After the ascent failed

Chapter 192 The Ancient War

Chapter 192 The Ancient War
"What is he?"

"Is he Ye Chunyang?"


Shocked words resounded from all the peaks.

Nie Xin stood cross-legged, looking straight at the back of that proudly standing in the void.

"Isn't he the follower of Senior Xiaobao? Why is he the soul master of Wan Xiuzhu's appointment?"

Mu Qingru took a few steps back and collapsed to the ground with a wonderful expression on his face.

She couldn't figure out how an inconspicuous kid in the Qi refining period turned into "Ye Chunyang" that everyone guessed.

Mu Qingru didn't want to believe what she saw, but the powerful divine sense released by Ye Chunyang just now completely destroyed her confidence.

If it wasn't a soul cultivator, how could it be possible to achieve the supernatural power of flying away with divine thoughts?
"Ye Yun?"

"Ye Chunyang?"

"Out of body soul cultivator?"

Nie Ying murmured in disbelief, feeling as if the sky had collapsed.

"Really him?"

"Is he the Master Lindu Chengye you mentioned?"

Shen Tianyun looked at Shen Ruyan in surprise, and was also incredulous about the scene in front of him.

"It's this person. I just guessed it, but I didn't expect it to be Master Ye." Shen Ruyan stroked her chest, suppressing the shock in her heart.

The appearance of that person has been deeply engraved in her heart since she left Biyun Peak in the capital city several years ago. Shen Ruyan had thought about what it would be like to meet next time, but never imagined that it would be like this.

Looking at the figure walking in the void, Shen Tianyun suddenly became silent.

The divine sense emanating from the other party was so strong that even he felt a sense of oppression.

"Ye Chunyang, you are finally here!"

On the top of the mountain, Wan Xiuzhu laughed wildly, shaking the forest.

"The old man has been waiting here for a whole month! Don't let the old man down!"

He took off his cloak, revealing a Canggu face, ordinary in appearance, but exuding a majesty overlooking all directions.

Ye Chunyang mobilized his spiritual thoughts, stepped into the void, and walked step by step into the mother mountain. His eyes calmly swept over Yan Yuyan next to him, and his brows frowned slightly.

A divine thought was released, and the curse on the woman was immediately released.


Yan Yuyan looked excited.

"Leave now, what's the matter, we'll talk about it later." Ye Chunyang waved his hand.

Yan Yuyan glanced at him, then at Wan Xiuzhu, nodded and left silently.

"Ye Dao is friendly with supernatural powers. The soul spell that the old man planted on this woman is very understandable. You can undo it with a wave of your hand. It seems that the old man is right."

Not only was Wan Xiuzhu not annoyed, but he was overjoyed.

"I've never met my fellow Taoist. Your Excellency took great pains to lure Ye to come here. What's the reason?" Ye Chunyang's expression remained unchanged.

His identity as a soul cultivator has not been made public in the world of cultivating immortals, and he has never met Wan Xiuzhu before, but the other party declares war here in a high-profile manner, and even does not hesitate to capture Yan Yuyan here. Obviously, he has already done some investigations on him.

"Hehe, the old man has been living in Tianmo Cliff for hundreds of years. Fellow Daoist Ye naturally doesn't know about the old man, but you should know Xu Guang, the old man's disciple, right?"

Wan Xiuzhu sneered.

"Xu Guang?"

Ye Chunyang thought of the soul cultivator that the Zhao family asked him to deal with, and nodded lightly, "So he is your disciple."


A cold light flashed in Wan Xiuzhu's eyes, and he said: "Although Xu Guang is my disciple, his skills are not as good as others, and he dies when he dies. ?”

Before the words were finished, Wan Xiuzhu took a step suddenly, his red eyes beating with red flames.


A clear sound resounded.

The spiritual light on Wan Xiuzhu's head surged, and layers of spiritual thoughts permeated the air. A primordial spirit bathed in red flames soared up, and the violent spiritual pressure instantly shook the mountains.

"300 years ago, this old man ran across the Northern Territory, and only Moshangren was worthy of a battle. At that time, Moshangren was already a soul cultivator, and the old man had not yet advanced to this level. Today, the old man's primordial spirit has become, so I should challenge Moshangren again. , to avenge that year."

"However, before that, the death of you, Ye Chunyang, will prove the peak soul art of this old man!"

"Ye Chunyang, die!"

Wan Xiuzhu Yuanshen flew away, opened and closed his hands, and drew a curse seal, and the void within a few feet suddenly rose with flames, and red flames surged wildly.

"This is soul art!"

In the surrounding sub-peaks, the expressions of all the monks showed awe.

The primordial spirit is where a person's soul resides. Without a god, there is no soul, and without a soul, there is no soul.

Mana cultivators can also form a primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness when they reach the golden core state, and their spiritual perception is multiplied, but compared with the various soul spells mastered by soul cultivators, they are not of the same nature at all.

The soul cultivator can fly to the sky and escape from the ground without fear of spring thunder and sunlight. The soul cultivator has no ability to survive without the body.

Right now Wan Xiuzhu's primordial spirit is out of his body, drawing curses in the void, such supernatural powers are really unpredictable.

"With the strength of Wan Xiuzhu's primordial spirit, even if he is completely out of the physical body, he can still practice normally. This is the uniqueness of soul cultivation!"

Aoki sighed.

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at the opposite side, thinking solemnly: "I don't know if Junior Brother Ye can compete with this person?"

Ye Chunyang raised his head slightly, watching the red flames flickering in the sky, without moving.

Wan Xiuzhu's soul is not weak, he is the strongest soul cultivator he has encountered since his ascension, but that's all.

"It's a pity that you have met the me now. If it was a year ago, it would have taken some trouble to deal with you. Now I'm just here to die."

Ye Chunyang shook his head, pointing between his eyebrows with two fingers.


The melodious fairy sound resounded, and a dazzling golden light radiated out.

At the same time, the Wanxiu Bamboo Mantra Seal has arrived, and as far as the eye can see is a piece of red flame burning the sky.

These red flames were transformed by divine thoughts, seemingly illusory and invisible, but they were astonishingly powerful. Before they fell, the mountains, rocks and trees around Ye Chunyang had already turned into nothingness.

"This flame is soul fire, and it can only be cultivated by special skills. To cultivate this skill, the old man has worked hard for hundreds of years. I wanted to save it to deal with Mo Shangren, but I didn't expect to meet you first."

Seeing Ye Chunyang's Yuanshen come out of his body, Wan Xiuzhu was full of fighting spirit.

There are not many soul cultivators in the world today, and soul cultivators who have reached the out-of-body stage are even rarer. It is an exciting thing for Wan Xiuzhu to meet an opponent who is comparable to him.

But what happened next surprised Wan Xiuzhu a little.

Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit escaped, and when he opened his mouth to spit out, a wave of divine soul surged out, like a landslide and tsunami, and all the red flames around were extinguished.

"What a powerful soul power!"

All the people in Zifeng retreated one after another under the pressure of their souls, and some monks who were relatively close and low-level, their eyes turned white from the shock on the spot, and they vomited blood and fell to the ground.

On the mother mountain, Meng Yuan, who was still standing there watching the battle, was buzzing in his head. He didn't have time to make any defensive moves, and flew out directly, falling far away dozens of miles away.

It's also fortunate that his spiritual cultivation is extraordinary, otherwise, at such a close distance, the aftermath of his spiritual thoughts alone would seriously damage his vitality.

"Master and Ye Chunyang are both out-of-body soul cultivators. Such a powerful spirit power is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I'd better find another safe place to watch the battle."

Meng Yuan fled away in a hurry, not daring to stay in the mother mountain at all.

At the same time, Wan Xiuzhu's expression changed slightly.

Ye Chunyang didn't use the soul technique, but just used the coercion of the soul to dissolve his soul fire, which is beyond the reach of ordinary soul cultivators.

Immediately, his spell changed, and his soul escaped into the sky, urging him with one hand.

Everyone looked up and saw that the sky had darkened at some point.

Dark clouds gathered from all directions and condensed in the sky above Wan Xiuzhu.

In one of the urges, there was a loud rumbling sound in the clouds, and the sound of violent wind and showers came and went one after another.

The ground shook for a while, the vegetation flew, and the surrounding clouds and mists were all dispersed. The scene was particularly spectacular.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the monks swayed.

Wan Xiuzhu controls the power of heaven and earth with his primordial spirit, turning clouds and rain in a single thought, this kind of supernatural power is really shocking.

There are many masters at the Spiritual Transformation Realm and Golden Core Realm present, so there is no need to be afraid of the majesty of this place.

On the mountain peak, the physical bodies of the two stood still, and the primordial spirit faced each other across the air.

"Ye Chunyang, let's see how the old man's method of controlling the gods is!"

Wan Xiuzhu laughed loudly, Yuanshen stood in the mid-air, like a god in charge of the situation, exuding supreme power.

As soon as the words fell, he waved his bare hand, only to see strong winds, clouds and rain all over the sky, and the next moment, Ye Chunyang was enveloped.

"Tips for carving insects."

Ye Chunyang opened his mouth expressionlessly.


A majestic sound wave spread like a torrent of bells, spread among the mountains, but wherever it went, the clouds and rain all collapsed without a trace.

"Scary Curse!"

"You actually know the unique soul art of the ancient Alchemy School?"

Wan Xiuzhu raised his eyebrows, and before he could show surprise, he saw the golden light on Ye Chunyang's body, and a rainbow light shot out from his eyes.

"Pu Pu" several muffled sounds came out, the light beam pierced through the dark clouds, and came straight in front of Wan Xiuzhu. The seemingly simple attack was as fast as lightning, making it impossible to dodge.

Wan Xiuzhu was also very human. After a slight change in his expression, his primordial spirit disappeared immediately.

When it reappeared, it was already a few feet away.

Ye Chunyang sneered, Yuanshen once again turned into a golden spirit bird and soared into the air, heading straight for Wan Xiuzhu.

In just a few breaths, the two had already collided for several rounds, but the fight was so fast that the onlookers couldn't see clearly at all, they could only vaguely perceive their soul fluctuations.


In a sub-peak to the north, a ray of light flashed across, and before everyone came back to their senses, they saw the mountain peak split left and right, and instantly razed to the ground.

And above the destroyed mountain peak, the phantoms of two primordial spirits appeared again, without any damage on either side, but even more majestic than just now.

Wan Xiuzhu was surrounded by red flames, staring at the uncertain weather ahead.

"This person has a very strong soul, but the supernatural power of soul art is relatively simple. What's going on? Could it be that he has a powerful primordial spirit and lacks soul art training?"

After several fights, Wan Xiuzhu felt strange.

The strength of Ye Chunyang's spirit shocked him, but the spirit technique performed by the other party was relatively monotonous, without fancy tricks, and he didn't know whether it was deliberately hiding his clumsiness or for other reasons.

"Whether you hide something or not, there is only one winner in today's battle, and that is me, Wan Xiuzhu!"

"It was just a small test, now I will let you see the real strength of this old man!"

Wan Xiuzhu stepped out of the void, his eyes suddenly sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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