After the ascent failed

Chapter 191 Are You Looking For Me?

Chapter 191 Are You Looking For Me?
The monks from all walks of life gathered here had already been paying attention to every movement on the top of Linshan.

When they saw the moment Wan Xiuzhu got up, everyone couldn't help but looked over, secretly regretting in their hearts.

Most of the people present had heard that the Yan family was involved in this battle. The patriarch Yan Yuyan was cast a spell by Wan Xiuzhu, but Ye Chunyang did not show up. Yan Yuyan and even the entire Yan family might be wiped out.

This move is actually despicable, but the strong have good and evil in their hearts, and any objection will be crushed with their hands, and who dares to have the slightest disrespect?
"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a great pity in life that I couldn't witness the battle of two out-of-body soul cultivators for the rest of my life."

"Fellow Daoist Qingmu, in my opinion, it's better for you and me to return to the cave early and practice behind closed doors. Maybe there is still a chance to advance in cultivation, so we can find this Wan Xiuzhu to avenge our shame."

Daoist Xingxiu sighed.

Up to now, he has given up any hope for this so-called soul cultivation battle.

Aoki's brows gather slightly.

He always felt a little strange about this matter, but he couldn't say it.

"Is it Junior Brother Ye who Wan Xiuzhu is about to fight?"

The doubts in Aoki's heart not only did not diminish, but intensified.

He couldn't be sure whether Wan Xiuzhu's target was Ye Chunyang, but all the clues pointed to him.

"Forget it, even if it's really Junior Brother Ye, it's fine if he doesn't come. With Wan Xiuzhu's magical powers, I'm afraid Junior Brother Ye is not his opponent. Instead of participating in such a battle of spirits, it's better to save your life and practice hard."

Aoki murmured to himself, and waved his hand towards Master Xingxiu, ready to return to the sect the same way.

At the same time, Shen Tianyun and the other six Jindan cultivators also fell silent unanimously.

In the past year, Wan Xiuzhu came to the door repeatedly, but none of them could compete with him. They heard that there was a soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage in the Northern Territory. Xiuzhu mythical hope.

It was this kind of resonance that brought most of the monks from the Northern Territory to gather here.

Yet it is precisely this sense of hope that ends up being dashed that strikes the most.

"Ruyan, let's go!"

Shen Tianyun sighed, turned around and left the crowd lightly.

"Elder, there is something that I always feel a little strange." Shen Ruyan said suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

Shen Tianyun was a little less interested, so he just asked casually.

Hesitation flashed across Shen Ruyan's face, and she said, "Elder Tai, do you still remember Master Ye of Lindu City that I mentioned to you a few years ago?"

"You're talking about the alchemist who can refine Foundation Establishment Pill and Bailing Pill?" Shen Tianyun nodded slightly, "Of course I remember, why did you suddenly think of this person?"

Shen Ruyan paused for a moment, then continued: "The Grand Elder only knows that this person is an alchemist, but does he also know his other identity?"

"Oh? What else does he have?"

Shen Tianyun was a little impatient.

That is Shen Ruyan, if it were someone else, he wouldn't even want to say a word at this moment.

But what Shen Ruyan said next surprised him a little.

"This person is not only a master of alchemy, but also a soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage. I tried to win him over back then, but unfortunately he refused. Looking back now, this person's surname is Ye, and he is also a high-level soul cultivator. , could it be Ye Chunyang that the Master Heavenly Demon is looking for?"

Shen Ruyan uttered a guess that shocked even herself.

Shen Tianyun was taken aback.

But looking at the top of Linshan, there has never been any change, and he quickly returned to indifference.

"Whether that Master Ye is Ye Chunyang that Wan Xiuzhu is looking for, it doesn't matter if he didn't show up at this time."

Shen Tianyun shook his head.

Hearing this, Shen Ruyan could only remain silent.


"I thought I could see my father, but it seems that he is really not here."

Ye Yao sighed lightly.

"With my master's temperament, I naturally don't pay attention to such trivial matters. Maybe he is still practicing in seclusion at this moment."

Bai Feng opened the white paper fan and shook it, as if he had expected it.

He looked at the figure standing up slowly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "However, this Wan Xiuzhu actually arrested my future teacher's wife and insulted my master's reputation. It's really abominable. If there is a chance, the old man will let the old man in the door come to you!" A few old guys can't clean him up."

"Immortals are not afraid of the wind flashing their tongue!" Ye Yao choked unceremoniously.

The old god Baifeng was there, so he didn't answer.

On the other side, Yan Wushuang clenched her hands tightly, her nails piercing deeply into her palm.

It was sunset at this moment, if that person appeared, he would have already appeared, but now there is no trace, how can she have hope again?
"Could it be that the sky is going to kill my Yan family?"

Yan Wushuang felt sad.


At this time, Ye Chunyang passed through the crowd and found an open place to stop.

After scanning slightly with his divine sense, he found quite a few familiar auras, and was a little surprised when he locked on to two of them.

"That boy Baifeng and that girl Yao'er are here too?"

Ye Chunyang's heart skipped a beat.

In his spiritual perception, not only Bai Feng and Ye Yao, but also Nie Xin and Chen Xue are here.

However, he had no intention of showing up to meet each other, and just watched silently.

"This person is Wan Xiuzhu? The soul is indeed not weak."

Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts extended to the top of the mountain, and he nodded inwardly.

He had met people who practiced soul art, such as Master Tongtian and Xu Guang, but their soul was less than one-tenth of Wan Xiuzhu's.

This person should be the most powerful person he has ever met so far.

"It's such a pity. I thought I'd be able to see a great battle of soul cultivators today, but the result was really unexpected." Mu Qingru shook her head regretfully.

In order to watch this battle, she did not hesitate to come here from a long distance, but she did not expect such a result.

Not only her, but many people around also sighed.

"When I was in Fangshi these two days, I also heard that the soul cultivator who was about to fight with the Master Tianmo had a close relationship with the Yan family, so the Master Tianmo took away the patriarch Yan Yuyan from the Yan family a month ago. , and put a soul spell on him, only the soul cultivator can survive if he shows up."

Mu Qing seems to be talking to herself, but also seems to be talking to Ye Xiaobao.

Xiaobao was indifferent as usual.

Mu Qingru pursed her lips, with resentment in her eyes.

She has used many means these days, but she still can't move the heart of this "senior Xiaobao", which makes her especially unwilling.

"Now that the sun has set, that soul cultivator is mostly for the sake of being wise and safe. He doesn't even care about his own woman. He is really spineless."

As Mu Qingru continued, although she had scruples, she was obviously not ashamed.

Ye Chunyang turned a deaf ear to this.

But then he was a little surprised when he heard the comments of other monks next to him!

"I don't know who that Ye Chunyang is. Yan Yuyan is about to die at the hands of Wan Xiuzhu, but he hasn't shown up yet. It seems that we all overestimated him."

"Wan Xiuzhu is invincible in the world, Ye Chunyang is afraid of his supernatural powers, so it's normal not to show up."

"From now on, no one can shake the name of Wan Xiuzhu, the number one monk in the Northern Territory."

Many people shook their heads and sighed.

Ye Chunyang was stunned.

Judging from the surrounding discussions, the person Wan Xiuzhu was looking for was himself?
But when Ye Chunyang was feeling strange, there was a completely different scene on the top of the mountain.

The mountain peak was extremely peaceful, Yan Yuyan looked at the sunset gradually sinking into the horizon, with a serene smile on the corner of her mouth, and slowly closed her eyes.

This moment will come after all, and she has long been fearless.

Wan Xiuzhu stood quietly on the top of the mountain, looked away from her and raised his hand lightly.


Just when Wan Xiuzhu's palm was about to fall, as if he had sensed something, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he jumped to a high place, overlooking the peaks.


Seeing Wan Xiuzhu's abnormal behavior, Meng Yuan expressed doubts.

Just as he was about to ask, Wan Xiuzhu raised his head and laughed loudly like thunder.

"Hehe, what a hidden and pure spiritual thought, it can be used to such a degree that only the out-of-body soul cultivator can do it."

He coldly looked around at the surrounding sub-peaks, and let out a clear drink.

"Ye Chunyang! I know you've come here! Show up!"

The majestic sound waves spread like a tidal wave, and the mother mountain where Wan Xiuzhu was located kept echoing, causing everyone to cover their ears in shock.

Hearing this sound, the originally quiet crowd suddenly boiled again.

"Ye Chunyang is here?"

"Where is he?"

"Who is this person?"


Including Aoki and Xingxiu Daoist, the elders of each faction, everyone was shocked, looking around and looking around, trying to find the long-awaited mysterious soul cultivator.

Shen Tianyun also stopped abruptly, his face full of surprise.

Yan Yuyan closed her eyes, but when she heard Wan Xiuzhu's words, she couldn't help but tremble violently, showing disbelief.

In the mountains, Ye Yao and Bai Feng were equally astonished, while Yan Wushuang on the side opened his lips slightly, with excitement in his eyes.

However, after Wan Xiuzhu's voice fell for a long time, there was silence among the peaks.

The much-watched "Ye Chunyang" did not appear.

"Are you looking for me?"

After an unknown amount of time, a voice came from a certain mountain peak.

All eyes turned away, only to see a young man dressed in black slowly getting up and stepping out from among several female cultivators.

At the same time, Wan Xiuzhu's eyes suddenly fell on this!
"Come back soon, boy!"

"He is looking for Ye Chunyang, the master of soul cultivation. You are a mere third-level practitioner of Qi refining, and you want to die?"

Looking at Ye Chunyang, Mu Qingru's face was dull, and then a chill came to his heart, and he couldn't help scolding angrily.

This kid is crazy. This move is undoubtedly provoking Wan Xiuzhu. If the No. 1 in the Northern Territory is bustling, they will also be affected by it.

"I am Ye Chunyang."

Ye Chunyang turned his head back lightly, and looked at the woman expressionlessly.

There was a sudden silence all around.

At this time, Mu Qingru clearly saw countless cold gazes from all the peaks, especially the chill from Wan Xiuzhu on the top of the mountain, which made her terrified.

Provoking Wan Xiuzhu on such an occasion would be tantamount to seeking death.

"This kid seems to be just a low-level practitioner of the third level of Qi Refining. How can he look like a master of Soul Cultivation?"

"Look at the many female companions around him, most of them are swollen faces to pretend to be fat, and they are just showing off in front of their female companions."


The monks shook their heads and laughed.

Only Qing Mu, Ye Yao, Bai Feng, Yan Wushuang and the others saw his familiar face with excitement in their eyes.

As for Nie Xin, Chen Xue, and Nie Ying, the few people they met in Lindu City in the early days, there was deep shock on their faces.

Mu Qingru hurriedly looked aside, wanting "Senior Xiaobao" to persuade the lunatic, but the latter remained motionless, and what she saw next made her completely stunned as if she had seen a ghost in daylight.

I saw Ye Chunyang with his hands behind his back, and invisible ripples appeared all over his body, gathering at his feet, walking into the void step by step, pointing directly to the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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