of spar the size of a thumb, like water droplets floating, densely packed in the mountainside.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like a suspended lake, beautiful and straight like a fairyland.

"Soul Crystal!"

Ye Chunyang felt it for a moment, and was overjoyed.

These crystals exude extremely strong fluctuations in soul power, each of which is comparable to a section of spiritual wood, absorbing and cultivating here will definitely improve the power of the soul.

"Judging from these floating soul crystals, this place is indeed the soul lake tens of thousands of years ago."

King Nanxuan was equally pleasantly surprised.

With a flash of his figure, he swooped down, sitting in the center of the soul lake with a snake body.

"These soul crystals have existed since ancient times, and they have gathered into a soul lake, which has a great tonic effect on nourishing the soul, but now it seems that the stored soul power seems to be rarer than tens of thousands of years ago, and the number of soul crystals is far less than before. It seems It dissipated with the passage of time."

After feeling it for a while, King Nanxuan said: "It's ridiculous to guard such a fairy mountain and treasure without knowing it."

Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows, and took Ye Xiaobao down: "No matter what, this place is enough for us to practice for a while."

Ye Chunyang didn't know what the Soul Lake was like tens of thousands of years ago, and he had no interest in investigating it, but the soul power contained here was enough to condense a second soul in Xiaobao's body.

"Since ascension, my primordial spirit has stayed in the early stage of leaving the body. I don't know if I can use this place to break through the middle stage this time?"

Ye Chunyang thought secretly.

After several years of practicing soul art, Ye Chunyang knew that every time soul cultivation breaks through a realm, the supernatural powers possessed become more mysterious and unpredictable.

After reaching the middle of the out-of-body period, the primordial spirit will be tougher, and no spells can hurt him unless advanced spells.

Ye Chunyang looked at King Nanxuan who was not far away, this old demon suffered some severe injuries, and his soul was greatly damaged. At this moment, he could not wait to absorb his soul power to recover.

Immediately after he waved his hand, several formation flags circled out, isolating the surroundings, took Ye Xiaobao and sat down cross-legged, with two fingers pointing between his eyebrows, the primordial spirit escaped from his body.

When he was in the human world, Ye Chunyang had already cultivated twin souls, but it was a pity that the second soul fell during the ascension. Although it was not easy to rebuild, with the help of the soul lake here, Ye Chunyang had great confidence.

With the operation of the God Refining Art, invisible fluctuations immediately formed around it, spreading like water ripples.

And the surrounding soul crystals are also rapidly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If King Nanxuan saw this scene, he might not be able to calm down.

In contrast, he absorbed the soul power in the soul crystal to nourish the soul, and it took a long time to consume one, but Ye Chunyang swallowed water like a whale, reducing the number of soul crystals in the soul lake by a part in less than a moment.

Of course, this is because he is also condensing the second soul while strengthening the main soul. It is equivalent to practicing with the two at the same time, and the required soul power is naturally several times greater than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang's practice of refining the gods is an ancient soul art method in the human world, which has all kinds of incredible supernatural powers, so it is not unusual to have such a strange phenomenon.

The people in the cold wind cave were terrified by Ye Chunyang's killing, and they had already left one after another. The whole mountain range was empty and quiet.

However, if someone with keen spiritual sense passes by here, they will find that there seems to be a spiritual energy slowly rising in the surrounding mountains, converging towards a certain direction in the mountains.

But the moat in the deep mountain was split by Ye Chunyang's sword, but it has been quiet since then, and no fluctuations have been heard.

Time passed day by day, and several months had passed without knowing it.

When Ye Chunyang was meditating in the soul lake and cultivating his soul, two figures were facing each other in the midst of a high mountain standing on the top of the cloud somewhere in Yinyue Kingdom.

In the void, an old man in a black robe stood with his hands behind his back. He was ordinary in appearance, unkempt, and didn't have much aura fluctuations on his body.

But standing in mid-air, the black-robed old man naturally exuded a strong air, with a faint light in his eyes, like a hero standing proudly in the sky.

Opposite the black-robed old man, there is also a white-haired old man. He has kind eyebrows and kind eyes. He is wearing a flowing cyan Taoist robe, which is a little more gentle than the black-robed old man, but the spiritual energy fluctuations on his body are so powerful that it twists and trembles in the void. .

Such an aura is not possessed by monks at the Spirit Transformation Realm at all, only the strong ones at the Golden Core Realm can possess it.

And the face of this old man in Tsing Yi was very familiar, he was the Grand Elder Qing Mu of the Cangyuan Sect.

"Fellow Daoist, are you really determined to do this?"

The two confronted each other for a long time, and Aoki finally looked at the old man in black and sighed quietly.

"Ha ha."

A smile appeared on the calm face of the old man in black robe: "I have come all the way to the Cangyuan Sect just to challenge Your Excellency. Could it be that Elder Aoki is afraid and wants to avoid it instead of fighting?"


Aoki was not irritated by the old man in black robe, he shook his head calmly, and said: "At the level of you and me, it is meaningless to fight for strength, seeking immortality and asking is the right way, since fellow Taoists have come from a long way, I advise you Let’s go back, lest hundreds of years of practice be ruined.”

A group of elders and disciples of the Cangyuan sect surrounded the mountain, and they couldn't help being astonished when they heard this.

Some people even couldn't help but said: "This old man only has Dao base cultivation, how dare he challenge Grand Elder Aoki? Grand Elder is still very polite to him?"

"You don't know yet, do you? It is said that this person is a soul cultivator. This kind of cultivator majors in the soul, so most of the spiritual power cultivation is not high."

The person next to him spoke slowly, as if he knew something about the matter.

"Soul cultivator? So what? The Grand Elder is a Jindan cultivator, the most powerful person in the Silver Moon Kingdom, what ability does he have, how dare he come to slap him in the face?" Someone objected.

"We don't know what this person is capable of, but according to the boy from Cangyuan Peak, after the other party met the Grand Elder, the Grand Elder stepped forward to fight." The insider said in a low voice.

"The Grand Elder is a Golden Core cultivator, and he agreed to his challenge. Could it be that this person's soul art can compete with a Golden Core cultivator?"

Many people exclaimed.

The opinions at the bottom of the mountain were different, but they didn't affect the two people on the mountain at all. Hearing what Aoki said, the old man in black robe was unmoved, and after a while, he smiled lightly and said: "My challenge is not limited to Your Excellency, but it starts with you. As for these hundreds of years of practice, fellow Taoists may not be able to win against me, so how can we talk about destroying?"

Aoki frowned.

The other party's tone was arrogant, and he didn't mean to take him seriously at all.

However, considering the soul skills that the black-robed old man showed when he came to challenge him earlier, it is reasonable to be so arrogant.

"Forget it, since Fellow Daoist insists on fighting, why not let me accompany you to fight?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't fought with others for many years since I cultivated the Golden Core. Today, I can meet your Excellency, a master soul cultivator. This battle is also considered my luck."

Suddenly Aoki's momentum changed.

His slightly hunched body slowly stood upright. At this moment, he didn't look like an old man, but more like a sharp sword coming out of his body.

After cultivating the Golden Core, he has already become calm and introverted, but this does not mean that his sharpness has been worn out, but it is like a treasured sword that has just been revealed at this moment.

The old man in black robe raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a hint of interest.

"If there is someone worthy of my attention in the Northern Territory, Fellow Daoist Qingmu should be one of them." The black-robed old man chuckled.

While he was speaking, wisps of crimson flames danced in his eyes, causing ripples in the void.


"In that case, I'm very honored, but it's a pity that I don't know your honorable name yet?"

Aoki's eyes flashed cold and sharp, with a majestic fighting spirit.

"Under Wan Xiuzhu!" the black-robed old man said.

"Wan Xiuzhu?"

Aoki's pupils shrank suddenly, as if thinking of something, he blurted out: "Tianmoya, Wan Xiuzhu?"

The old man in black robe smiled and said nothing.

"I didn't expect that Your Excellency is the famous Heavenly Demon Master."

Aoki took a deep breath and suddenly became serious.

Many people may find the name of the Heavenly Demon Venerable Wan Xiuzhu unfamiliar, but it is very familiar to them, the older generation of monks.

This person's prestige once frightened a party, and he was as famous as the respected soul cultivator "Mo Shangren".

"No need to talk nonsense, my challenge starts with you, regardless of success or failure, after today, Wan will never take half a step into the Cangyuan Sect."

The old man in black robe finished his sentence, and the fire suddenly brightened in his eyes.

On the opposite side, Aoki also looked solemn, and flew into the air.

Through a layer of cloud and mist, the elders and disciples at the bottom of the mountain couldn't see clearly what was happening above. They could only feel the whole mountain shaking, and countless rays of light shot out.

But not long after, the mountain suddenly became quiet, without any light at all.

When everyone was surprised, they saw an old man in a black robe, leading a disciple, walking down the mountain slowly with his hands behind his back.

He has a detached demeanor, the corners of his clothes are never messy, and his pace is gentle, as if walking in the back garden of his own home.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Cangyuan faction suddenly took a deep breath, looking at the top of the mountain with deep disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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